ESTABLISHED 1890 =401 Admue A& Air- ,qw MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 EIGHT PAGES Vari- Costumed Dancers Rhythms Amid Sway To Futuristic Jazz Decorations YERRLi S l ft Sophomores Injured DuringCelebration 0 MThree Escape Serious Injuries As Greyhound Bus Runs Into I FTug-Of-War Rope VARSITY TO MEET ^ Surrounded by the kaleidoscopic, j and gobs to man the Homeric. By .' bizarre setting of a futuristic city, the time the party had progressed Metropolis, and distinguished by several dance numbers, an Apache costumes of fantastic variety and was observed to be dancing with a color, the guests at the 18th annual Roman maid, a paperhanger with Architects' May party danced last a Chinese girl. Colonial dames had night in Barbour gymnasium to aviators and cowboys as their es- the music of the Casa Loma band. corts. Another costume consisted Virtually 400 persons attended the of a close-fitting overall with fur JUDGE WILLIAM L DAY AND affair. in places appropriately chosen to ILIA LH YT AN Many of the mort striking cOs- represent a rabbit. As may be ex- FIELDING H. POST tumes were designed in accordance pected at an architects' party, WILL SPEAK with the motif of the setting, which many of the costumes were sketchy. embodied the quintessence of mod- Interspersing the regular num- HOUR OF DINNER. CHANGED, ernism. The decorations consisted bers were several featured selec- first of a huge canopy of multi-col- tions of the orchestra. , They play- Ticket Sale Continues During Day; ored paper, arranged in irregular ed a medley of Michigan songs, Group Reservations May Be blocks, with a center piece suspend- and also reproduced several pieces Made Until Noon ed from above. This canopy com- recently composed on the campus. pletely clothed the ceiling of the Since its instigation in 1911, the! With more than 400 tickets sold, ballroom. Covering the walls were May Party has grown from a semi- and indications of a sell-out, the panels showing a panorama of exclusive formal dance to a posi-i numerous phases of futuristic cos- tion of so ial prominence excelled largest Father and Son gathering mopolitan life as imagined by the only by the J-Hop. In these years, in the history of the Union will be artist. Four candleabra of modern the idea of the party has expanded, held at 6 o'clock tonight in the design, at each corner of the dance first to include elaborate decora- Union ballroom. Tickets will con- floor cast variagated beams over tions, then to foster the only cos-3 Uneon aleat te m i ds the whole setting. tune party of the year. tinme on sale at the main desk in Outstanding costumes of the Otto Wenzler, '29A, was chair- the lobby until time for the ban- guests dominated the color of the man of the party this year, and the1 quet, but it is advisable for those, ballroom. One couple appeared in setting was designed by Paul F. desiring tickets to obtain them as a Chinese garb of black oilcloth Jernegan, '29A. This year for the ' early in the day as possible. It decorated to give the effect of a li- first time a special class in design I noleum print. Another was dress- was conducted in order to afford should be noted that the dinner ed as 17th century French cour- means of promoting special inter- wil start at 6 o'clock sharp instead tiers. Among the dancers were est in submitting exceptional de- of 6:30 o'clock as indicated on the singled out enough ship's officers signs for the decorations. SOPHOMORES ARE PULLED INTO HURON BY VICTORIOUS FIRST YEAR MEN FINAL CONTESTS TODAY Freshmen Need One Event To Win Games For Fourth Time in . 6 Y II1 iNi I N RACE Albert J. Klick,. John F. Cory, I and Harlan P. Waters, members of the Sophomore class, barelyt es- caped serious injuries yesterday afternoon following the Fall games ROBERT FELDMAN IS APPOINT- when & Greyhound bus ran into a INDIANST ED ASSISTANT CITY EDITOR section of the rope that was being BIG TE FOR NEXT YEAR displayed by the class of '31 as T part of the: spoils from the tug-of- war. ElGHT NAMED FOR BOARD The Sophomore's left the field M'AFEE ofbattle believing that the game Cooper, Gentry, Kaufman, Williams, had ended a tie. They proceeded Coach Fishe Merry, Sloss, And Wilds to parade down State street carry- Make Go i IETAIN LEAD THREATEN WOLVES' N SUPREMACY IN TITLE-RUN TO BE TWIRLER r's Men Expected To od Showing Against rong Rivals ABLE LINEUPS i tickets. Judge William L. Day, 'OOL., ofA Cleveland, has ben secured as the principal speaker. He is well known on the campus as a former Michi- gan athlete, and as an alumni speaker, having addressed pepI gatherings here during the last two years. He is particularly well fitted j to speak on this occasion as he has! a son in the University