4 THE ICI I. C fJ I A N CAI LZ THE MICHGAN-DAIL Published every morn ing except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. CAMPUS Mcnber of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein, Entered at. the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, : s second class matter. Special rate of postag granted by Third Assistant Post- waster General. Subscriptiou by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.' Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones:I Editor:al, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.....................Nelson J. Smith City Editor... .......... Stewart Hooker News Editor.... , ........ Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quinn Women's L:ditor.............. Sylvia S .Stone Telegraph Editor.............. George Stauter Music and Drama..............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe{ onald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George F. Simons Gcorge C. Tilley Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexaude* Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwii Henry Merry Louise Behyme- Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernste& Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell. Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss 111aargaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson Robert J. Feldman Jaue Tihayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung. George It. Wohlgemuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGERI EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER AdvrtiingDepartment Managers Advertising. ............Alex K. Scherer Advertising........... ....A. James Jordan Advertising.......Ca rV. Hammer Service.................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation............ ...eorge S. Bradley1 Accounts ......... ..... Lawrence E. Walkley Publications................Ray M. Hofelict Assistants Mary Chase Marion Kerr eanette Jale 'ernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton ax H orwich y ix Humphrey Lillian Xovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemin George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor--DONALD J. KLINE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1929 Contributors are asked to he brie, confining themselves to less than 3 words it possible. Anonymous com- mnunications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should nut be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. "WITH CERTAIN AUTHORITY" To the Editor: Permit me to comment on certain statements in the Daily issues of February 16th and 17th, which ap- peared in connection with the pub- licity given the forthcoming lec- ture on Esperanto. Of course, I do not placq the re- sponsibility for the misstatements with you, as every editor has to depend to some extent on infor mation furnished him by others, however, I think this rectification will be of benefit at least to the promoters of Esperanto. In the above issues of the Daily your informer gives, as the reason for creation of Esperanto by Dr. Zamenhof, the alleged peculiarity of Poland as a quadrilinguial coun- try and the resulting "chaos and hatred" in the mutual relations of the various racial elements inha- biting the country. This idea as to the origin of Esperanto is just as absurd as it is untrue. I do not know of any quadrilingu- ial country, unless it might have been Turkey. There is a trilingu- ial country, Switzezrland, where many of the people speak all the three languages (French, German, and Italian), and practically ev- erybody speaks any two of the above three, and the Swiss people live in perfect peace, harmony and order. There is, also a bilinguial country, Belgium, where perfect order also prevails, although no amount of Esperanto would help the Belgians to solve their racial differences, which the almighty Forces of life are ironing out slow-. ly but steadily. If such were the motives of Esperanto then it should rather have been born in New York's Eastside. The facts are that the entire population of the former Russian part of Poland has never used any other vehicle of mutual under- standing but Polish. Hebrew of the variety of church Latin was and is known only to the rabbi and few Jewish scholars, as is also the case in other coun- tries. The uneducated Jewish pop- ulation who among themselves use Yiddish (a corrupted old German language which, outside of the al- a phabet, has nothing 'in common with Hebrew) are certainly per- fectly versatile in the language of the country of their adoption. Russian was used only by the comparatively small group of gov- ernment officials who, however, were also very well versed in Pol- ish for the sheer necessity of ex- erting their duties in relation to the population. The only Russians in Poland who did not speak the lan- guage of the country were the floating military garrison which, being confined to their barracks and fortresses, did not count in the population. . The origin of Esperanto was the following: Dr. Zamenhof, while a student of medicine at the Uni- versity of Warsaw, belonged to a group of patriotic students who were imbued with ideas of prog- ress, liberalism, etc. At that time (in the eighties of the past cen- tury) the university was not yet' completely Russianized and was still alive with the traditions of the former regime which furnished the country a number of distinguished leaders in its struggle for inde- pendence. During that time the Socialistic doctrine started to spread in Poland and the patriotic youth of the country, being aware} of the hopelessness of realization ofI their ideals on the grounds of in- ternational politics, thought that the Socialistic gospel of "brother- hood of nations" would bring them the solution of their difficulties. This was the time and circum- stances which gave the young Lud- wik Zamenhof the idea of devising an easier and simpler international language than the "Volapuck" ex- isting at that time, in order to fa- cilitate and speed up this coming brotherhood of nations. I am in a position to offer this; information with certain authorityI due to the fact that some thirty-f five years ago I was actively inter-' ested i the Esperanto movement in Warsaw, which at that time en- joyed the personal leadership of Dr. Zamenhof.