1AGE I 7GHT THE ~MT(H1TCVK r~Ey TTILEA7, IVIA7 r, F%2 . . . . ....... 1 DAILY OFFICIAL BUL English Honors Course, 1929-30: 1Michigan Union Opera Orchestra and Singing Chorus: Seminar in Strength o' MaterialE I. IMembers of the Class of 1930 who are interested in theEnls! Men interested in the 1929-30 Michigan Union Opera Orchestra or !professor . W. ]Boston will tall I T j Honors course for 1929-30 may consult with me on M.W.F. at 1 English. Swteki b eno Ch ohould rfeot at teMimes Theater, okfregsatn any afternoon this on Impact res s on Thursday, Mota3 or 3:00 p. m. in room 2211 A.H. Applications for admission to th eekbtwe toan iv 'cok o9rgstaio.n. Room 340 West Engineering .to the Presi-EAStas basoshontupttobnstuatypndmsndrp, vilncellos, adsrn ass eetdare crilyinvited. N Publication in the Bulletin is consitructive notice tc of the University. Copy received by the Assistant Aerrtadicl nl~neesSeniors, and Graduates: Tesnigcou ilhv wnyfu e nisxfrttnr IVol. XXXI THURSD~AY, MAY 9 1929 Na. 161 ;h l/ l~1~Ci4l1gie.o h ip~ six second tenors, six first basses, and six second basses. Mr I1._AHics,_ChefEngineerofthe Airplane dvision of the Tryouts will be announced in the near future. HoosConvocation: in n ot o rsda!lpty, Mill be9inasyhas be0. ~gnein ul-Roy S. Laugham, Chairman of the Music Comnmittee .i~a HoosWg, nto hray, My9 shsbe previously announced, but There The Sixth Annual H-onors; Convocation will be held at 11:00 a. m., on Friday, May 10, at 2:00 p. in-., to interview those who would like+ Notice: with Chi Thursday, May 9, 1929, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. John Castlereagh I to obtain positions with his organization. All those interested who : The Round Table Club is holding a meeting Thursday, May 9, at" at 12:15. Parker, vice-president of the Brooklyn Edison Company, formerly pro- =lave not filled out application blanks shall do so before his arrival. 8:00 p. mn. In the Michigan Union, (room to be designated on the; ness me lessor- of electrical engineering of the University of Michigan, will F. W. Pawlowski Bulletin Board). The expulsions and discharges at the University of! 7:00 p.r give the address. t IPittsburgh, due to the activities of the Liberal Club there, will be Classes at 11 o'clock in all divisions of the University, with the ! Sohomore Engineers: ? discussed. All persons interested are urgently requested .to attend cxception of clinics, will be dismissed in order that the membrs of' There will be an important class i-meeting of all Sophomore Engi- Sal R..IHalpern the faculty and students m-ay attend the Convocation. neers on Friday, May 10, at 9:00 in room 348 West Engineering Bldg.'_______ Masonic The officials and the faculty of the University will meet in the Mich- Erwin . Benz, President Beta Kappa Rho: Owing igan League Building at 10:45 and at 11:00 proceed to Hill Auditori- There will be a meeting. Friday evening, May 0, at 8 o'clock at election um where they will bW seated on the stage. Academic dress will be Summ~er and Part Time Emiploymnt:1030 Martin Place. It is important that all members come as electon' men Cl worn. The American Blower Corporation will have a representative in; of officers will be held. Thursda Rt. T. Liddlenat arma tEpsilon: will be a joint luncheon-. SEpsilon, Thursday, May 9i, There will also be a busi- eting 'Thursday evening al, mn. in the Russel Seminar. C. H. Riggs, Secretary Students: to conflicts the date of the of officers of the Crafts- ib has been changed from.. y, May 9, to Monday, May , 1 A section of seats on the matin floor of the Auditorium will be reserved for honor students who wI be admitted to this section on presentation of the cards which tave binen sent them. The doors of the A Lt. (h101ilErM Will 1J OPen at 1,0:45 a. in. TIhe public !s invited. 1 ~C. C. Little Sophomores: There will be a mass me: ing; of the entire class in room 316 of the Union at 8:30 tonight. Coach 'Yost will speak and it is anticipated that some of the Glee Club will also be there. Final plans for the spring games will be formulated at that time. A. Donohue, Captain Freshman Girls Wece Club: TWhere will be no meeting today. Pauline Bowe, President Freshmen ,and Sophomt ores, Sprng Gamzes: In accordance with custom and with the consent of the Deans of the Schools and Colleges concerned, undergraduates, freshmen and sophomores, are excused from classes from 4 p. m. Friday, May 10, to noon on Saturdary, May 11, to peilmit theme to take part in the annual spring gaines. C. C. Little University Lecture: Professor C. Delisle Burns, of the University of Glasgow, will lectureI on the subject "The British Labor Party," Monday, May 13, at 4:15 p. m,., in Newberry Hall. The public is cordially invited. F. T. Robbins room 306 Michigan Union on Thursday, May 9, from 11:00 to 12:00 a. m. and 1:00 to 4:00 p. m. to interview men for local or state work) Mary L. Stewart, Manager Employment Bureau Chemical Engineers:! Chemical Engineers desiring summer work in plants should see me in room 4040 East Engineering Building any day between 1:00 and 2:00 o'clock. WV. P. Wood Varsity Band : Formation this afternoon at 3:16 o'clock sharp to participate inI Swing Out. Exercises. Full uniform with black shoes and socks. 