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May 09, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-09

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A a a u IVA A v a: a, a v t' a f r i.~ c' . a Ar

Pub lihed every morin g except Monday
doing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.


of the University will the dean's
office proceed against them.
It is hard to see how a more uni-
versally acceptable concession
could be made to the stubbornj

40*~i.. ....fl#* i g8tt *tiN t*S ... Nfli*t!,**Rf l tNS$,8Sf lfl,.....,..;.. SSSPS i PSi~ ...; P#P#SS UtttOtiSS *S{S* itNtPaRS; tCWS*tlt
* usic andDrm



Member of Wester Conference Editorial
The Associated press is exclusively en-
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dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ubsecond class matter. Special rate
of postaGre granted by Thiid Assistant Post-
mnaster General.
Subscription by "rrier, $4.0o; by mail,
OUffce. r Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4929; IBusiness, 21214.


Telephone 1925
Editor ...........Nelson T. Smith
+Cityr Eitor........... , ,T Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............. W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor.............George Stautex
Music and Dr ama........ "..... R. L. Askren
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Night Editors
joseph E. we harles S. Monroe
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Asntant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER
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drink tradition in American uni- -----.-------.-........... --....--............ ...
versities. Those public celebrants, TONIGHT: Comedy Club pres
if any, who must parade their in- melodrama, "Granite," in th
toxication, will be doing the entire at 8:15 o'clock. Curtain at!
student body a great disservice In "GRANITE"-Review
showing the administration that I - 1
gentlemanly traditions, so far as By a publicity error, "Granite"
alcohol is concerned., have died in has had the misfortune to be
the present generation. labeled a drama of stark realism,
S owhile truly it is this only in the
IS TRUTH SECONDARY more minor of the two stories
Tyranny rules the University of which run through the single
Pittsburgh! Academic freedom, thread of action. "Granite" re-
the Constitutional prerogative of garded merely as a study in en-
free speech, the whole foundation vironment, as it supposedly is, is a
of intellectual integrity lies rotting, failure. No one could portray
destroyed by a "big business" ad- realistically the situation of the
ministration. characters in the play on the bare
A Liberal club organized at that rock which constitutes the locale
institution has been turned out of without the audience going away
the University, its members sus- with a sick feeling; and so very
pended, two of the: student leaders wisely, the author has reduced the
expelled, and a philosophy pro- setting to a minimum needed for
fessor discharged because the club the plot and an understanding of
had the audacity to criticize the the the characters, she has con-
administration and express adverse fined the attention to an emo-
{ opinions on the activities of the tional study of a woman who is
Coal-Iron police. The outrages comparable to Ibsen's Hedda Gab-
perpetrated by these police, hire- ler though by no means as well
lings of the large mining interests, done. The bleak isolation of Lundy
far overshadow any in which the which has caused the passionate
Black and Tans of recent Irish Judith in her brooding to tear
history were involved, apart her own soul as well of those
A deluge of instances of unmis- of the people about her, we are
takable suppression of opinon in made to feel, rather than shown,
the faculty was released by the The drama itself is concerned with
Liberal club incident. Three pro- that soul once it'is aroused to ac-
fessors were "adviset" by the uni- tion. It follows Judith's struggle
versity authorities not to pursue for emancipation from her hus-
f certain courses of independent band and Lundy to the point when
thinking. Prof. F. E. Woltman and she is conquered by herself as
Prof. W. L. Nunn, who wrote an ar- rather inadequately personified in
title published in "The American the nameless one.
Mercury," were told by Gov. John To enact such an emotional
S. Fisher that he was annoyed by struggle was a very difficult task,
the article, and immediately a and from last evening's perform-
committee from the university ance Comedy Club and the actors
I rushed to the capitol to temper the deserve high credit. Their efforts
chief's ire. Further placation was in the first act were marred by a
provided in a statement issued by very bad exposition in the play it-
the administration praising all the self and the the necessity to set
institutions criticized in the orig- the emotional tone of the drama.
inal paper. but from that point they achieved
Although freedom which degen- success This emotional tone wa
erates into license is vicious, free- very peculiar and also effective
dom which means constructive once the audience became accus-
criticism of obviously odious prac-
tices would provide the life blood POETR
for a social order which is even The announcement of a poetry
now leaning toward despotism. The
Liberal club case is merely another contest by the Inlander would
instance of the precarious position seem to be about the last possible
of academic independence. The type of literary competition the
i university, which should be a place campus could afford to students,
for free discussion of any ideas, unless one were to repeat witb
theories, or practices current any- hopes for better results some of the
where in the world, has in many contests which have already been
instances become no more than held this year.
an organ for the expression of Owing to this situation, one is
opinions of "big business." Truth apt to look upon the chances for
is secondary. the success of a poetry contest
Perhaps it is hopeless to expect with somewhat of a skeptical eye
colleges to champion social justice, Other openings for students to
or perhaps the state desires its soterwiigaiiyhv
citizenry brought up as mass-pro- show their writing ability have
duction robots, whose ultimate pur- seem hardly possible for this on
pose is to repeat the words put in
their mouths by "big business." to arouse a flicker of fagged inter-
Educational institutions must cease est. m
to be tThe yes-men for the moneyed he small dribble of verses which
interests and must becomemape have been turned in to the In
where progress alone is the guiding lander thus far would seem t
factorcontribute to this attitude. Bu

