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May 05, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-05

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nVI3NfAT, MAY 3, .1l2l

Published every morning except Monday
duing the University year by the Board is
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and therlocal news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Anl Arbor,
Michigan, s ssecond class matter. Special rate
of postag granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
efices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
sard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.

ing the spirit it embodies a real-
ity, those of us who cherish a

i T

Telephone 4925
Editor.......................Nelson J. Smith
City Editor ..............3J. Stewart Hooker
NewsEditor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor ............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor .............Geor Stautet
Music and Drama............R. bL. Askren
Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar
Night Editors

pride in Michigan's greatness can-
not but pay the generous tribute
owed to unselfifish endeavor in a
noble cause.
Big business, in the person of
Harry F. Sinclair, has been pursued
relentlessly by his Nemesis, the
newspaper, and is now about to
serve a jail sentence. When thek
District of Columbia Trial Court
ordered him to spend three months,
in the work house and imposed a
fine of $500 on him, it was proved
conclusively that not even bigf
money is immune from the law, if
public opinion is thoroughly
Newspapers all over the country
have been attacking Sinclair and
have succeeded in stirring up
enough feeling against him to
prohibit him from slipping some-
thing by through trickery and
echnicalities. The law of this
country must be enforced. If it
is to carry any weight, however, it
must be impartial in its, enforce-
ment, both against the rich and
the poor. The conviction of Sin-
clair is a step in the right direc-

. .

Ind rya


Mary Gold
Beautiful Mary Gold is
Sit and sob by her side a
That is her diary there by
her head.
Take a good look for
there's nothing in it.
Mary wrote al the cracks
for Toasted Rolls.
Salary seventeen bucks a




LJoseph E. Howell
Donald J. Kline
Lawrence R. Klein

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
George E. Simon
C. Tilley

Paul L. Adams 7
Morris Alexande?
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwit'i
Louise Behyme"
Arthur IBernsteu
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chubb
Frank E. Cooper
Helen. Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg Egeland
Robert J. Feldman
Marjorie Follmer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempstead Jr
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaufman
Ruth Kelsey

Donald E. Laymas
Charles A. Lewis
Marian MCDoaald
Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne hSchelluse
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swansen
Jane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
Eard L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie



Editorial Comment


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising ........ .Alex K. Scherer
Advertising......... . James Jordan
Advertising .............. Car W. Hamner
Service.................. Herbert E. Varnun
Circulation.................George S. Bradley
Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications................Ray M. Hofelich
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovin sky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley
Sally Faster . . Nem
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Haversou Carl F. Schemin
George Hamiton George Spater
JackIorwich Sherwood Upton
Dix Hurphrey Marie Wellstead
SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1929
With the traditional Swing Out
of the class of 1929 scheduled to
take place Thursday afternoon of
this week, campus sentimenrt is be-
coming definitely cyrstallized in its
belief that noyuntoward action
must be allowed to mar this re-
occurence of one of Michigan's
oldest commencement customs.
No member of the present stu-
dent body who was on campus at
the time of the farce that was per-
petrateddbyumany members of last
'year's graduating class need have
difficulty in recalling the unfortu-
nate and highly regrettable stig-
ma which was cast upon the event
at that time.
University authorities, highly
disgusted, have intimated that
they have come to doubt seriously
the feasibility of continuing the
tradition. The Student Council
on the other hand, has expressed
Ats belief that the event z;hould be
continued. To insure the latter,
the Council has recommended that
drastice disciplinary action be
taken by the University in the case
of every offender.
Drunkenness at a traditional
function, such as Swing Out, is of
course highly unnecessary. Little
reason, indeed, can be shown to
justify it. In this case a highly
colorful tradition is at stake. The
Student Council is determined that
it shall be retained.
But one remedy is apparent,
and that is severe disciplinary ac-
tion. In stating its attitude, the
Council said that suspension, even
at this late date, does not seem too
The University disciplinary com-
mittee is prepared to mete out just
thiy punishment to any senior who
is guilty either of misconduct or
intoxication while participating in
the event. The language is clear
and there can De no doubt as to
the steps which may be expected to
follow any violation of the ruling.
The warning has been given.
Seniors participating in Swing
Out will do well to heed it.
It is impossible in an editorial
of publishable length- to indicate
what the new League building will
mean for women at Michigan. Let
it suffice to say that its conception
and erection is in many ways the
most significant event in the his-
tory of Michigan coeducation. The

