PAC4P :EIGTO-l THE FM T C TJT C7\ N TI AT rY VJ DNFT l Ay, MAY 0, 1029 F .. _ __. __ _.___. _._ _ _ .__.__ . _ _..._.._ _. _.. _ _._ .. ___..._- - - ----.- ----. .. ----- - ._. ..--J . -. -- - - _._ .._..._--_ not filled on!. the application. DAIL OFFCIRLBULLETIN DA ,Y O FI LPublication in the Bulletin is costrutve notice to .Ummbrs of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Pre i- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) GeologicalI Journal Clb: Studoits ill Soch c There will be a meeting 'Ph urv;d8', even iri , MIV'y 9, at, 7:,)*0ill rooml *054 N. S. Prof. Hobbs1) will lecture on -Climates of the Past." T. N. Goddard, Sceretary Owing to the ('irt of Prof essor today at, his hoc into, at 2:30 o'cl oo ;y:Sem1in~ari lStreimgthiof Materials: have factthatthe un- Professor 0. W. Boston will talk ; blanki Coolcy will be held (on Impact Tests on Thursday, Mayl val. 9, in Room 340 West Engineering use on Forest ,Ave- Building, at 4:00 p. m. Those in-' och, it, has seemed't wrestced are cordially invited. .Solllc 1rvonl l s- i'It. T. Liddicoat 'Cia. _.., no tl l c10 80t 1)Oflhic arr-1 1.W. Pawlowski ;Cmo re U1119in ccis: tss baseball game Wcdiiesda: o'clock, all men wishing t ) report with equipment at SMul1, Nursery S+ecl oni: F..cuity WORUCR-'s CIii,>: appropriate to R Ui C ,'V itll Uli bZ ., Gb 111 Vol. XXXIX WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1929 No. 160J - here will be an important Annu-Il Business Meetitig Wcdttcsdt.y,' Sociology for today. SMay 3, at 3:45 p. n., at 226 S. Infgall Street. iS Margaret L. Wolavcr 1 Aeronauctical Engineers, Seniors and play r, Dciotogy Staff Mnn'c Phvcira FA iratinn C4n irn#.c" i Honors Convocation : The Sixth Annual Honors Convocation will be held at 11:00 a. Mn., "Thursday, May 9, 1929, in lill Auditorium. Mr. John Castlereagh Parker, vice-president of the Brooklyn Edison Company, formerly pro- fessor of electrical engineering of the University of Michigan, will give the address. Classes at 11 o'clock in all divisions of the University, with the oxception of clinics, will be dismissed in order that the members of the faculty and students may attend the Convocation. The officials and the faculty of the University will meet in the Mich- igan League Building at 10:45 and at 11:00 proceed to Hill Auditori- um where they will be seated on the stage. Academic dress- will be worn. A section of seats oni the main . floor of the Auditorium will be reserved for honor students who will be admitted to this section oni presentation of the cards which hiavc been sent them. { The doors of the Aiiditorium will be open at 10:45 a. ni. The public iS invited. C. C. Little Mtoving Picture s of Indutitry: The nineteenth moving picture program by the School, of Business Administration will be held in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:05 p. in., Wednesday, May 8. Please note that the program will begin 10 minutes earlier than many afternoon meetings. The following films will be shown : Oxygen-the Wonder Worker (how 6,000 degree F. heat-the oxy- acetylene flamge-is being' used in production welding and cutting)- 2reels. The Story of Compressed Air (how air eases labor and reduces costs for the miner, manufacturer, engineer, and contractor)- 2 reels. Niagara, the Glorious (splendid panoramic and close-up views of the Horseshoe and American Falls, the Whirlpool Rapids and the Gorge) All persons interested are invited to attend these programs which are designed particularly to give business students background mater- ial. Carl N. Schmalz A. S. Al. 1E.: Iiie' ryaIVt aJuUavon muunts There wiil be a special meeting on Wednesday, May 8, at 4:30'Teewl b niprtn4et o'clock p. ., in room 229 West nierng Building. The election .Thrwilbanmptnme- p. En~neeri ng of the Men's Physical Education ;:f officers, postponed on May 1, will take place at this meeting. Club on Wednesday, May 8, at 7:45i J. Gray p. mn. in room 20 Waterman Gym- ., _1 1i _k I Graduates: F erry Field. Mr. H. A. Hicks, Chief Engineer Robert L. Campbell, Mgr. of the Airplane Division of- the Ford Motor Company, wvill be inj Alpha Kappa Delta Banquel my office, 306 E. Engineering Bldg.,! Owing to the death of Profess( r on Thursday, May 9, at 2:00 p. mn., Cooley it has been decided to pos.. to interview those who would like to; pone the banquet of the Sociology: obtain positions with his organi- Club until further notice.-- nation. All those interested who E. S. Guckert, President Inivrsly~ccxxr: nasiurn. Election of - ~ciit~ytalk by Coach Tad Professor W. Meyer-Luebke, of the University of Vienna, the fore- Coaching Problems w most living authority in the world on Romance Philology, will lecture portant feature. W officers and a Wieman oil vii be the im. i in Frcnch on the subject: "L'Histoire de la langue- et P'histoire de la 1 civilisation" in the Natural Science Auditorium on Monday, May 13,E pct 4:15 p. mn. The public is cordially invited. E. F E. Robbins E! I. G. Nebelung M WOW I. Pharmacy Students:' The Greyhound bus, which is to ,( I I Tiigt Organ Riecital: take the party on the Chicago in-'V Qr Palmer Christian, University1 organist, will give the following pro- petioii trip, leaves thie Michigan gram in hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon, at 4:15 o'clock . The IonTusaymrigfrmt general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to l3y at 6:30. C.II Socin attend. No admission charge. rC f tcig Miles: Paraphrase on the Hymn-tune "St. Kevin"; Novak: In the -_________ Church; Gluck: Lento (Orpheus); Bach: Fugue in C minor; Karg- Summxer Position: Elert: Clair de Lune; Bingham: Toccata (Suite, Op. 25) Saint-Saens: Any girl who has had experience 1 The Swan; Binnet: Caprice Heroi que. WOnMokigEnNwowihe'Ssm CnharlesngA.d who wihesWOMEN'S ChalesA._in mer position in a faculty family Seats No forestry Club: which goes North for the summer e 8,7:0 . -i lu ofier il b eece a tistie ad ve Mycome in and see me.' 75 cents There will be a meeting of the Forestry Club Wednesday, Maaryc 7:oud0bepresent.ubMr.fCcrs0.iErlansoleceilltgives aimalknone"TheonWestatrce W. Jonson ,mould be resent. Mr. C. . Erlanson wil give a talk on"The West ... Greenland Eskimo." There will be a .sing and feed at. the close of the meeting.I W.ctng.I C. Branch, President I JUST PUBLISHED -- Varsity 1hand: I I C There will be a short rehearsal at Morris H-all from 7 to 8 p. Il t tonight. Please be prompt. ; "O d Ag - he M " 1Gilbert 11. SaltonstallByDr Aded S 'Michigan Union Opera Orchestra and Singing Chorus:I Men interested in the 1920-30 Michigan Union Opera Orchestra or $30 Singing Chorus should report at. the Mimes Theater any afternoon this$30 week between two and five o'clock for registration.- The orchestra will be composed of flutes, piccolos, oboes, clarinets, bassoons, horns, trumpets. trombones, tuba, t~ympani, drums and traps, violins, cellos, and string basses. The singing chorus will have twenty-four men in it, six lirst tenor, slx second tenors, six first basses, and six second basses. Tryouts will be announced in the near future. Roy S. Langham, Chairman of the Music Committee NEXT WEE PLAY PRODUCTION prescids "Beggar on v Horseback"' We:, Thurs, Fr'i. and Sat. May .15, 16, 17 and, 18 LEAGUE AUDITORIUM ow At The Play Production Office Phone 4121 i , ii ai Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: It is planned to hold a meeting of the Faculty of these Colleges Thursday, May 23. Announcements will be sent out later. Loris A. Hopkins, Secretary Oil )w Involution" Ott Warthin BOO0 STORE Plrospective Librarians : Students of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts