F. ME FPOt T 4 -M*It fYc A m TI l i__J y TUTSDA V. IvIA 7 -1, 1., ria Xt "ra .. . a.av r.. aas. r.a 4.as: a 3V1 it x ! ... 1..)L:T i + + for the last twelve weeks, consid- erably brightens the outlook on the Published every nornig except Mondayreparations situation. dtu ing the University year by the Board inrp iuain Control of Student Pu lications. - Member of Western Conference Editorial ( iVF A etr. V l Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- tied to tile' rse for~ republication of all news t dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Credited in this paper and the local news pub-c lished herein.t Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor, Michigan, z a second class matter. Special rater of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- truster g eneral.f Subsr~iption by carrier, $4.00; by mail, 8f4ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-f Hard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925: Business, 21214. , EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK ditor................Nelson T. Smith CityEditor..............J. Stewart Hooker News Editor............Richard C. .Kurvink Sports Editor...............W. Morris Quin Women's Editor.............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor..............George Stautet Music and Drama. ............ R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editors Jisepht E. Howell Charles S. Monroe loald J. Kline Picrce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters Paud L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexand Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwitl 11henry Merry Louise Behymer Elizabeth Quaife Arthur lernste's Victor Rabnowitz Seton C. Bove Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell .. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Prank E. Cooper Howard Simon Helen Domine Robert L. Slos Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart , Valborg Edeland Cadwell Swansca Robert J.Feldman Fane Thayer Marjorie Follnmer Edith Thomas William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds Richard Jung George l;. Wohlgemutth Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMONII WACHTER Department Managers Advertising................ Alex R. Scherer Advertising.........:.....A. James Jordan Advertising..............Cart W. Hammer Service........... .... ".. Herbert E. Varnumi ircuatiou ... . GeorgeFS. Bradley Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley pt.licaion s............._.Ray M. Hofelick 'N. tIjA LL The Daily takes this opportunity' to urge all students to avail them- selves of their suffrage by regis- tering today and tomorrow so that they may be qualified to vote in the all-campus election next Wednes- day. As in all .elections and supposed expressions of public opinion, the will of the entire student body is influenced and often expressed by' a small minority. This apparent predominance of a sometimes not too wholesome attitude in the in- stitution is due in a great number of instances to a lack of interest in the question at hand. But when one realizes that on the shoulders of the men who will be elected next week rests the govern- ing and administration of three of Michigan's greates5t institutions and the successful participation in the activities of two selective boards, this question should neither be ignored nor taken lightly. Com- petition for the positions is partic- ularly keen this year and political machines have long since swung into action, each thoroughly con- vinced that one group of candi- dates are par excellence, and that the ,others are all blackguards. Be that as it may, no matter which group of candidates is se- lected in the electoin, may they be the choice of the majority of stu- dents who have the best interests of the institution in mind and are whole-hearted in their desire to see that organizatic| perpetuat- ed. OASTED L lITTHE! WAR IS OVER } Yesterday afternoon the crisis of: a long period of nervous strain was reached when the Board in Control of Publications met in the Press building and pondered up- on the fates of several palpitating' aspirants to higher glory and fame in the business of getting out campus newspapers, magazines, etc. The week-end proved to be too much for several of the candidates, who rushed shrieking from Ann Arbor to seek peace and quiet in Windsor, far from the maddening crowd. Two of them were caught by a staff photographer Saturday night, wandering about the streets of the foreign city in a dazed con- ition. They refused to give their names, but, it is thought that they are-Up! There goes the telephone. Well, the League was finally opened for inspection Saturday night and a record crowd was on hand and foot to make it a bril- liant function. Visitors were met at the door by fair co-eds (we re- fuse to use that one about only fair co-eds) who conducted them through the newest campus build- ing.. 