r PAGE srx THEMTCHU%\N T E, i PRIDAY, MVTAY 10, 12 JVATEY Last Practice Game Won By Wieman's Res, 12 -o BLOCKEDPUNTS.RESPONSIBLE FOR lDOWN1LL F CAD Q I lIEElfII'UQTf[I QTcRD Interscholastic Track Prelims Start Today Ur FFUIbII f BLUL LALI,5PLOI Uh1 0ANMcAfee To Oppose Scn Of Former "Wolverine Flayer 0-LINE-Ulois Tomorrow LUS,[ ILUUII 'yiShowss Speed In - M.k ,ng Long .a nisREDS Position BLUES Weintratl Will Probably Start At CHewett ..... ...RE ......... .Jones Third; Varsity Beat Fresh- RED LINE PLAYS WELL .I. A man 7And W Bawer . ....... RG... . ... Morgan Washington broke the Detrc Again showing teir superiority Bovard ......,..C.. ...... Castle Big Bill McAfee has been selected Tigers' winning streak ofs over Coach Cappon's Blue gridders Brown .....LG......... Jones by Coach Ray Fisher to oppose Illi- straight by defeating them yeste over Coa 's Be tidk Poe ...........LT..... Draveling nois in . tomorrow afternoon's ball day with the impressive score third and last of the spring practice Daniels ......LE ...... Cornwell game. e hal been held back by ( to 3. Bucky Harris, Tiger ma ga nlses from their annual rivals Simrall .... . .. ...... Holland the poor weather thus far, but with ager, used four of his moundsm this time by a 12-0 score. Both Heston ....... ........Priest a few more days like yesterday he in an at te mp t to save t i ': re. touchdowns registered by the Reds Wheeler.....LHT........Wills should rapidly round into form. were made as a result of blocked Larjeunesse . ..F3......Bradford Either Bower or Andrews will hurl BOX SCORE( punts, the Blue backs being hurried 0 o for the Illini, with Bower having American League time and again by the fast charg--*-the best chance of the two to start. RH ing Red linemen d Michigan's hopes were given aJWashington 401 000 100-- 6 8 Lanel fthe leds intercPete boost yesterday when it was learned Detroit.. 003 000 000-- 3 8 that Weintraub, third baseman, Liska and Barnes. Cornwell of the Blues intercepted ha- od hneofsatngte. lateral pass and stopped a drive D ~has a good chance of starting the which seemed sure tonet a score game. In the event that his leg Cleveland ...000 003 010- 4 12 'hc emdsret e cr fails to heal properly in time forx Boston . ...... .200 100 000 -_ 3 10 for the Reds. Holland, Blue uar- him to get in, it is probable that Gaston and Shaute. terback, had punted out of imme-i diate danger, and on the first play Four fraternities are battling for Moodierwill start. Athletics ...003 100 140- 9 15 Simrall, Red signal caller, tossed a top honors in total points scored Several of the players are favor-.- long pass to Hewitt who was down - during the season. The winners at ing bad legs as a result of the coldChiago...E.010h0 ed on the 30 yard line. aswn-SimrallI edothyarwlreiv weather during the Meiji series, anaw nd alh umble the t l a the end of the year will receive albut there are no serious cases with 1New York ... 010 004 Ble onere nex play ang to large silver trophy cup from the the exception of Weintraub. Cap- St. Louis .....000 100 agin spuneout of t danger Itramural department. Likewise, tamn Red Corriden is one of those Johnson and Gray. zone the Blue linemen let Poe slip a cup is given to the professional who is bothered by a slight stiff- ___ through, and he blocked Holland's fraternity having the highest num- ness. IjNational League kick.ugteaa ebDanedls, d' ber of points. The Varsity pounded out a 7 to 1 Cia. 0 kick A teammate, IDaniels, scooped b tsi u atya' u ihe riy psme esera Chico . ..601 100 201--11 11 uip the ball and ran the few remain-j Sigma Alpha Mu, last year's cup! win over the freshmen yesterday inI g ng yards for the first twinners, are leading the race at a practice game. The team was Brooklyn....000 000 002 -- 2 6 of the game. Bower missed the present with. a total of 853 points. hitting a little better than it has' =Malone and Bradshaw. TeaChi, with 839 points, is a in recent games. trial for goal, making the score 6-0 The sCh, wih 839 pig ia i r Cincinnati .. 001 023 010- 7 13 where it remained during the rest close second, while Delta Sigma Phi Philadelphia 130 100 000- 5 14 oftehland Phi Beta Delta are third and {. a n lit of the half..frhwth 85nd 42pns Net"E~n. Prepare For May and Elliot. fourth with 785 and 742 points Lemfl5eare o Shortly .after the second half had respectively. Match With Go hers Pittsburgh .. .000 001 030- 4 11 commenced, and the Blues had the Delta Sigma Phi has the best -New York...100 100 010- 3 7 ball on their own 45 yard line, Hol- chance of the four to end in first . Grimes and Mays. land attempted another punt. Again place, having practically cinched taking advantage of a break i the Red linemen sifted through, the Sigma Delta Psi athletic trophy the weather conditions to slip by St. Louis .....100 002 002- 5 13 with Crego blocking the punt, anandnd its 75 points. The other a day of good practice Michigan's Boston 000 010 000-- 1 8 then running after the ball and teams will get nothing in this event. Varsity netmen were out in force Alexander and Siebold. drowsing it on the ten yard stripe, yesterday afternoon on the Ferry A series of line plays carried the KANSAS STATE. - Bootlegging field courts. With the hope of ball over by inches with Dobbin here has become a serious offense, making a strong bid for the Con- carying the ball on the fourth After long deliberation the discip- ference dual meet honors the down, but the try for extra point ( line board and the president of the Courtwright coached team spent was again missed, leaving the score University decided to suspend two time in a drill on the funda- a 12-0, where it