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May 04, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-04

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tATvr2ttAY, fURY-43-IM

«. 1 "Y I V lA . . .. [ ,. M".. .r,. . y j may. k ". Y..

AMC M rm

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L' Orchesis Program During League OpeningM CHT UE
DANCE WIL DE GIVEN Will Be Presented In Theater Of BuildingIS
N LE G _A LO University Food Director Chosen Women Wishing To Enter Tourney1
,,E- i President Of Organization Are Asked To Sign
For Dietitians By Noon Today
- Miss Lenna F. Cooper, food direc- Intramural tennis is scheduled
TO ADMIT ONLY COUPLES i tor of the University, was elected to begin Monday, May 6. The tour-t
president of the newly formed nament, which is open to all wom-
"Affair This Afternoon Arranged ! IyMichigan Dietetic 'association, on en on campus, is the first of its
For Those Unable To- Obtain April 26. . The new .. organization kind to be held. Women should
Tickets For Formal 4 1was formed at the closing business sign up for their matches on the'(
- { y li, ', ,y Asession of the Southeastern Mich- bulletin board of the field house
.'Inaugurating the new League . 'ila a , 4. jigan State Dietetic association sometime before 12 o'clock today-'
allroom,"a tea dance is being which held its annual meeting at Entries may not be made after that!
Sponsored by the undergraduate the Battle Creek sanitarium, on time.
women of the campus from 4 until April 25 and 26, with the Michigan Each house is allowed four play-
6 o'clock this afternoon. The MHospital association. fm yers, but inability to fill this re- 1
khMiss Cooper was formerly con- quirement should not keep any
party has been planned to accom- ;' t .: nected with the Sanitarium and house out of the tournament. The
modate those who were unable to litdub ' -'-- " 'a',H, ° M F 1 "A't 'I ,ihead of the home economics school teams should include two advanced
in n h mof Battle Creek college. As a re- players and two amateurs. They I
of tickets for the formal dance at A jcint program by Orchesis and the University Girls' Glee sut of her work there and her may be entered in singles or dou-
night- club this afternoon will be the first presentation on the stage of the present position in Ann Arbor, she 'bles or- both. Preference should be(
A committee made up of Florence theater in the Michigan League building. The theater has been plan- is well known in dietetic circles indicated when signing up.
Watchpocket, '29, as chairman, ned to seat,700, and it will also be the setting for the presentations' throughout the state. Matches will be arranged, and"
SDorothy Woodrow, '30, Hermine p of "Granite" next week. "Educational Methods Applied to the players will be notified by tele- .-
Soukup, '30, Helen Pye, '30, and - the Teaching of Dietetics to Nur- phone as to when they are to play.
Erwili Shneier 30, s inchare Ises" was the title of a paper res-1 Beginning Monday there will also
f aking e ar ng entscharge VARIED REPRESENTA TION PREDICTED ented by Miss Cooper at the meet- be interclass competition, with
The tea dance is one of the fea- BY ADVISER FOR 1931 CONFERENCE ing of the association in Battle players chosen from the elective a
tures of the opening day program, Creek. The importance of relating tennis class which meets Mondays m
and will be the first opportunity If the national convention of the because it has not functioned up to student activities to life situations and Fridays at 4 o'clock. Any wo- o
for undergraduates to visit the Inter-Collegiate Association of Uni-its full power He points out that was emphasized by Miss Cooper. men who are interested in playing o
its wShe shwedohowtthodietetiani- o
Fnew Michigan League. The ball- ! versity Women which was held administrators' problems are to get She showed how the dietetian in- may attend these classes. On Fri- U
i room, where the party will be held, from April 16 to 20 at the Univer- into office the students best quali- structor has an opportunity to tie day, May 17, there will be a friend- _
while not as large as the Union sity of Oklahoma may be consider- fled to serve and that the students' up" her class work with situations ly competition with Highland Park
<ball-room, is fully as elaborate. In ed indicative of what the 1931 con- problem is to improve the elections, existnin the hospital and cnics, Junior college in which the teams
iaddition, the Hazel Whittaker vention will be, Michigan may ex- In addition to this, he suggests that and i other institutions in the will be mixed. Members of the
Vandenberg lounge, conveniently pect to be visited by delegates from the student government associa- community. tennis class will make up the
tnear-by, will provide an attractive colleges and universities all overltion should formulate policies 1: Some of the ways and means of Michigan women's team.
Y, place for spending the time be- the country when the conference is promote scholarship and to raise accomplishing this relating of stui House managers are all asked to
tween .dances. . . held here that year. This is the the moral tone of any campus, asdent activities to life situations, get their teams organized and in
. No tickets have been distributed opinion of Miss Grace Richards,j a university should be a place according to Miss Cooper are:' As- epractice. Details of the touriament
for the tea dance in the afternoon,I who was one of the Michigan where the best is reflected in life sisting the nurse to think con- will be sent around to the houses
. although the committee has stated delegates to the convention. Shen all the time. cretely-to see her own nutritionalsoon.