'IIONIGHT: Comedy Club pre-1 sent Clemence Dane's "Gran- ite,"a play of stark passions, directed by Paul Stephenson. At the new League Theatre, it begins at 8:15 o'clock. ,'* S "G RAN ITE" A Review By R. Lesle Askren The story Clemence Dane has written is based on the Old FaustI theme of a soul sold to the devil for heart's desire. Lundy is a L~ ...isnnv Yrf nv- tie fr+h Music And Drama d 1 ; JJ I f ! tl I " 111. 00 FURS AND FUR COATS Made Up, Remodeled, Relined and Repaired Exclusive Workmanship E. L. Greenbaum Ann Arbor's Best and Lowem Priced Furrier 448 Spring St. Dial 9625 7 One-Third C on 5CO -.- I - .ra'. I :'at ___ ..__ ___._ _ _ ..--_-_. w. .... .r.. _ _ _ Em- I 11 A start in this enthusiasm for the most representative and best fitted candidates for student of- fices, must be made today. Regis- tration is necessary before a vote may be cast. A stop of a few minutes at one of the booths to- day or tomorrow and again on next Wednesday will be well repaid by the satisfaction of seeing the new officers of the five groups the result of a complete expression of the serious attitudes of a majority of Michigan students. Go to the polls next Wednesday, but register tomorrow! o Mary Cbs'e Jeanette Dale ertnor Davis Bessie Egelzmmd Sally Faster Anna Goldoerg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton Jack Iorwich Lix Hurphrey Nrion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Benard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Seater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1929 Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINF NEW BLOOD Sincere congratulations are due this morning to theSixnew men who are to have charge of the three publications on the campus for the next year. To the dozen or so who "missed out" on. their ap- pointments, is due an appreciation for consummate endeavor. Culminating two and a half years of hard work on the part of these new' men, the appointments are a fitting climax and a reward for consistent effort. The Board in Control of Student Publications has justified its past history for fair judgment in the selections this year. The Daily wishes success to the new men in each of the various departments and hopes that all three of the publications may' con-; tinue in the same vein of prosper- ity and good-will that they have thus far enjoyed. 0- GERMANY'S TURN Whether Germany accepts the Young plan oi the Dawes plan for reparations is entirely in the hands of that nation alone. Dr. Hjalmar Schacht returns to Paris to give his answer, positive or negative, on the new plan of annuities to which' the Allies are ready to subscribe and which he has had under con- sideration while in Berlin. Just as Ambassador Gibson at Geneva put life into a pessimistic Disarmament conference by concil- iatory proposals, so Owen D. Young has turnedidefeat into at least temporary victory for the comit- tee, revising the Dawes plan by his later scheme. Perhaps the most striking and unusual feature of this revised plan is that it removes Germany's burden after thirty- seven years and does not split the difference between the Allied de- mands and Germany's rejected of- fer. The success of the' plan is in- deed problematical, but there is every possibility that it will be agreeable to Germany as well as satisfactory to the other powers involved. There are still, however, many grave and perhaps even insur- mountable problems to be over- come. Germany's creditors must assent to reducing their demands and they must make a division of what is collected. The reserva- tions that Schacht has attached must be coped with too, or the wma ia rinmrarato+a lnr If the proposederadio factory is really erected here, Ann Arbor will rank along with New York and Chicago for the production of noise. Chicago spends nearly three mil- lions a year on vegetables. Thej gunmen must have taken to throw- ing tomatoes and 'cabbages at their victims. Editorial Comment "OUR EDUCATIONAL BARGAIN" (From The M. I. T. Tech")' Many men and