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May 05, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-05

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IS CHAIRMAN AT Architects To Begin
LEAGUE OPENING1 Erection Of Panels
For Costume Party
Squads Will Commence Active
i Work In Setting Up Decora-
tions Tomorrow Morning.
Active work of decorating Bar-'
bour gymnasium for the Architects'
f May Party which will be held there
next Friday night will start to-
morrow morning, the committee in
charge has announced. More than
'r ''40 panels are now reposing in the

ARRANGEMENTS ARE ADE'<Architectural building, and these'
will be moved to the gymnasium
University Groups Will Assemble In soon.
Fronts Of Library To Begin A few tickets for the sole fancy
Parade About Campus dress ball held on the campus are
_b _ Ca sstill on sale. Priced at $5.50, they
Believing that drastic measures are being sold in the lobby of the
are necessary to prevent a Architecturial building, and ealsot
stration such as took place last fo o~itein.I spoal
year, the Student Council has that they will be on sale in Angellz
pased reoluionon win Ou I _____________________________hall lobby. Applications for tick-(
assea resoion on Sing Out ets will be redeemable only until
to provide a plan that will insure et ilb eembeol ni
that this traditional event will not Mrs. Shirley Smith . Tuesday at the Union, committee-c
be marred by any indiscriminate Of Ann Arbor, ex-president of men affirmed.
acts by members of the Student the Alumnae Council before Mrs. The decoration scheme for the
body. A. H. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids, coming party will be a futuristict
The feeling of the Council is who represented Mrs. Vandenberg metropolis. C. Wayne Mead, '30A,t
stated as follows: has chairman in arranging for the who designed the prize-winningI
"Swing Out is one of the oldest opening of the new League build- plan which will be used, says that N
traditions at Michigan and one in1g tesee ildpc h ahn
which, we feel, every student re- age, surmounted by a ceiling of
spects. In recent years there have varying planes in color ranges.
been several members of graduat- From a yellow plane; the colors of
ing classes who have, by their ac- the ceiling will rise through brownsI
Lions, lowered the dignity that has A I 1N W [ ( and reds to a black well, in which t
been associated with this custom. wil be hung a modernistic lantern. c
The indiscretion shown by these In the past, a Hottentot village, ac
members has forced the Senate prehistoric garden, and an Incan
Committee on Student Affairs to I1A OLEvillage have formed designs for thisg
doubt seriously whether or not it is _ _party.(
feasible to continue Swing Out. George A. Plimpton, Book-Collector, The party is being sponsored by i
Council Favors Tradition Will Illustrate Talk With ' the Architectural society, which s
"The Student Council heartily Old Edit composed of all the members of
favors the continuance of this trad- ins the Architectural college governed
ition, but feels that if a repetition . by a committee of 13. The com-
of the disgraceful acts of last year 1 USE ORIGINAL COPIES mittee, this year, is requesting thate
are in.evidence at Swing Out this ; as many as possible appear in cos-
year, it will support its abolishment. George A. Plimpton, famous col- tume in order to enliven the affairr
if Swing Out is to continue, it is the lector of books and bibliophile, who and also to be able to feel more as
duty of every senior who partici- will deliver a talk on "The Educa- part of the party. Formal dress
pates to see that his conduct is tion of Shakespeare" at 4:15-o'clock will be de rigeur if costumes aree
above reproach and to prevent any- next Monday afternoon in Natural not worn.
one from participating whose ac- Science auditorium will illustrate
tions are out of place. his lecture with text-books actually
"The Discipline committee of the in use at the time.
Council shall carry all cases of mis- The speaker is president of GinnI
conduct to the University Discipline and Company, noted publishing rH I R IIS 1
Committee and support the punish- house and is also president of the i n n
ment that these cases deserve. Ginn Peace Foundation. He is at I
Suspension for a senior at this late present president of the Board of s
date does not seem too severe in trustees of Amherst college and has M Piii Oll U VIIL
view of the long standing of this long been a member of the board ofI
honored tradition." trustees of Barnard college.
Complete arrangements for the The " finest collection of early Contributions for the Universitya
event have been made, including mathematical texts in existence is Fresh Air Camp fund in the pre-,
the speaker, gathering of the the property of Mr. Plimpton who liminary drive for house organiza-
classes, and the line of march. is generally conceded to be one of tions are being sponsored by the
Prof. William D. Henderson, Direc- the most distinguished collectors in
for of the University Extension America. His extensive libraries Student Christian association.
Division, will address the seniors in are, and have been for many years, $561.74 has been received to datek
Hill auditorium. at the service of scholars, and sev- from twenty-three organizations.c
To Form On Diagonal sral candidates for the doctorate All houses that have not already1
The classess will form at 3:30 from the university have had val- sent in their contributions are
o'clock Thursday afternoon along uable books from his libraries. Al
the walks on the campus extending though Mr. Plimpton's specialty is urged to do so at once, so that it
out from the medallion on the di- the collecting of early American will be possible for tags to be sent i
agonal in front of the Library, in texts, "Who's Who" says that he out to those houses before Tagt
the following order: has the largest collection of text- Day.
Senior Literary class on the walk !books in the world. To date, answers have been re-
extending north-west from the me- ceived from the following houses:
dallion toward Waterman gymnasi- Sec Preli'miariesAlpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Chi?
um facing the Library. The women peeC Omega, Chi Phi, Collegiate Sorosis,{
will be in front. To Be Held Tuesday Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta'
Engineers on the diagonal south __.Zeta, Gamma Phi Beta, Hermi-
of 'the Library; Architects directly Preliminaries in the annual tage, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Phi
in the rear of the Engineers; Medics 'Thomas E. H. Black New Testa- Beta Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi
on the walk extending west toward ment Oratorical Contest will be Gamma Delta, Psi Upsilon, Sigmat
University hall; Laws in the rear held at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening in Phi, Theta Delta Chi, Zeta Beta)
of the medics on the same walk; Room 302, Mason hall, it was an- Tau, Newberry Residence, Martha
Dents form on the walk extending nounced last night by Prof. RichardCook, Bannasch House, Jennings,
east to the Pharmacy building; D. T. Hollister, of the speech de- House and Lash House. Contribu-k
Pharmacy students in the rear of Ipartment.tions range from $50 down.
the dents. ----- ---- -- ---
Graduate students on the walk DAI YrWH LM
extending south-west toward the DAILY HIGHER-UPSOVERWHEL
Romance Languages building. Edu- LOWLY CUBS I BITTER BATTLE
cational students behind the gradu- LO L U SIIT R B T L
ate students; Nurses in the rear of
the education students; Business Slugging and fielding their way outs to his credit and allowed only
in the rear of the nurses. .to a 15-12 victory, the ball team of three walks during the seven in-
The Senior Literary class willthe upper staff of The Daily re- nings.
lead the procession, with Kennet tained its grip on the publications For the first two innings the up-
Schaefer, president of. the class, baseball championship yesterday, per staff went scoreless, but in the
and Frederick Asbeck, president of when the lower staff aggregation third went on a hitting rampage
the Student Council, at the head of was crushed before the terrific on- which resulted in three runs off
the line behind the band. slaught of the editors. Although it the pitching of Howard Simon, who
The other classes will follow with was the first game of the year for went the entire route for the re-
the Engineers next, then the Archi- both teams nearly mid-season form porters. After the ice had been
ects, Medical, Laws, Dental, Phar-potr.Aerheie adbn
mcts, Edcail, students, Nures was displayed both in the field and broken the upper staffmen went
mias, Educational students, Nurses at bat by the upper staff nine, into the lead in the fourth and
Business administration, and For while the potential big leaguers iwere never behind during the re-
estry students. from among the cub reporters did mainder of the contest.
not appear to be in condition. I Tilley, of the editors' team, de-
Shuter Issues Call Before the umpire arrived the livered several timely blows, as did
reporters had scored three runs in manager Patrick, while Klein and
For Opera Try-Outs the first inning, but when the balls Monroe also proved effective with

