t THE MICHICAN-DALLY , y _ ; L'' iT ' 4 w !3 16 low m- VFA MWATA I KIN v v-.sue- r--rs z rzs-- .s "" IN TALIN BTFestival Singer Has Alumna RecommendsMTIssJOHNSON TELL MUnusual ORpera DebutL Newspaper Training TRADITIONS ON E TO BE HELD TONI ITh s pr doa -O PAGEANT AHRIYMrsrELEVEHNNEiV IORS Apropos of Lantern Night, Miss po Edith Mason, prima donna so- 0 Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg, pes- Beatrice Johnson~avsro oe, prano, who will appear in_Ann; ident of the Alumnae Council of recently discussed women's tradi- at . RtEPORtTS WILL BE MADE BY Arbor during the May Festival, toa ciiiso iia aue o EP TILN E O CAL BYrrdwhen interviewed recently, said Announcement Made Of Schedule the University, recalled her early National Honorary Society Elects at Barnard College and the Univer-, so RETIRING OFFICIALShed For F i t t i n n And Cuttinge erience on the staff of the Chi- On Scholarship, LeadershipB AT- OPEN MEETING that it was the illness of two oper C expe ' sity of Maine, both of which schools ex atic stars that resulted in her l Costumes For Every Dance cago Tribune and commented fa- Service Basis she attended. ti obtaining a start on the operatic ~- vorably upon the practical value to "The biggest traditional event for w MISS RICHARDS TO SPEAK stage. !ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED be received from work on collegeI ELECT HONOR MEMBERS Iwomen at Barnard," said Misso A few years ago, while Miss Ma- publications. _Johnson, "is the annual 'Mysteries'I d Fourteen Officers Will Be Installed son was studying at the Boston . In her opinion, the connection ..held in the Fall. Unlike Lanternr At Informal Dinner In New Conservatory of Music, a call came Materials for the costumes for between newspaper experience and Eleven Junior women will wear Night here, however, the Freshmen c vt Women's League from a conductor, Mr. Conti, for the Freshman Pageant have arriv- the advertising field is very close, mortar boards on campus today in are the guests of honor. All the Is her to substitute for the prima -ed, and a schedule has ben an- and she pointed out that many token of their election to Mortar usual tricks are employed to putJt Inistallation of the newly elected donna who was to sing the role of nounced for the cutting of the cos- firms today require newspaper I Board, national honorary society them in the proper frightened state 1 ' o1ceis of the Women's League will "Nedda" in the performance of, tumes. This schedule coincides in training from employees in their Ifor seniorwomen. The women hon- of mind, and then when they are I t take place at the .annual installa- "Pagliacci." Without previous re- advertising departments. This spe- thoroughly scared, they are led into Ic tion banquet this evening. The hearsal and with only a few hours most cases with the rehearsals of calizd training, Mrs. Vandenberg ored by this election include Mar- the main hall where refreshmentsa banquet, which is informal, will be notice, Miss Mason gave a perfor- the various groups, but in the cases considers to be one of the impor- garet Bush, Helen Fellows, Arliene and a program of entertainment is o held in the main assembly hall of mance brilliant with all the en- when it is different, the women tant advantages gained by college elman, Virginia Losee, Marjorie given them. All the undergraduate -- the League and will begin promptly thusiasm of youth. It was this are to come to Sarah Caswell Angell women who identify themselves Follmer, Dorothy McKee, Dorothy women at Barnard attend, and a at ,6o'clock Everyone is urged to which opened a new world of opera Hall at the hour appointed. IWith college publications. "In work Bloom, Gertrude Smith, Jean Wal- great many alumnae come back for be on time. to the young woman who has be- on a newspaper such as the Trib- this event. The second open League meeting come one of the foremost perfor- sweeps, aid balloon dancers are to une, the space value of a single yG hr 'Seniors at Barnard have a tradi- of the year will precede the instal- mers on the American operatic report at 4 o'clock today. At 5 word is emphasized, at the current garet Ohlson. I tion which they call 