who are1 expecting to become candidates for the degree of Bachlor of Arts in Library Science, and, all others interested in Library training, will be addressed by Dr. W. W. Bishop, University Librarian, at a meeting to be held Wednesday, May 8. at 4:05 p. m iin the Lecture room ofj the General Library, (room 1 10. Library? . John R. Effinger Geolog~y 2: Make-up excursions will be offered this 'Thursday at 3 o'clock. Please sign up by Wednesday noon. It. C. Hlussey Notice: The Round Table Club is holding a meeting Thursday, May 9, at 8:00 p. mn. in the Michigan Union, (room to be designated on the Bulletin Board). The expulsions and discharges at the University of; Pittsburgh, due to the 'activities of the Liberal Club there, will be discussed. All persons interested are urgently requested to at tend. Sal R. Halpern ,- r ill wvvJ ra" .w...b,...Y... s v.ww ..... .. va v.+v .. a.vo-v vva. ... y l ... .... Sophomores: There will be a meeting of the entire Sophomore Class in room 3161 of the Union at 8:30 o'clock on Thursday night to perfect plans for the Spring games of Friday and Saturday. This is our last chance to win an inter-class contest. Every- one out. A brief meeting of the board ofj st]'ategvu will be held in room 304 of the Union tonight at 8:30. Let's; go. A. Donohue, Captain E f { .." a Distinctive Footwear THIRD .._ - .: ,. , . ~f t :'1 R Lc Ixamination Schedule: College of Literaturc, Science, and the Arta: By action of the Literary Faculty, no classes will be held in this Col- lege on Friday, May 31. The following list of special ex- o minat ons is both an extension and revision of the examination schedule printed on page three of the Second Semester Time Sched- ule of the Literary College.? French 1, 2, 31, 32 Friday, May 31,..9-12 a. mn. Ppanish 1. 2, 31, 32 Political Science 32 Friday, May "1, 2--5 p. -a. Speech 31, 32 -Friday, May 31, 7-10 p. . Now 'we I -of- j, t . R- AL. E 6Adduh,0 , : ' lsfi "" f ,, -----:_ $69 0 Rhetoric 2 Psychology 31 Saturday, June 1, 2-5 p. mn Geran 1, 2, 31, 32 Saturday, June 1, 7-10 p. mn. Economics 51, 52 Monday, June 3, 2-5 p. gyn. 4 , Says the Critics of Zoology 1 Monday, June 3, 7-10 p. m.I Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 51, 52 Wednesday, June 5, 2-5 p. m { Sociology 51 Thursday, June 6, 9-12 a. mn. Geography 2, 32 Thursday, June 6, 7-10 p. im.L Marry C. Carver' Quadrangle: Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 1929, 8:15 p. mn., at 1954 Cambridge Road. E. C. Prophet, Clerk 1Alpia, Omega Alpha Lecture: Dr. Joseph Collins, eminent neu- rologist and author will speak upon the subject, "Success and Satisfac- tion in the Practice of Medicine" at 8:15 p. in., Wednesday, May 8, in Natural Science Auditorium. This is the last lecture of the 1928- 29 series. Edwin J. Doty, President INew York Listed Stocks Private wires to all IMarken i Conser vative margin accounuts "Granite by CLEMENCE DANE P~resenteddIcy under the direction of PAUL STEPHENSON in the Leagjue Tl~heatre GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE FOR ALL PER FORMANCES The play continues through the entire week 291 pairs of this season's Styles f or street and dress wear. 427 pairs of af ternoon and semi-dress straps and ties, street oxfords and formal Slippers. High and low heels 1 All shoes taken from our regular stock and reduced for this selin event $810 t . ,a . . : '' f ! 66 , ; 3 .: NK - .. .' N. - N.' g 5 wihMAY with aspecial Main Floor--$1.00 6- 1 1 Saturday Matinee 612 pairs of men's oxfords for sport, street and dress. A complete range of styles and sizes. 957 pairs of pumps, ties, and st rapa effects in the most. popular -materials of the sea- son for all occasions. All sizes and both high and low heels. Balcony-75c - I II m - - - - m bkl d b. - - - - a m - t