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May 08, 1929 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-08

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HE t H CA N, -A T E

W~tvN~A~,MAY 8, is}29

First ractice


Game Is




1111 fm ir ari HA



Second Contest Will Ue Run Off
Tomorrow Afternoon At
Ferry Field
Contrary to a statement made
in the Daily yesterday morning,
the two annual spring football
games will be played this after-
noonand tomorrowafternoon at
4 o'clock at Ferry Field. These
games will be played by two picked
teams which were given plays and
signals yesterday. Every man on
the squad will get a chance to play
i, one of the two contests Coach
Wieman announced.
Although several practice scrim-
mage sessions have been held dur-
ing the course of the spring drills,
the games today and tomorrow will
be the first which have been con-
ducted according to regular rules.
Helps Decide Trophy Winner

"Although we are here in the i that country has progressed, will
United States to play baseball, our ' come back and tell their friends
government expects us to gain a about tthe little island of the East,1
, and in this way will help materially
to make the bonds between the,
of the customs o1 the people of two more firm.
this country," said Coach Okada of United States Japan's Friend
the Meiji University yesterday af- Japan has always looked upon
ternoon through his interpreter, the Unihed States as its friend,
said Coach Okada, and the speed
Manager Matsumoto. The Minister: with which the Japanese took upl
of Education in Japan !sponsors baseball and have made it their
these invasions which the Japa- national game, just as it is here
nese baseball teams make almost in the United States, would lead
yearly not only for the purpose to the idea that the two na-
of giving the men a trip through tions have a great deal in com-
the United States, but to make Ja- mon. Japan has taken most of her
pan better understood in Amer- civilization from America, and we:
ica. are looked upon as their tradition-
The Japanese know more about Have Been Well Received
this country than we do of their The people of this country have
land, and the ,government there given the athtletes from Japan a
feels that one of the best ways to more than royal welcome accord-
reach the American people is ing to Coach Okada, and he only
through their sporting blood, and hopes that his people will be able
that if these teams selected to, to make the stay in Japan as pleas-
make the long trip over here per- ant for the Wolverines who will go
farm their nurnrsen ronerl iv -n-er-!,; , or ini; umb.,yAoing +

On the basis of comparative re- tieing for first in the pole vault at
suits, Coach Farrell's unbeaten 12 feet 6 inches, tieing for second Coach Trueblood Well Pleased At
CEMichigan track team will be favor- in the broad jump, and placing sec- Showing Made Against Strong
ed to add another to its unbroken ond in the 120 yard high hurdles. Illinois Squad
string of wins over Minnesota when His marks in all events except the!
New York Goes Into First Place the Wolverines invade the Gopher pole vault, however, were bettered
By Beating St. Louis stronghold Saturday in their second by Wolverines last Saturday. 1 FRESHMAN TEAM STRONO
Browns, 6-5 dual meet of the outdoor season. Michigan Marks Better
The Northmen, after a mediocre Captain Catlin garnered ten Stating that the Wolverine golf
RUTH KNOCKS HOMER showing in the indoor meets and points by firsts in the 440 yard dash team was the strongest that had
relay carnivals, succumbed to the and broad jump. His mark of 50.6 lever represented the University
Badgers, 75 1-3-59 2-3, last week at in the quarter mile is at least a sec- Coach T. C. Trueblood was well
The Detroit Tigers eeked out a Madison while the Farrellmen ond slower than Dale Seymour's satisfied with the showing made
3 to 2 victory yesterday ever the showed unexpected class in annex- time of last Saturday, while against the strong Illinois linksmen
ing their third straight win over Arendt's leap of 23 feet Y inches when they were defeated last Sat-
Whrintonentrskto stechn-the Conference title holding Hawk-Isurpasses the Gopher's winning urday 10 1-2 to 7-12. The one,
their winning streak to five con-eyes, 69-66. mark by over a foot. Itwo and three players, Captain
secutive games. Washington made Gophers Favored In Discus Johnson, another Minnesota vet- i Bergelin, Ward, and Lewis are
a real threat in the ninth, scor- A comparison of the marks made eran, also scored points in two I exceptionally strong match men
ing two runs and filling the bases in the two meets shows that the events, taking first in the discus and play excellently when the go-
again before the last man was Gophers excelled Michigan in but with a heave of 138 feet, bettering'ing is close.
tired The New York Yankees four events, the discus throw, the Sanderson's distance by four feet, Steady improvement has been
tired mile and two mile runs, and the and gaining third in the shot put. marked in the players and they
forged into first place in the pole vault, while the Wolverines Strain and Anderson, Gopher miler hope to be on the road to a Confer-
American league race by rallying made better performances in eleven and two miler, negotiated their re- ence title. Last year they placed
in the ninth to defeat the St. events. Minnesota, although pos- spective distances in less than the second. To date the Wolverine
Louis Browns, 6 to 5. Ruth hit a sessing two individual stars in Cap-- Wolverine times to take a second ! teams have won 13 straight dual
home run. Philadelphia dropped i tain Catlin and Otterness, appeared I and first against the Badgers. I meets.
in the stann.sPhireph adped-to lack the team balance which I Coach Trueblood is planning on
i the standings by virtue of a de- gave Michigan a victory over Iowa. BUNION RACERS FACE working with the Varsity for the
feat at the hands of the Chicago I Otter'ness placed in four events next few days in an effort to get
White Sox. J against the Badgers, winning the SEVENTY MILE JAUNT them in the best possible shape
javelin with a toss of over 165 feet, ,for some tough dual matches that
AMERICAN LEAGUE ____(By Associated Press) will come soon. Next week he is
R H E CORNELL TA STARMULGE, Okla., May 7.- planning on matching the fresh-
Washington .. 000 000 002-2 6 0 With 1,612 miles of the 3,400 mile men against the Varsity for a
Detroit .......021 000 00x-3 9 1 NEARS DISCUS MARK' trek from New York to the Paci- practice tilt.
Jones, Marberry, Brown; White- fic coast covered, the 24 remain- There are several likely looking
hill. (3y Associated Press) ing bunioneers in C. C. Pyle's men on the freshman squad that
Boston .......002 120 000-5 10 0 NEW YORK, May 7-If John' trans-continental derby today come with more or less of a golfing
Cleveland .....020 000 200-4 9 1 Anderson, the big Cornell football plodded along on a 70 mile lap to reputation to live up to, Howard,
Russell; Ferrell, Miljus, Harder. and track star, continues the sen- Holdenville. I Hicks, Lenfesty and Calhoun.
Philadelphia ..100 010 000-2 5 4sational development he has shown
Chicago ......000 200 20x-4 12 3 so far this spring in discus throw-
Grove; Thomas. ing, the east may yet check the
New York....000 310 002-6 10 3 far western rush that has given it
St. Louis .....100 013 000-5 10 0 a clean sweep in this event everWen Y o u Dn e -
Pennock, Moore; Crowder, Col- since it became a part of the inter-
lins. collegiate A. A. A. A. champion-
NATIONAL LEAGUE ship program in 1922. always look for quality, delicacy,
R H E Anderson threw the platter 150 wholesomeness, a n d service.
Chicago......010 223 001-9 12 1 j feet, 3 inches, to break the Penn
Brooklyn.....000 000 220-49 2 1 relay record.T ese are our aims *n serving the
Nehf; McWeeny, Moss, Pattison. n2 students, faculty and townspeople