# F. W. Pawlowski. LSE L CLEA-N SIDEWALKS' , OPINION conditions of students. If it becomes necessary to advance reasons for this progressive step, you might use the following:-In the first place, the discernment and aggressiveness of the President of this University could be improved, if he were only placed at the head of the B. and G. M department. We propose this as an immediate measure, for it logi- cally follows that he has been wasting his time with mere scienti- fic work, that being well shown by the reception of his educational ideas. Then too, if he were to take an active interest in the prob- lem that we present, he could ac- I quire that poise and polish so nec- essary to the head of a State Uni- versity, and he would be relieved of the worry that it must occasion him to realize that he is no politi- cian. Furthermore, the problem of voice culture enters, for where could better training be secured than in the process of 'giving di- rections from the sanctuary in U. Hall to some industrious aide on the other side of the campus? By these means, he could develop himself into the type of leader that we need here, for he is too woe- fully an academician of the newer sort. He could become a mighty figure, filled with weighty knowl- edge, and able to voice it to an extremely busy legislature who, in turn, would unhestitatingly dole forth the necessary finances for factory production. Verily, this one advantage should manifest it- 'self to those higher up, and we should be able to procure our ob- ject, sidewalks cleared of ice. As is usual, there will without doubt be a small group as yet un- convinced, and we suggest the see- ond main argument to propose. In f the near past, we of Michigan have been intolerant of genii for we have through our general attitude at such things as campus elections, provoked them greatly. They have rightfully voiced their indignation, for they have been "treated like children." They will be men, why should we fail to recognize this ob- vious fact? Enroll them in the corps of the new B. and G. boys, and give them an opportunity. Thus, when industriously chipping ice from off the steps of U. Hall, from such an important position they could have their say. Con- sider with utter sincerity the wholesome results; we should have satisfied their demands, we should have retained them from the clutching business world, and kept them in the relative position with the Head, with whom they had aligned themselves. From the foregoing, you have seen low near to our hearts lies this whole matter of cleaner side- walks, how grievously we have been effected by the situation, which is daily becoming more unendurable. We demand that justice be done, that the wheels of this great Uni- versity continue to grind without the impedance of ice, and that this. menace be removed at once. The Committee, Per A. W. L., '9. 0 SPORTMANSHIP IN THE CLASSROOM ANNOUNCEMENTS Play Production announces that public performance will be given the four original one-act plays in the contest sponsored by the Divi- son of English, beginning March 12, Tuesday, and running through until Friday, March 15 when a spe- I cial invitation list will be issued for the occasion of the decision of the judges on ultimate merits of the plays. 4I The Division of E n g li s h an- nounces a second contest, this time for full length plays. The contest is open to the entire student body and is purposed to draw out all evidence of talent in the longer play form that may exist on the campus. Manuscripts should be submitted not later than April 19,1 which is after the Spring vacation, at noon.. The Rhetoric office in i Angell Hall will act as repository for MSS. Judgment on the plays will be announced April 25, by a group of judges who have not as yet been chosen, and production of the, plays will be determined at the same time. It may be that no play of merit will be discovered, and it may also result that Play Produc- tion department is swamped with grealy produceable material; the I judges will also determine this. If the Editor be allowed an ob- servation it is to the affect that in the final decision the judges will probably find themselves dealing with far more material representa- tive of talent outside the play-j writing class than in the previous, contest. A full length play is a far greater drain on dramatizing abil- ity than the one-act, which means that students will not so much write new plays for the contest as revise ones already written,- which is certainly not the case in the play writing class. * * * Play Production, from the depthsf of financial poverty and the heights of theatrical enthusiasm, announce their willingness to re- lieve all persons in this town of any useless but not entirely de- molished furniture, costumes, bric- a-brac or whatnot. It takes all 4 sorts of'things to make up an ade- quate theatrical storeroom of 'props', and Play Production have a still nebulous scheme to produce some early American dramas if they can arrive at a sufficient wardrobe of early Americans. They are anxious to accept anything any zealot may offer, drawing the line only at gold fish. { Still, available Many of our finest suits, including Hickey-Freeman, in patterns ideal for the Spring season-at reduced prices. WGIEI&COMPAHY j~r men 1778S1ce ,i 1 4g Music And Drama TONIGHT: Comedy Club presents Elliott Lester's comedy, "Take My Advice," in Mimes theatre, begin- ning at 8:15 o'clock. MICHIGAN'S IDEA SPREADS That the Alumnit University idea, which had its active beginning at Michigan, has been recognized as something of great value is assured by the appointment of a Michigan man, Wilfred B. Shaw, to make a survey of the universities of