,M AYS:; 1;329 THE H ICH ICAN PA&_ F.. .- _. .- ___. < .: ., .;...,r C ILTAVA lo TAUS Am l I PATRONS ARE CHOSENTUDENTS WILL CHOIN! CONVENE HERE TO SPONOR PR G A rr Aangements for the delegates TOo the annual High School Sports Conference, which will be held here Tuesday and Wednesday, May O A ENIGHT14 and 15, will have to be remade -because of Jheunexpected num- PRES. CLARENCE COOK LITTLE ber of representatives that have! S AND MRS.LITTLE HEAD accepted the invitation. The LITWomen's Athletic Association is FACULTY WILL ATTEND responsible for the entire manage- ment of the conference; invitationsC Soroxiities And Dormitories Wit were issued to the 200 high schoolsj Entertain Honor Guests At in the vicinity of Ann Arbor just1 I 4 ' - _S upper President and Mrs. Clarence Cook Little head the list of patrons and patronesses for Lantern Night, to be held May 14 at Palmer Field,; according to an announcement made by Katherine McMurray, '31. Among the other patrons are in- cluded Mrs. Marion LeRoy Burton, Ilast week, to which a large num-I ber have already answered in ac- ceptance. W. A. A. extends the invitation! to two delegates from each school, although last year most of the1 schools were represented by only one girl. The attedance last year was more than 100, but more than 'A Regent Murfin, Dean Mortimer R.nthat have already accepted this Cooley and Mrs. Cooley,, Dean year and more are expected. Sev- n_ _ _ _eral schools have shown their in- . 1 I 1 ;l r' jI 1 a 3' ' 1 i 1 t t l r t 1 t r G } BRIDO TFA TO BE 7Cora Opines SWellnydearthe time has come' C' IL FRMOHoSrU all seniors to swimg out again _ CONTE, T';IEI with the good old class spirit-or - doubles Wyvern, women's honorary so- spirits, rather, to judge by last Laura Josleyn, Gamma Phi Beta, Wournam ciety, will entertain the mothers lyear's observance of the tradition. won the Women's Intramural golf tournamE who are visiting the campus for Probably most of the seniors, that tournament with a score of 51. advanced woaevstn thcapsfris mst f Iplay in a the Mothers' Week-end at a bridge- is most of he senior men-are Lillian Bookwalter, Alpha Chi Ome- ll ote tea to be held Saturday, May 11, stocked up with spirits already. The ga, was second with a 55. Barbara the singl from 2:30 to 5:00 at the Women's rumorsthat I have heard about Swift, Kappa Kappa Gama, Wini- varced si ten engineers really are too good fred Hartman, Kappa Alpha Theta, bulletin League. The Advisors of Women i you want to look at it that way.=adKGealdie W lnson today fol and Dr . Margeret Bell, with her Anyway, my dear, it the spirits, and Geraldine Wilkinson, Alpha It s n complete staff will be present, and jgood or otherwise, are too much in Omicron Pi tied for third with evening it will be the first chance for the evidence, this is positively the last i scores of 56. The next low score; l afternoon mothers to meet them. Bridge will time that there will be a swing out a 57, was turned in by Katherine condition be played in the large assembly because the authorities said so. And McMurray, Alpha Xi Delta. Other all times. hall, and new tables and chairs that really would be too bad, don't entrants in the tournament were that all have been ordered. you think so? Of course, never Bernice Glazer, Dorothy Cox, and schedule 1 The) members of Wyvern will act having ben a senior as yet I can't Elizabeth Ulrich, Helen Newberry, weeks lef as hostesses and will guide all ( qualify as an authority on the ad- Marian Kerr, Janet Jones, Kappa allowed: those who have not seen the build- 1vantages or disadvantages of parad- Delta, Virginia Parmeter, inde- not possi ing. Marion L. Reading, Sm. is ing around campus in a cap and pendent, Mary Whitker, Genevieve , general chairman, and Helen F. gown, but it does seem too bad to Coan, Kappa Alpha Theta, Mar- I Marge Fellows, '30, will act as official hos- ! have to retire the tradition in such garet Holman, Betsy Barbour, Olive! the rec tess. Majorie Muffly, '30 Ed., has bad repute. If the tradition is going Mathews, Louise Karpinski, Chi commit charge of the tickets, which may to be discarded it ought to be pen- Omega, and Aimee Lambie and sports c be purchased at the door for 75 sioned off or something with a dig- Jane Thayer, Alpha Xi Delta. the me cents. nified ceremony fitting to the occa- Those who turned in scores in at 4 o' Aside from the prizes which will sion and not under such ignomin- the 50's will compose a