4 Gilbert B. Saltonstall { Manager I~aase J. Lingel 13. All members are urged to be i r'esent. Clhi Upsilon and Sigma Gamma Epsilon: These two groups will have luncheon together Thursday, at the Women's League Building, at 12:15. Fresh ma j Thei on the t Faculty S The C anl Cap Night. Committee: re will be an important meeting third floor of the Men's Union. Women's Club : annual luncheon, which is i meeting of the year of the Women's Club, will be held Union" on Thursday, May' 12:45. The members are; 3atherine Dawson, Secretary Thursday, May 9, at 7:30 p. m. Thomas Roach, Chairman Rt. W. Webster, President IChristian Science Society: Christian Science Society of the }University of Michigan meets to- night at 7:30 in the upper room of Lane Hall. Eloise Rite, Secretary, te last 'Varsity Glee Club: Faculty Cars will leave the North Entrance of the Union for Ypsilanti at the The Smile On Mother's, i i J)Vomu at, 5:4o o-i.'±cU toignt~~A51. £11111LmuLJis wnLU nave oi JUUineaII~ me to the contrary are expected to be there in full dress with ribbons, urged to be prompt. L. M. Goodspeed, Manager Mrs. W. L. Badger Al apsTni:Bud Rose, Beverly Hills high' All CmpusTenns: ;school twirler, accomplished the We find it difficult to get in touch with independents to announce rarest feat in baseball last Satur- their matches. The All Campus Singles and Doubles Charts are posted, day by hurling a no hit, no run, no on the bulletin board, and we would appreciate it if every man entered! walk game. Only one opposing would play his match off immediately. You can also find out who player reached first, and that was; you. are to play by calling up 22101.- due to an error. Rose topped off Intramural Dept. his feat by hitting a home run. Examination Schedule: College of Donate to the Fresh Air CaMP Henry Russel Lecture: Aldred Scott Warthin, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., Professor of Pathology and Director of the Pathological Laboratories, will deliver the Henry' Russel Lecture for 1929 at 4:15 p. in., Tuesday, May 14, in the NaturalI C :cience Auditorium. Professor Warthin's subject is "Researches on pirochaeta Pallida," and the lecture will be illustrated by stereopticon. At the time of the Henry Russel Lecture public announcement will be made of the Henry Russel Award for the year 1923-1929. The public is 'cordially invited. C. C. Little Notice: The diploma fee of $10 is'payable noxv! Early settlcinent is neces- sary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case vwill the University confer a degree at Commencement upon any student who fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock p. i., May 23. In case the Faculty doesI not recommend any payer, the fen will be refunded on surrender of! receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special c ,tificates. Candidates for degrees or certificates should at once fill out card at office of the Secretary of their c ollege or school (College of Litera- ture, Science, and, the Arts, Recorder's Office), pay the Treasurer of the University and have card receipted, and file indicated section of this receipted card with the Secretary of their College or School. Please do not delay till the last moment, but attend to this matter at once., We must. letter, sign, and seal approximately 2500 diploma:: and certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early Payment of the fee and consequent longer period for preparation. Shirley WV. Smnith, Secretary of the University. The treasurer's office will be closed each Saturday afternoon. Geological Journal Club: There will be a meeting Thursday evening", May 9, at 7:30 in room! 2054 N. S. Prof. Hobbs will lec tur', on "Climates of the Past." Literature, Science, and the. Arts:I By action of the Literary Faculty,' ino classes will be held in tb)i s Col- lege on Friday. May 31. The following list of special ex- aminations is both an extension and revision of the examination schedule 'printed on page three ofl the Second Semester Time Schcd-? ule of the Literary College. Drench 1, 2, 31, 32 Friday, May 31, 9-12 a. ni. Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32 Political Science 32 Friday, May 31, 2-5 p. m Speech 31, 32 R'°°' 1 r f r . !/ . . . f 1 l\L I; z: __ - - i i 1 Friday, May 31, 7-10 p. m.; Rhetoric 2 Psycholofgy 31 Saturday, June 1, 2-5 p. Mn. German 1,. 2, 31, 32 Saturday, June 1, 7-10 p. w. Economics 51, 52 Monday, June 3, 2-5 p. m. Zoology 1 Monday, June 3, 7-10 p. in. Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 51, 52 Wednesday, June 5, 2-5 p. i Sociology 51 Thursday, June 6, 9-12 a. mn. seo raphy 2, 32 I Thursday, June 6, 7-10 p. mn. ' Harry C. Carver Could you see how happy it makes her when you call from Ann Arbor to say "Hello", you would use Long Distance more often. E. N. Godda, d, Secretary i SOME FRATERNITY BADGES 1-3 Off $top into the store. You may be among the fortunate ones and find yours at this exceptional price BURR PATTERSON & AULD 603 Church Street New York Listed 1 Stocks Private wires to al l Mai kets c onsel vati ye margin accounmts solicited Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress &aco., Inc. Investment Securities 7th Flooir First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Clow I I i 111 -2 W. r.1 c MERRILL, LYNCH& CO. Members New fork Stock Exchaw'te Chicago Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curb Market Y. J. ii Accounts Carried on )01 First Nat'l Bank Conservative Margin Phone 4294 Watch This Spac~e for Friday Announcement Tinker & Company hearing your voice gives her a feeling of assurance. Mother appreciates letters, of course, but Long Distanice rates are surp risingly low, the service is fast, and you can reverse the charges to your honmtelephone.