at the pres- Business Administration Group ent time. Coach Fielding H. Yost To Have Varied Program At is the other speaker. Carl Brandt Convention Here of the speech department will act as toastmaster. Music wil be fur- DEAN GRIFFIN TO SPEAK nished by the Union orchestra. An almost continuous program wil occupy today for the entertain- Three group discussion sections, a ment of the visiting parents. The general session, a mass luncheon remaining matches of the spring and banquet, and an afternoon of games between the freshmen and baseball make up the program for _phomores will be played off at 9 the School of Business Administra- o'clock this morning at South Ferry field. The fathers' tickets in- tion's alumni conference which is clude passes to the Illinois-Michi, to be held today at the Union, it gan baseball game which - will be was announced yesterday by D. M. called at 2:30 o'clock. The free Phelps, of the Business adminis- tickets were m a d e available tration school. through the courtesy of the Ath- rinsH. t a e n letic association. The Butterfield inMerwin H. Waterman, represent- interests have provided the fathers ng the school, will deliver the ad- with complimentary tickets for the dress of welcome at the genral ses- evening show at the Majestic, fol-'sion, which is to be held at 10 lowing the banquet. These tickets ,o'clock, with Bradley Case, of the will be subject to a 10 cent tax. Keane=Higbie company, presiding.: In order to attend the banquet in Administration school will speak In rde ton ratetes anue in 'The School of Business Admin- a group, many fraternities have istration and Its Alumni" at a' reserved blocks of seats, acordingluncheon meeting which is sched- to William H. Murphy, '30, chair- uled for 12:30 o'clock. Raymond T. man of the committee on arrange- IPerring, of the Detroit Savings mentsn The majority of houses are Bank, has been designated as toast- ,planning a supplementary pro gram $nmaster for the banquet at 6:30. for the entertainment of the visit- Thesurose ofta c:nf.r ing parents.I The purpose of today's confer - Bnpents.ickeence, according to Phelps, is to Banquet tickets, priced at 1.50 bring about and maintain a closer each, may also be purchased by in-, relationship between the alumni, dividual students as well as those # the student body, and the faculty who are to be accompanied by their 1 of the School of Business Adminis- fathers. Reservations for groups tration. Cooperation and mutual may be made until noon today. service now existing can be main- tained and extended by occasional Petitions Circulated joint meetings of these three groups. It is hoped that this con- By Round-Table Club ference may be followed by other such gatherings each yeai', he said. As a result of the interest man- Group discussion in the three ifested at the protest meeting of fields, "Banking and Investments," the Round Table club held Thurs- "Accounting," and "Marketing and day night at the Union, some 200 Sales Management,' will be held in names have been gathered on three the morning. M. H. Pryor, of the petitions which will be presented to Keane Higbie company, will lead a officials of the University of Pitts- discussion on "Some Phases of Un- burgh. derwriting;' Alois J. Chronowski, of The petitions protest the suspen- the Liberty State bank, and F. A. sion of Liberal Club members and Brimacombe, of the Detroit Savings a member of the philosophy faculty bank, "Credit Department Methods." at the Pittsburgh institution for criticising University polices, and the methods of the coal-iron inter-T ests in Pennsylvania. CM UDHM I , The names wnich have been obtained by Round Table club mem- bers include both faculty and stu- IH dents. One of the petitions will go to Charles G. Bowman, chancellor Alumni, faculty and under- of the University of Pittsburgh, an- lmi fcly adudr other to the Pitt Weekly, student graduate members of Mimes, hon- publication of the Pennsylvania orary dramatic society of the school, and a third to William Al- Union, will join in a reunion cele- bertson, President of the Liberal Umon toda hic willuincle club which has been expelled from the Pittsburgh campus. the initiation of 15 new men into '1 I Northwestern Leads In Twenty Ninth Annual Track Meet At Ferry Field . : ; l: ; i' i Succession Made Night Editors ing part of the rope, and success-; 'fully tied up traffic until a bus Dragging their rival sophomores Lawrence R. Klein, '30, and Law- failed to observe the celebration of into the waters of the traditional rence Walkley, '30, will head The the students, and ran into the rope Huron river, in the first and third Summer Daily as managing editor,! dragging several students along the and business