,. - ~THE MTCH I A-N-13-ATLI PAGE pt Vt .. ,a '.V 1'' r 'FV l*' (1 LTA A AWM Z3 Q~ mm| nnro H 'COLORFUL JACKETS WILL BE WORN BA LuALL L ON AT ANNUAL LANTERN NIGHT, MAY 14 Grandstands, bleachers, and aftribution no later than next Mon- Pbandstand make it evident to vis- day. T'lose girls who have earned A4RE BESTOF SEASON MARTHA COOK WINS VIC'TORY OVER DEL-TA DELTA DELTA IN BEST GAME. WILL PLAY ON MONDAY itors at Palmer Field that Lantern on ockes f t eake I 1 ~~~~~~~on the pocketssimnn.PeatosC of their jackets. Night is imminent. Preparations Leaders of the various classes in are being niade rapidly and all is the line of march will also wear practically in readiness for the jackets, but of a different kind. ceremones to be held on Tuesday, Theirs will be of the various classl May 14. colors, green for the Freshmen, red Another custom of long standing for the Sophomores, yellow for the will be carried out at this tradi- f Juniors, and blue for the Seniors. tional event, when the members of The aides will wear plain white the new Board of Directors of the dresses, but will carry flags similarI Women's League serve coffee to to those with which the field will guests at the field. The coffee will be decorated. be in supplement to the suppers The affair is sure to be a colorful. which will be eaten on the field occasion. with the bright W. A. A. dp a. .4' 1* r fp 4' "4M! F I'4 A-' 1 ~i 'k4' H4 e: 1' a". I: aIA' "a Helen Newberry Is Defeated Alpha' Epsilon Phi; Score Is 4-3 By before the ceremonies begin. and class, jackets as well as the Martha Cook defeated Delta Another interesting' feature' of vari-colored Japanese lanterns car- Delta Delta 4-3 in a short fast Lantern Night is that it will be the ried. by the Seniors. The illumin- game of the Intramural Baseball first official occasion on which the ated "-M" fdrmed at the end of the Tournament, yesterday afternoon new W. A. A. jackets will be worn. procession around the field will be The jackets will be ready for dis- a sight well worth seeing. / at Palmer Field. Alpha Epsilon1 Phil also took a one point victory W YVERN ELECTS Name Of Black Quill .4-3, over Helen Newberry in theN-d second game of the double-header. NEW OFFICIALS Resumed By Society The Tri Delts did good work on .. After the initiation held at the Chi Delta Phi, national women's the field, and their pitching was Michigan League Thursday night literary society at Michigan, has especially fast and accurate. In for the thirteen new members of voted to resume its former name of fact their hard hitting alone gave Wyvern, the following officers were Black Quill. This was the name it elected for the coming year. Isa- took when it was founded five years Martha Cook her one point lead. belle Rayen. '31, was made the new ago. The local chapter will break The outstanding players of the esident, Helen Cheever, '31, sec- all affiliations with the national Martha Cook team were her pitch- retary, and Margaret Eamon, '31, society. er, Ann Zauer, who was also one treasurer. On the weekend of May Black Quill initiated six new mem- of the team's best hitters, and the i 24 a house party is being planned in bers at 5:00 o'clock Tuesday after- catcher,,. Esther Middleton. i This honor of the new members. noon in Martha Cook building. game was so close and hard fought -They are Winifred Gore, '32, Mar- as to make it one of the most ex- NOTICES garet Kramer, '31, Merle Elsworth, citing of the season. The Delta 30, Margaret Gilbert, '32, Ginevra' Delta Delta team was eliminated'G1nn.2agetGrude'W2,in v'a from 'the Intramural Tournament, There are still tickets available hinn, 32, Gertrude Wellington, '32 I as this is their second defeat, for the Wyvern bridge tea to be s the initiation ceremonies din- The Alpha Epsilon Phi pitcher, given from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock this Louisa Buter29 residentan catcher and third baseman, were afternoon in the Main Assembly ouisa Btle, o 29, preie a fast on the field and hard hitters. shall of the Women's League build- ounces the election of officers a' The fielding of the whole team ing. They may be obtained at the thednext meeting, at 7:30 o'clock was more accurate than that of Undergraduate League office in the Wednesday, May 15, in Prof essor their opponents; it had to be fast League building this morning. The Jack's office. All members arc to hold the Newberry team to a price is 75c. urged to attend. 