women who have been successful as educators have been known to question the value of a college education. Dr. Clark of Columbia stated recently that after studying the matter he has reached the conclusion that a col- lege education actually diminishes earning power. Such a statement is always liable to instill fear in the undergraduate; a fear that he is spending the best years in col- lege to no purpose. It is true that many who attend college fail to receive the remunerative benefit of the years spent in pursuit of high- er education, but that is not the fault of the individual, but is due to an extrovertic characteristic of the student. The "cornering of money" how- ever, while important, is not al- ways the entire object in attend- ing college. Higher education as regards the individual and society has, to our mind, the purpose of developing men who can think. If, however, it is assumed that finan- cial returns in later life are the pinnacle about which succcess vi- brates, there are statistics which lend encouragement to those who aspire to the Midas touch. "Who's Who In America" in its most recent publication shows that 77 per cent of those listed have had a college training. The Boston University College of Business Ad- ministration, after a research into the subject came to the conclusion that a college education is worth $72,000. After a comparative study of incomes, they estimated that a high school graduate will earn $78,000 between the ages of 18 and 60, while the college man makest between $150,000 from his 22nd birthday to his 60th. Few business men spend any of their leisure hours in an intel- lectual or academic pursuit for un- der modern specialized civiliatinn .MDA 1 This photo show WiVie Mc- Waffle, '04, about to be uncere- moniously bounced from the front steps. "I thought it was the Architects' May party," he moaned later at the hos- pital. Below is the exclusive Rolls pho- tograph showing part of the inter- ior of the new League building. \ f Note the absence of piano stoo. A secret investigaiion by a Daily reporter revealed the fact that the photographer had neglected to include the bench in his photo, so that ex- citement is over. Sunday afternoon we were over- come suddenly by an attack of air-mindedness, so we took the bus out to the airport and went for a ride over Ann Arbor. The air was. what they call "bumpy," and there were several times during the trip when we would have given five cents, or even a dime, to have been, a little bird, perched atop a great big strong telephone wire. bleak island of granite, of thie coast of England. In the nine- teenth century, the time of the | play, there was a living to be got by wrecking ships. False lights E were placed to mislead the naviga- MOTHER'S DAY tor. Loot from the wrecks hest r Suna, a 2th Jordan Morris on the island, turn- nda,, ed him into granite, and precipi- tated the action of a play that Send her a card or a gift moves, violently, but pile on pile that lasts. They cost so of unreleived emotion, to a climax little but means so much that is more convincing as a re- t her at sult of the atmosphere than from toe any dramatic building it has re- ceived. Miss Dane is undoubtedly THE ART & adroit, but skillful in putting emo- tions together, not in transmitting GIFT SHOP them. Previous remarks to the 218 S. State St. contrary, her art is distinctly theIe "overripe fruit" sort of thing. _ _ _ _ _ _ There are moments of poetry in her structure. There are moments also of real drama, told very stark- _ ly. But these come after an im- mense labour through gloom, and 1 pass again into a gloom that de- . 5 stroys their theatrical value. But outside of the intrinsic valuer of the play there is another con- sideration, that it brings togther a dramatist with a clearly defined 1 imagination, a director who is adept at working in this type of writing, and a cast of extraordi- M OT1 F E R nary power. c But as a play to open a new the- atre with it was distinctly out of taste. It belongs in the body of a UNIQU & series; its whole creation is the re- sult of an' esoteric taste, and this ( 'J I consideration seriously militates 1 against the remarkable success of director and cast.. Paul Stephenson is to be con- gratulated upon his success in Y41 q choosing pliable material from a I field notably weak in emotional ca- pacities. He has worked with hisj 0. D. MORRILL cast, and it was small enough to 17 NICKELS ARCADE work with well, and brought out The