. PRMA.Y, 11r LY 10, 1,929 H M I C H I C A N aD A T L I PAGE SETM - PRZ~A~Z, MAY 10, 1929 PAGE S~V~ THE MICHTCIAN flATLV ~-~----, I 1 T i. COLLEGE END -SALE ANY SUIT IN THE STORE ~29*75 Formerly $40 to $55 GET YOUR TOPCOAT NOW "The Topcoat is the best garment in a man's wardrobe. Can be worn Spring, Shummer, Fall and Winter. Why do without it? 11 "The Ho e of Hart Schcfner and Marx"-FATR~ FRA ET1-3 Stop into the st4 among the fort 'imp"pji& sltyVV lm ufind yours at SHOWINGprice BURER !AE Twees.~.~ering onesandFlanels othar Malacca rownsuariied a Maeinmn New oftNCloth0 muonirn erin Bwet n anree cn 2tcansl -- We have Ihe~s Dnateetoethehresh ir ap Oand Malcc ro s. Pr------SARa.M TY BADGI Off, tore. You ms tunate ones this except RSON& A rch street om'e of or all kin~ IES my be and ional A ITLl) ids ~hEW& SAXOPHONE-Will trade good alto LA SIF E'Dfor tenor. 9853 at noon. t ADVERTISIANO0TUNING-The Concert Art- SAFETY FIRST! Only a furrier ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vie- can clean, repair and store Furs tor Allmendinger. Not with any Safely, Scientifically, Satisfac- 1 music house. Exclusive piano tory. Play safe, call Zwerdling's tuner for the University School tir Shop. Phone 8507 and your, of Music. Office at residence, furs will be called for, 45 1603 Morton Ave. 2340 FACULTY member and wife would NOTICE -Home Laundry -Sf lik moerte ize sngl ortW water used exclusively; called for family house September first,. and delivered. Superior Rome Add re.,s Box 54, Michigan Daily. Lauandr~y. Phone 8190. 2340 UNIVERSITY Professor desires PITN RNIN n N!VN modern home; large living-room1 Mood work take~s time, Invitations, available September 15. Rent:. nm l Announcements, Calling Cards der .$100. Phone 9710. 31 should be ordered at once to avoid - ---- -I the last minute rush. Social work NOTICE :a specialty. WE BUY USED CL O TYING oa. Di. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade I1f. 'BENJAMINC 215 E. Was hinigton. Phonc 4310 NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of 134 c Axminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne. TYPEWRITING and MIME-' MOTHER'S DAY is MAY 12th GRAPHING A choice asortment of cards and 0 r ---------- IHMENTS afles and. Wickes xde Candy Main St. Us Pay College work a specialty since 1908. 0. D. Merrill, 17 Nickels Arcade Ca $30 to $35 $ COATS NOW II VOGEL MARTIN 11L VOGEL IL KES ,AH N'N$N 339 South Main Street SPECIALS 0 DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER. BUY NOW.A FINE SELECTION AWAITS YOU $1 and $1.25 Ties............3c $1.50 and $2.00 Ties ... $1.15 $8 to $10 Trousers, light and dark $5.85 mottoes for mother and the rest of the family. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nic- kels Arcade. C PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10°% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, jMOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. C TYPING - .21'heses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. llartsuJff, Dial 9387. C TYPEWRITERS All makes of portable and large machineu, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- mnent and best service. 0. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone. 7112, Killins Gravel Company. C MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B. Director 310 S State Phone 7927 C leomargarinie.. tome Grown Peas 21c f omatoes . . ...... ....25 iry' s Cake Flour and bowl free 76c right size Fresh Broilers, one and "a half -to two apiece. Genuine Spring Lamb by the quarter. It. & A. Canadian Hams and Bacon. Linen Knickers... Wool Knickers. $5 and $6 Hats.:.. . $7.00 . .. .. $4.80. FOR KENT AN I3J ' ,R 2.13 East Liberty Street "Where Qualitp is nearer donatled" FOR RENT-Two rooms and priv- ate bath-new furniture and mod- ern equipment. Quiet and com- fortable. Available June 1. Call 8904. 456 FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 or evenin~gs, 6858. C jj\ : 1 z ; -/ .z,- . t ./ I, (~i~ ; FOR RENT-5-room furnished apar tment for summer months. Onre block frot -C ampis. Phone 9785. . 234 li . , - , ,- -,A, -- " _ l , +° ' : . PA-oS IT ON1 Wild's UnusualIly Fine .Tailored HOST----air glasses lost between Thompson and engineering build- ing. Phone 8632. 456 iLOST - Monday, black leather key- ease with S:)keys. Reward., Call Ui59. ~4 ILOST-Big amber stone ring. LostA Monday aft rnoont on East LilW- en y. Phone 67 35. Valued as gIift. Deward. 4 LOST-Phi Beta Kappa Key, Finder S please telephone 4433. 345 LOST -Delta tau Delta pin, last Sunday. Initials E. FR D. (D). R.eturnCto 1923 Geddes Ave. Dial 1:17 234 LOS r--- White and brown male Bus- on bull, answers to name "Brownie." Reward. Dial 21682. f 2345 WANTED ( WANED-Stenographer for June and July. Someone who is fam- iliar with X-ray or general med- ical terms. Write Box 55.° 456 WANTED-1928 Michiganensian. IDial 4818. O'Brien. 234 WANTED-A cook, white woman for a private family hotel on Lake Michigan. Must be farst class; particularly good on pastry. Apply D. M. Pratt, Benton Harbor, Mich., Box 392. 61234 Shirts and Hand Made Ties i Reduced SHIRTS $r.95 $ .49 TIES 95c I SPRING SPOR TSWEAR Knickers tailored from exclusive patterns of tweed and cheviot fabrics worn with. our special crew neck sweaters and golf hose combinations make very (ai active sport outfits for spring.' NOw you can buy Thos. Heath one of the finest makes of Ready-w -. ToWearClothes at Greatly Re-0 duced Prices. * T .1 rf DIAL 21214 FOR CLASSI FIED LDEPARTMENT )'I