3-4 defeat. This game, like its pre-# decessor was unusually fast. New- It was erroneously stated on this FOUR ATTEND CONVENTION berry was erratic at bat, though page of yesterday's Daily that the there were a few long hard hits. Women's Research Club .of the Uni- The state organizationl of the There were no home runs, and few versity of Michigan is devoted ex- American Association of University, brilliant plays, as a player seldom elusively to biological study. Women is holding its convention at made more than a one base bit in' either game. However, there were There will be a meeting of the Kalamazoo this weekend. Ann Arbor few erois and strike outs to slow leaders and aides for the Lantern delegates to the convention are Mrs down the playing. The next series Night procession at 5:30 Monday L. C. Karpinski, Miss Sara Whadon of games will be played off Mon- afternoon on Palmer Field. and Miss Maude Hagle; Miss Ethe' day. McCrickett of Ypsilanti, is also a Members of the University Girls' j delegate. Club Extends Welcome Glee club at the Presbyterian' To M ic n church at .10:15 Sunday morning. NEW YORK-New York debut- To Michigan Women l All members should bring a senior antes are to be pitied, according to gown. The Glee club will sing at the computations of a New York -The attention of University the special mother's day services at Times reporter, who has discovered women is being calledto.rthe fact 10:30. that the average debutante is al- that the Women's University club. ;lowed by her parents only ten p i 160 East ,Fifty-second street, ,New The decoration committee for, cent of the sum she needs to keep7 York city, has waived its member- Lantern Night will meet at 3 o'clock up with the fashion requirements. ship requirements for the summer Monday at the Woman's Athletic; The complaint since the war that and is extending the courtesy of Building. Anyone not able to be salaries have not kept pace with the cl'b to any.Michigan students i present at this time please call the increases in the cost of living who may spend the summer in Louise Cody, 6517. applies to no other class, with the New York. Special rates are be- 'possible exception of the miners,. ing.offered, for rooms at the club. Faculty members of Boston,-Uni-I more than the debutante class. The club is located four doors versity have decided that women east of Park avenue and 52nd 1 journalists make better "sob-story" In Evanston, a father and son street, within walking distance of writers than their fellow men stu- accused each other of one thing both the theater and shopping dis- ;dents. All the members of one and another, and both of them tricts. It is equipped with lounges, class were told to write the most andre ockdundWehp thena a library, ballroom, roof garden,a heart-rending human interest storyw restaurant, committee rooms and they could think of, and the final released in time to participate in bedrooms, and combines the ad- result showed the men hopelessly the Father and Son week, soon to vantages of an excellent hotel with outclassed. be celebrated. the :individual atmosphere of a --_ _ ___ ROMAN WINS \AD MOTHER'S DAY IS OCCASION FOR WEEK END PARTIES AT SORORITIES "My earliest memory of Mother's was recognized with a tea in thelR Day at Michigan was of sorority Union ballroom on Saturday after- house parties, including all sorts of noon. The ballroom was very beau- entertainments which would be tifully appointed and was a large enjoyable to the mothers," OMiss affair, for faculty, students, and Grace Richards stated yesterday, mothers were all invited without when asked about Mother's Day limitations. Bob Brown, football MARGARET HENRICH RECEIVES traditions here, captain in 1925, was chairman of COMMITTEE WILL WORK OUT ONE OF FIVE CZECH The sororities have always had the committee for the tea. COLOR SCHEME AND MUSIC FELLOWSHIPS weekend parties for their mothers Miss Richards added, "There has ON MAY 13 with delightfully planned programs been no organized observation of, GRADUATED FROM VASSAR of entertainment, of and with the Mother's Day because, until now, object