rested for the students, convicted for peddling mentals. remainder of the game, despite the liquor to fellow students, until terrific struggles of both teams to August 1. SOME score. Lack Of Balance In Gol U Gives Wolves E4 Strength of Catlin And Otterness Fails To Win Meets For Minnesota Squad oit _ six Possessing one of the most versa- r- tile trackmen whom the Wolves of will meet this season in George n- Otterness as well as a number of en stars in other events, the Minne- sota track squad will present an aggregation of first place winners minus the sort of team balance which figures largely in the win- E ning of meets when they take the 1' field against Coach Farrell's Wol- 4 verines Saturday at Minneapolis. Mute indication of the weakness of the Gophers as a team is evident 4 in the fact. that in their meet with 1 Wisconsin last week they won eight out of fifteen first places, yet lost the meet by a 73 1-3 to 59 2-3 2 score. Otterness, the Gophers 0 strongest contender, was responsi- ble for 13 1-3 of these points. Captain Catlin annexed 10 of the remaining points scored by the Gophers, bringing the total of these two men to within a few pher Track Team THIRTY-TwonSCHOOLS dge In Saturday's Meet points of half of their team'sllL itILIILLIN MIIL score. Otterness gained his points by winning first place ,in the j ave- Northwestern Is Heavy Favorite lin, tieing for first place in the To Win Title; Toledo Scott pole vault with his team mate, Strong Elton Hess, taking second place in the high hurdles, and winding up 360 MEN WILL COMPETE a very busy afternoon with a three way tie for second place in the This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock ov- high jump. Captain Catlin won er 360 prep school athletes repre- both the 440 yard dash and the senting 32 high schools will begin broad jump. their annual drive in the quest of The performance of Otterness individual and team honors in the seems to cut the Wolverines out of twenty-ninth annual University first place in the pole vault and of Michigan interscholastic track possibly in the javelin event. Hess and field championships on Ferry and Otterness have both done 13 field when the preliminary events feet in the pole vault and should will get under way.. Tomorrow at place first and , second Saturday 1:30 will see the final events in against the Wolves: Captain Cat- each of the fifteen events carded lin made the 440 in poorer time on the prep program. than that turned in on the Ferry Detroit Northwestern, reigning field track last week so he may be monarch of city and state indoor seriously pushed by the Seymour team laurels, will take the field a twins at Minneapolis. His broad heavy favorite to regain the out jump of 22 feet 6 inches also leaves door crown which she dropped to this event in the air. Northeastern in last. year's out- door classic by the narrow margin YEARLINGS BOAST of one sixth of a point. ! RLIN BOA T iThe Colt cinderpath contingent STRONG PITCHERS boasts strong all around strength over and above potential point Pitching is one of the strong winners well distributed over the points of Michigan's freshman different events. Thompson in th+ baseball squad this season, as 880, Hurd in the mile, Dennis in Coach Jack Blott has four capable the broad jump and sprints, Maxint hurlers available for duty. Fol- and Northrup in the- pole vault; ger, Tompkins, Crouch, and Mc- and Huber in the weights are a few Neal comprise a pitching corps of of the outstanding Colt athletes {no mean ability. favored to finish well up "in the Crouch was one of the main- money." stays of the Ypsilanti Normal ball Northeastern, last year's .winner, team last year, playing first base is bereft of her main strength in and taking a turn in the box. the loss of Beatty and Snowden. 0 3' 1, 0' 11 11 Hoosiers To Oppose f C i tY r c G cag n Ar 4 )e . (Specia l 'o I he JDa iy) BLOOMINGTON, May 9.-After a highly successful relay meet season, Indiana University's track men will get their first team com-I petition in a triangular track meet at Chicago with Chicago and Pur- due Saturday afternoon. Indi- ana's team is expected to carryF away honors in the distance and field events. i 'sx Outstanding in the Red backfield yesterday was Heston, son of Willie' Heston, Michigan's famous batter- Ing ram. Young Willie showed great speed and running ability in tear- ing off many long gains, and in knocking down and intercepting several passes. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA.- Men students avail themselves more often to the free health service than women, according to an authority. The reasons given were that the women prefer their own doctor, and the men are prompt in demanding physical attention. rHATEKniT ADEIUUL5 1-3 Off Stop into the store. You may be among the fortunate ones and find yours at this exceptional price BURR PATTERSON & AULD 603 Church Street i - -- --- ..°v 4 ___ - }{ MINN" Ami-.&.sa a mae naii&nd Wagon "Goes" for RB Clothes S MAR TNESS isn't a con- dition . . . it's a habit. High time then, to get the R B. habit... To step high wide and handsome in smart, stylish, invigorating R B Clothes. Think you can't do it? Others thought so to . .. thought they just couldn't put that best foot forward when wearing $25 clothes. But once we con- vince them that R B Clothes at $25 are, style for style, and or stitch, miles ahead of all others at ce, they soon become the greatest plug- e ve got. 4 ._ ;, r, .. stitch f any pri gers w4 Join t'he band-wagon, old man . . . at $25 you've got nothing to lose . and a deuce r o 1 alot to gain. . . io Style, stiartness, and 44risro ats oJhPiii lar Pric