r I fC DAY, MAY 9, 1929 THE MCHIGA A L Nt PAGE SRIMW DATLV PAGE SEVEN _. 7 t t 4 e f C r t t+ e D fl c r2 B C P C C NI St RC BASEBALL T EAM WILL LEAVE FOR VACATION position for college stu- VRBIft[PI1CHIE NO BATTING PUNCH IS SOUGHT BY JAPAN JULY 31; RETURNS OCT14 dent;splendidwexperience; salary JAPA JU Y 31 RE URNSOCT 14 $245 for 70 days work. Educators! FISHER FOLLOWING GAEII SERIES Association, 717 Francis Palms Announcement of the dates of sities. Seven games will be played Bldg., Detroit, Mich.2 departure of the University of in Tokio, while the others are ______IAlthough the baseball players Pitchers have to have games to Michigan baseball team for their scheduled for other large cities on NOTICE from Meiji University displayed keep in the best of condition, andtp through Japan was made yes- the isladof Japan.hes games in WE BUY USED CLOTHING ,aerrgekaUleidfWins lFithth VictorytioOf Wtrip Season As Tigers Take Sixth areakbedfnei thrin diio tohs Coach Fisher ted.nadto oteegae n W U SDCOHN s As TRowx games here, they were noticeably feels that the teams remaining on tr y afternoon by Athletic Direc- Hawii and in Japan, there will be H. BENJAMIN G weak at batting, said Coach Ray the schedule are of greater strength tor Fielding H. Yost. The Wolver- scheduled from eight to twelve con- 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 Fisher yesterday afternoon. The than the ones which have been Ines will leave from San Francisco tests to be played on the way to 134 c LOV CIEHRIG HITS HOMER IJapanese athletes have shown a played before. With the team not on July 31 for Hawaii, where, if San Francisco, three on the way' good defense all through their hitting as well as when they left present arrangements are carried to the coast, and the rest on the VWE ARE taking the contracts now Karl Hubbell, youthful hurler of play in this country, six runs being Georgia, the Wolverine coach out, Coach Fisher's men will play coast, thus giving Coach Fisher a for renovating mattresses and pli- the New York Giants, broke into the most that have been scored' thinks that a great deal of work in for about two weeks before continu- chance to compare his men with lows during summer vacation. the baseball hall of fame yesterday against them in any one game all the batting cage will be in order ing their trip to their destination, the best that the west has to offer. Reduced prices for large order. when he pitched the Giants to a during their invasion, but the hit- before his men can hope to win the Tokio Return To United States T s COIN no hit victory over the Pittsburgh ting has been very poor. title. It will be known in about twoo Pirates. The Wolverines too, in the With the trip to Japan scheduled weeks whether this long stop in The team will leave Kakohama onPhone 6652 C135 Hubbell, who was at one time on opinion of their coach, could stand for next summer, Coach Fisher is Hawaii will be made, but it is cer- September 27 for the return trip fofetsmeaoc ihr i ha te emwlad eat idcr-t h tts n r lte o TPWIIGadMMO the roster of the Detroit Tigers has a great deal more practice at this especially anxious to take a Con- tam that the team will at least drop to the States, and are slated to TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- been pitching good ball all season, department of the game. The long ference championship aggregation off there. Negotiations are under- set into San Francisco about Octo- GRAPHING but climaxed his career yesterday lay-offs caused' by the inclement on the trip and plans to work the way for five or six games there, but er 11, and to get back to Annollege work a specialty since 1908.' by this wonderful exhibition of weather have imposed a great 'men hard for the remainder of the as final arrangements are not fin- Arbor on October 14. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade hurling against the strong array of handicap upon the Michigan team, I week in preparation for the game ished as yet, no announcement of In case the proposed games in C sluggers that Pittsburgh possesses. since to keep the batting of a team with the strong Illinois team in thep the teams to be played or the datesteam While Hubbell was pitching this up, they must play games, and the hopes that winning this game will of the games was made. will leave from San Francis.co Au- great victory, Detroit in the Ameri- rain has caused most of the games give the Wolverines a flying start Will Proceed To Japan for tenor. 9853- at noon tf can league was nosing out the to be canceled. toward the tite Washington Senators for their sixth Moodie Plays Wel tAfter leaving Hawaii, the Michi- L A S S I F I E consecutive win. George Uhle in- On the defense ,the Michigan . gin team will proceed directly toj PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- creased his total of victories to five men have not felt the effects of The Chicago Cubs suffered a jolt Japan, where they will play for ADVERTISING ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- by hurling masterful ball in this the postponed games as much as when it was learned that "Gabby" four weeks, getting in fifteen games tor Allmendinger. Not with any Hartnett, star pitcher who has been drn ht ie ot fteeUIEST rfso eie encounter. they have at bat, yet even there disabled thus far this season by a during that time. Most of these UNIVERSITY Prof de music house. Exclusive piano New York again trounced the the men need practice. The loss se a t e b the Japanese big threeMeiji modern home; lare in-ro tuner for the University School St. Louis Browns, as Lou Gehrig of Louis Weintraub has been keenly forever. Hartnett e t contesh s J illne ithreers ofijodavailable September 15. Re nt un- of Music. Office at residence, added another circuit clout to his felt even though Moodie who took'aoBalt.mrettaha beenmet.to now on an invasion of the United der $100. Phone 9710. 