in view of providing an there has been no place in WILL GlVE OUT COSTUMES Award Based On Study Of Czech #opportunity for their mothers to which to entertain the mothers La gae nd Interete observe all of the beautiful tradi- except Barbour gymnasium. An- Morning Practice Will Begin In In Foreign Affairs tions and customs in which Michi- other reason has been the elabo- j Sarah Caswell Angell Hall gan abounds. Early breakfasts at rately planned weekend parties At 8 O'clock Today believe that exchange schol- which each mother finds a dainty' arranged by 'he sororities. A corsage waiting for her to wear to outside affair would have broken arships and student travel are of church, lunches, teas, and for- into the sorority schedules." Dress rehearsal for the Freshman immense value in the promotion of mal dinners are only a few With the building of the League, I Pageant will take place at 4 o'clock world peace," said Miss Margaret affairs among the many which are 1 facilities have been provided which Monday afternoon on Palmer field, Henrich, in an interview recently, arranged each year by the soror- will enable women to cooperate in and every woman who expects to following her acceptance of aities. Alpha Omicron Pi's unique entertaining their mothers in the take part in the Pageant must be gzecho-Slovakian government fel- Dutch breakfast and the lawn years to come. whi. party given by Delta Zeta last year It has been a custom for the This award, one of the five~ show the effort that the sororities sororities to invite the Advisers of pleted, and a fine will be imposed granted to this country, is based on exert to 'make the weekend an Women to one or more of the upon any one who forgets her cos- ani.tedstoithis country .iaas enjoyable and memorable one for affairs which has been arranged tume, as the committee wishes to an intense inerest in foein na their ,bothers. for the entertainment of their see the color scheme actually sand an earnest study of the diffi-:1okd u nIh iedrrne cult Czech language. Miss Henrich Four years ago Mothers' Day mothers. worked out on the field. Arrange- first became a prospective appoin- ments have been made for those tee to the scholarship when she be- Atalre RiderIndian Princess, Will DecorateI who have no costumes as yet to ame interested in the affairs of Room In Hotel Suite Of Vice-President Curtis locker room of the Woman's Ath- ^zecho-Slovakia t h r o u g h her lfletic building when they arrive for friendships with the foreign stu- Atalie Unkalunt Rider, a Chero- 1 and Indian floor-coverings became 1 rehearsal. :ents at Vassar where she grad- kee princess, is to decorate one of popular. { Every one will dress in the locker gated in 192. the rooms in the suite of Vice Pres- " Believing that Indian motifs -are room and then go in coats to the Always interested in music Miss ident Charles Curtis- at the May- readily adaptable to modern strue- small field house at the end of EHenrich majored in this art while flower hotel, Washington. Indian tural forms, she has recently Palmer field for further directions. 'ncollege and at that time her motifs will be used throughout. designed modernistic furnishings J No woman should go out without a czech friends taught her the Bohe- Miss Rider.is the daughter of for- ornamental with Indian resigns. coat. mian songs which she sang at i'mer State Senator Thomas L. Rider, These include bedroom suites, The orchestra will 'be present at nfiversity at Prague Miss Henric 'of Oklahoma, who is a close friend tables, chairs, mirrors, and many the dress rehearsal so the music Jnvilc riy on heragudes inrI of the Vice President's. Before the distinctive modernistic lighting can be timed with the ' dances. will carry on her studies in Sociol-- Cherokees were recorded in the fixtures. Properties will also be set up just agy and music besides striving for United States census Mr. Rider was as they will be on Lantern Night. ;renter proficiency in Czech. a Cherokee chieftain, and his Men of the.University of Colorado This morning, rehearsal begins at The exchange fellowship receiv- daughter, Atalie, was born on the were dissatisfied with the results 8 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell ad by this young Buffalo woman is