University gymnas be souvenirs of the League building ous conditions. team to play some of the Ann Arbor that ev and the campus, entertainment But really, my dear, even if golfers. will be provided. Betty M. Suth- this present crop of seniors do1 erland, '30, will play the piano not cherish this good old tradition while the guests are assembling, enough to celebrate it with becom- While tea is being served Junior ing soberness and dignity, it does Girls' Play skits will be, presented. look as if the threatened punish- Helen P. Bush, '30 Ed, Dora V. ment to be inflicted on offenders Vandenberg. '30, Lilliam B. Set- might be enough to deter them chell, '30, Kathleen Suggs, '29 Ed, from their staggering way. Of Margaret E. Ohlson, '30. Clare Sim- course, you never can tell, though, mons, '30, all remembered from there might be some senior who; "Forward March" will entertain, would consider it a clever way to accompanied by Lorinda McAn- get out of school without flunking drew, '30. out in June if he didn't pass his finals. But really if any senior thought that was a clever idea, he Notice would only show sufficient reason for his flunking anyway, if you-- Bknow what I mean, which you prob- Box lunches for+ Lantern Nighta .l . ably don't. T ANNOUNCED TOURNAMENT1W telag ge Iiun~rber of peopleTiEHIDST R A ndup to play advancedO BEHEDSAUR A in the intramural tennis ent, a shift in the entire There will be a full rehearsal of ent has been made. All all women who are in dances in the d doubles players will now Freshman Pageant . at 8 o'clock Stou rnaent of theidu tolSaturday morning in Sarah Caswell es tournament and all ad- Angell Hall. It is imperative that ingles players must see the every freshman be there, as there board in the field house must be at least one full rehearsal r pairings and matches. before the Pageant goes out on the low possible to play in the fedfrdesrhasl as well as the morning andlfield for dress rehearsal. ,n. The courts are in good; Dress rehearsal will be Monday on and are ready for use at Palmer field, but the time has not . It is extremely necessary yet been decided. Attendance at matches be played off on this, too, will be compulsory, as it is as there are only two the only chance the women will t to play and time must be have to become familiar with the for days when playing is layout of the field, where the Pig- ble. eant will be presented Tuesday o evening, in conjunction with Lane aret Ohlson, chairman of I tern Night. eption and transportation Any one wno thinks she cannot tee for the high school possibly be present Saturday morn- onference, wishes to meet ; ing must get in tMuch with Dorothy mbers of her committee I Felske, '32, chairman of dances, im- clock Friday in Barbour I mediately, and present to her the ium. It is imperative ( excuse. A severe fine will be im- eryone be there.{! posed upon anyone who neglects to oIdo this. U S I .{ Aides and leaders for Lantern l 1 nght will meet in the lounge of ( the Women's Athletic Building, ( Friday, May 10, at 4 o'clock. I ( Every one must be present or I ( be excused by Marie Hartwig, I chairman. a i C O O :4 yy,. A: I', A' 'I .1". .4 ,. .. " I" Hugh Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, Dean S. Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, 'Dean Wilbur R. Humphreys, Dean Johnt R. Effinger, Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus, Dean Joseph D. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Walter B. Rea. Dean Herbert C. Sadler and Mrs. Sadler,. Dean James B. Edmonson and Mrs. Edmonson, Dean Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith, Professor and Mrs.N Philip E. Bursley, Professor and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Professorl and Mrs. Ralph WV. Aigler, Pro-I fessor and. Mrs. William A. Fray- er, Professor Alfred C. Leo, Pro- fessor Henry Anderson, Professor and Mrs. Elmer D. Mitchell, Pro- fessor Fred B. Wahr. Dr. and Mrs. John Sundwall, Dr. Margaret Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick, Miss Laurie E. Campbell, Miss Dorothy Colby,. Miss Ione Johnson, Miss Grace Richards, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Beatrice Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. . Diack, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hen- derson, Mrs. Vandenberg, Mr. and Mrs. } Max Winkler, Miss Mary White Miss Margaret Elliot, and Miss Nora Crane Hunt., j terest in the plan by volunteering