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May 04, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-04

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Vol. Xk SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1929 No. 157
University> Lectures:
Professor D. P. Riabouchinsky, now of the French Service Tech-
nique Aetonautique, will deliver University lectures on the sub-
ject, "The Law of Resistance of Fluids and Its Application to Practical!
Problems." The lectures, which will be illustrated, by stereoptican, will
be given in room 1042 East Engineering Building, Saturday, May 4,
at 11:00 a. m., and Monday, May 6, at 4:15 p. m., respectively. They
will be of interest not only to aeronautical engineers, but also to
mathematicians, physicists, and others.
F. . Robbins
University Lecture:
Mr. George A. Plimpton, head of the firm of Ginn and Company,
and a distinguished book collector, will speak at 4:15 p. m., Monday,
May 6, in Natural Science Auditorium, on the subject, "The Education
of Shakespeare," illustrated by the scholbooks which were in use in
Shakespeare's time. The public is cordially invited.
F. F. Bobbins
Committee of the Senate on University Affairs:
There will be a meeting of the Committee of the Senate on Uni-
versity Agairs in room 2009 Angell Hall on Monday, May 6, at 4:15
John W. Bradshaw, Secretary
All gr duftes who have already paid their diploma fees may ob-
tain admittance tickets for Commencement Exercises in Yost Field
House by applying at the Treasurer's Office. Please bring your diploma
fee receip . Owing to lack of space, two tickets only will be given to
each graduate. Yost Field House will be used only in case of rain.,
Tickets for the Commencement Exercises on Ferry Field will be dis-
tributed early in June and it will be possible for each graduate to
obtain tickets for as many seats as are required.
Herbert C. Watkins, Assistant Secretary. I
Pro-Legal Students:
Dean H. M. Bates of the Law School will speak to prospective Law
students in room 1025 Angell Hall at 4:05 p. m., Monday, May 6. All{
Literary students who are contemplating the study of Law are invited
to hear this address.
John R. Effinger
Applicants for Admission to the Medical School:
Applicants for, admission to the Medical School should make
appointments to see the members of the Committee on Admissions
immediately by arranging with Miss . Noble, Recorder of the Medical,
School, any afternoon this week between 2 and 5. Interviews will
begin the first of next week.
.* .-Hugh Cabot, Dean
Members and Contributors to the Michigan League:
The formal opening of the Michigan League Building will be heldj
on Saturday, May 4, fromn 2:30 to 6:00 and 8:00 until 12:00 o'clock.
Those who are cordially invited to attend are:
'Members of the Michigan League and their out-of-town guests.
2. Contributors to the Michigan League.
3, The entire student body, both men and women.
} ecause of the fact that these groups include so many thousands
of people, it has been found impossible to extend this invitation to
the general public. The Committee regrets that this is necessary, I
ard it will announce a time in the near future when visitors will!
be welcome and when guides will be on hand to conduct tours of the.






Flans Crystallize For Opportunity
To Instruct For Seven Weeks
Starting Next Semester

teaching personality. Each of these
seniors will spend seven weeks with
a high grade teacher. One of the
weeks will be the opening week of
school next fall, while the other six

Plans to allow seniors in the will be from Nov. 11 until Christmas
School of Education the oppor- vacation.
tunity to spend seven weeks in Besides training the student
practice teaching have crystallized thoroughly and in a comprehensive
with the announcement by Prof. manner, this experiment-which
Raleigh Schorling, of the School of includes the student's living in an-
Education, that such a course will other city-will assist the regular
be offered next semester. teacher in his work. Since it takes
In a general way, this represents considerable time to make the de-.
the effort to decrease the gap that tailed arrangements for each sen-
exists between theory and prac- ior, it is of great importance that
tice. All students in the experi- any student either in the Literary
mental group will be seniors who school or in the School of Educa-
vill be selected on the basis of tion who is contemplating taking
pecial interest, scholarship, and this course see Professor Schorling.
Members rof the staffs in Economics and Business Administration and
t d rtmab t inviteP1t ted



The uinusual Play



These four officers are the United States navy's hopes for victory in1
national elimination balloon race which is to be launched today from
Pittsburgh, Pa. All four have gone in training for the event at Lake-
hurst, N. J., where they are stationed. The men are, top, left to right:
Lieutenant J. C. Richardson, of St. Louis, Mo., and Lieutenant (Junior
Grade) M. M. Bradley, of Carey, 0. Below, same order: Ensign Wilfred
Bushnell, of Watertown, N. Y., and Lieutenant T. G. W. Settle, of Wash-
ington, in charge of the team and member of the 1927 navy balloon race
University Girls' Glee Club:
Rehearsal will held in the League theater from 10 to 12 o'clock this
morning, and there will be no excuses issued. Please use the north.
entrance to the building.
Esther Anderson, Pr"ident
Freshman Women:
All girls in the cast or on committees for the Freshman Pageant
are requested to be in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, Monday, May 6, at
5 o'clock.
Betty Healy, General Chairman of Freshman Pageant

