T H E 'M I r- H I- C N JV31' A Ir. y -, PAGE Fra. T H E...M. .H...... . . ...Y. ...A....... . ... - - . I JS 7. .4. ra A ILVAVAM I I I '. 1 I c t t 1 iC S' C $V SA. A INITES ( iRLS| Imagination Is Cornelia Otis Skinner's Only PHYSICAL I Members Of Physical Education Staff LI AA, INVITESLG I LS Critic As To The Sincerity Of Her Sketches E \ CL DUUATION Attend Conference Of National Association L, Charming even in the midst of a will sound to the audience, as for Members of the physical educa- beth Halsey of the University faul- DD .H Ihurried departure, Cornelia Otis example, Sailing Time on h ytion staff have recently returned ty was chairman of the Women's FRO '1161 SHOO S 1urreddeprtue, oreli Ots eamleSaiingTie o th OlrD C ULJEDTS MA AI froMmberscaof herephya eA- eticHaseytiof mth g iv hyas! OrFI Skinner obligingly answered the pic, where certain intonations of Chicago where they have Athletic section meeting which was --been attending the 16th annual also held Thursday afternoon. At er as she hastily picked up the to widening distance between the "Progress" Is Name Of Publication convention of the Middle West So- I that meeting Mr. Avery Brundage, Install scant costume effects testifying, be- dock and the liner. Appearing For Sale On ciety of Physical Education. Some national president of the American offcerse cause of their scattered positions,: "Yes, I have a comparatively Campus Today of the staff were also present at Athletic Union, presented a discus- take l GIRLS WILL BE GIVEN CHANCE !to the rapid changes used through- standard repertoire which I gen- the Conference of the National As- sion on competitive athletics for TO OBSERVE DIFFERENT out Miss Skinner's Character Sketch erally use on first appearing before, DEALS WITH ATHLETI sociation of the Directors of Phy- women. ifollowin COLLEGE ATHLETICS presentation last night. any group and this is varied not so n "In listening to his "Imagination has supplied the much for the type of audience as leges and Universities which was Bell said, "it was very difficult to Edna R PROGRAM IS PLANNED majority of s u b j e c t s for the 'for the size of the hall. Today on "Progress", a magazine published held at Northwestern 'UniversityI find fault with what he said. Mr. the arr sketches, and this imagination by seeing Hill Auditorium for the first I by the Women's Physical Educa- and at which nearly 50 institutions Brundage is well satisfied with the Tickets Guests Will Go On Treasure Hunthe way," continued Miss Skinner, time I shifted my plans somewhatI tion club will appear onthe campus were represented. state of competitive athletics for end of t Friday To Search For "is the only test'I have for assuring to include The English Lecturer today. It is edited by Frances "The program of the directors' men and that is hardly a common dormitor n myself that the finished sketch is which I thought would be more Bielby, '30, and a staff of assistants conference was very satisfying", opinion. If all these things he be- groups. Michigan Banner I sincere. I have to imagine how it effective than the one previously iwho are members of the physical commented Dr. Margaret Bell, headl lieves could be fulfilled it would be urged t Invitations have been issued bychosen." education department. and will be of the physical education depart- extremely difficult to take excep- priced a tatons h eiAssuedtby SIX ARE ELECTED __sold in University Hall, in Barbourment for women, upon her return. tion to them, for then things would Preced the Women's Athletic Association SEDgymnasium, and at the Women's "I especially enjoyed the discussion have reached the peak. It will take monies,] to 200 high schools around Ann TO HONOR SOCIET Y 7A 1M AYAthletic building after intramural on 'Objective Standards by Which many years to reach his goal," Dr. er for th Arbor for the second annual sportsI ____ H D L Dand interclass baseball games. the Teaching of Physical Education Bell concluded. "However, I would annual r which will be held Tuesday and Spring elections to Senior Society, rThe magazine has been published Can Be Analyzed' by Dr. Le attack the problem in some other '29, chai w e, h a T honorary women's organization, uin an effort to acquaint incoming Brueckner, formerly of Detroit. An- way than in starting with Olympic Campaig dlgesrenved rm eahwere announced yesterday by Marie" DRD iR D T 1 1 or prospective Michigan students, other session in which I was par- ompetition." give her delegates are invited from__eachy__wellasthose_________on__the_______ eHartwig, '29, president. The fol- y icularly interested was the discus school to be chosen on the basisof- lowing,2 resident The fo- campus, with the athletic facilities sion by Dr. Norman Miller of te scholarship, leadership, and in itiated on Monday, May 13: Arliene W. A. A. members may still place .of the University for women and State University of Iowa, concern- est in physical education. ss tHe Dorothy Mapel, Er- orders for blazers to