PAU l rHT T1-1 EM 4T r1l A--.N D-17-T, EY T,'R.TDAY, MAY 10,.19-29 PAt1F~ EItMIT tTi.TDAY, MAY 10, 1929 i DAILY Off ICIAL BULLETIN . ...., _ t s " Electrical Engineering 11- Field Trip: The class willi mct at the University Power House at 1:00 p. M., Friday, May 10. Argo Station of the Detroit Edison Company at 2;301 Alfred H. Lovell Publication in the Bulletin is cornstructive notice to all members of the University. Copy reccived by the ASSistant to 4hc Presi- dent until 3:30 p. 7n. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) I tt 1 Vol. XXXIX FRIDAY, MAY 10, 19,29 No. 103 University Lecture: Professor W. Meyer-Luebke, of the University of Vienna, the fore- most living authority in the world on Romaice Philology, will lecture in French on the subject: "L'Histoire de la langue et 1'histoire de la civilisation" in the Natural Science Auditorium on Monday, May 13, at 4:15 p. m. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins University Lecture: Professor C. Delisle Burns, of the University of Glasgow, will lecture on the subject "The Britsh Labor Party,,' Monday, May 13, at 4:15 1. im., in Newberry Hall. The pudic is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins University Senate: The fourth regular meeting of the Univ e sity Senawe for the year 3928-1 29 will be held in room C Lm. wuillng, on Monday, May 13, at 4:15 p. m. Order of business: 1. Memorial to Professor Ziwet. Memorial to Professor Schneider. Annual Report of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 4. Annual Report of the Committee on University Publications. 5. Election of Secretary. John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate' To Graduate Students in Education: The last meeting of the Graduate Students in Education will be held at a luncheon at the Michigan Union, Saturday, May 11, at 1:00 o'clock. Dean Bolton, School of Education, University of Washington, will be the speaker. All graduate students in the School of Education are urged to be p-esent. Clifford Woody, Chairman Committee on Graduate Study Students' Recital: Pupils of Martha Merkle Lyon will give the following progam, "To our Mothers," gaturday afternooon, May 11, at 2:30 p. in., in the recital hall of the University School of Music. The general public is invited. No admission charge. Richardson: The Ramble, The Merry Elves, (William Newcomb); Wight: A Little Flower, Clouds, The Wind, (Barbara Ann DeFries) Maxim: The Rooster, (Mary Newcomb) Wing: The Wind; Mokrejs: Jack. in the Pulpit, (Mary Eloise Maynard) Burleigh: Vocal Duet-Little Mother of Mine (Mary and Katherine Evans) Blake: Little Canoe, (Margaret Pommerening); Ducelle: Dream Fairies, (Dorothy Goetz) Swift: The Prize Pony; Richardson: The Bold Mariner; (William R. Stevens); Bernstein: The Water Fall, (Harriet Raschbacher) J. B. Singe- lee: Violin Solo , Il Trovatore, (Richard Mann) Wright: Calliope, (Jean Bonisteel) Renk: Ivy (Elizabeth Ann Emswiler), Bilbro: The Wood- cutters; (Robert Pommerening), Williams: The Merry Elf (Jean Stein);, Huss: Lake Como by Moonlight, (Maxine -Blaess); Lemont: The Slack Wire Artist, (R. John Eibler) Woods: Piano Duet-Sand Soucci, (MaxineI Blaess and Elizabeth Ann Emswiler).; Mary and Katherine Evans are pupils of Miss Hunt. Richard Mann is a pupil of Miss Newell. Accompanists are Miss Retta McKnight and Mildred Reddick. Charles A. Sink 1 Philosophy 101b:: I shall be unable to meet the class today. Shop 1 (Acro 17): A trip for the students taking this course is planned to the Stinson, Aircraft Corporation for Friday afternoon, May 10. Will those students planning on making the trip sign the list on the Aeronautical Bulletinl Board? 0. W. Boston 'Woman Tutor Wanted: Will any girl who has done honor work in Psychology 31 and geography 2, and who feels that she has a good grasp on these subjects, please call 3859, Miss Osborne? Beatrice W. Johnson To All University Students: There will be a Wyvern Bridge Tea from 3:30 to 5:30 in the Women's League building Saturday afternoon. All mothers here for the week end are cordially invited. There will be a few tables open for the general public. The Junior Girls' Play cast will put on stunts during the afternoon, and guides will show the guests around the building. Tickets may be obtained from 1 to 5 this afternoon and from 8 to 10 Saturday morning at the Undergraduate League office in the League building. Mari *n Reading, Chairman Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor H. S. Jennings, Henry Walters Professor of Zoology and Director of the Biological Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University will speak,.under the auspices of the Michigan Chapter of the Society of the Sigma Xi, on "What can we hope from Eugenics," at 4:15 p. m.,} Monday, May 13, in the West Physics Lecture Hall. The public is invited.' Carl E. Guthe, Secretary Chemical Engineers: Chemical Engineers desiring summer work in plants should see me in room 4040 East Engineering Building any day between 1:00 and' 2:00 o'clock. W. P. Wood I Sophomore Engineers:- There will be an important class meeting of all Sophomore Engi- I neers on Friday, May 10, at 9:00 in room 348 West Engineering Bldg. Erwin .J. Benz, President All Campus Tennis: We find it dificult to get in touch with independents to announce' their matches. The All Campus Singles and Doubles Charts are posted on the bulletin board, and we would appreciate it if every man entered would play his match off immediately. You can also find - out who you are to play by calling up 22101. Intramural Dept. f Michigan Union Opera Orchestra and Singing Chorus: Men interested in the 1929-30 Michigan Union Opera Orchestra or Singing Chorus should report at the Mimes Theater any afternoon this week" between 'two and five o'clock for