'Step-Singing.' lation. Jean Hathaway, 29, will stage. outIthedayehtimekEdidhrate of advertising rates." I in addition to the selection of Each spring just before graduation give the report of the.Undergrad- About the same time Edith Ma- Iherds and shepherdesses will have "Learning to write for newspaper I active members, three honorary all the senior women gather around uate Campaign Fund Committee son was sent from the Boston com- their costumes cut. Thursday at 4 purposes is largely a matter of members have been elected to the the cloisters and sing their senior t pf which she has been the chair- pany to Montreal to fulfill a small o'clock the woodsmen will report; riting with a view to seeing whatsociety. Miss Alice Lloyd, adviser song as well as many of the old I man, and Dorothy Beck, '30, retir- engagement there. Hardly had the 'at 4:30 o'clock the highlanders, and you write in print." Women in the to women, Dr. Margaret Elliott, Banard refrains." ing treasurer of the League, will youthful artist and her mother at 5 o'clock the minstrels. The Mor- newspaper field, Mrs. Vandenberg and Miss Laurie Campbell, who Miss Johnson then went on to ive her report. Mary J. White, arrived in the Canadian city when ris dancers and butterflies are believes, excell in departmental have heretofore served as patrones- mention some of the traditional r 29, retiring president of the League the prima donna who was to do scheduled for 4 o'clock Friday, and work "of which there is no end of Ises to the Michigan chapter, will ceremonies held for women at the pWill introduce the new officers, and "Marguerite" in Gounod's "Faust"I the Country dance at 5 o'clock. chance for a woman who writes now be formally initiated into the University of -Maine It is always Mrs. Z. B. Bolles, the new house fell suddenly ill. With the same Sally Ensminger, chairman ofycleverly." organization. a big event there the day the most msanager of the Women's League. complete confidence that Miss Ma- costumes, wishes every one to come In regard to the modern tendency Membership in the society is prominent women on the campus is Grace Richards is to speakson had displayed in the preceding at the time for which she is sched- oward self government of women I based on participation in extra- are elected to a society called the as will Margaret S. Bush, '30, the appearances she became for the'a h iefrwihsei ce-1i mrcncleeMs adn new presidet. B ' evapeinarague e hichn re uled, as it will be very difficult to in American colleges, Mrs. Vanden- curicular activities, leadership, and "All-Maine Women,"' and presented new president. evening a Marguerite which in re- arrange individual appointments, berg expressed the opinion that scholarship. A minimum scholar- with their pins. On "Rising Day" The officers to be installed are cent years has been acclaimed by If anyone has any questions, they there should be some higher super- ship average of 1.52 is required, which is usually about the middle Malgaret Bush, '30, president; Jean the most critical audiences herem at 68 vision other than student control this being several points higher of May, there is a grand scramble Wallace, '30, vice president; Roerta and abroad. a at least in large state universities. than-last year's standard; it is in- between the Freshman and Sopho- t ih a possessed of a sible for thyPgirl t buy be pos- The basis for her belief, she stated teresting to note that the number more class to see which will have Helen Jones, '31, recording secre- magnetic stage presence and it is tume aey gowi cost uif her sde- as the fact that a student council of activity points required for ee- their class numerals from the flag- ___________________________________ tume at a very locotishde.