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May 10, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-10

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F~ItIDAY,' MAY '40,''0

::7- . . 11 *11 mmi k

Published every morning except Monday
dew ing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub.
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, sis second class matter. Special rate
of postag granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subsciption by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
fces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
Eard EStreet.
Phones: Editorial, 492S; Business, a1214.

rope's scientists in Greenland's
meteorology that a number. of
data-collecting stations have been
established in imitation of Mt.


!telephone 4921
Lditor '........... ........NelsonT. Smnith
Citr Editor............... Stewart Hooker
News Editor........Richard C. Kurvink
S orts Editor.............W. Morris Quinn
Wornen's Editor ............. Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor ............eorge Staute
Music and Drama............. R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Poa h E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
onald J. Kline Picce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simnonh
George C. Tilley

Bert Hassel and Parker Cramer J j, J OLD SENIORS I I
called attention last summer to i HAVE SWUNG
the strategic location of Mt. Ev- With great decorum and pep the
ans as a mid-vay refueling station seniors swept across the diagonal
fof trans-Atlantic hops, and they yesterday afternoon, swept into
are planning to land there again on Hill Auditorium, and then swept
their next attempt to fly the north- home-seemingly none the worse
ern route from Illinois to Sweden. for wear.
Several more aviators, have signi- M M
fled their intention of hopping to
Europe via the University's Green-
land weather station. Fridtjof
Nansen wouldunquestionably have i
used it on his Aero-Arctic flight in
the Graf Zeppelin in 1931. j
It seems unfortunate, therefore,
that this worthwhile work must
stop, even temporarily. Its inau-
guration by a Michigan professor According to all reports the
and its association with Michigan singing was marvelous.
has been a feather in the cap ofN . bt
the University. Undoubtedly some ll
scientific interest will take the sta- be handing out those famous old
tion over in order that the work 'W
of the past three years may be t
made of permanent value, but if 0 1
the alumni or the Regents rallied
to its support, Mt. Evans would re-
main as one of the University's f i
most splendid contributions to sci-
ence. dust collectors-the diplomas.

Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman
.Morris Alexaade? Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith H1-enry Merry
LouiseBehymer Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rab inowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper' Howard Simon
nelen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwe li Swanscn
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Folmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George 14. Wohlgemnith
Char les .Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
As btant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising ............... A. James Jordan
Advertising..............Car. W. Hammer
Service.................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation............. George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications ............... Ray M. Hofelicl.


Mary Clan
(anette Dale
ernor Davis
Besie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
Gorge Hamilton
Vl Hum~phrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kbvinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemn
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie VWellstead

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929
In the wake of the disporting
seniors, come the annual spring
athletic contests between the un-
derclassmen of the University,
thereby accentuating in appropri-
ate fashion the contrast between
the vigor possessed by those young
in University life and the banality.
of those about to pass beyond.
No verbal appeal would ever in-
crease the enthusiasm of the fresh-
men and sophomores for their,
Spring Games. Even a class pep
meeting whose spirit nears riot-
ousness has far to go in order to
create a more intense activity
among the undergraduates. But if
you, Underclassmen, have the
gusto of life, then it is not only
futile, but needless, to ask for
your support of class contests. If
you possess a healthy zest for
strong living, real action, you will
be in the thick of the strife today
and tomorrow, unadvised. Whether
you come through the fight un-
scathed, or whether you have left
part of yourself behind is unim-
portant; you will have had a hand
in a piece of vigorous action, you
will have helped to cherish a
Michigan tradition which the years
have not mellowed, but glorified.
And, having participated your-
self in the Spring games of your
class, when the night following
your own Swing Out comes around,
the odds are that your reminis-
cences will be of how McCormick
dragged four men through the cen-
ter of the opponents' barricade,
rather than of the time when
Finnegan passed out an hour be-
fore Swing Out.
The announcement by Professor
Hobbs that the Greenland expedi-
tion for next fall will be cut short
for lack of funds is unfortunate,
both from a scientific point of
view and from the standpoint of
the University. Professor Hobbs
had hoped to continue the scien.
tific investigations at Mt. Evans
for next summer at least, and he
had hoped to continue it as a Uni-
versity of Michigan project.
For the past three years these
investigations of Greenland geol-
ogy and weather conditions have
been promoted by Michigan's head
geologist and carried on by a staff
of Michigan men. The work has

