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May 11, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-11

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Published every morning except Monday
doinjg the Universit year by the Board in
Conttrol of Student publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the tise for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at th1e postotlicea at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, tosecond class matter. Special rate
of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post-
coaster General.
Sbeription by garrier, $4.00; by mail,
(ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
uad Street.
Phones:. Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.


Telephone 4925
dtor.............Nelson . Smith
4ity Edtorh............. . Stewart Hooker
News Editor....:....... Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor.............W. Morris uinn
Women's Editor ............Slvia S. tone
Telegraph Editor............George Staute
Musicatd rama............RobetAs en
Asistant City Edtr.....oetS 'a
Night Editors
Jseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
onald J. Kline Picrce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Kein George E. Simon
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexandfl Charles A. ~ewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwit~a henry Merry
Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaie
Arthur Bernste'o Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Boyee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. #. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
nelen Domine Robert L. Slos
Margaret lckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valbrg ]:gelard Cadwell Swansc
Robert J. Fedman ane 'ihayer
Marjorie Follner dith Thomas
William -Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr Walter Wilds
Richard ung :George E. wohgeuth
charles R.Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising... .........Alex .Scherer
Advertising....... ......A. James Jordan
-Advertising..............Car'W. Hanmer
circulation.................George S. Bradley
Accounts...............Lawrence E. Wakley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofech
Mary Cse Marion +err
t anette Dale Villian Kovisky
Besie Egelnd Hollister Mabley
Sally Faster. 1. A. Newman
Anna Goldoerg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton George Spater j
lack Horwich Sherwood Upton
Dlix Huraphrey Marie Wellstead
SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929
Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe
In contrast with the forebodings
of disaster that preceded this year's I
Swing Out it should be distinctly'
gratifying to look back on two out-
standing contributions it has made I
to campus life. An ancient tradi-
tion that has not lost its appeal to1
the indifference and sophistication
of this age has been preserved, andI
Michigan men have proved thatI
they can be gentlemen about heirI
alcohol. The latter is the more2
deeply significant. h h
Having proved that they can<
drink like gentlemen, for alcohols
there was though it did not showN
publicly, Michigan men are on the 1
way toward solving their liquore
problem. Not that in the past they r
have felt any hesitancy about im-t
bibing, but the tendency has been t
to demonstrate to the great Amer- r
ican people in general that liquors
enjoyed an important place in theirv
sophisticated routine of pleasure. I
Drinking, by a quirk of college na-r
ture, seems to have become an c
achievement for which publicity is 11
desirable as for achievements of t
the mind or of the muscles. s
And when this publicity has l
come so forcibly to the attention of t
University authorities that dis- P
cipline committees have had to
meet in order to preserve the Uni- t
versity's good name, the ninety t
and nine who did not get caught e
feel that an injustice has been C
worked to their departed compan- t
ion. That is the essence of the o
liquor problem. Students are un- p
able to realize that liquor has a i
place in anybody's privacy, but that b
the glow it produces must not be t

accentuated into a stagger, a yell, b
a leer, or a fade out before the pub- p
lic eye. b
That this realization came so ti
creditably last Thursday is due, of tl
course, to the high premium placed b
on public sobriety. To preserve it ti
fresh in students' minds we would t1
like to see a similar high premium p
placed and enforced upon public tl
sobriety on all occasions. Hand in
hand would go a policy of letting
students drink themselves to death, u
if they wished, wherever that sad c
element of humanity who thrive n
by peddling tales of youthful im- tY
morality could not see and broad-Ib
cast their horrors. p
It would be a recognition of the in
fact, often denied but fundamental, pE
that the college student, until his f w

In the 83,000 words of almost
pure horse-leech protectionism
that constitute the new tariff bill
as it has just come from the Ways
and Means committee, there is one
item of hope and significance to
the campus We say hope, for
this schedule is one of the very
few in the bill which did not par-
ticipate in the sweeping upward
revision that Mr. Hoover expressly
did not want in his message to the
special session. It is hopeful,
again, because for once a consumer
instead of a producer whispered
the more successfully into the eai
of a Republican Ways and Means
The significance of this particu-
lar schedule, which slices the ad-
valorem duty on carillons from 40
per cent to 20 per cent, is the sav-
ing of $20,000 it will mean to the
Burton Memorial Campanile cam-
paign committee. Bringing the
campanile with a set of perfectl
matched chimes $20,000 nearer is a
victory in which those who rever
the memory of Michigan's short-
lived but great president can re-
And with this excellent oppor-
tunity at hand it would be too bac
not to point a moral. In the de-
bates before the Ways and Means
committee the ability of Ameri-
can foundrymen to produce a per-
fectly tuned set of bells was re-
futed. It was pointed out that
buyers in this country had tc
patronize England and Belgium fo
belle that would not jangle the
nerves of a community by render-
ing tunes off key. And although
American bell-makers countered
with the plea that they could
match the foreign product if given
half a chance, the rate On carillons
slumped with a boom.
Congressional protection, in re-
freshing contrast to Republican
pririciples, will not in this instance
be called to the aid of an inferior
American product. Something we
cannot produce as well as foreign
artisans will not be foisted on the
country for sake of making a
handful of our capitalists richer.
o -
As a further step in its efforts to
bolster up the criminal code of
Michigan, the state senate hasre-
cently passed the Cuthbertson
sterilization bill, hoping thereby to
effect a panacea for numerous
sociological ills by preventing the
propagation of persons who are
prone to end up in either penal or
correctional institutions. In this
respect, therefore, the measure is
preventative as well as remedial.
To many persons possessing
purely a sentimental interest in
humanity, the provisions of this
act, which provide for the sterili-
zation of persons suffering from
any of a list of mental disorders,
or persons addicted to moral per-
version, without their consent,
will be an outrage tantamount to
brutality. Yet one need not be an
enthusiast for birth control to
recognize -the advantages accruing
to society from the operation of
this law. With minor exceptions,
most alert citizens approve of
sterilization of the feeble-minded
with the patient's consent, but do
not condone any action without
his clause, in spite of the manifest