to send delegates. Immediately upon their arrival in Ann Arbor, the girls will go to the Field house, where they will register, be given identification tags, and learn their place of resi- dence for the two days of the conference. There will be an in- formation booth at the Feild house and hostesses will be there all day Tuesday to receive and welcome the representatives. Although the conference is sponsored by W. A. A., girls who are not members will assist in entertaining the guests and are welcome to attend any of the meetings which have been ar- ranged on the program. Girls from the Ann Arbor High? Schools have consented to help the University women with the enter- tainment and one girl from 'the University High School will speak at the luncheon in the League on Wednesday. hThe program for the two days, has been arranged with the object of the conference in mind-to, show the girls who are interested in athletics what the University can offer them when they are ready for college work. It includes group discussions, active participa- tion in a play day, and an observa- tion trip around the campus. The representatives have been chosen from the junior and senior classes of their high schools and naturally are expected to take a vital inter- est in the possibilities of the Uni- versity as their alma mater. '' . i' ., ' jj/ .f . i, .off' r, i ' i '^ ° I Swail ou rectUyj Dv ,j UaU1O c 01K Tuesday at the Field house. They will cost 35 cents and will consist 'of a salad, relish, 4 sandwiches, and acake, and utensils will be en- closed. If any houses have not ar-, ranged for their boxes they must do so before Friday by calling Jan- net Michael-2-1616. The University Girls' Glee club will rehearse at 8:30 tonight at the f Presbyterian church. 1' SOMIE FRATERNITY BADGES 1-3 Off Stop into the store. You may be among the fortunate ones and find yours at this exceptional price BURR PATTERSON & AULD 603 Church Street When spring-time days come around and you want an extra treat, just sit down to a bowl of crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes and sliced bananas! Breakfast, lunch or supper-on the campus or off! ,41 1ArJtartb's Q2ouuilr tag The most popula cereals served i rooms of Ameri eat'ng clubs an are made by Kel Creek. They inclu Rice Krispies Flakes, Krumblts Shredded Whole cuit. Also Kaf- fee Hag Coffee -real coffee that lets you sleep. 715 No. University ... . rni CORN FLAKE S r ready-to-eat n the dining- ican colleges, d fraternities logg in Battle de ALL-BRAN. ,Pep Bran and Kellogg's Wheat Bis- sA E Felt Hats $1.95 Straw Hats $1.95 - $2.95 Thursday and Friday Fancy Mother's Day Boxes A wide variety of Candies for teas and parties We Pack and Mail - , . _,_ .R 't : 3 .. ' . w i f I I I MCKinsey Hat Shop 227 South State SUNDAY, MAY 12th Is .. .. .. . .. .. . 4i:;2: i. A -77vI ..Spring That are Dress tyl Hats MOTHER'S DAY For her day of days, nothing could be more appropriate or more pleasing than some smart article like suggested here. A LEATHER BAG Calfskin, fine cuality ......................$5.00f Crushed Calf-genuine ....................$20.00 Drink Delicious and Refreshing y in the New les i KID GLOVES A large assortment of the latest in smart millinery-designed to meet your needs. FEATURING THE MERRIPAC FELTS a crushable sport hat - it takes French Kid ... I Button ..... Slip-on Suede . .$3.50 and $3.95 .$3.00 and $3.50 .$3.00 and $3.50 JEWELRY Crystals ............... Colored Crystal Necklaces. Pearls, short and long. . . . ..........$ 1.25' . $1.25 ...........$ 1.25 , $2.75 -$3.50 -$5.00 ; ,,; . ,, . , . r :. . 1 ? AND ANYBODY WHO EVER RAN AFTER A TRAIN THAT WAS. GOING FASTER THAN HE WAS KNOWS THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO 00 BUT. Run far enough, work long enough, play hard / enough and you've got to 1 stop. That's when the pause that refreshesmakes the big hit. Happily you can find it around the cor- ner from anywhere, wait- ing for you in an ice-cold Coca-Cola, the pure drink 4VEof natural flavors that () makes any little minute long enough for a big rest. CARDS r 4 a '. ' ".. ' ",rwwaN v r.,..........,. the minimum space. In all pastel shades, at only. $3,95 ==== Appropriate Mottoes ..... Plain and fancy ......... .5c, Oc,.15c,.25c and 35c .... . ............ 35c SILK t 'teI Figured flat crepe, 40 in. wide .... . Chiffon, printed and plain, 40 in.... . Serene crepe, 40 in. ........... . .$1.98 .$1.98 .$2.95 11 II iI I i