It would, perhaps, be well for the
student body to take a lesson in
sportsmanship from the Butterfield
interests. With the basketball riot
at the Michigan theater as an ex-
cuse, we could hardly censure the
local managers for a little sullen-
ness and a policy of let the Uni-
versity fire rioters. That the Uni-
versity would fire rioters seems
fairly certain after the expedition
with which the ringleaders of last
March departed from Ann Arbor.
But rather than demanding an
eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth the local theater managers
are returning good for evil. In-
stead of cancelling their policy of
free shows for campus celebrations
they have done everything but do-
nate a theater for Cap Night. Hill
auditorium has been reserved for
the night of May 17, new lenses
have been purchased for the Uni-
versity's projectors, the screen now
ini use at the Michigan will replace
the usual suspended sheet, and a
Butterfield organist will perform
on the Frieze Memorial organ in
an effort to make the performance
a professlonal success. -The picture
will be o6x ornimlly cki duled for
a first Anh Arbor run at the Mich-
In all this we are not losing sight
of that fact that financially it be-
hooves the Butterfield interests to
win the good will of the students.
It is impossible to deny, however,
that for this good will they are
making a generous gesture that
should appeal to the sportsman-
ship of the,student body.
Anxious to end their season and
return home, the state legislators
boosted taxes some $5,000,000 last
Wednesday and departed. Minus
Governor Green's prunings, this
$5,000,000 must now be added to the
$163,000,000 increase in general
Michigan taxation recorded by the
national tax survey for the past
10 years. The sum is rather stag-
Some of this increase, of course,
has been necessitated by the rapid
development of the commonwealth.
Some more has been accounted for
by extravagant and graft-ridden
local governments. And we also
fail to note that Governor Green
has done all for tax reduction that
we might have been led to expect
from his campaign attack in 1926
on the extravagances of his pre-
decessor, Governor Grosbeck.
State taxes have continued to
rise and drive industries from
Michigan into our less expensive
neighbor states. City assessors,
among whom Ann Arbor's is hard-
ly an exception, have gone about
their mulcting business with an
appraising and increasing unpopu-
lar eye. Michigan is doing prac-
tically nothing to undeserve the
bad name it has received for -ex-
orbitant taxation.
Retrenchment there must be.
Householders are pushed now prc-
tically to the limit of their ability
to meet the property tax the legis-
lature has just voted to raise, and
even the automobile industry can-
not afford to maintain plants in a
state where there seems to be no
limit to tax increases.
On Governor Green and his

Well, the current attraction now
is the Architects" May Party which4
will get under way tonight. Just
thought we'd mention it so you
won't get all panicky if you happen'
to see Louis XIV or somebody like
that walking down State street
early tomorrow morning.
Tuesday's Daily carried a notice
to the effect that spring election
office seekers who had scholastic1
D's and E's would have to "get per-
mission to run from the Dean."
* * *


0 0
A Czecho-Slovakian has return-
ed to his native country after hav-
ing spent 36 years with the Esqui-
mos, during which .time he re-
ceived no news from the outside
e. * *
Ht, didn't know when he was
well off.
*, , ,
In New York some gent has or-
ganized a "League for Sensible
Clothing." He has issued a call
for men of great moral courage
who will go hatless, coatless and
vestless in the summer months.
* , *
If that takes moral courage,
the college student must be the
bravest men extant.
And while we're on the subject
of college students let's all give a
loud hee-haw to the foreigner who
said recently, after a visit to the
United States, that we have the
rarest animals in the world in our
zoos. In our zoos, did you get that?
fn Ceylon an ordinance has been
passed to compel all elephants to
wear head and tail lights. In the
dark, says the news item, the huge
beasts cannot be seen and the mo-
torists run into them.
They ought to make the mo-
torists go home and sleep it
off,) that's what.
A Havana barber, say another
item, shaves his customers in
slightly more than a minute. He
uses two razors-one in each hand
--and finishes the job in four
strokes. .
* * *
That sounds more like a riot
or a revolution.
According to Popular Mechanics
magazine, it has been discovered
that a person traveling in an up-
per berth travels sixteen inches
further than a person in a lower,
owing to the are of the earth.