manager, respectively, ground for a number of feet. tugs, yesterday afternoon, the Un- it was announced by Prof. M. P. Klick's leg was injured and he versity's yearling class clinched Tilley, chairman of the Board in remained at the Health Service last two of the necessary points for vic- Control after a meeting of the night under observation, but it is tory in the annual spring games board yesterday afternoon. ! believed that no bones were Klein worked on The Summer broken. Cory and Waters who also A win in one of the three remain- Daily last year and was a night received numerous cuts andj ing events will give tle freshmen editor this year on The Daily with scratches were allowed to return to their second games of the year and which he had been connected for their homes last evening after the sophomores their fourth defeat more than two years. Walkley also medical attention had been ad- in as many underclass clashes. worked on the Summer publication ministered to their injuries. At 9 o'clock this morning on last year and was accounts man- South Ferry field,the two classes ager of the business staff of The will continue their battle, in the Daily this year. A cane spree, obstacle race, and the Eight studens were nominated roe-yig onet.Asth lttrby the Board in Control as candi- AU H R1 event includes all members of the dates for the two classes, it is expected that the three s t u d e n t "frosh" will emerge victors, as memberships of they will, with little doubt, out- the Board to be A number their immediate superiors, filled at the com Victory has been usual for the first ing .Spring elec- Steiner Wi, Talk On Personality year men in this event, and should tions. Those se-SineFiTalkenng erson history repeat today,this one en lected are as fol- In First Evening Services on counter will be the yearling's sec- lows: T h o m a s Sunday nd win. Thomas; '29, Jo- Yesterday's battle on the banks seph Howell, '30, IS EMINENTF SOCIOLOGIST of the Huron river, was featured Lawrence Klein, -- with preliminary skirmishes for '30, Charles Roth, Speaing on "The Making of a possession of the rope, attempts to 30, Fr e d e r i ck CreativePersonality,' Dr Edward "pad" the list of men for the pick - Bausghard, '30, A. Steiner, professor of appliedI ed tugs-of-war and to tie the rope George S. Brad- Christianity at Grinnell college, will} to telephone phones and railway Larry Klein ley, '30, Stanton address the student body at the ties, and the failure of the rope to Todd, '30, Robert Brown, '30, and first evening services of the year withstand the strain exerted by the Donald Kline, '30. at 7:45 o'clock Sunday evening inj underclassmen, at crucial mo- Junior appointments to the upper Hill auditorium. ments. staff of The Daily were also an- Dr. Steiner is widely known as a Vieing for the privilege of carry- nounced yester- sociologist and author. He has ing the rope to the site in order day by Ellis B. done considerable work in the so- to get the dry end, the classes en- Merry, managing cial field and is closely connected gaged in several petty clashes be- editor. The night with the ministry. The convoca- fore the battle proper. The sopho- editors n a m e d-tion tomorrow night will be the mores finally secured possession of are: Frank E. first evening meeting of this na- the rope, but the freshmen, not to Cooper, '31; Wil-r ture of the school year and the be outdone, appealed to the "B liam Gentry, '31; . 'services will be conducted under and G boys," and brought another Charles K a u f- the auspices of the Student Chris--j to the scene. Neither side wish- man, '30; Henry :":;% tian association; Leo T. Norville, ing to relinquish their rope to take Merry, '31; Robert '29, chairman of the speaker's the wet end of the other, the two L. Sloss, '31; Gur- committee, will be in charge. ropes were spliced together. ney Williams, '31; This convocation has been ar-' In the first tug-of-war, testing and Walter Wilds, ranged with the cooperation of the the strength b F 50 picked men from, '31. Robert J. Ann Arbor churches, all of which each class, the yearlings displayed Feldman, '31, was Larry Walkley will be closed during the time of a determination that finally pulled appointed assis- the meeting in Hill auditorium to the sophomores into the river. A tant city editor. These selections allow the members of their congre- reversal of the outcome was ex- were made following a conference gations to attend Dr. Steiner's perienced in the second tug, al- Tuesday of the present upper staff {sermon. Music for the occasion,' though the sophomores' win was' concerning the sophomores on the ! will be rendered by the Methodist SCOTT QUALIFIES SIXTEENs St .PROB. Michigan- Nebelung, cf Corriden, If (C.) Straub, rf Kubicek, 2b Weintraub, 3b McCoy, lb Myron, ss Truskowski, c McAfee, p f -4 1 Illinois-i -'! - Lymperopoulous, 3 Witte, cf Walker, rf O'Grady, If Brown, 2b Williams, lb Yule, ss Snyder, c Andrews, p R: t, Detroit Northwestern's brilliant; track and field contingent stepped off to a flying start in the quest of the twenty ninth annual Univer- sity of Michigan interscholastic outdoor track meet yesterday after- noon on Ferry field. Although -led by Scott High schoolj of Toledo in the matter of qualifiers ' the Colts more than made up for this numerical deficiency by chalk- ing up first and fourth places in the hammer throw, in the only final event of the afternoon to gain an early margin over their rivals. The schools qualifying men for the finals tomorow afternoon are; Toledo Scott 16, Detroit Northwest- I ern 15, Eastern 5, Tilden Tech, Redford and Dearborn 4, North- eastern, Northern, Cass Tech, and Kalamazoo Central all with 3. HIGH SCHOOL STRIKES Resuming Conference competi- tion after a lapse of more than three weeks, the Michigan Varsity nine will swing into action against an ancient rival, Illnois, at 3:30 this afternoon on the Ferry field diamond. The Wolverines must defeat the Illini in order to retain their position, undefeated, at the van of the Big Ten race. This will mark the first Con- ference game for the Michigan team since April 17, when North- western was defeated by a 4-1 score. Games with Minnesota and Iowa were cancelled due to weather and other conditions. If Michigan should lose today's contest, the Varsity will drop considerably in Uhe standings, as four other teams are above the .500 percentage mark. McAfee To Pitch 'hBill McAfee is slated to start on Sthe mound. for Coach Fisher. One j of the leading hurlers in the Big Ten last year, McAfee has showed his old form on several occa- sions this season. Last Monday he pitched a good game against Meiji, holding the Japs to five hits to gain a 3-2 victory. This will be his first Conference start of the season Opposing McAfee, Coach Lund- I gren is expected to nominate Capt. Don Andrews to toil in the box for the Illini. Andrews has suffered from a sore arm this season, but he is expected to be in shape for today's game. Coach Lundgren has given him a long rest since his last game. If Andrews is unable to start, Bower will probably get the assignment. The Illini have a fairly strong aggregation this season, built around Walker, Brown, Snyder, O'Grady, Lymperopoulous, a n d three veteran pitchers, Andrews, Bower, and Mueller. However, the. loss of Stewart, star mound ace, has somewhat weakened the mound corps. Williams at first and Yule at shortstop are new men in the Illini infield with Witte playing his first season in the -outfield. Illini Have Lost Three Games Three games have been lost by the Illinois nine this season. North- western -has beaten Coach Lund- gren's team twice, winning one of the games when a rain storm in- tervened while the Wildcats were not as decisive. p In the free-for-all-tug the final battle of the afternoon, the fresh- s S men outnumbered the second year n men, in proportions approaching f ItBY Associate Press} four to one. Sensing defeat from in SAN MATEO, Cal., May 10.---Ap- the beginning the sophomores n proximately 1,000 students of the ' brought into use, all willing spec- 1 San Mateo Union high school tators and the stubborn resisting t struck today in protest against the power of a close-by tree.! dismissal yesterday of George S. Subjected to the mighty pull of; Reed, physical director, and track the entire freshmen class and the, coach and the subsequent resigna- invulnerable, sophomore anchor,' tion of James E. (Spud) Spalding, the huge rope snapped before the; baseball, football and basketball strain. Each bearing a half of thej coach. ! broken rope, the sophomore class, believing they had secured a tie ,E While the strike was hilariously and the "frosh" thinking they had! in progress, Frank H. Boren, su- won their share of the games, pa-. perintendent of the school district, raded campus-ward, in the heights E announced that Roy O. Diether, of spirit. j principal of thedSan Mateo Un Because of the illicit methods high school, and R..