.r aduate students in hese aeparumenus are nliuwutiu
Carter Goodrich.
Hinduistan Club:
The regular meeting of the Hindustan Club wil be held at Lane
Hall, on Sunday, May 5, 1929, at 2:30 p. m.
S. A. Rahman, Secretary
There will be a meeting of the Society on Monday, May 6. at
7:30 p. m., in 202 S. W. Professor Parker will read a paper entitled
The Application of Aesthetic Categories to the General Theory of
Otis U. Lee
Eta Sigma Phi:
There will be a meeting of the Chapter on Monday evening, May
, at 8 o'clock in room 2013 Angll Hall. Nominations for officers for
=he ensuing year will be made and, a report of the National Conven-
tion will be given.
Una Van Riper, Secretary
Masonic Students:
There will be no meeting of the Craftsmen Club this week. Elec-
!ion of officers for the coming year will be held on Thursday evening,
May 9, at 7:30 in the small lodge room of the Masonic Temple. Each
member of. the club is urged to be present.
R. W. Webster, President
Architects' 1May Party Tickets:
Applications for Architects' May May Party Tickets may be
redeemed from 12:45 to 4:00 p. m. -at the side desk of the Union.
A few tickets are still obtainable for $5.50. Applications must be
:edeemed by Tuesday, May 7. ,
Otto F. Wenzler, Chairman
Opera Try-outs:
Registration of tryouts for cast, choruses, and committees of the
1929 Opera will be held Monday, May 6, throughFriday, May 10, at
the Mimes Theater from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Robert Manss, General Chairman




With a Distinguished



Economics Club:
Meets Monday, May 6, at 8 o'clock in Room
Professor R. G. Rodkey will speak on "Some Aspects

302 of the Union.
of Brokers' Loans"..

Oratorical Board
A very short meeting will be
3209 Angell Hall.

held Saturday morning at 11:00
Robert J. Gessner


given on

- Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Chairman of Arrangements
"blue-book" on the work in Timon of Athens, Troilus and1
Measure for Measure, All's Well, and Henry VIII, will be
Monday, May 6, at 9:00.
Ayres Taylor

New York Listed
IPrivate wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541
Brown-Cress & Co.,
investment Securities
7th Floor First Nat'l
Bank Bldg.

Florence B. Tennent
Robert K. Adams
Leone Lee
Richard Kurvink
Fred Crandall
Paul Showers


Directed by
Paul Stephenson

Rhetoric 190 (rama. II):
The examination will be held in the Speech Seminary room, 3212!
Angell Hall, , Saturday morning, May 4, from 9 to 12.
Kenneth Rowe
prof Remer of the Economics Department will speak on "Indus-
trial Change4 in the Far East" on Sunday, at 2:30 in room 302 of the=
Union. Auspices of the Round Table Club. All welcome.
C. C. Van Veclten I
Senior Education Students:
Special .assessments and unpaid class dues are now being col-
lected by the various Group Leaders. Please cooperate, at once, with
your ClIss. Group Leader.
R. G. Johnson, Class Treasurer
Aeronautical Engineers, Seniors and Graduates:
Those interested in a position with the Aircraft Divison of the
ForOi Motor Company please see me as soon as possble to fill out the1
application blanks before the arrival of Mr. H. A. Hicks, Chief Engi-
neer of the above Division. Notice of Mr. Hicks' arrival here will
be published soon.
F. W. Pawlowski.
Sojphoniore Engineers:I
Will all sophomores who have not placed their orders for jackets
do so before May 13. After this date they will not be able to order
them. If your jackets are not ordered before this date Greenwood
and 'Kilgore will not be able to get them for you before summer
E. A. Skae, Chairmanr
Senior Engineers:
Caps ard 'Owns may be. secured at Van. Boven's on and after
Monday, May 6, 1Q29.
T. Leslie
Senior Mechanical and Chemical Engineers:
Mr. L, A. Griffn of the -Johns-Manville Company of Waukegan,
Illiois, will beWin room 221 West Engineering Building, on Monday,
May 6, for the purpose- of interviewing seniors interested in the Stu-
dents' Training Course offered by that company.
H. C. Anderson, A. H. White
LUniversity Symphony Orchestra:
Rehearsals In Hill Auditorium, Sunday at 2:30, Monday and Tues-
day at 7: 15. Concert by members of the graduating class Wednesday,
at 8 o'clock.
S. P. Lockwood
Hou.5e Presidents:
Signing-out slips for April are due in the League office by the end
of this week. Please do not neglect to write the name of house and
date on the slips.

~at tv? '-
, ,v\) e y~ on a y" Aria
e u lc~ Cal
R 1 u 5 ,e p


of the Grand Rapids
MAY 6 -11
With a Special
Saturday Matinee
Opening the

could Give--



New Michigan
League Theatre
There are still
a number of good
seats left for
the formal opening
performance on
Monday Night.
Main Floor - - $L00
alcony - - - - - 75c
I.BaIi l

Air Camp



Tag Day






2 to 10P.M.



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