..-Tn ESDAYMAY 1, 1.929 THE MICHIGAN DAILYV PAGE SEVEN, lt-5 VAGE SEV~. FRESHMAN TR ACKMEN PIPAL EXPECTS LA7 BOX SCRE___TO MEET MINNESOTAl BECOME POPULA (Continued From Page Six) (Continued From Page Six) (Continued From Page Six) chuble, McManus (Tigers); Geh- 'a close race in the low hurdles and quarterback and toss it to Gilbert, lg (Yankees); Todt (Red Sox); is a potential point winner in this and which has been cited as the, riinmons (Athletics). event. Both of these men have best scoring play developed in re- National League been making the low hurdles: inicent years, is but one example of close to Varsity time while Wood its possibilities. Even the Wol- R H E has been making good time in the verine opponents were expecting New York ....000 000 000- 0 3 1 high hurdles. it, this play has been uniformlyl }rooklyn ....000 020 00x- 2 4 0 The Wolverines best bet in the successful. Walker, Henry and Hogan; Vance1880 at present appears to be Mc- This play has been formerly lim- and Deberry. Loughlin who has been turning in ited to enemy territory because of, R H E fairly good time outdoors so far j the danger of a fumble leading to Boston........040 200 800-14 16 2 this season. Wolf and Fitzgibbons a touchdown by the opposing team, Philadelphia .016 100 112-12 18 1Ihave been breaking the tape reg- but the new rules will make for use Brandt, Roy, Delaney, Wertz and ularly in the mile and two mile of the lateral pass with quite as aylor, M c G r a w, Willoughby, runs respectively and should take much safety as the forward toss, Sweetland and Lerian. some points in the coming meet. said Coach Pipal. He cited the R H E Wolf Polevaulter Good Ifact that the forward pass took 15 hicago.....000 000 022- 4 8 1 One more event which is likely years to develop to its present aincnati ..n.000 100 022- 5 9 1 to go to the Michigan freshmen is status as reason for' the slow slake and Angley; May and Gooch- the pole vault, Allen has been clear- growth in the use of this innova- Pittsburgh at St. Louis-Rain. ing the bar at 12 feet 6 inches tion. Home runs-Hornsby (Cubs); Fri- without much trouble while McKin- Coach Pipal also commented on berg, Davis (Phillies); H a r p e r ley has been, making around 12 the educational qualities of the (iraves) feet. lateral pass. "It places greater E l. 1 I ;I 'I TERAL PASS TO R OFFENSE WEAPON emphasis, on brain work, resource- fulness, initiative, and allows abil- ity to make up for brawn," he said. The lateral pass was first used by Occidental college against Utah lUniversity in 1913, according to Coach Pipal. The Occidental men-} tor introduced it to offset the claims of Stanford and other coastj schools, who were then playing Rugby, by showing these colleges that the best feature of English football, the lateral pass, could be incorporated into the American game. Shortly after this Coach; Haughton of Harvard, heard of the play and asked Coach Pipal to in- troduce it at Cambridge.- LASS IFIE ADVERTISING NOTICE-At least two truck loads of granite and limestone rocks can be had for hauling them away. Su table for foundation or fence work. Call Mr. Birney, 22117. 234' FRATERNITY JEWELRY At Bargain Prices A REAL SALE-NO FOOLIN' Burr, Patterson and Auld Co. 49th Anniversary Sale 603 Church Street FREDERICS PERMANENT is now j FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 $8.50 at Raggedy Ann Beauty or evenings, 6858. C Shop. Call 7561.2 FOR SALE SUMMER WORK; College student;1 valuable business experience;I splendid opportunity. Salary plus, commission. Educators Associa- tion, 717 Francis Palms Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 2 1111 11t SAWYERS ZEPHYR-WEIGHT RAINWEAR -,HE very latest wet weather protectors for college men and women-these lightest weight garments are made of balloon cloth and rendered ab- solutely waterproof by the fa- mous Sawyer process., Forain"garments are comfort- able and so pliant that they can be tucked away in a very small space when not in use., The Sawyer's "Forain"4street coat; weighs only 20 ozs.\ This line includes a Golf Blouse, Fish- ing Shirt, Sport Shirt, and a com- plete suit for speedboat racing, yachting, etc.. Su then as your favotite shops. KM.SAWYEK & SON f A~t ;AMB0,9MAS. i i i i I i 1 + #1 i I f C[ e 1 SOUTH STAVE STFI@ET D ance Music Afternoons and Evenings NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of Axminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne. "I PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKEI HOME AT A SAVING OF 10% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916,1 MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. C I SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112, Killins Gravel Company. C MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B., Director 310 S State Phone 7927 C BLANKETS and CURTAINS laun- dered; outside drying. Phone 4922. 