It's getting to be a pretty
state of affairs when D and E
students-who feel like run-
ning from the Dean anyway-
have to get permission to do
* * *0

Music And Drama
TONIGHT: Comedy Club pre-
sents Clemence Dane's
"Granite," in the new League
Theater, beginning at 8:15;
curtain at :30 I
Any one who has examined the
original May Festival program and
compared it with the recently is- I
sued revised program-the Sunday I
Special Page carried it-will prob-
ably remember mixed feelings of
pleasure and pain. Which is not
to say that the original scheme
was bad. It had one good feature,
among others of pleasant but not
significant value, the Mozart Sym-
phony in E fiat, in the fifth con-
cert. The new schedule omits this
and replaces it with Rimsky-Kor-
sakoff's "Scheherazade," a delight-
ful thing but much' too much a
musical commoner to appear
among the dignitaries of the May
Festival. And too, the Stock Con-
certo in the fifth concert is dis-
placed and Norman Lockwood's
Suite "Odysseus" is represented in
the fourth. The Stock number
was well worth hearing, even if the
Lockwood is more so because of its
local interest.
But this matter of programs is
a fiery subject. The concert ar-
ranger is faced by problems the
public knows nothing about-and
yet inevitably his arrangements
represent his personality, which is
a story in itself. But equally in-
evitably, his concerts are fitted for
I a particular type of audience.
The May Festival is one of the
few great musical events in this
country if for no other reason than
that it is an immense money-
maker and draws huge crowds and
splendid artists. But then, too, it
is for the enjoyment of that
ubiquitous individual "the towns-
man," many of whom come from
Jackson, Detroit, Ypsilanti and the
various way stations. These towns-
people pay the money; the Univer-
sity puts on the programs. And an
honest effort is made to sell tickets
to students. But because the Fes-
tival occurs in Ann Arbor is log-
ically no reason for giving it the
accolade of merit as a series of
interest to the music student. It
is more nearly a trade-marked ar-
ticle, guaranteed by the University
as being 99 and some odd per cent
pure in the classical tradition, and
particularly suited to the needs,
romaiti and otherwise, of the lo-
cal arborites and their friends. To
represent it is any other light is
mere sales talk.
But with the School of Music now
come under the direct control of
the University a definite and de-
sirable move becomes possible to
clarify the situation. The Festival
is a desirable thing and in its es-
sential form should be kept intact
and encouraged. but for the music
student the University has an
agent to provide an educational
series of concerts which will ful-
fill the same purpose that the Un-
I versity Lecture Series is now satis-
fyng in a wider and different field.
A series of concerts, by competent
musicians, not too highly priced-
and the matter of price frequent-
ly has little to do with artistic in-
tegrity playing programs of edu-
cational' value, would be thorough-
ly desirable. There are such artists
on the School of Music faculty.

Others are available. Their pur-
pose would be to execute a topi-
cal program adequately. And the
value of the concert would be in
the program, not in the box-office
appeal of the artist, as was not the
case with Galli-Curci last fall.
In this way the desire for amuse-
ment could honestly be filled by the
Festival; the need for instruction,
by the concert series; and the Uni-
versity Symphony would either
pass out of existence as a dis-
grace, or would pull itself together
and provide decent orchestral
background for such selections as
might be within its grasp and were
needed on the program.
As far as the Choral Union Series
is concerned, the situation would
remain quite unchanged. The
Choral Union is basically box-of-
fice. It will always draw crowds,
and crowds'made up of people who
would have no interest in the "un-
known" of the University series.
While the student, primarily inter-
ested in music, will be stimulated
to hear stars, who are occasionally
artists in concert.
The R. . A.
S Thelast four days of next week,
Play Production closes its labora-
tory season with Kaufman and
Connoly's extravaganza in two
parts and fourteen scenes. The

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i~-i. man
Still Lauds
This S moke
Utica, N. Y.
Aug. 30, 1928
Larus & Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
Just a line to let you know where
some of your tobacco has been going
for the last ten years.
I have been smoking Edgeworth for
the past ten years; in fact, since I
started smoking, and it is just as good
now as it was then. Have given other
brarnds a fair trial, but there is none
like Edgeworth. During that time I
have had costly pipes and some not so
costly, but I have decided that it is
not the pipe but what is in it that
With best wishes for your continued
success in the manufacture of this high
grade tobacco, I am,
(Signed) N. A. Vaeth
Extra High Grade -
Smoking Tobacco

1-3 Off
Stop into the store. You may be
among the fortunate ones and
find yours at this exceptional
603 Church Street


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