Lull-ull p p plv- p tuy, 11C over tis summer. By doingti
In addition to giving the coaches national understanding will be he feels that he could perform a
a chance to look over the men who greatly increased. In addition to real service for his country, and
have shown well i practice once a regular program of sightseeing one that will draw the United
they get under actual game condi- the Japanese students who play States closer to Japan in the bonds
tions, the showing of the various on the baseball team are expected of friendship.
candidates will go far toward de-Ito make a careful study of the Meiji is one of the "Big Three"
ciding the winner of the annual pae hy
Chiago Alumni trophy. places they visit, and after they of Japanese baseball, as they usual-
greturn to their native land will be ly fight it out with two other uni-
This trophy, given each year to called upon to give a report of'versities, Wuseda and Keio for the
the man who shows the best spirit, their experiences while in Amer-' championship. Last year Meiji fin-'
development, and possibilities dur- ica. ished the race second, but with the
ing the spring season will be pres- Players Must Miss School I experience they will gain in meet-
ented at a meeting to be helc) In order to make this trip, most ing the strongest teams over here,
sometime next week. This meet- of the men on the team will lose a and with a strong team, Coach
ing has been called by head Coach semester of school, but the Educa- 1Okada expressed the hope that they
Tad Wieman, and will be for all tion department of the government could walk off with the Japanese
men who expect to be candidates looked upon the training that the title next season. The game has
for the Varsity next season. At this men would receive here, and tne l been played in Japan for nearly
time plans for the coming cam- connections which the teams would forty years, although Meiji univer-
paign will be discussed, and a rep make as being more important jsity took it up only about twenty
resentative of the Chicago Alumni than the time missed. In fact as I years ago.
to the man whom the coaches in Coach Okada put it, the University o- o
charge of the practice decide team which visits the United'I REMAINING BASEBALL GAMES
States is looked upon in Japan as I!
should receive it. an "Ambassador of Good Will." May 11....Illinois......Here
Games Will Be Close For the same reason, that of pro- I May 13 ......Ohio........ There I
Close battles are assured for the imoting better understanding be- ' May 17......Purdue.....There i{
games this year, as the men in tween the two nations, a baseball 'i May 18 ..Northwestern.... There IG
charge used great care in making team from the United States is in- 1 May 21 .....M.S.C. ....... ThereI
the two squads as nearly as pos- vited to make the trip to Japan!II May 24......Iowa...... There
sible the same strength. In addi- nearly every year. Next summer; May 25.....Illinois........'There I
tion to the men who have been out two teams will go over, Michigan May 27 ... Wisconsin. ... There j
regularly for the drills, Coach Wie- and California. The University I.May 30 ... .Wisconsin..... Here I
man has asked some men who ap-j men, players on these teams, will June 1......Ohio........Here I
pear to be likely prospects for the I be the future citizens over here, June 14 ....M.S.C......... Here I
team and who were unable to get ! and if they have made the trip )IJune 15 ..... M.S.C.. .....Here i
to practice. j through Japan and have seen how 1o o



St. Louis ......000 310 010-5 13 2
Boston .......310 000 04x-8 12 1
Hallahan, Bell; Greenfield,
Hearn, Cunningham.
Cincinnati .,...301 000 000-4 6 1
Philadelphia .000 200 04x-6 12 1
Rixey; Ferguson, Roy, Benge.
Pittsburgh . . .000 000 021-3 13 2
New York .....110 000 000-2 6 2
French; Benton.


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