- N. Faulkner,,Bcuse o the iliiuehd principal of heBurlinameUn 'used by the upper of the two class- prinipa oftheBurlngae Uiones the final event was awarded the high school, had been relieved of freshmen, thereby giving the two their duties effective next Jana pi- -rsmenteeb ginthe ter- points at stale for the after- ublication. Kaufman, who was appointed enior night editor, has been con- eci ed with The Daily sports staff or five semesters. Besides regular ight editor's work, his assignment Next year will include general ath- etic news and special sports edi- ions. o ATTENTION SOPHOMORES! choir, while all honor students will act as ushers. - Dr. Steiner. who is a native of Czechoslovakia, received his A. B. degree from the University of Heidelberg, and two post-graduate# degrees from the Universities of Gottingen and Berlin. He was or-I dained to the Congregational min- { istry in 1891. He was the special representative of The Outlook inj Russia in 1903, and is the author of several books. Among his works are: "Tolstoy, the Man," "Against the Current," "Sanctus Spiritus and Company," "The Eternal Hun-I ger," as well as many others. ); . I Following the turn out for -the tug-of-war yesterday, sopho- mores are asked to appear in full force for the spring games at South Ferry Field this morning. Sophomores will meet at Water- man Gymnasium at 9:30 after which they will march to Ferry Field in a body. With the pos- sibility of a claim of a tie score on the tug-of-war, winning of two events will give the class of '31 a tie for the games. A. Donahue, Captain. I I ) j i i i Sleading. Wisconsin also set down 'the Illini with only three hits. Last jDH:HINS LlWILI GgWednesday the Indians won their fourth Conference game, 11-8, in a hectic slugfest. Bower was driven O SCfrom the mound in the sixth by a Purdue rally. Witte led the Illini ary 1. it was deciareu that the re- moval' of the principals had noj connection withthe leaving of the f physical director and the coach. The striking students apparently acted on a pre-arranged signal i during the irst morning class They left the school building in( automobiles and paraded through he business district shouting: "We want "Spud," we want Reed." 1- o j PETITION RECEIVED 1!The t- tinonf Rrib t S M- noon. o Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, custodian of at bat with three hits. Dr. . B Hisdae, ustdia of Today the Illinois players will y Indian archaeology in the Museum Tbe se Frosh Baffle Attempts To Remove Flag; of Anthropology, has been informed' dekingrevenge for last year's by teegrm fom ovenorFre twin defeat. The 1928 Wolverine Challenge Waves Triumphant Over Campus W. Green that he is to act as a m took two games from their delegate to the National Research old rivals at Champaign, winning Under the very noses of the soph- irons, and with Captain Al Donahue Council which meets in St. Louis, J 10-5 and 8-5. Fred Asbeck received omores, the freshmen Thursday and two other sophomores assist- Mo., next week. credit for both victories. night nailed their green banner to ing, climbed to the top of the 120- This meeting has been called at Expect Weintraub To Play the campus flagpole, and Friday foot pole, and tore the green emblem the request of the governors of the Charlie Weintraub will probably afternoon, after it had waved in- down, after which the sophomores middle western states to adopt get back in the Michigan lineup solently for 16 hours, the sopho- went on their way to the river for some plan which will insure the today if his leg is sufficiently bet- mores took it down, while the the tug of war. preservation of the Indian archa- ter. The veteran third baseman yearlings made a single vain effort While the four sophomores were eology of . the west. Each year played the first few innings of the to avert the act. at the cross trees of the pole, the thousands of valuable specimens initial clash with Meiji, but Moodie Superior numbers of the fresh- freshmen, in force, marched from are carried off by careless tourists, replaced him for the rest of the man gave them the opportunity i the Union to the pole, but failed and it is feared by leading anthro- series. Captain Corriden has also shortly after midnight to hoist one to make any more than one or two pologists that the Indian records been limping with a bad leg due of their number, by means of the desultory skirmishes with the sopho- j will be lost. Ito the cold playing conditions late- the ranks of the organization. - U Li. 1VIl - I am Coy, '30E., for the office of j Among the promnent alumni Recording Secretary of thej who are returning for the occasion Union has been accepted by' are Burley Jacobs of Milwaukee, Kenneth Schaeffer, '29, present; Myron Chon of Chicago, Norman ! Recording Secretary. The peti- tion contained the necessary1 Reed of Ioledo, Wap John of 200 signatures which are requir-! flag pole. to the top of the pole. All mores, whom they outnumbered. during the day it remained beyond Shrikes, at the time, did not have human reach, because the fresh- his climbing irons, which were a PERFORMANCE CALLVD OFF I ly, but he is expected to be in his position in left field when the Iame starts. 1 1. \X-WT\--\l2l NI'- A -'Z N I