WDN SDAY, MAY 8, -029 p C4 1HFtMC H ICAN A-1L Y := _ PLAY BY PLAY ACCOUNT OF SECOND_;MEIIGAMEi -.- 9Sixth Inning Eighth Inning First Inning 1MEIJL- Zenimura bunted and Moo- - MEIJI-Montague went to the MEIJI.-Zenimnura fouled to M- die threw him out. Tabe sent a Ibox and Reichman behind the plate Coy. Tabe struck out. Washie hied long triple to left. Washie singled for Michigan. Montague stopped 4 ,to; Nebelung. No run, no hit, no to center, scoring Tabe. Sumida Mano's grounder with his bare hand *error. flied to Corriden. Yonezawa forcedI and threw him out. Montague also MICHIGAN. -- Nebelung walked. Washie at second, Moodie to Kubi-'threw out Zenimra Tabe ground- M. Coriden's sacrifice bunt, Nakamura ek. One run, two hits, no error. ed out to Moodie.a to, Washie sent Nebelung to second.' MICHIGAN.-Tabe threw out Ne- MICHIGAN.-Straub ba u Straub lined to Mano who touched 'belng. Corriden sent a sizzling hit off Nakamutra's glove, but wasj second, doubling Nebelung. No run, double .to center, sliding safely toI out stealing, Tezuka to Tabe. Kubi- .no hit, no error. second. He then stole third. Straub ceek singled. over second. Moodie Second Inning walked. Mano fumbled ubicek's flied to Zenimura. McCoy lined a' MEIJL- Truskowski dropped thej grounder, allowing Coriden to score single to left, advancing Kubicek! third strike on Masu, but threwI and Straub to reach third. MoodieI to second. Myron flied to Yoneza- ., ~~~~~~~struckou.Kbcktohsnero. himt out. Sumdia fouled to Trus- ot uie tl eod a orn w is oerr kowski. Yonezawa gruddwoMcoysnldnorg t t iscoring! a ornNinth..Inning Myo.Nornounderro Straub and Kubicek, ndwntt MEIJ.-Wasio was out, Kubicek -MICHIGAN. -Kubicek flied to' second on the throw home. Myon to McCoy. Masu walked. Sumida Yonezawa. Moodie grounded to! struck out. Three runs, two hits,I ended the gane by hitting into a "Manio. McCoy flied to Nakamnura.! one error..i fast double play, Myron to Kubicek Norunohtnoero.Seventh InningI to McCoy. No run, no hit, no error. I MEIJI.-Yonezawa fanned.Tek - Third InningT- singled but was out stealin,TrsLASsiFIE MEIJI-Kubcek'sthro bea kowski to Kubicek.Moodie spearedAD RTSN _uka to first. Nakamura struck out. Nakamura's line drive. No run, no! Mano grounded out to McCoy, un- lit, no error. assisted. No run, no hit, no error., MICHIGAN-Truskowski flied to ' MICHIGAN.-Myron grounded to Masu. Centenni battedt for Asbeck VACATION position for college stu- Nakarn ura. Truskowski fanned. Su-, He dropped a Texas leaguer in right dent; splendid experience; salary midi took Asbeck's slow roller and field for, one base. Nebelung popped $245 for 70 days work. Educators threw him out. I to Tabe. Corriden also lifted onej Association, 717 Francis Plms Fourth Inning I to Tabe. No run, one hit, no error. Bldg., Detroit, Mich.2 MEIJI.-Zenimura popped to Ku-___________ bicek in short right. Tabe was out,I d. 110 iiClI16. G*,V .id 0,Z afl . /:.J I I Ku~bicek to Mc Coy. Washo struck . .-_ , _______________________ out. No run, no hit, no error. MICHIGAN.-Nebelung beat out a hit to Tabe. Corriden flied to Ze- nimure. Straub doubled to left, sending Nebelung to third. Kubicek; if sent a high foul to Wash io. Mans tmade a running catch of Moodie's ., fly in, back of first. No run, no ht no error.u. Fifth Inning v,.~. . MEIJI.-Masu grounded to Kubi- cek. Sumida fouled to Moodir Yonezawa was safe when Moodie threw wide to first. Yonezawa stole * . second and went to third ona passd bal. ezuk sinledpastg l x tird, scoring Yonezawa. Nakamu- . . . .** ra singled to left, sending Tezuka" . to second. Mano struck out. One...4'>. .. run, two hits, one error. 7w *. MICHIGAN.-McCoy walked -and I . - -_-__----.__ __ stole second when Tezuka tried to + 41 catch him off first. Myron struck out. McCoy was safe stealing third.I~~i ~ h~ Truskowski rolled to Tabe, who P threw McCoy out at the plate. A-B G VL ww 'beck was out on strikes. No runs,4 Here is a property worhy of your consideration. It is new. t no hit, no'error.t Th1rinn The owner will be its first occupant and too- the buyer o this fine home, at the presemt price, will have made an invest TheTrinngScoo 4 nmen to be proud of. feis ocilV T 4'he location is one of the best i the city, convenient to cas- 4 I pus and business An excellent, neighborhood. 4 c eI 1411 White Street at Oakwood Place c one block south of Granger c - An attempt at description would not. do justice to this unusual4 Offers a course of study to college home -- YOU MUST SEE IT to appreciate the real graduates in preparation for Jew ~ cneineo omarneet h ult fwrmn ish aocial work asa rofession. ovnec fro ragmn h ult fwrmn Scholarships and Fellowships I hi and the beauty of. maogn doors and trim ranging fron $150 to $1000 are EE avl e for the next school yearI For full information, address S E I O A The Director open The Training School for 3 to 8 P. M& 4 Jewish Social Work stpfo h ad icent h ofral n 71 W. 47th St., New York City at~ Every se rmtehnykthnt h ofral n ______________________________ ~homey study on the second floor will not only please but 01 SOM~E ( plaanl surprise you. '/ ~lIfI)eSC ofiW o FRATERNITY BADEeasan~r'tly ,, ~ t w1 ) ~c~cxtorl tyutwe Stpino1-3 Off Sto itothe store. You may be \y among the fortunate ones and. t Ann Arbor Horai Builders, Inc, fin yorsat this exceptional F. P. Cary, Pres. S. Schlt, V. 1h. E. I. Smith, See-Trea prc URPATTERSON & AULD t 250 N. Main St. Phone 7408 603 Church Street fl.l"I~J1r"11"~A.t~ J1..'