123 PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- ist Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic-1 tor Allmendinger. Not with any music house. Exclusive piano tuner for the University School of Music. Office at residence. 1603 Morton Ave. 2340 FOR SALE-Old Town Canoe. Call Whitney 9260 evenings. Cash wanted. 612 LOST LOST-Brown bill fold With valu- able papers. Finder keep money. Reward for return of bill fold. Call 4636. 234 LOST-Kappa Mu fraternity pin between Hill St. and Library. Finder please return to Box 53, Michigan Daily offIce. 2 LOST-Tan-key container in vicin- ity of S. University and Washte- naw. Name engraved. Call Alex R. McDonald at 4910. 234 LOST-At the "Shack" a brown tweed topcoat containing two bank books. Return to "Shack.'' Reward. 2 LOST-One Gamma Phi Beta pearl pin, lost Sunday night. Marked M. Welte. Phone 3597. 234 LOST-A fox fur from 426 Maynard st. Finder kindly return. Phone 2-2591. Reward. 612 m iI uuII i IrinIi i uu liii I lillIfillIl 1 i ii 111 i' At the Parrot where you are always certain of a Good Time and Good Foods - "T HE PARROT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF" NOTICE - Home Laundry - Soft water used exclusively; called for and delivered. Superior Home Laundry. Phone 8190. 234C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Two-room furnished apartment, newly decorated, $8 per week. Phone 5863, near Ferry, Field. 2341 FOR RENT-Completely furnished: three-room apartment. Large at- tractive rooms for girls; also garage; available immediately. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Wash- ington. 234 LOST-Ronson lighter with initials J. S. H. Finder please call Stewart Hooker at 4925. 6 WANTED WANTED by fraternity, experienced male cook. References. Call 8260 at 5 p. m. 12 WANTED-Tickets for Senior Ball. Anyone desiring to sell theirs, call 7522. 2 WANTED-Small furnished or un- furnished apartment ground floor soft water; private entrance. June 15 August 15. Call 9360,.8 -9 a. m. WE ARE taking the contracts now for renovating mattresses and pillows during summer vacation. Reduced prices for large order. T. S. COLVIN Phone 6652 0135 A Dayton Steel Racquet adds 20% more SPEED to your game A. workman can be no better than his tools. A tennisplayer can be no faster than his raccquet.' The Dayton is the fastest. Perhaps you can't teach some old dogs new tricks-but the new generation turns always to the rising mode, to the mode of whip-steel speed. It asks for all - steel in its roadsters. its airplanes, its tennis racquets. Certified laboratory tests prove that the Dayton Steel Tennis Racquet has 43% less air resistance than the average wood-and-gut racquet. They prove further that the same effort drives a ball 20% faster with a Dayton. And that extra 20% gives you the jump on speedier play- ers. Dayton Steel Racquet Co., Dayton, Ohio. BE A rAN ON STATE STREET Established 1888 Orders Taken Every Wednesday Afternoon at Our Detroit Office, Room 416 United Artists Bldg., Bagley Ave. %AN 0 DAYTON STEE RACQUET AS MODERN AS AVIATION Ann Arbor Ypsilanti 1#I##Ili###lllllH#I#Ull##1IH#IIII##1#i##It#11##I#lll#IIII##1##IIt I#I###II#II#II#1I##II#11#IIIIIIIII#IIHIHIIII#IIIIIHIIHHIIIIIIIIUIIII#I11IRMIIIIIIIHIHIHIHIIIIIIN 11 :u a U 9 WJAL'c:0if A 0 050 irS A LONG 'f RAIL rQ p TW Cfr WALK[R f <. M111 r wAr + $ +P. }, '. .r® .. ' A .. +s ~!I +t, ^ i F l f s ... -_ .. 1 ...r.maov... O+"' ' ors- -- - i.. Correct Sports Shoes The Chief, a black and white moccasin to cam- plete your golf attire. - and .that satisfied feeling if you start the day right in these Walk-Overs. -115 SOUTH MAIN STREET stn - J-brho WY~chiga ________________- f... y ~ . t .... r .. . z !.: ri ' ib .* .. .... .r.A . _, , w. :, -' R ,( iM MM The;'Kirkwood A smoked Elk Sports Shoe with genuine im- ported Pig Broguing. A truly beautiful shoe. ry. Y yn sJ. U^ a n'x>. k '4t _ .i ' t Y .ttom i A : max. ' .., . 'T'om !luau "1K ' 'jF' '1 . TZ 7? t> .4 1 4 t.:: 5 w =ati ro /other All sizes in stock THE . r QrF S. *AT SHOE aabe sua." ""' Buy your Shoes at a Man's Store I ttlttlttlttltlitItllliltitlttllillJlllil111(Ittllllttllllllit111ttt1111111IIIIIRIIalllttltlltttltttttltltilltItltitttit111lllt llifll llftittt111F1111111111tt#IIIIlttI1111N1itiNtt i4 mw r-=