reservation. of a vote cast by the women of hall, and after the routine of the ne of fivemaintaned by t The princess has alread started the University recently in a con- Pageant has been gone through the 'zech government and sent by it ywrk on some of themurals for the test, The voting was for the best I members of the cast will go to Pal- oau cati the IUstu Inte r oom, oand she ish plang torg tolooking man, the most popular mer field in order to learn their tonal Education to the United -_Washington soon to layn out her aoman, the best dressed man, the places so that dress rehearsal Mon- 3tatesllwexchange for five Ameri .general scheme of decoration. He wittiest man, the most versatile day can start without any delays. heaemaintained byh ten ome motifs are similar to those the Red I man, the man who has done the er nfor the of Man uses in aking designs for most for the University, and the' Notr.e Dame and Navy have signed -overnmntfod kpromotionoeost popular male professor. So a home and home agreement to world peace and fellowship of which rugs, pottery, and blapkets. . the "eds" demanded a chance to meet on the baseball diamcnd. The .his little new country is proud to She has always desired passion- display their b8tter judgment with Irish play at Annapolis on June 1, "laim leidership ately to show modern Americans a male ballot on the questions. The I while the Midshipmen wiUl play the fcourse I was more than hap- the beauties whh exys ign an outcome, as yet undecided, will be return engagement at South Bend ?y about receiving the fellowship,"I forms of art. A few years ago, feel- interesting without doubt, in 1030. .aid Miss Henrich, "but I was told ing an urge to interpret the In- -nr__n withou__dubtm 193_. ,hat even if I did not, I could go to dian's decorative art, as well as his Prague and make a living. One can ; music, she began making Indian' make 35 crowns an hour teaching 1 designs for fabrics. This led to the+ English there and the returns from tremendous vogue for Indian prints, Give a is O three hours of teaching a week in women's dresses rampant a fewf would be enough to live on. "A seasons ago. Then she began to ^rown is a little over three cents." make designs for carpets as well, ' There are gift editions t t of the classics, sets in fine binding and all the new books For years the DiMattia shop has catered to the most fastidious women of the campus and town. This connection will remain - as long as fastidious women de- sire the best service. The DiMattia shop reminds you chat for your approval a special facial chair has been installed. K The PRINT AND BOOK SHOP 521 EAST JEFFERSON STRE ET club. Further information regarding the Women's University club and the rates which it is offering. this summer is available in the office of the Advisors of Women. I * - ~ .'-. ____ It's Smart to The usual service in permanent waving, marcelling, finger wav- ing and character bobs awaits you. The shop is open Friday evenings for customers' conven- ience. lVial 8878 for appoint- ments The DiMattia Beauty Shop STATE ST.-OVER SWIFT'S I f ""°". 1 I kA li 4r tl'a a5. I, r Strings . .Supplies . Repairs . for all Musical Instruments Schaebere & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. Want Ads Pay D -miinil. _" a, fj f l v~omw, WiMi/a I I I ..... I. is "AOTHER , UNIQU& CPVE ETING xi A n~ T , I i4A k*4tC&nl jug 6 II Thrifty COATS formerly to $30 $19.75 Garments that were bought during April and represent the utmost in style and value. All our Better Coats formerly to $50 $29.75 Beautiful styles fashioned of the finest broadcloth. A good range of sizes. DRESSES, Values to $16.50 $10.95 Every dress in this group is a new spring number and was bought to sell at a much higher price. -, ---- 11 I I I Half a block from Michigan Union For -UN The spirit of Mother's Day-beau- tiful and graceful-suggests many beautiful tokens. Why not present her with one of our Tailored or Dress - HAT S- fashioned of hair braids and straw combinations all head sizes. PRICE 5, *6.50, $10 and ,i2 IAT SECTION 2nd Floor I i "Unseen" Hosiery $1.65 Seamless hose o f the sheerest chiffon . . . giving the "stockingless" effect. In all the complexion tones, from palest blonde to deep sun tan.4 t I I I I p' , 1 I - _ ._ 11 I 11 I