.~1wlJd.sdJ'.P"v( PAJAMAS SHI R TSGLF 1A ieI Broadcloth in white, plain S((!1K. Aspecial gro up screen and blue as well as a' good selection of stripes and A of figure+s and patterns. Deal rood values- great ofiey ad~ a l..a recho to choose all wool or lisle1 stripe&, all colors from. soicks. Fancy and plain imports. b$ 5O ~~ $1.95 b y$l9 ALL ATHLETIC SHIRTS AND TRUNKS 3pair Trunks -3 Shirts (Rayon or cotton) $4.50 L HAND MDETIES 2FO_$2.5 . _ TYPEWRITING and MIMEO- GRAPHING College work a specialty since 1908. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-For stu- dents who are ambitious. Good wages. Apply at Room 302, Mich- igan Union, Wednesday, between three and seven. 1 SAXOPHONE-Will trade good alto for tenor. 9853 at noon. tf FOR RENT Built like an airplane I" 9 * 0built sedfor sped.4 T ~HE structural differ'ence between a Dav ton Steel, Racquet land other types is a~s striking as that between an airplane* and' a motor car. fn an airplane tunnel test the Dayton showedI 43%, less air resistance. Tjhat's why it gets your ball over quicker -20%o quicker. That.'s why it act ually gives you thie jump oil speedier players. Y ou've a righ, to demand faicts. Hecre'st1he second question of a series : Q. Ilow does. the thinner construction of the D~ay ton afrect its comparison with a standard wood racqjuet in size, weigh 1, and; balance? A. Measurements at the Y. C. Lab, showed the D~ayton Ito he exactly its rated weight, t he wood 211N over~ weigh t. A\'Vi illithe wood racquet as a si ;indlard: for dimensions, center of g"iiaviI V Iliets of ineritiaL, etc'. , teaverage v:triataio1I olI, t.ie hi)tosn was Less thani a'7. rof. L..11. Younri'of M. 1.T., wV1I(, made the tegts,says' lThe maket-s. fretIA)bee corilmne de( I upOll I ;t e C~edilhug. ly clever piece of (lesigi)." ' I-ty Loun st eel .Iacqe(1i-It("o., D yto,) (. 0 DAYTON TE RACQU ET AS MODEIN A'I S AVIATION PIANO TUNING-The Concert At Ar- st Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic- tor Allmendinger. Not with any music house, Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence, I1603 Morton Ave. 2340 NOTICE--- Home Laundry -- Soft Iwater used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Home Laundry. Phone 8190; 2340 IPRINTING and ENGRAVING IGood work takes time. Invitations, Announcements, Calling Cards should be ordered at once to avoid the last minute rush. Social work a specialty. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade C NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of Axmihister and Wilton rugs. Koch & H-enne. r MOTHER'S DAY is MAY 12th A choice asortment of cards and1 mottoes for mother and the rest of the family. 0. D. Mvorrill, 17 Nic- kels Arcade. C 1 PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10%1 WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, f MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. iC - TYPEWRITERS E AlIl makes of portable and large # imachine., sold, rented; exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large assort- ment and bust service. 0. D. Mor- ril, 17 Nickels Arcade. C fSAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112,- Killins Gravel Company. C FOR R1ENT--Apartment. Call 5800 or ever1Jngs, 85 C FOR RENT--S-room furnished apartment for sinmer months. One block from Campus. Phone 9785. 23J~ LOST LOST-Delta Tau Delta pin, last Sunday. Initials E. F. D. (D). Return to 1928 Geddes Ave. Dial 17317. 234 LOST--White and brown male Ros- ton bull, answers to name - Brownie." Reward. Dial 21682. 2345 LOST-Big (amber stone ring. Lost Monday afternoon on East Lib- erty. Valued as gift and reward, 2 LOST--An ostrich .leather pocket- book, between Ferry- Field and Hermitage road. Initials of name W. P. Call 8217. 612 1LOST--A large cameo pin Saturday night on Tappan near. Hill or Oakland. Pin is esteemed as keepsake. Finder please write Eleanor Scribner,' 10715 Kingston Ave., Royal Oak. Reward. 123 WAN~TED WANTED-1928 Michiganensian. Dial 4818. O'Brien. 234 WANTED TO RENT-A furnished six-room home for the summer. session. In or near Ann Arbor or near Whitmore Lake. Two chil- dren. Write J. M. Heaphy, 144 Maple street, River. Rouge. Phone Cedar 0048-W. 612 WANTED-A cook, white woman for a private family hotel on -Lake Michigan. Must be first class; particularly good on pastry. ApyD. M. Pratt, Benton Harbor, Mih., Box 392. 61234 MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A:$., Director 310 S State Phone 7927 Cl -I ,r_, . tk5 I ThoHeath All Thos. Heath Suits, and -Topcoats Reduced Shirts and Ties Reduced Two Groups of Shirts Reduced $1.95 $2,45 WAIS~bGimupww