ents Clemence Dane's luscious
e new League Theater, beginning
8:30 o'clock.
ed by Paul L. Adams
I tomed to it, although until the end

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of the first act it seemed almost
like slight over-acting It might
be likened to the mood of the3
poetic prose of the romantic school.
It was accomplished in the play
by the rhythmical pulse of the
speeches and a slight over-pitching


Take Mother and Father



of the

voice; and it was further
by the subdued, and ef-
the incongruity of this
in a sdpposedly 'realistic
was overcome, the tragedy
much more freely, and thek

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audience was able to appreciate
the performances of the actors.
Florence Tennant as Judith was
outstanding. The very difficult
task of portraying the internal
struggle which Judith undergoes
before and after the murder of her
first and second husbands and up
to the point when she realizes- she
is chained to a third, was accom-
plished admirably through her
carefully controlled voice and a
facial expression which was never
either over or under done. The
others in the play performed their
parts with equal ability, and were
of minor importance only because
they all served to focalize the at-
tention on Judith rather than
functioning apart from her
Oice more this reviewer would
like to state emphatically that the
realism in "granite" is only a gloss
on the surface, what the play ac-
complishes most ably is to take us
into the mysterious depths of the


Want Ads Pay

stay Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernier Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
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Kasper Halversont
George Hamilton
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ix Humnphrey

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Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
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Carl V. Schemn
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

s human soul working out its des-
tiny. Everything tends to this ef-
- fect, acting, setting, and mood;
t and the plays fails only in that
, this exploration is not as search-
ing and powerful as otners have
s accompl shed. Ibsen for an ex-
ample in the theater, !Qwthorne
- for one in ' sister art.


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THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929,
Death has claimed, within the
last two weeks, two of the small
group of men at the University who
stand among the great scholars of
the world. Professor Cooley, like
Professor Wenley, ranked high on
this intellectual role of honor, and
his tragic demise has visibly affect-
ed everyone who ever came in con-
tact with the man.
The eminent sociologist was
truly an integral part of the Uni-
versity. Following in the foot-
steps of his noted father who
taught here for over thirty years,
Charles Horton Cooley graduated
from the University, received his
doctor's degree here, and achieved
fame as a member of the faculty.
He belonged heart and soul to
pu16 e u3 tTNPU13 XsrsDAUfl O)q
esteemed him in both life and
death. Beneath the universal sor-
row at his passing lies the realiza-
ton that no living man can as
capably fill the post he vacated.
It would seem that further pub-
licity is needless on the summary
suspension which awaits that irre-
sponsible element of the senior
class who insist on stimulating
themselves for Swing Out.. Some
comment, however, may be valu-
able on the fairness of the warning
that has been given, the soundness
of the University's policy toward
Swing Out drunkards, and the lack
of honest sympathy that will be
found tomorrowv for those who
make themselves the necessary ob-
jects of discipline.
There are no cards that have not
been laid on the table in a gentle-
manly manner. No undercover
men for the administration *w1ll
snoop for possible imbibers, smell
breaths, or tap hips; those students
however, who find it amusing to
make a public spectacle of their
willingness to drink can expect to
contend with something more
than a headache tomorrow morn-
ing. The University is endeavoring
to make sobriety at Swing Out a
cooperative proposition between
The liquor situation that arises
in connection with this particular
occasion is being handled in a com-
medable manner reminiscent of a
bygone era when the gentlemanli-
ess of students was taken for
granted. Drinking per se is not
being penalized, but a diploma is
tha -t-nrpmi'.n- nf lr-n imnh il 4