__________________ 0c this which acts as an admirable sires. At the mass meeting of all cannot satisfactorily reach mdi- tion has been decreased, in an at- sies For all those who are inter- I foil for a beautifully purehvoice.siteetvnduals Fretedi aki eservatinr forili u y pure voice. It women connected with the Pageantviduals a situation often absolutely tempt to lay greater stress on main- ested in making reservations for I is little wonder then that Miss Ma- which was held Monday, the cos- necessary. However, the ideal sys- taining high scholarship even while f tables at the bridge party being I son has- so steadily developed into tuics were described to the wom- tem would be, according to this participating in campus activities. - I given Saturday afternoon at the I one of the great operatic artists of tb trominent alumna. close coonera- Michigan League Marion Read- the age who is still growing in the work the committee had been tion between a student council and PURDUE UNIVERSITY.-150 girls I F60 ing,,30, chairman, has made the I artistic stature. i dh some other authority. from eleven universities, colleges I announcement that t i c k e t s Off the stage and on even a most doing, and of the color schemethat and iormal schools participated in ouldianbeorworkedolsouttionatPalmer; should be secured as soon as I casual observer could not help but Field on Lantern Night, when theMarthaCooolds the first annual "Play Day" on May possible. These are available by I notice the modest, congenial, and Pageant isgien4bn tr oanatth t I calling Marjorie Muffley, 9617. I I friendly manner that so greatly agean__sg__en._Election Of Officers bring together organizations with L Hits. from the Junior Girls' I becomes Edith Mason in her con- different interests from the univer- Play will be presented, and every I tact with other people and one isisse as II II WILL OPM Elections held at the regular sitie and colleges of Indiana for a effort is being made by those in aware too that Miss Mason has notouse meeting last week at theday of sports. I charge to make the party enter- I forgotten, for all of her European rhaCook uildn eted in rws i ,taining for the visiting mothers. education, one of the American Martha Cook building resultedlnlaswcTOsee inrltet iloldspecial Sideals which she possessed in early OLF Uthe choice of president and vice- meeting at 7:15 o'clock Wednes- -tary, Hermine Soukup, '31, treasur- childhood, but rather has she I president of the building for next I I day, May 8, in Sarah Caswell I er: Margaret Sibly, '30, and Dor- broadened them as she has climbed I year. Margaret Sabom, '29, was I Angell Hall. Tryouts for Or- I othy Woodrow, '30, senior represen- ever higher in the artistic world. . The intra-mural golf tournament 'elected president, and Ruth Brooke I I chesis will be held from 10 to 12 day tatives to the Board of Directors; will begin today at 2:15 o'clock. It '30, vcpresident. n th Br I I o'clock Saturday morning, May go alenorCooke, '31, and Ruth Mar- FEW WOMEN ARE will be played on the University ((capacity, Miss Brooke will also118,inSarahCaswellAngell hall.Ius -sal 3,Junior representatives; golf course, Nine holes will consti- sevs oil hima f i8cneaadCsel nel al Betty Healy, '32, and Katherine TAKING ART FOR tute a gae e hoe wic serve as social chairman of the Frin. 32, ophomor ,repnresenta- CUL TURAL VALUE hasenteredat least two players The offices of secretary and treas- SOME sp ,tibesth Sunderland, 'Vnu32, 'junior mem~z- ke 11dran,'2 uio e ons r amr urer are filled by election in the FRATERNITY BADGES bers of the Judiciary Council, and Comparatively few women in the p oints. fall, and the chairmen of the va- Virginia Losee, '30. senior member School of Architecture are pursuing , rious house committees are also .3 O ofthe judiciary councila purely artistic course of study, playing at 2:15 o'clock: Alpha Ep- appointed at that time. The retir- Stop into the store. You may be Invited guests for the affair are according to Mrs. Maria L. Crane, silon Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha ing officers of Martha Cook are among the fortunate ones and os theudciarn cCoucil a. n Xi Delta, Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Julia Ferguson, '29Ed., president, find yours at this exceptional 1013 Mr . Clarence Cook Little, Mrs.I instructor in free-hand drawing in ...n Archibald Dyack. Miss Grace Rich- the Architecture School. Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, and Bernice McHale, '29Ed., vice-orA EU p~and Zeta Tau Alpha. The second peiet h ewofcr o tBunn PATTERSON R AULD m ards, Miss Alice Lloyd, Miss Beatrice "Commercial art offers a more president. The new officers do not 603 Church Street kJohnson, Dr. Margaret Elliott, Dr. attractive field to the modern w group will begin at 3:15 o'clock: assume their duties until June.1603 ChurchtSor.ehh O g, a a ie Margaret Bell, Miss Ethel McCor- man, because of its renumerative B Alpha Ta ma P__ mick, Miss Laurie Campbell, and possibilities and the more imme ele apNewberrypa Nickels A Mrs. W. D. Henderson. diate chances for recognition." Mrs.I Kathryn McMurray. '31, in char I' __________Crane continued. "Those interest- Kar M uyc re of the tournament, urges that all __ neath are the same as their grand- main pleasure from the sense of T yes repol prompt y. e ttA N N O U N C IN G _ I mothers were, Lady Easton,. who having done a thing exceptionally- ait 2'15 o'clc ad t 3:15 F ocloc ate the Fr at spent a year in England recently, well and from the knowledge that ois afternoon to accoodate the Inct an4 An Expert Cutte asserts in an article in the Detroit they have communicated an x ian a I News. She says that it is the con- perience worth recording" om ditions, ..not : women that have "Those students who show real urged to be there promptly at either changed, and women are mere- talent never remain long at the of the above specified times.z« Jy ,adapting themselves to them. University. Their final destination *** Ii ahcs~rc"o aoo e Yr hr hymI -WExT yerIRItUIESI'TY. Se ApeciC ustom Servicec3A Each generation, she states, have is usually the art centers of Chi- WEST VIRGINIA UNVERSITY. pustom thought their daughters were "ter- cago or New York where they may -e e at (Two Weeks ONLY) 1-ribly modern." find the right environment and the Freshmen week will be adopted 1 In the past women who wanted facilities for study in the art schools 1a career entered a convent, taughtSndrin the countless gallery xl- We ofer our CUstomers th TF Sschool, or did other essentially bitions in these larger cities." I women's work. Now they go out excellent opportunity to pur- Broken Sizes andI A into the business world, she says, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON.-Out and it does not harm their social of t he 16 various candidates for I chase hats - Cut to your own standing. student body offices five are women. ICall 1 S OF WOMEN'S LSTERN CAMPUSES le atop the women's dormitory. "There are all kinds of customs different schools," Miss Johnson ncluded, "but Lantern Night is mething unique, at least in -my 'perience. It is a beautiful tradi- on and one which all Michigan omen should support." There will be a meeting of the eception and transportation committee for the high school ports conference at 3 o'clock oday in Barbour gymnasium. I This will be the only time that his committee will meet, so it is ssential that all the members are present. 0 Laurette The Socict Wave The last word in Croqunal Permanent Waving-given (ex- elusively) in our Shoppe-for appointment, Dial 3083 Beaute Shoppe Mich. Theater Bldg. Want Ads Pay re ! CO CO L AT ES 'HIS is athouihtfuttiegiftthat she will much apprtciatc. Once hyearcomeshfoth.r'sDay--it'sher .AdJohnstonsisso delightfully dit's just vhat shewill want. Let snd it for you . . we arc auhor- I ohnson's headquarters. Before forget, ozsr Mohc's present. 'cal M&cr's Day Pckg oaae; a ~and snake an AppointmnentPi MII F for that Hair Cut with I MR. BARTLETT IOf Wo ens S m formJerly with the The Shop of The values in this J. L. Hudson Co. Personal Scrvice sensational that w at noextrac slimit the event to Idue to limited quan able to come as so d Do not let anythin "Tm here'tot11 ~ - The savings are you folks this to miss. here Tuof N MIC t 4 U 1I1 rnrr The shoes shown i Fresh Campt- event are all high YQ * O..:-xand ' Just a remembrance to let mother know that you are thinkipg of her - a gift that she will BROWN SUEDE, h buy the wy; - love both for its thought and for itself. BROWN CALF 'W did o ve-r HAND BAGS GLOVES PATENT OXFOR tb Qks . swim&_ HANDKERCHIEFS HOSE a ?LINGERIE SA TIN TIES .NEGLIGEES s s event are so e are forced to 3 days! tities it is advis- on as you can! ig prevent you. too important n this three-day grade. igh and low heel ALKIN SHOES D : Or