(From The Daily Illini)
The attitude of "somening has
got to be done," permeates every
phase of present day existence.
The alarmists-or those who "view
the situation with alarm," and the
reformers preach constantly the
gospel that things are not what
they should be, and that drastice
action is needed to remedy them.
The farm relief problem which
has been before Congress, and the
American people, through the
newspapers for the past few years
is one of the outstanding situations
about which something should be
done. Prohibition is the other
great situation which has brought
forth the same feeling. Newspa-
pers, the wets and the drys, have
assailed, or praised the law from
every possible angle. The wets de-,
cided, long ago, and retain the!
same decision, that something
ought to be done. The drys main-
tain that fundamentally it is a good
law, but there are rough points
about it, and they too, at least some
of them, agree that something
ought to be done.{
Just what should be done, of
course, is not so often stated. In
most of the campaigns against
prohibition, the fact that the law
as it is now, is pretty rotten is
stated over and over again. Rea-
sons, for the instances, that the
,aw is pretty rotten, are sometimes
given. That is all. The drys, with
the Jones law attempted, by dras-
tic means, to make the original
prohibition measure, more effective.
Whether they will succeed , or;
whether they will make conditions
worse, cannot be said. The other
group still insists that something
should be done.
In a recent issue of the famous
Review of Reviews, is an article on
the present prohibition situation.
The main paragraph states: "One
may select from the current events,!
nine of the incidents which throw
light on prohibition 10 years after
its beginnings, and make it evi-
dent that the commission Presi-
dent Hoover plans for inquiring in-
to means of law enforcement, with
emphasis on prohibition, will face
no mean task." Following this
learned statement, is a list of the
happenings, selected from "current
Included in the nine are: the
Jones law, the sinking of the "I'm
Alone," the fact that Representa-
tive Morgan, a dry, bought four
bottles of liquor through the cus-
toms, the DeKing affair, and the
Leviathan's liquor supply. There
is no question that these are all
pertinent facts. They are, what is:
more, rather ;serious. And their
bearing on the enforcement of the1
prohibition law is evident.
But, the Review of Review., has
nothing to offer about them. It
comments on them. It reprints the
incidents. It says that the com-
mission will have its hands full,
which no one has even thought of
doubting. And it infers that some-
thing should be done.
Such articles, as the one above
add nothing to tne suM of the
knowledge on the subject. The ar
tile offers nothing, in the way of
a suggestion. It is merely bring-
ing back, a group of quite unpleas-
tn, l~ erv~ . ~7 4i~nf- r



(Litt.e has yet been
changed, I think,
Little will now be done, I
Mary Gold, for one year the
sole inspiration and hope of
that jocose and facetious col-
umn which has greeted you
over your coffee (or do you
drink Postum) every morning
for the last odd years, is dead.
Mary was inopportunely of-
flicted with a broken heart
last Tuesday and passed to
her great reward at seven
o'clock eastern standard time.
Mary Gold was born some
time ago out west and came
to Ann Arbor to complete her
education. She had received
almost as many degrees as
Doctor Lovell and is perhaps
as widely known and deeply
The funeral was held Wed-
nesday from the Press.Build-
ing on Maynard street. The
floral offering was large, and
Lark officiated as chief
mourner, wearing a formal
afternoon suit and a silk hat
with a gardenia. Mary was
robed in a lovely flame-col-
oured ensemble which was
said to have made a strik-
ing effect against the sombre
gray of the coffin. The rest
of the mourners wore their
own clothes.
Among those present be-
sides the student body and
the faculty, not to mention
Mary Gold, was Editor Pat-
rick of the Michigan Daily
(advt); Paul J. Kern, who
came from Detroit for the
Occasion; Professor Brandt
of the Speech Department,
who flunked Mary Gold and
contributed to the cause of
her death; Gumley, who act-
ed as master of ceremonies;
Yellit, et al; and Emily Post,
who said it was all in very
good form.
Mary is mourned by a host
of friends and well-wishers
who grieve for her hasty and
premature departure. Inter-
ment will be in Forest Hill
Cemetery next to the Arbore-
tum, where Mary used to cull
Sixteen years old when
she died!
Is it too late then, Mary
A, she had scarcely
heard his name,
And just because he was
thrice as old!
But the time will come, I
swear it wiVJ.l....
Plant her a daisy there
on the hill.
Mary Gold's
Publicity Manager.
Our chief work is this: If
Mary Gold is really dead,
what are we going to write
for columns the remainder of
the year?
Now that Mary Gold is
dead and buried, now that
everything is al over, the
burning question is this:
What would YOU do in
the case of Tom Carr?
In addition to what Mary's
able press agent has already
so admirably said in tender
and thrilling phrases about
the dear deceased, we feel
that we ought to pay a little
tribute to her as well.