7 that only couples will be admitted. I tells that 111 delegates from 24 Other speakers, Miss Richards needs and to make the necessary
The chairman has announced 'states and 65 different collegesstates, brought out the following ( corrections in her own dietary hab-MEETING CALLED
that tea will be served during the were present. points, which appeared suggestive its; applying. the principles of
progress of the dance. Bob Car- An invitation was extended toor of practical interest. nutrition to cases on the wards or OF PAGEANT CAST
son's eight-piece orchestra, the the Association to hold its 1931 con- Razing Of Barriers To Peace Urged at the clinics; making use of cases I
same musicians who will furnish ference in Ann Arbor, the invita-I Miss Hampton, speaking of inter-as a project or an out-ofclass as- A mass meeting of all fresh-
the music at night, will play.s tion coming from President Litte, national interest, made the poigt nment; taking the class on ob-m
In contrast to the informality of the Advisers of Women, and the that there are no barriers except servation trips to nutrition classes mP.antwomengcnecd at'the
the .afternoon party, the dance at Women's League. The 1930 con- inexperience, a snobbish patriotismI in the public schools; using illus- a teo in ah Cas-
night, to which more than 250 utt vention is sectional andwi eanasnbshntnas.Ms trative material, such as posters; !Monday afternoon in Sarah Cas-
nigh, to whi h mo e th n 2 0 up venion is s ctio al nd wll b iwndsasnob ishnationalism .s M iss I and using anim als n experimen talj well Angell hall. Committee chair -
' per-class women have been invited,|held at Pennsylvania State. Hampton's appeal was that a peo- adt fo demnsaton. xmen , ommittee es a
* will be formal. Continuing from 9 "I found very real interest in the ple appreciate the history of other diets for demonstration. men, committee members, and all
until.12 o'clock, this party will mark student conference," Miss Richards nations they lower the barriers to "In planning the activities of the
theclose of. the festivities connect- says, "because of the comparative friendship. class, a wise teacher will take into are expected to be present. Re-
ed with the formal opening of the judgment on schools and student Miss Proctor, of the Central high account any 'state of readiness' of tearsals scheduled for Monday will
new building. -lgovernment associations which is school in Tulsa, Okla., conducted the pupil," Miss Cooper declared. take place as usual.
formed from visiting such a con- one discussion group on d t subject "The laboratory work where food The purpose of the meeting is to
TEA iFOR MOTHERS ference." of vocational training and the or- is prepared and served should suivey the plans and progress of
W ILL B O MAY "President W. B. Bizzell of the ganization of vocational work under come at an hour when there is an I the Pageant as they now stand.
University of Oklahoma opened the student government. She took most appetite, a readiness for food." Betty .Healy, general chairman of
conference on Wednesday morrin.g of her time to give what Miss Rich- ruice of Wittenbergc Sprii-the meeting, and the committee
WyVern, junior honorary society, with an address on problems of ards describes as "an interesting field Ohio, and Dr. Harry A. Over- charmen igiveg reports of their
g sonsrin honor dgf te vitig student government," Miss Rich- bibligraphy which includes pic- strd et of the department of philo- hactivmties so far. phir
mters mon r 11in the s-ngards relates. ' "He holds that tures and the sources of vocational sophy of the College of the City of-.
mothers on May 11 mnthe main as- problems of student government movies." This bibliography is avail- New Yo t is posie, Miy
sembly hall of the new Michigan are problems of student life, that able in the office of the Advisers of New York. It is possible, MissL
League. Marian Reading, '30, is in changes have come in thought and Women, and may be used there by Richards thinks, that this new le-
charge of the party. , ideals which cause changes in any student interested.ep nppeal to some Uni-
More than seventy-five tables are habits. The problem now is to get Personality Courses Announce versity women as worthy of inves- A LongWaS
being planned. Music will be fea- a college education in 24 hours a A new note was presented in Miss tgation. At Our 49th Anniversary Sale of
tured. Tea will be served. Stunts day. This necessitates an adjust- Proctor's announcement of courses Miss Ratchford, of the Wren It- FRATERNITY JEWELRt
from the Junior Girls' Play, "For- ment between extra-curricular act- in training for personality. Such brary at Austin, Texas, spoke on Now In Progress
ward March" will also be presented. ivities and scholarship." training is being directed by Mrs. -the proper use of leisure time, Burr Patterson and Auld Co.
The Advisers ofnWomen and the Administrators' A-oblems Defined Blanche Greenburg, of New York making two rather unusual sug- 603 Church Street
physical education staffwill betPresident Bizzell holds that half University, as executive secretary. gestions.-.
present, offering the first opportun- i the college administrators do notI Other people identified with the
.i1 of the year for the mothers tobelieve whole-heartedly in student movement are Dr. Donald Laird of
ng, three prizes in the form of government, Miss Richards adds, Colgate, Dr. May of Yale, Dr. Ma
souvenirs of the League building
are being offered.
Every organized house onnthe
campus has been asked to cooper- -
u.ate in making the party a succers My C eanc
by planning to attend in connec-