conclusion that deranged persons
ack sufficient discretion to make
their consent advisable. It would
seem difficult, as a result, for any
iberal minded citizen to take a
enable stand in opposition to the
provisions of this measure.
Chief among the arguments of
he proponents of sterilization are
he preventative attributes of the
nactment. The compensation to so-
iety of precluding the intensifica-
ion of present community ills is
bvious. It is signficant that at
periodic intervals additional build-
ngs are added to the Eloise asylum
between) here and Detroit, 'until
hat institution now more resem-
les a huge indusrial plant than a
lace of correction. When the,
uilding of eleemosynary institu-
ions increases at a rate greater
[han proportional to that of com-
ined business and private struc-
ures, it behooves society to devote
,he means at its disposal to a sym-
athetic, yet incisive, solution of
;he ills therein attendant.
An editorial in the Chicago Trib-
ne recently commended the city
ouncil for its zeal in behalf of
nodesty in attempting to regulate
her style of women's bathing suits,;
ut expressed the belief that they
lan would fail, pointing out that
n the course of human history re-
eated efforts of man to safeguard t
oman's modesty have always faill

Writing with no thought of de-
rision and with nothing in mindl
but the thought of aiding our tra-!
dition-mad Student Council to
achieve their wonted and assever-

Music And Drama
TONIGHT: Comedy Club pre-
sents the last showing of their
melodramatic mood-maker
"Granite," by Clemence Dane,
in the new League Theater,
beginning at 8:15, with the
curtain at 8:30 o'(:.ock.

Dealer in
Upholstering, Furniture
Repairing, Refinishing
and Remodeling
218 East Huron Street
Ann Arbor - - - - - Michigan
Phone 3432


"YP1 X' It ! 7A" I.


ated aim of conducting a "fool- KHRE I
proof" and "honest" election, we BnCdx
set down in print for our subscrip- Beinn+ensa of next

Excellent Home Cooked Meals in Pleasant
and Attractive Surroundings9
IF SO, Then Try
H329 S. Main St.
i Quick and Courteous Service
Private Booths Radio Music

1 ---- _- -_-._-_-._ -1_____.__.. -

tion to read some salient rules that!
would insure an honest election on
this, the most ethical of all cam-
(1) Conduct intelligence tests
for the candidates (especially in
the case of Council candidates.)
This should eliminate most of the
(2) Insist that ballot caster
present photographs of himself au-'
tographed in the presence of a
(3) Lock up each ballot caster
after he has voted until after elec-
tions. This should practically elim-
inate dual voting.
(4) Conduct literacy test for1
ballot casters, preventing fresh-
men from supporting the dear old
party because the uipper class
brothers tell them to.
(5) Countvotes in thebpresence
of the entire student body and
If any reading these words
should become enthused to offer
further suggestion through the
agency of the manager of this
column to the Council, that wor-
thy body would think well enough
of it to make the system of Sug-,

week Play Production are offering
George S. Kaufman's delightful sa-
tire of the artistic and material-
istic life, "The Beggar on Horse-
back" in the new Women's League
'"'e plot of the play must be
fairly familiar to prospective audi-
ences from its treatment in the1
movies and from constant refer-
ence to it as a model of excellence
in amusing fantasy-or better, fan-
tastic amusement. Briefly it is a
story of love and genius. A poor
composer loves, well, but not in a
wise direction. The girl is poor.
But she is clever enough to insist
that he marry a rich girl who is
in love with him. He proposes to
his female Mycaenas over the tele-
phone and she accepts. Whereup-
on he falls into a dream that is a
nightmare of his future life. The
Idream is the vehicle for the four-
teen fantastic scenes that follow.
Play Production is presenting the
play at the League Theater andj
charging for it in an effort to pro-
vide for itself a budget for its
laboratory next year. The series
of free showings which have been
I Ovepn this ve it have n.ha c-

p '-I


For All Important
Lake and Ocean Lines
Tours, Cruises
Independent Travel
. G. Kuebler
Gen. Steamship Ageeey
601 E. Huron Ph. 41