Time after time, when we
had sat and gazed at our
typewriter for hours and
hours, waiting for an idea or
even something to write
about, Mary would step into
the office and help us out.
She was always good for sev-
en or eight inches on any day.
She was the most enduring
creature we ever knew. And
now since she is with us
no more, heaven alone knows
what will help us out of our
difficulties on dull days.
We always liked Mary, par-
ticularly because she used to

I Music And Drama
One of those things that have a
habit of happening regardless of
I everything, including wind and.
rain, affected the mair: ,.4* of the
leading article in yesterday's
column, entitled "A Test for Ideal-
ism" The reason for the existence
of the article was a letter from the
Division of English addressed to
this column. The article ran at
the top of the column; the letter
at the bottom. What has once!
been put asunder there is lit-
tle use in trying to join together
again,-except, perhaps, to reprint
the letter. It follows:'
"The two plays, "Leila" by
Dorothy Ackerman and "City
Haul" by W. R. Thurnau, tying
for first place in the three-act
play competition, will receive
public performance in the fall
as the opening event of the
Play Productnon season. This
decision was reached Thursday
morning in a meeting of the
department heads of the Divi-
sion of English, Professors
Strauss, O'Neill and Jack, and
Professor Rowe, and Mr. Windt,
director of Play Production.
Laboratory work with the au-
thors in preparation for the
production in the fall is to start
immediately. With the two
plays to be produced instead
of one, as expected, it is

Beginning Sunday, May 5,
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thought unadvisable, in view of
the unusually large number of
people required and proximity
of examinations, to produce the,
plays this spring. Eg
Committee, Division of Eng- ~\'
Reviewed By James Eppenstein
Physical impossibilities prevent- Do you Love
ed a fair review of the French Play, Yor
"Miquette et sa Mere," given Thurs-
day night. Mr. Eppenstein's analy-
sis of the players, in his review,
continues.-Ed. MSN I E~
The story is that of a young % SEND N L
girl, Miquette, who escapes from
the narrow confines of a small pro- ! M HGEREDAY
vincial town to go upon the stage. G
Her mother, willingly, in spite of CARDS
her unwillingness, follows after.G
And the story of their lives and 0. D. MORRILL
loves in Paris gives excellent oppor- 17 Nickels Arcade
tunity for much merriment. The Typewriter & Stationery
The uningenuous ingenue was Greeting Cards for all
ably played by Mary Karpinski. Occasions
Her thoroughly Parisian accent
added piquancy to a natural his-
trionic ability, and she created a
very charming Miquette, of con-
stantly changing modes. The
mother, appearing first as a seri-
f us-minded woman, later as anj
audacious flirt, her headacomplete-
ly turned by the gaiety of Paris,
was most convincingly portrayed
Margaret Effinger.
The leading male roles were as-
sumed by the O'Neill twins, James
and John. They formed an inter-
teresting contrast (these young
men who actually look so much
alike): the one, as a weak and
giddy youth, heir of a distinguished
family; the other as his uncle, the S ty
Marquis-dashing, bigotted, old
rake, transformed finally into a
doting daddy by the incomparable
The writer attended with anof
open mind. ready and willing to outside of Ani
make allowances for an amateur
performance, and found, much to it 1s on the
his amazement, that no allowances

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(need be made. The principals and
most of the minor characters spoke
with a good accent. All of them
read their lines well, and all enter-
ed whole-heartedly into the spirit
of the play.
* * *
Reviewed By R. Leslie Asken
1 With the assistance of the Girls'
Glee Club in furnishing a musicalE
bIackground, Orchesis, amateur
I dance group, presented a delight-
ful program of dances on the stage
of the new Women's League Thea-
tre. Orchesis is an extra-curricu-
lar activity, drawing entirely vol-
t untary membership from those in-
i terested enough in the dance to
practice once a week for a year.
One of the high-lights was the
l work of Velma Johnson, who ap-
peared in practically every num-
ber to give an exhibition of danc-
ing in sure rhythm and with great I
grace, while projecting at the same
time a delightful personality. Her
work was decidedly interpretive, in
contrast to considerable merely
mechanical activity amor ! the les-
ser "lights." Dorothy Howell's
"Bacchanale" also was a spirited
dance, distinguished by consider-
able emotional content. But the
entire sequence of scenes and, solos
was carried off with a charm that

essential in good dress.
London, Paris, N e w
York or Tompskins Cor-
ners offer no embarass-
mients when you are
wearing our fine HIC-
The styling is correct.
$52 -$65

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