tion with their mothers' house par- Every Woman and Miss shoud take advantage
te.Anyone interested in the' vr oa n is hudtk datg
League. i a so cord ind tho of these values offered at big reductions.
League is also cordially invited to1
be present. The members of Wy-r
vern will act as guides to show
guests through the new building, Leaves
Helen Fellows, '30, having been
chosen as official hostess for this Fashion's Note Boolc Formerly to $35.00
occasion.FahosNtBol; rrl
Reservations can be obtained by
calling Marjorie Muffley, 9617, who'}
is in charge of the sale of tickets.
The tickets will be sold for 75 cents
__All up-to-the-minute styles.
NOTICE i 7 Many were just purchased in
.W V'hthe last two weeks.
There will be a joint rehearsal
of Orchesis and the University ass e $ 7
Girls' Glee 'club from 10 to 12 ._S
.' k thi mornin at the Lea ue -i

. :. '

The hours of guiding: will .be j
from 2:30 until 5:30 o'clock Algid 1
from 8 until i1 o'clock it fBight.
Directions will' be- given and J
badges will be distributed ;rorn f
the League office on the main J
corridor at 2 o'clock promptly I
and at 7:30 o'clock at night.
Everyone is expected to cooper- I
ate by being on time.
Guides should enter the builds J
ing by the front entrance' and I
proceed at once to the League I
office, to avoid confusion. All I
who have not visited the vatious C
rooms in the building previously |
will not be allowed to act as I
guides. (
In the afternoon, light dress- I
es, preferably flowered chiffon, I
should be worn, and at night, I
According to the chairman, I
there is still an opportunity for
guides to sign up with Jane 1
Yearnd, 21616, as permaneht
ushers. This should be 4ttend. I
ed to at once. J
Any other information re- I
garding guiding can be obtain= I
ed by calling Margaret Bsh ,

|$unior Honor Society Announces
Annual Spring Election
Of New Members
Spring elections to Wyvern, honor
society. for junior women, have
been made and their initiation will
'be. held in the Jessie Herton Koess-
ler library at the Michigan League
at, 8:3O o'clock on Tuesday night,
Seleetion of members is made on
the three-fold basis of leadership,
participation in campus activities,
and scholarship. The names of the
initiates, all women of the class ,of
'31, as announced by Margaret
lush,- '30, president of the organiz-
ation during ,the last year are:
$telen Cheever, Eleanor Cooke,
Itelen Domine, Margaret Eamen,
Helen Jones, ' atherine Mcenu,
Ruthl arshall, Janet Michael, Isa-
ielle Rayen, Roberta Reed, Ruth
lBan iuyl, Albertina Maslen, and
Jane Y'earnd.
The activities.of the organization
. ie not l'mitedto social 'Affairs
only. For several yeats the society
has made very matetial 6ontribu-
-tions to the League fund. It is also
the customn of tehe society to hold
house-parties of old and new Wy-
vcrn every spring as soon as the
new members have been chosen.


. ,

Members of Orchesis must come
t 1:45 for the afterno'n perfo-
ance, and 6:45 for the eVenng
ne. It is imperatiye that every
se be on time to get made 'b.:
sc the stage door.



~-'-~ d

W E are proud to dxend
gratulations to -the

our con-

Women and to those who have made
possible the reAliation of the League's



s. o
$Hx O

.. ; .L M
t I
a <.. E r


f" . r

Goodyear 's wihyosuccess and
congritu ate ou upon the coi-
pletior- of your spoendid new
We are as pt'ocdf tis achieve-


meit as ?u ore n -ealize


i !


building. Every one must come.
Use the north door.

r RT
are guaranteed waterproof, made
of light-weight material with
plenty of room for your comfort.
LA genuine oiled slicker will keep

YaM / L 4{J
c! at
6 L 40

Formerly to $50.00


.Bought to be sold
$10 and $12.5(
Brand new dresses in wanted
colors and prints
Values formerly $16.50

for Smartness

Now its smart to match your
hosiery with your complexion
so the new "SUNTAN"
enters into prominence and
college circles.
Of ,sheerest chiffon silk from
top to toe they add a smart
note of color to the - entire


this bul'iriisaiisset to Ann
Please accept , u best Wishes for
.the fGudtre.
Wi.G o yeart '. Co.

=r V.




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