34' 1603 Morton Ave. 234C mounting total. Hoyt held the his place on third has been handl- a Baltimore hospital or treatment. States, Qeio, and Wuseda Univer- de. Brownies to five hits. ing himself well, and has taken WTRPL AENOTICE -Home Laundry - Soft Chicago's slugging Cubs went into most of his chances like a veteran. WATER POLO GAME water used exclusively; called for he lead in the National league by' With most of the other Con- and delivered. Superior Home defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers, 4 ference schools having played five The Faculty swimming class !e ltsLaundry. Phone 8190r 234 0 2. In another National league or six Big Ten games Coach Fisher will meet the Varsity water polo !*Feel81t0. 234C ncounter, "Wee Willie" Sherdel feels that his men are at a distinct team in a challenge game atPNG eld the high stepping Braves to disadvantage in the long stretch 15:00 o'clock this afternoon in the PRINTING and ENGRAVING our hits to down them, 10 to 2. they are facing. The pitchers are I Intramural pool. Captain Brier { X1Tia O h omeGood work takes time. Invtations, ohen, Fullis, and Ott hit home not in the best of condition, also will lead the faculty team. eane Announcements, Calling Cards uris for the Giants while Jim Bot- due to the rainy days which have w l tte ._ Ashould be ordered at once to avoid omley came through with a clout come when games were scheduled. Pressed Clothes the last minute rush. Social wor or the Cardinals. It was Fullis' Asbeck has not hurled a game SOME a specialty. hied homer in three days. since the Northwestern set-too, E TECe for a neat appearance 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade American League with the exception of the second FC R H E Meiji contest, while McAfee has 1-3OC Vashington . .000 .020 200-4 13 1 been equally unlucky in his games. Stop into the store. You may be C lnsNOTICE-Beautiful spring line of 'etroit ........110 030 00x-5 8 0 -_among the fortunate ones and &AxministerH and Wilton rugs. Hadley, Brown; Uhle. ° 0 find yours at this exceptional C o leeC__ __erS Koch & Hene._ oston ........100 000 -1 5 0 1 GIG LEAGUE STANDINGS IIpriceMTSnY teveland .....012 000 00x-3 7 0 o f BURR PATTERSON & AULDDAY is MAY 12th McFayden, Carrol; Hudlin. AmericanLeague C03 Church Street" Achoice asortment of cards and ehildelphia ..100 200 110-5 10 2 W L PPt.hone mottoes for mother and the rest of, hicago . . ....110 100 001-4 12 NewPYork .......3.3.......'426Q nThompson .14.79 the family. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nic- Quinn, Yerkes, Shores; Faber, Philadelphia ............11o 5 .667 SubscribeTo The kels Arcade. C_ onnally. St. Louis... . .. . . . ........11 7 .611, MPR NATO L ew York.....001 003 040-8 12 0 Detroit ........... . ..... 12 9 .571 C igan Daily PERSONAL A TTENTION LIKE t Louis......010 000 000-1 5 21 Cleveland . . ...........4 8 11 D421HA WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. C TYPEWRITERS All makes of portable and large machine, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- ment and best service. O. D. Mor- rill, 17 Nickels Arcade. C SAND and GRAVEL. mashed and dry screened. Telephone 7112, Killins Gravel Company. C MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B., Director 310 S State Phone 7927 C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 or evenings, 6858. C FOR RENT-5-room furnished apartment for summer months. One block from Campus. Phone 9785. 234 LOST LOST-Phi Beta Kappa Key, Finder please telephone 4433. 345 LOST-Delta Tau Delta pin, last Sunday. Initials E. F. D. (D). Return to 1928 Geddes Ave. Dial 7317. 234 LOST-White and brown male Bos- ton bull, answers to name "Brownie." Reward. Dial 21682. 2345 LOST--A large cameo pin Saturday night on Tappan near Hill or Oakland. Pin is esteemed as keepsake. Finder please write Eleanor Scribner, 10715 Kingston Ave., Royal Oak. Reward. 123 WANTED WANTED-1928 Michiganensian. Dial 4818. O'Brien. 234 WANTED-A cook, white woman for a private family hotel on Lake Michigan. Must be first class; particularly good on pastry, Apply D. M. Pratt, Benton Harbor , Mich., Box 392. 61234 NOTICE-We have a large selection of Greeting Cards and Mottoes Francisco-Boyce,, 719 N. Univ. 13c. Hoyt; Stewart. Chicago ............... National League Boston .................. Chicago ......000 103 000-4 7 1 Washington............ Brooklyn ......110 000 000-2 7 3 Bush; McWeeney, Ballou. National Leagu Cincinnati ....010 001 000-2 7 2' Philadelphia ..000 300 000-3 7 2 Chicago.............. Luque; Collins. Boston .................. Pittsburgh ...000 000 000- 0 0 2 St. Louis .............. New York ....222 005 00x-11 12 3 Pittsburgh........... Petty, Fussell, Kremer; Hubbell. Philadelphia ........... . St. Louis ... .800 100 010-10 14 2 New York.... ......... Boston ....... .000 000 200- 2. 4 3 'Brooklyn... ...... Sherdel; Leverette, Cunningham. Cincinnati ............ . . V . 7 5 .4 le 11 11 11 .2G .388 .312 .266 f1 m NNW . . W L Pct 11 6 .647 9 5 .642 10 7 .588 7 8 .466 7 8 .466 6 7 .461 6 10 .375 6 11 .352 1 .1se~s~ I:1 I I ANOTHER ONE Here's Another Masten & Chase $25 Special On Men's Suits FRIDAY AND SATURDAY This is an opportunity to save 10 to 15 dollars on your new suit as $35 and $40 values are included. See them in our windows MOQOan . PhO I VII ,ii u m in Iou m