the country in an attempt to discover the extent of general interest in this system of adult education. That such interest is considerable in educational circles is evidenced by the fact that many of the na- tion's leading educators have ex- pressed a sincere belief in its plaus- ibility. There can be no doubt that a student in college will be keeping up at least with the timely devel- opments in the courses in which he is primarily interested, but there is a great chance of his stop- ping at the point to which progress has been made"at the termination of his college course. This is due to several reasons. Unless there is' some motivating force such as the Alumni University to spur him on, he is likely to feel that he has gone as far as necessary in his line when he has finished the re- quirements for graduation. Then, too, his source of study may very, possibly be inadequate without as- sistance from some reliable bureau of information. With an Institution such as the Alumni University firmly estab- lished, every graduate would be af- forded an opportunity to continue his education both in cultural and scientific fields. Through theefforts of Mr. Shaw and other men of high calibre who are interested, the time should not be far off when we observe the smooth functioning of an active system which will serve to bring nearer completion a process of comprehensive education which has only begun at the University. 0 WE SUGGEST 'T'here is prevalent on the cam- pus at the present time a legiti- mate complaint regarding the ushering and the seating at the Oratorical Association lectures. The. practice of allowing holders of cheap seats to fill high priced seats , as soon as the lecture begins has created great dissatisfaction and has, at many, times, worked an in- i Comedy Club announces the premiere of their production, "Take My Advice," by Elliott Lester. The curtain ill rise at 8:15 o'clock, in Mimes tljatre. Any advance no- tice whic may be considered at all trustworthy has it that the play is by no means a masterpiece of cere- bral effort done in the dramatic 1ledium, but that it is amusing. W ini ship the stadium the sportsman- of Michigan's student body I leaves little to be desired. Unfor- tunately the same cannot be said with regard to the classroom. One of our most eminent profes- sors is constantly made a mark of by this classroom unsportsmanship. Because he enjoys conducting his lectures in a fashion highly pleas- ing to students; that is, by fre- quently interposing humorous an- ecdotes between the various de- tails of his text, and by allowing an air of familiarity to prevail throughout the hour, a surprisingly large number of individuals show their disrespect of privilege and their ill-breeding by imposing upon his good nature. Talking is often so prevalent, especially in the back of the room, that those who are attempting to hear the lectures are prevented from so doing. Invari-1 ablj at five minutes before the close of the hour there is a shuffl- ing of feet and a rustling of papers. IHowever, the greatest imposition' upon this professor occurred dur- ing the period of several weeks in which the assistant in one of his courses was ill, making it impos- sible for roll to be taken. On more than one occasion during this pe- riod not over half his class was present. He said little about the j matter, for he is too great to stoop to petty disciplinary methods, but certainly he must have, been deep- ly conscious of this gross disre- spect. Can we not appreciate privileges? Can we not at least repay gener- ' he Harris Players announce two performances by "The Puppeteers" from Yale, in the Ann Arbor High School Auditorium, this afternooni and evening. The young men who compose "The Puppeteers," Forman Brown and Harry Burnett, are Michigan graduates who have de- veloped their art with Professor George. Pierce Baker at Yale. The School of Music announces the appearance of Mile. Yelly D'Aranyi in violin concert tomor- row night. This represents the ninth in an all-star Semi-centenni- al celebration series of ten con- certs. The Hungarian virtuoso is fa- ' mous among her audience for the charming fire of her playing, and, thoroughly respected by her critics for her sure technical skill in con- veying the brilliance of her warm personality through her music. The; toast of musical Europe, Yelly' D'Aranyi achieved no less acclaim from her American audiences dur- ing her previous tour, 1927-28, and' her concert tomorrow night should be a vital emotional experience for Ann Arbor devotees of music. . * The editor of this column hopes that for Mile. D'Aranyi's concert the comic elements in the audience will abandon the vaudeville-act tactics of applause which they em- ployed to embarrass Rachmanin- off, and will limit their clapping, to honest reaction to the concert.! These rowdy horny-fists who make i sy ,Chang: -- d A'- \ ii l\ \ . X" 7 4'. * le switching maneuver, and electricity i charge. A giant electric locomotive, Y kly under way, glides silently; into the e stretch withits long strig of Pullmans. oug e itma c te run-tire- a t o o g b e it m k t'y. Passengers alight in a clean term it al can because there is no smoke or soot. - Ai thenrn ilestonc in transportation-an-;o r event in the life of the iron horsew ization is progressing, with electricity e van. How far this advance willmtake TG - ah toogrdimkstgrarnis Lng -w Nor i P, Cleve flyer simp takes quic hom Like lessly -cl Anot other Civil in th "1 _ - y, _. \\ - . , ,,, r--: d . R 1 /' _ w I . ' "'% r , ..r , 'k '"^+ f+. To the Editor: Wrath, like guilt must out, we with grievances turn as a last re-, us, is a problem for our future leaders. It is for them to develop and utilize new applications of electricity--the force that is pointing the way over uncharted courses, , . ., . , . > found on large electric locomotives and on MAZDA lamps, electric vacuum cleaners, and a multitude of other appli- ances which serve us all. It is the mark of an . yy1 , F A' S " E "' k'. .. n r 0-l\ I