Typewritersa power and ability at pantomime' Stationer eSto rand that makes the production extra- Greeting Cards for all Occasions' ordinary in .recent campus history. The play is carried on the shoulders of Florence Tennant and Rh cgoti T Richard Kurvink. The titian Ten------- nant has run the. gamut from low comedy in "Take My Advice,"MA through successful sophistication in "The Constant Wife" until thisAY most successful of her roles. Equip- ped with a strong voice, a pliable Dy body that lends itself to the panto- 4 Da s ---MAY w mine effects Stephenson desires, she has mastered her part to give a HILL A splendid performance as the bat- tered Judith. Kurvink is her equal in every EARL V. MOORE way, in a part that is a trifle more FREDERICK STOC pictorial. Fred Crandall, Leone Lee and Paul Showers have lesser ERIC DELAMARTI but well done parts, and Bob Ad- ams does well with a voice that is UVA HIGBEE weak and unconvincing. The set is impressionistic con- struction, setting the emotions of Edith Mason trapped men and women against a Chicago Civic Oper chill background of the sea. It is Jeannette Vree a departure from the realistic for Distinguished Amer Fred Rebman, but a well handled .oph i slme departure. Sophie Braslau 6a Brooks-Newton Inc. Offer- 407 E. KINGSLEY 731 TAPPAN 1060 BALDWIN 7 rooms, unexcelled location. Tiled bath, fireplace, laundry, clothes chute, etc. Double garage. Lot is 6ox137. Only 4 years old, Condition superb. Price far lower than you'd expect. Convenient terms. lieres a home! 2016 SENECA A\n unusual offer in a de juxe loca- tion, 9rooms, two tile baths, lavatory, breakfast nook, sun parlor. Oil burner, Kelvinator, softener, etc., etc. Lot is hoXl32. Ileate 2-car garage. Let us showe this distinctive home. i 2-room authentic Colonial on large corner lot. Ideal for a medical fra- ternity, as it is near all hospitals. Excellent condition. The price is rea- sonable; the terms, very convenient. An exchange might also be consid- ered. 13 rooms. Another ideal location for university student group. Heated by oil burner.. Two butler's pantries make it convenient for serving meals to many. IHas sleeping rooms, 8 fire- places. Extra large lot. The price is right and ,t: rns easy. BROOKS-NEWTON, INC. Brooks Building LIBERTY AT FOURTH AVENUE Phone 22571 t,/./~1.lJ./1. ~l./ll. J,/tl~./«/11YlJ~.I1.11..Ia,/.I1.J~1./.. ''.I"Yl. I /", r /".!'. I L4 FESTVAL' 2 23, 24, 25, 1929 - Concerts UDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR Musical Director K Orchestral Conductor ER Guest Conductor Children's Conductor a Company land rican Artist T~ii' APT* * * I TTIFATRYC'ATk54 RS £kA S. V LIKE THIS r At Lafayette college have shown that thin ceive beter grades tha: are normal or slightly PhotosmhehAe h nP - The sincere flattery of imitation has already preceded Haidee Wright as the glorious Fanny Cav- ;T~ endish, matriarch of an illustrious I theatrical dynasty in "The Royal Family." It was in the Grand Street Follies that Albert Carroll impersonated the prideful Fanny and her quavering "Never heard of them, Mr. Tyler!" and followed it recent tests by a version of the famous Ethel students re- Barrymore, whom some find to be n those who the prototype of Julie Cavendish, obese. finishing the skit with her "And I hope yew see my brother John in' the mewviees." M The story of Edna Ferber and George S. Kaufman is delightful satire, as cruel with the foilbles as it is sympathetic to the basic loy- alty and humanity of this bril- liant theatrical family. The cast is the original company that has fin- ished a forty-five week run in New York and a three month stay in Chicago; it includes Ann Andrews and Otto Kruger, Jefferson de Angelis, Clyde Fillmore and Mar- jorie Wood, and a number of cap- Pl~ai~nv~c- ables in support. headed. of eourse. ti 1 Metropolitan Opera Company Marion Telva Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Crooks Premier American Concert Artist Paul Althouseg Metropolitan Opera Company Lawrence Tibbett Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Bonelli Chicago Civic Opera Company Barre Hill Chicago Civic Opera Company William Gustafson Metropolitan Opera Company Josef Hofmann Polish Virtuoso Efrem Zimlaist Hungarian Master The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Children's Festival Chorus Soprano Soprano Contralto Contralto Tenor Tenor Baritone Baritone Baritone Bass Pianist Voli nist A It l I Samson and Delilah The New Life Saint Saens WolfFerrri f ,