IMAGE FO01 T141rM rrlTCN AM W XTTT V- IX? ?IZ~C~ Y%~A 'U' Y.* A~'f.~rE~I IA uI~uiAiJ1 J~.JJJrL A~ ~vm .L ~Y, LUWW .. aa L.A a A£..' ~. vAixk ..#ta a.a I VYaAJLv L'i;:)L)7 Y, 1V1tY 10,"!ifA" Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. I Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at tke postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, e second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by earrler, $4.oo; by mail, $4.50. Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 492S; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4928 419 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.......................Nelson T. Smith Uty Editor................,. Stewart Hooker News Editor...........Ricard C. Kurvink Sprts Editor............. W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor..............George Staute Music and Drama............R.. Askren Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar Night aeph E. Howell Donald J. Kline Lawrence R. Klein George Editors Charles S. Monroe Pierce Rosenberg George E. Simons C. Tiller in a college newspaper?" the mag- azine has answered. "Few newspa- pers in the whole country, let alone college newspapers, print stimulat- ing thoughtful editorials each day. The gift of writing, not occasional- ly but continually, editorials which will interest people and make then think is given to but few people in the world. Therefore is it any wonder that a group of men on the- editorial board of a college paper often find themselves hard put to produce each day editorials which contain, definite ideas? When there is a lack of ideas in any editorial office the easiest way to fill space' is to attack something. The ob- ject of the attack matters little." The "Dartmouth Alumni Maga- zine" also insists that the editorial policy of a college paper, just as athletics are handled by pro- fessional men, and dramatics by professional men, should be han- dled by professional advisers. The logic of this article! is un-, substantiated by fact. College ed- itorial writers are not perfect, nor are they, necessarily, the greatest minds on the campus. But they are sincere; they know campus sit- uations better than most students, and better than professional advis- ers, because they are students, and students who think. Moreover, college editorials do not cater to seven year old minds. They do not profess to lay down the law on a situation. They mere- ly, intend to act as mental stimu- lants, and focusers, so that needed attention may be brought to bear on a situation. And as sincere stim- ulators from a fresh amateur point-of-view they are worth- while. Professional advisers would lessen the value of collegiate editorials. With professional men doing the guiding, college writers are bound to become stagnant and lackadaisi- cal. The student body would cease to take an interest in editorials written by hired minds, for sincere opinion alone is valuable. -' 11 '1 ' !Ira--- OATED ROLL LARK .STILL MISSING 11 I Music And Drama -----u ) I Fl rvrIr ~i~n ~ -.nvn~ At a late hour last night, Lark, prodigal editor of this column, was seen two miles east of Ypsi and go- ing strong in every direction. * * * Horace, our famous bander- snatch hound, was immediately dispatched to take up the scent. At time of going to press he had uncovered nothing but an old ham bone. Perhapsi Lark went to or Walker. Theyshave common these days. .. i tI visit May- a lot in le snappy n 1 Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Laymas Morris Alexaade Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald. Bertram Askwitha Henry Merry Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife Arthur CBernste' Victor Rabinowita Isabel Charles Anne Schell 1 L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon Yleltn Domine Robert L. Slos Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egela$d Cadwell Swansca Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer Marlorie Folimer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George E. Wohlgemuth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Asistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer Advertising..............A. James Jordan Advertising,. ........Cary W. Hammer service................Herbert E. Varnum Circulation..............George S.Bradley Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications ............... Ray M. Hofelich Have you noticed th seniors lately, with their ebony canes? Some of them (the seniors, we mean) carry these ornaments as though they were crowbars; others as though they were sec- tions of overwarm lead pipe. It must be admitted, however, that no senior has yet been observed to trip over his cane and land on his face; although there are several days to go.f It is inevitable that some of the seniors will trip and fall on their faces, but not because of a cane. HORRIBLE JOKE *t *~ * r - " '29: Why aintcha makin' whoopee with your cane? '29: I couldn't raise cane money. To be serious for a momenq. Loosen up a bit for the' Fresh Air Camp. You'll never miss two bits, but it'll do a lot to make life worth living for some kid this summer while you're loafing and having a good time yourself. Make it four bits!.