registration. The orchestra will be composed of flutes, piccolos, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets, trombones, tuba, tympani, drums and traps, violins, cellos, and string basses. The singing chorus will have twenty-four men in it, six first tenor, six second tenors, six first basses, and six second basses. Tryouts will be announced in the 'near future. Roy S. Langham, Chairman of the Music Committee Beta Kappa Rho: There will be a meeting Friday evening, May 10, at 8 o'clock at 1030 Martin Place. It is important that all members come as election of officers will be held. Louise J. Lingel Freshmen! Big pep meeting Friday, at 3:00 p. m., in front of the Michigan Union. Get the dope on the tug of war and spring games. Men will be picked at this time for the individual events. Everybody out. L. Brown, Capt. General Notice: Anyone not calling for his Michiganensian by 5:00 o'clock Monday afternoon will forfeit his right to a book. These uncalled for copies will be sold as long as they last to anyone coming to 'our office in the Press Building. J. Franklin Miller, Business Manager, 1929 Michiganensian Cosmopolitan Club: There will be a very important business meeting on Saturday, May 11, at 8:15 p. m. in Lane Ha'l. TE'l' officers for next 'year will be elect- ed, and the question of the rela- tion of our Club with the Associa- tion of American Cosmopolitan Clubs must be settled. Details of the Annual Senior Banquet will ba announced. Will every member make a special effort to be present at this meet- ing, as the success of the Club fo. next year will largely depend on this meeting? Helen L. Clarke, Secretary Sophomores: At quarter to four this afternoon we are to decide whether or nct we are interested in winning one of the inter-class games. The en- tire class will meet at Waterman gymnasium to march down to the river for the tug-of-war contests. Such famous sophomores as Drava: eling, Simrall, Wheeler, Steinke Lytle, Auer, Cook, Richardson, Jam=- ison, and Ryerson are ready to as- sist in making victory a reality in this, our last attempt. If the mem- bers of the class support these men, we cannot lose. If they do not, we cannot win. By the number of sophomores at the gymnasium this afternoon and the number at the same place at 10:00 tomorrow morning, will be determined the interest of the class in the games as well as our chances for vic- tory. Our plans are completed. I in- trust the fulfillment of those plans to each and every member of the class of '31. A. Donahue, Captain --1- w TO Discuss. POLITICS; Burns Will Discuss British Labor, Party In Lecture Here Monday Prof. C. Delisle Burns, of tle' University of Glasgow, will deliver an address at 4:15 o'clock Monday afernoon in the auditorium of Newberry Hall, his subject being "The British Labor Party." The lecture is under the auspices of the department of political science. and is open to the public. In view of the coming general elections in Great Britain. and Professor Burns' intimate knowl- edge of the subject, Monday's lee- 1 ture should be of great interest to students of history and political science. Following his graduation from Christ's college, Cambridge, Burns became extension lecturer at the universities of Oxford, London and Cambridge, receiving his doctor's degree from the Uni- versity of London a few years later. Immediately after the World War he was connected with the Ministry of Reconstruction in Lon- don, and was made assistant sec- retary of the International Organ- izing Committee in the Labor of- fice.t Since his withdrawal from ac- tive political life, Professor Burns has lectured on logic and philoso- phy at the University of London, and at the London School of Eco- nomics. He is the author of many important books on political and social problems of England and Great Britain. Training Camps Are II El Our Annutal I'. E. Robbins Mother and Father WILL ENJOV bg CLEMENCE DANE Iresened1 y " COMEDY CLUB under the direction of PAUL STEPHENSON in the GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE FOR ALL Friday and Saturday Performances ij I , r r i I f t 1 May Clearance Sale Starts Saturday, May 11th 25%°cReduction MEN Praised By Melberg] Enthusiastic endorsement was given by Major Reinold Melberg, artillery, Professor of Military Science and Tactics and head of! the local military unit, when ques- tioned concerning the value of the Citizen's Military Training Camps for young men.I "If I had a son old enough to attend the Citizen's Military Train- ing Camps, I should certainly urge him to go. The camps provide good healthful recreation and are under excellent supervision. The military side of the training is but a minor part of the work at camp, the emphasis being placed on other features such as physical develop- ment and training in citizenship. Such limited amount of strictly military work as given serves as a means to an end rather than being the goal itself," said Major Melberg. "I think that a month spent atI a Citizen's MilitarymTraining Camp! is worth a great deal to the average l young man," he said. "It instills in him regular habits.) He becomes accustomed to an orderly and coordinated system of working, playing, and doing things in general which most boys ofI adolescent age lack," added the major. ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Furnishings, Hats, Sweaters, Golf Hosiery, Belts, Top Coats, Rain Coats and Lounging Robes IN FACT EVERYTHING WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TAILORING. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE YOUR SUMMER WARD ROBE AT A CONSIDERABLE SAVING. Remember the Date and take advantage of this Sale Tinker Company Main Floor-$1.00 Balcony-75c Bargain Saturday Matinee 50c SOME FRATERNITY BADGES 1-3 Off I U111111 I