Welcome Fathers
It is a great pleasure to us to welcome
the fathers of the students to Ann Arbor.
With many of you we feel almost well
acquainted after seeing your signatures

I1 r

gestion Week
It seems th
more class is
They never
game, to beg
the eve of tl
allow the fros
to the flag pC
From what
freshman di
they could t
chop it down
tunate that. t
come on Was
they probably
the thing do
1932 are great
We notice th
carried a hea
Lower Classm

an annual tradi- tint success from every point of
Inc view. They have brought new
at this present sopho- plays before the students; they
just no good at all.,have brought new talent to the
have on da class.boards; and they have built up a
have won a class considerable public interested in
in with, and then on dramatics which- will eventually
he spring games they form the supporting nucleus for
to nail their banner the University Theater when it
we have heard, the comes. The commercial effort next
week coms as a climax of all of
o that fl e lebut Play Production's activities.
It certainly is for- It is the most difficult undertak-
he tug-of-war doesn't ing that has been scheduled all
hington's birthday or year, representing casting, scenic
i wold avechopedand directorial difficulties as no
ownuldThae choppedo other production has imposed. But
o ymbolismits amusement value is in direct
ratio to its difficulties.
* * * As far as the commercal end
hat the dear old Daily of the production goes, Director
dllne yesterday that Windt"6ohifesses himself surprised
en Will Hold Huron with the spirit of many letters that

each month. We

have tried

and will

continue to try to render your sons and
daughters the best of banking service.


- a

101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave.


River Tug Today."
A river tug is just about what
the sophomores needed yesterday.
The notice of the Inlander
poetry contest has certainly taken
effect. Just about every other
piece of mail that comes into the
office simply drips with spring sen-
timent, and letters pop out of the
mailman's hands and arrange
themselves on the desks in qua-
trains. That is all very pretty, but
pity poor Robert Frost, the judge;
he has to read them all.
* * *
From among the 250 couples who
attended the Architects' May Party
last night we have gathered the
following statistics on the types of
cosumes that were worn:
May Queens ................... 225
Ballet costumes ............... 15


came to him as soon as "The Beg-
gar" was announced. People have
appreciated the laboratory show-
ings and look on "The Beggar" as
a pleasant way to repay Play-
Production, at the box office, for
the free invitations received dur-
ing the year.
R. L. A.



a Days - MAY 22, 23924,25,199 -m' 6 C*'ts

Pirates ...................
Sultans ...................


If, as our august Student Council
insists, the balloting in the all cam-
pus election is to be foolproof, how
are any of these political bosses
going to vote?
Our esteemed contemporary, the
Ann Arbor Daily News, we quote as
saying that nary a hiccough was
heard during the entire swing-out
ceremonies yesterday. Well! Well!
Well! It must be that Vernor's
ginger ale. Not a hic in a hipful.
"Gee it's great to be a night-
editor," sniffled E. Isaac McGlin-
sky as the appointments for the7
world's worst college newspaper1
were announced at a late hour last
night. Between guffaws he con-
inued, "I always knew that hard
work and perseverance would win."

A thoroughly delightful show in
Detroit this week and next is
"The Royal Family" which Edna
Ferber and George S. Kaufman
have fabricated on the lives of a
family of stage stars. From the
point of view of amusement this
show is one of the few that has an
almost general appeal. It is im-
mense good fun. There is no in-
tellectual snobbery in it-if that
is the way you identify things that
are caviar to the general-and yet
it is in impeccable good taste as
far as the expressions of its humor
are concerned. Another delightful
feature that will appeal to the
connoisseur of generally unmen-
tionable subjects is the polished
and salty way Victorian conven-
tionality is twitted in the dialogue.
If the chief virtue of vice is its
gildng, this play is occasionally
virtuous, and very deftly virtuous.
Its morals, in the ordinary sense,
however, are quite faultless-
which may be its chief fault. There
never seems to be much virtue
without a touch of immorality.
The cast in some ways shows
signs of having played to a long
run. Ann Andrews, as Julie or, as
some think, the glorious Ethel
Barrymore, has quite lost any of
the Barrymore quality she may
once have had in her interpreta-
tion, without replacing it with any-
thing very charming of her own.
She is now somewhat a dialoguing
dummy. But that does not inter-
fere with the excellence of Haidee
Wright as the immortal Fanny
Cavendish, nor with the bounding
vitality of bad-boy Tony, otherwise
John Barrymore perhaps, who is
played by Otto Kruger in a manner
that is more Barrymore than John
himself. Haidee Wright is magnifi-
cent, and Otto Kruger is excellent,
and with them ranks Jefferson De
Angelis. who gives a delightfully

! KI

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