- 0 0l TONIGHT: Comedy Club pre--I sent C emence Dane's power-. ful melodrama, "Granite," in the new League Theatre, Paul Stephenson directing, beginning at 8:15 o'clock. Curtain at 8:30. "GRANITE" Reviewed By William J. Gorman It is the Bronte method of using atmosphere for accentuation of "values" that Miss Dane employs in "Granite." To subject Judith, nat- urally a sullen, passionate, strong- willed woman, to the moaning of the sea and the fierce, relentless will of her granite husband is to starve her, to make of her a primi- tive, Lundy makes her words bit- ter, her emotions violent; with pit- iless power it reduces her soul to glaring nudity. At the end of five years the appearance of Prosper stirs moments of wild desire in her; she seeks relief from her imprison- ment in passion; her prayer be- comes a loud, desperate thing ad- dressed to any God that will help her. The audience anticipates an intense, realistic study of Judith to evolve from this triangular sit- uation. But the chance repetition by the child Penny of an old island legend turns the drama into fantastic channels. The Nameless One "from hell" crawls in at the door. Judith agrees to succour him if he be her servant. From then on, the Name- less One, though he is recognized by the others, seems to be but the "stranger" within Judith's soul. His killing of her husband seems to be an objectification of her passionate longing for his death. It is really the Devil, then, with whom she has bargained. But in the last few minutes his triumphant cry that "he but wanted a farm and a woman" implies that he is but a clever, scheming sailor who has played strongly on Judith's fierce- ness of mood to gain his end. It is this confusion that prevents "Granite" from being true trag- edy. As sheer melodrama, impress- ionistic in character, it is tremend- ously effective. As a rational solu- tion of the Faust problem or as, tragedy it fails. If the nameless intervention is supposed to be the theme and the essence of the play, then it is made none too clear. It seems more probable-in spite of the prominence given to Penny's legend-that the importance of the drama is the strife within Judith of violent anger and brief repentance, the tragedy of her slavery to Lundy, and that the Namxeless One is a more diabolus ex machina intended to concentrate and precipitate Ju- dith's exasperation. In this case, the Devil too cumbrously interferes with Judith's life and leaves its values confused. The plpy has the complete dramatic cycle, momen- tary triumph, and ultimate defeat; it is on the whole cleverly-con- structed; but the confusion that follows in its wake reduces it to little but fantastic melodrama. The mounting of the drama by Comedy Club approaches perfec-. tion. In a fine setting, the produc- tion realized the drama's possibili- ties to the fullest extent. Florence Tennant had, throughout, a fine grasp of the rhythm and power of her speeches and the need of care- frenzy in the last act was a splendid Get Our Prices Lamps--Shades For Any Room C. H KITTREDGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Dial 3514-9713 205 E. Liberty St. Brooks Bldg. r . -- - - Ili ---- I K SOME FRATERNITY BADGES 1-3 Off Stop into the store. You may be among the fortunate ones and ind yours at this exceptional price BURR PATTERSON & AULD 603 Church Street I Strings . . Supplies . . Repairs.. for all Musical Instruments Schaeberle & Son MUSIC HOUSE 110 S. Main St. p Want Ads Pay LI "First Electrical Shop in Ann Arbor RADIO Parts and Service FOR ALL MAKES 1i -.--j i Still in Business" GEO. WEDEMEYER r-- oDon't be like that" -/ 221 E. Liberty "EXCLUSIVELY RADIO" Phone 3694 A 17 j / '7 * Dancing At GRANGER'S Tonight a8to 10 75c per couple At Whitmore Lake Pavilion Friday and Saturday $1.00 per couple WHAT'S the use of getting the good suit pressed for a date if the rain is going to make it look like a wet sack before you arrive? None whatever. But if you put on your Fish Brand Slicker your clothes look precisely as well when you get there aswhen you start. A real Fish Brand Slicker is good-looking too. It has set the campus style for years. And it will stand any amount of wear and rough usage. Look for the Fish Brand label. A. J. Tower Company, Boston, Massachusetts. Mary Chase eanette Dale Vernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton ack Norwich ixHuniphrey Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead II Editorial Comment i' IN DIFFICULTIES jf t 4 WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1929 Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein TAG DAY Today will see the start and finish ofa drive for funds for one of Michigan's most worthy pro- jects, the University Fresh Air Camp. Affording an opportunity to more than 400 boys in this sec- tion of the state to have twelve days in the summer spent out in the open, the Student Christian Association is making an appeal for $3,000 with which to carry on the work of the camp. Begun in 1921 and continued for several years on a rented site and borrowed equipment, this camp now has a permanent site and a great deal of necessary equipment for the accommodation and train- ing of several hundred unfortunate boys. The money sought today is to be used for operating expenses this summer, and activities of the association members are limited to a single day in securing the funds. Dig deep for "It's a worthy cause." A tag on every student! - REGISTER Opportunity is afforded today to every student of the University to become eligible to vote in the all- campus election on May 15. Reg- istration is necessary before a vote may be cast for any of the nominees who are running for stu- dent offices. The first step toward representa- tive government in five organiza- tions must be made today by ev- eryone who hopes to see the elec- tion -next Wednesday a complete expression of the student opinion of the University. No one may mark a ballot next week who has not registered today. A simple process of identification and classification is all that is necessaryiat any of the seven booths which are maintained at prominent places on the Campus. Attempts at duplication will be' checked by the means lists of registrees at each booth, so that this election may approximate as nearly as possible a fair selection3 from the nominees, A few minutes spent at any one1 of the booths today will be wellc repaid by