L! J

with other affairs, or too indiffer-
ent to give nthecontesthany seri-
ous attention, yet this should be a
strong reason for young writers en-
tering the competition and grasp-
ing the opportunity for public
recognition of their ability.
Inlander fias been most fortu-
nate in the judges it has been able
to get for the contest. Mrs. Clar-
ence Cook Little, Prof. DeWitt H.
Parker, and' Prof. Erich A. Walter I
are all not only well fitted to judge
the poetry; but each will probably
add a distinctive judgment to that
of all. Mrs. Little as a poet, Pro-
fessor Parker as a student of
aesthetics, and Professor Walter as
a rhetorician.
The fact that the contest is open
to all forms of poetry should also
encourage a number to enter the
competition as each one will feel
that he is not working under a
handicap no matter what form he
chooses for his poetry. All verse


+ +". r~rw I



to the Fresh

Air Camp

i o -
A drinking fountain on the cam-
pus at Wabash college has been
the scene of vigorous excavating
recently. It has been rumored
that ayScotchhprofessor let slip a
dime into the fountain, and that
the excavations are being carried
on at his instigation.

Editorial Comment


It is a generally accepted belief
that, the longer one remains in
college, the less interest he takes in
newspaper editorials, eight o'clock
lectures, syllogistic ratiocination,
and inter-class games
When I askayou, did the present
Sophomore class ever get excited
about either the fall or spring
games? If we never had an in-
terest in the contests, we most cer-
tainly never lost it If we don't
takean interest in this spring's
contest we shall lose If we lose
this time, we have no other oppor-
tunity. We must do something this
time if we ever hope to. Whether
or not we win depends entirely on
the efforts of the individual.
Plans for the contest were form-
ulated at the meeting in the Union
last night, which was attended by
the present captain and the cap-
tains of the previous games Coach
Yost has promised to speak at the
meeting in room 316 of the Union
at 8:30 o'clock tonight. There is a1
possibility that the Quartette of
the Glee club will be present and1
an effort is being made to secure
one of the Varsity captains as a
speaker. This will be the last,
chance for discussion before thei
games. Why not he at the meet-.r

while it may well be that most of
the advanced students in writing
on the campus are either too busy
Last night's recital, given by
members of the music school grad-
uating class, was a disappoint-
ment. Perhaps our anticipations!
were too high; but then, our crit-I
ical standai'd was comparativelyj
low, considering that it was but a
student recital.
Miss Tice's rendering of the
Schumann concerto was accurate,
studied, techniquely correct. But
her notes lacked warmth; they
seemed mechancal, cold, bare. Mr.
Culkin has a fine baritone voice,
powerful, yet well restrained, al-'
though at times has a tendency
to sing fiat. The Mendelssohn Vio-
lin Concerto was much too difficult
a number for Miss Case too at-
tempt. She played out of tune a
good deal of the time.uHer double
stops were horribly dischordant
Due to bad fingering, her notes
were not hit clean, and worst of
all was the wretched position
shifting. Considering that she is
only a student, it would be unfair
On My Way-by
Notes On Comedy Club's Production
Of "Granite"
The director in the theater is
forced to work and think in many
different ways. As he works he
may be well aware of the limita-
tions of the play he is to convey
and the actors he is to energize,
to animate.
Out of their own wisdom the
actors are conveying the vision of
the dramatist, enhancing a feel-
ing, animating, giving a tension.
rrmnt "honlr "

will be judged solely on merit.
Reviewed by G. R. Reich
to say that Miss Case is a poor ex-
cuse for a violinist. It is unfortu-
nate, however, that she chose the'
Mendelssohn Concerto, which is
probably one of the most difficult
pieces written for the violin. In
direct contrast to an intricate num-
ber poorly executed was Miss
Davis' delightful singing of a sim-
ple little Mozart tune. Miss Davis
has a soft, sweet soprano voice
which is charming. She seemed
aware of the limits of her scope
and justified herself quite satis-
factorily. Beyond a doubt, her
singing took the evening's laurels.
Miss Criswell played the Men-
delssohn Piano Concerto in quite
the same manner which Miss Tice
did the Schumann. It was mo-
notonous, expressionless, vapid.
Technique was good, but no effort
was made to interpret. With the
exception of one spot in the violin
concerto, the University Symphony
Orchestra was excellent in its ac-
Paul Stephenson
Everything that is actual must
go through a strange change be-
fore it becomes real in the thea-
ter. Good theater does not deal'
with careful people. Its real peo- i
ple are wild ones, outcasts.l
I hope to create for the theater
of my time, bring something into
being that has never been before.
Once or twice.
* * *
(Ed. Note-We had vaguely ex-
pected to interview Mr. Stephen-
S-n -+-


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