Seniors With Canes
I]Emulate Those Who
Raided Picket Fence
Use Pickets For Canes; They
Carry RehJ Oncs Instead
LEAGUE STRUCTUR Celebrating the fortieth anniver-AT
sary of the passing of the old ____________
COOPERATION FROM SENIOR wooden fence which surrounded
FORMAL DANCE members of the class of 1929 will IN TITLE RACE BY WINNING
appear on the campus today carry-
WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB SINGS :ng their walking sticks in obser- IMPORTANT MEET
vance of the traditional Cane Day.
Former Alumnae League PresidentThswlbeteecnevtonI
Is Chairman Of Commnittee rhBywllMerteiseondevetno
On Arrangements he long program of activities Outscoring their formidabler Iawkeye rivals in the field events
cheduled for the last few weeks as well as on the track Coach Steve Farrell's Wolverine trackmen
For many months standing at before commencement.
the corner of Ingalls and North Early in the spring of 189 the opened the 1929 dual meet season with a surprise victory yesterday
structure te n achyein agm a npus was surrounded l a afternoon on Ferry field, nosing out the Iowa invaders by a 69-66
came to life yesterday when hun- wooden picket fence, but later that count; The WJolves garnered 32 points in the field events against
dreds of people, attended its forma Same spring the greater part of the 3 1 for the Black and Gold aggregation and outscored them on the
opening. From 2:30 o'clock in the ence mysteriously disappeared dur- track 37-35
afternoon, when the reception be- :ng the night. The next day sev- r
gan, until 12 o'clock at night, wher 1ral hundred members of the grad- The victory stamps the Maize and Blue trackmen as one of
the formal dance, sponsored by the hB'eTmbrHotkgad
undergraduate women of the Uni- aating class appeared on the cam- the strongest dual meet outfits in the Big Ten, as the Hawks with
versity, came to a close, the Leagu us 'carrying the small pickets as th Illini were rated as the oustanding combinations in the circuit
was the center of pulsating activi- ,anes. Although the same thing after the close of the indoor season. Coach Farrell has develoed
ty. adhpee eea ie eoe
Upnentering the building, the a apndsvra ie eoe
Upon the fence was completely removed a well balanced aggregation lacking the individual performers of
guests were met by undergraduate *n that year. With the coming former years with almost certain winners in
women, who acted as guides n dis- he next spring no pickets were
playing the points of interes ivailable and the seniors bought every event.
throughout the; building. The re- anes to observe an occasion which j The times in the short dashes and the hurdle events were un-
ception proper centered about th ame to be one of Michigan's oldest
concourse, wherei representatives o' ind most cherished traditions. I usually good, Eddie Tolan, Michigan's diminutive colored flash
the alumnae council, the board of Constant rattling on the side- I -msms the existing
governors of the league, the ad- vaks of Ann Arbor will be the or-m h
visrs of women, the undergradu r of the day, as the graduating and tieg e
ate women, and wives of several ol en form an unofficial parade record in the 100, but in each in-
t reg and DeansofrcitheU-ibout town, with girls hanging on stance the runners were favored
versity formed a receiving line. me arm and canes on the other. by a fairly strong wind. In the
Alumnae Act As Hostesses ?ractice in cane twirling has been longer distaces the times were
Alumnae acted as hostesses in n progress for several days, and noticeably slower duete t werfact
each of the more important room lthough there are some who have that the men had to buck a strong
repreqentirg the city sponsor of th >ecome decidedly proficient in the wind on the back stretch pf each
room. Friends of theLeague hat rt, demonstrations on dress parade lap. er;r%
sent flowers, and these were to be ire likely to result in considerable "Beggar On Horseback" To Be In addition to Tolan's record
seen in profusion throughout the lamage to the glossy finish of the Given Four-Day Run In Theatre breaking performance in the 220
entire building. s of seniority. Of New League Building when he turned the distance in
A concert by the Freshmar taf
AomenGleClbw resenter20.9, clipping three-tenths of a see-
Women's Glee Club was presentec PUBLr TOB AAMITTEU ond from the former mark estab-
both in the afternoon and evening lished in 1911 by Craig, another
An interpreN tive program giver UflTiI UI1Play Production will presen Ketz, big Wolverine hammer
by the University Women's Gle{ G re ettih ign, aletre i n red
Club and Orchesis filled the thea- George S. Kaufman and Marc Con- thrower, bettered his own record yo