the opportunity to vote next Wednesday. May this forth-' coming balloting be the complete; expression of the will of the ma- jority of students. Register today, l (The Boston Transcript) Many college professors now find that the pensions offered by the Carnegie Foundation will be sharp- ly reduced. Responding to this an- nouncement, Harvard has taken a step both rightful and handsome. For members of the Harvard fac- ulty the university's governing board declares it will do all in its power to offset this unexpected loss of part of the means relied upon for the support of their old age. The force of FNarvard's example no doubt will help to bring about the adoption of a similar course at most, if not at all, the American college adversely affected by the new cut. It is well nigh a neces- sary in plain justice. Devoted professors near the .retirement age have, in some cases, scant time left to them now in which to strive to prepare themselves for the contingency which they are now asked to confront, and which they are forced to confront un- less the several colleges take steps of their own to supply the deficiency. Certainly the Carnegie Corpora- tion which holds the great bulk of the funds so nobly given by An- drew Carnegie for philanthropy cannot be held subject to any cen- sure in the premises. The Car- negie Corporation has again con- tributed generously from its own resources to help relieve the pen- sioning body-i. e., the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching-from the new finan- cial difficulties into which the Foundation has fallen. The Car- negie Corporation has just sup- plied $5,000,000 in additional funds, and it has now provided large ex- tra sums in the past. As for the course pilot by the chief executive officer of the pen- sioning Foundation itself, we wish, it were possible to speak in equal- ly admiring terms. No doubt his path has been hedged about by many unfortunate conditions, some of which were difficult to foresee and some of which were perhaps unpossible to foresee. But one can- not forget that the Foundation's plan of expansion prior to 1915, adding universtiy after university to the approved list, was proved by the cold test of experience to have been carried out with insufficient regard for the teachings of act- uarial science, and for the prac- tical question whether the Foun- dation's resources would surely permit payment in so many univer- sities of the liberal free pensions then offered in accord with Mr. Carnegie's manifest intent. The inevitable result was the first big IHjjBRAN6RI z (i ~' , rrrr . ,rrir. ".v.. ~~ fl :rrrrrr. rrrr~.r 11 Don't fail to spring elections, register for the advises The Daily.I * ** "I won't," says Horatio Beep, campus politician, and ardent devotee of voting in all forms. "I'm going to register several times today if possible. I think anything worth doing is worth doing well. We see by the paper that a fa- ther and son of Evanston got each other hauled into court on various charges, and that both of them were locked up. It is hoped that they will be re'cased in time to participate in that glorious event known as Father and Son Week, soon to be celebrated. Caps ,and gowns are ready for distribution, according to a notice published yesterday in the Univer- sity of Michigan Daily newspaper. Which reminds us-if you'll please let us get away with just this one- of that song that says something about rolling along "having my caps and gowns." * S proper one for opening the new piece of work. Richard Kurvink, with a serpent's gait, diabolonian laugh, politely derisive manners, gave Satan with full horrific sug- gestion. Perhaps no one but Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Kurvink, and Miss Tennant fully realized the difficulty of those scenes in which. Judith talks to her "stranger;" they were effective, each word and move truel and careful. In this particular in- terpretation, one can't imagine a better Judith or t better Devil; they are perhaps the outstanding performances of the year. The other parts were equally well done. Fred Crandall, in the violent though essentially colorless part of the island despot, was strong. Robert Adams still suffers from a I voice that lacks convincingness and fails to find correst emphasis. The two smaller parts were very satis- factorilfplayed by Paul Showers and Leone Lee. The play may not have been the proper one for opening, the new# theatre because of the stark nudity of the material presented. It cer- tainly wasn't the thin, wispy type of! thing that sends people away gos- siping of "an amusing time at the' MAY FESTIVAL. 4 Days - MAY 22,23,24,25,1929 - 6COu@rt HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Conductor, ERIC DELAMARTER Guest Conductor JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor Edith Mason Soprano Chicago Civic Opera Company Jeannette Vreeland Soprano Distinguished American Artist Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Marion Telva Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Crooks Tenor Premier American Concert Artist Paul Althouse Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Lawrence Tibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Bonelli Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company Barre Hill Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company William Gustafson Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Josef Hofmann Pianist Polish Virtuoso Efrem Zimlaist Violinist Hungarian Master The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Children's Festival Chorus Samson and Delilah Saint Saens The New Life Wolf-Ferrari The Requiem Brahms The Hunting of the Snark (Children) Boyd I Arent you glad this colun n about r)ver? is EXTRA! LARK FOUND ASLEEP IN STREET CAR '" :. m V %J =--- . = -ri rxi 151