tre to capacity at both of its pre gTHEAIERynelys hilarious comedy, "The Beg- y160 feet 10 inches made last year,
sentations. The program had beer. 1 gar on Horsebacn" for a four day by tossing the ball 165 feet 10
planned in part to display the un- run beginning Wednesday, May 15, inches.
usual stage and lighting equipmenaWehghtwMemensnLSga h-
in connection with the League the- Clemence Dane's powerful dra- at the new i We the ay Weri M e Sas
I I re.The play will be the first Play The Wolverine cause was helped
atre. na, "Granite" will be the vehicle Production public performance of immeasurably by the fact that
Tea Gowns Are Feature aoh the opening of the Women's any of the Farrell's weight men regis-
or teoeigo h onsIayo h presentations this year.
Unusually beautiful tea gown league theater by Comedy Club to- The money derived from the show- tered slams in both the discus and
were to be seen at the tea danc orrow night. The opening per- ings will be used to further the the hammer throw. The Iowans
in the afternoon, at which mor oranill.befomal. Play Production policy of labora- managed to snare nine of the 15
than 600 people were estimated t ormance will be formal. tory presentations offered to the first places, but the team balance
be present. The ball-room wa Paul Stephenson, well known di- campus gratis. of the Wolverine combination more
decorated with spring flowers, and ector, is in charge of the produc- i More than 50 men and women, than made up for the brilliant per-
Bob Carson's eight piece orchestrs ion. Stephenson has been in Ann some of them among the better indivdul trs.
were themusiciansbor working with the players for known dramatic lights of the variiv a ars.
Mrs. Shirley Smith, former pros ous theatrical enterprises on the Michigan scored heavily in both
idert of the Alumnae Counci everal weeks and a production
acted as chairman of the commit- finished in every detail is expected.I campus, will combine in The Beg- of the shorter sprints, Tolan win-
te who plamand the ommp- Tihed tings hvey ben cstcted. gar On Horseback." The show re- ning both first places and Grod-
tee who planned the formal open- The settings have been constructed quires an unusually large number sky finishing second in the 100 and
ing of the League. by Frederick Rebman, master car- of settings and the technical staff third, just behind Stevenson, in
penter of Mimes, who assisted Com- of Play Production has been busily the 220. George Baird, Olympic
Conference Baseball edy Club in this production. engaged for several weeks in pre- ace and captain of the Hawk team,
Many persons prominent in cam- paring for the show. sprinted brilliantly to capture the
. --pus dramatics, including Florence Announcements of the coming 440 after the Seymour twins had
(By Associated Press) Tennant, '29, Leone Lee, '29, ,Rich- presentation have been mailed to held the lead to the home stretch.
URBANA, Ill.. May 4.-Wisconsin ard Kurvink, '29, Frederick Cran- the regular list of patrons of Play Dale Seymour finished second and
continued its victorious march in dell, '29, Robert Adams, '30, and Production, according to Valentine I Ferguson of Iowa nosed out Dalton
the Big Ten baseball championship Paul Showers, 31, will be seen m B. Windt, director. Priority in Seymour for the remaining place.
race by edging out Illinois, 2 to 1,1 "Granite." choice of seats will be given per- Tarbill Wins Low Hurdles
after a great pitcher's battle be- The setting for the show is on sons applying first irrespective of Jack Tar.bill outclassed the field
tween Maury Farber and Bower of rocky island off the coast of Eng- Irank on the campus or being on including Saling and Geneva of
the Illini. land.The entire production has the list of patrons. All tickets are Iowa in the 220 yard low hurdles to
been acclaimed as being -unusual as priced at 75 cents and reservations take the event in the good time of
IOWA CITY, May 4.-Iowa won compared to most of the regular can be made by calling the Play :23.5. Allison and Saling of Iowa
its second victory of the season ov- plays seen on the legitimate stage. Production office, finished one two in the highs with
er the Northwestern baseball team -______________________ _______________
Here t a N o 5.eTeaIe eam 'Potter of Michigan taking the re-
landed on two Purple hurlers, Mc- ! VARSITY GOLFERS OPEN BIG TEN maining place.
Ale and Heidupemanuor16,hs, -Sanderson, Brooks and Carlson
Aleece and Heideman, for 16'hits, SEASON WITH WIN OVER ILLINOIS' pooled their efforts in the discus to
ngin every inning but tihi SEASOgive Michigan her first slam; Carl-

)Alltil - ICnn a zriv r i. +

!1 .
L t
{ S

URBANA, Ill., May 4.-(Special) for the day, although he was in
CHICAGO, May 4.--Kerinode, gs bad form during the singles match,
Ohio State pitcher, held Chicago to Michigan golfers won their taking an 81 and losing one point
six hits today, but errors and rag- twelfth consecutive Conference to Martin, while himself taking two
ged base running by his team-,dual meet by defeating the Illinois Bergelin was even more unfortu-
E mates, boosted the Maroons to a 4I linksmen yesterday at the Urbana nate in his morning r l nd, losing
to 3 victory.-I Country Club by a score of 10. 1-2 2 1-2 points to Goldwater, although
to 7 1-2. After holding the power- having- a 76 for the round, Gold-
ful Illini even in the morning water went him one better and
OurWeatherMan rounds with six points scored for took a 75.
each team, Captain Johnny Berge- Jim Lewis, Wolverine sophomore,
lin and his partner Dave Ward won two points by virtue of a 79
stepped out in their doubles match against his opponent's, Sutin, 81.
to take all three points to cinch the Livingston, playing number four
match. for Michigan, halved his match
The two Wolverine stars shot a with Ted Lyon, taking an 81 to
=best ball of 68 against their op- Lyon's 80.

son' winning toss bemin 14eet
8 1-2 inches. Ketz, Williams and
McArthur repeated in the hammer
throw, the Wolverine leader eclip-
sing his own record for the event.
Poorman and Brooks finished
ahead of Roberts of Iowa by plac-
ing second and third in the shot
put which was won by Forwald
with a toss of 45 feet 7.3-4 inches.
Forwald repeated his winning per-
formance in the javelin, Geneva
Iwas second and Brubaker of Mich-
The pole vault went to Canby,
Iowa sophomore star and holder
of the Conference record with a


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