receive them with the physical education de- ing recent investigations on which oe ferehe a hpooeld here last year, ilyaniDrB Ma eB k rLr. order partment. Articles have been writ- Michigan, Iowa, and Wellesley have em em ber Y ouy willi Schneider, Margaret Babcock, before Lantern Niht. An odrfor Rmme with the purpose in view of ac- Mary Louise Brown, and Betty about 40 has already been sent in ate by the setu ent anb the benwrig. aukinting the girls with the activ- Kahn. Miss Ethel McCormick was and will be received soon. The see- faculty of the department on the Dr. Bell acted as discussion leader* University of Michigan elected honorary member. ond order will be sent on Thurs- different phases of physical educa- following the talk given Thursday ando to demonstrate to them the The initiation, May 13, will be tiday, and all those who have not tran.Te w ith cuts rofhethletic- afternoon by Mr. ci H.e Y. MC. possibilities which the University held in the Alumnae room of the procured theirs by that time will bldnsonad euipm t othe A. on udy of hdn Y. M. in oifers for developing their interests League and will be followed by a be unable to get them for Lantern buildins and equipment of the A. on 'Study of Landng Shock in in all branches of physical educa- banquet in one of the private din- Night, the annual W. A. A. function. ditio to Jemingfor Women." Miss Eliza- on. ing rooms of the League. There Marie Hartwig, '29, is taking the madazie wirl bemn he girls will register at the Field will also be another election in the orders. In order that measure- tophighs schoolsa and juniorcolleges sent House immediately upon arrival fall of women who have proved ments may be taken it is necessary throughout Michigan. jg anc at that time will be given a themselves eligible this semester, to go to the League office and try Jeanette Saurborn, '30, has been ag with the individual's name and The Senior Collar committee on the sample blazer there. She the assistant editor of the maga -1' Ann Arbor address on it. The girls which was under supervision of will be in the office every afternoon zine, and the editorial staff has will all be housed at the various Ji egun, '9 tuned in $96 toatake thaeorders Anppointments been composed o fGenevieve Coan orrities and dormitories, and so to be given to the League Fund. may be made by phone. '0 Eien ulva, '0 VlaCall 961 wild not be under any expense - The blazers are a navy blue tail- Jh ', vhile here. Arrangements for the Tennis tc ored jacket of wool and can be unson, 29 Vida icC re,29 eb THE BLUE BIRD M thes field.neAsawardgis beingriaSHOelb wiousing have already been made. worn on campus or on the athletic'3 The program for the two days Open On Monday field. A new award is being creat- RoseStrlasse,' hae as3 nti- HAIR SHOP omewhat resembles the Freshman ed as an insignia to be worn on the ed her. The art work has beenaLma an pote Week program, although it is.not Matches for the intramural ten-- jacket, but as the plans for this handled by Anne Zauer, '29. and make Appointment so general and emphasizes the ath-I nis tournament, which will be open are not yet complete nothing defi- A great deal of credit for the s for that Hair Cut with etle opportunities of the Univer- to all women in sororities and dor- nite can be announced at this time. cess of the magazine goes to Miss ity. In the treasure hunt, which mitories, will begin Monday, May 6. Ethel McCormick head of the phy- MR. BARTLETT is an interesting feature of the Everyone who is planning to take Notice sical education department anc formerly with the irst day, the girls will be divided part in the tournament should sign _faculty adviser of "Progress". 1 nto about four groups which will on the bulletin board in the Wom- 1- I J. L. Hudson Co. 3e organized into searching par- en's Field House immediately. In-i Unversity Girls' Glee Club will t ;es. A large Michigan banner will dependent women who wish to en- hold an important rehearsal at FRat no extra cost T h eward the individual girl who ( ter may also sign their names, but 4:30 today in Sarah Caswell Angell FRATERNITY JEWELRY finishes the hunt first, and punch entries for the tournament will be hall instead of at the School of At Bargain Prices1Nckels Arcde nd wafers will be the treasure !,closed at 12 o'clock Saturday noon. iMusic. A REAL SALE-NO FOOLIN Want Ads Pay which all of them will find at the Each house entered in the tour- °Paoy nd of the hunt. nament will have four players, two 1 ALUMNAE COUNCIL Burr, Patterson and Auld Co."TeLtl or fV ue - Following the Freshman Week advanced and two novices. Houses.? The office of the Alumnae II 49th Anniversary Sale "TeLile Store of Big aues mcheme-the girls will be divided are requested not to stay out of the' Council will be moved today I 603 Church Street nto. groups, each group playing tournament, however, if they find I from Room A, Alumnae Memo- i lifferent games on Palmer Field. it impossible to fulfill this require- I rial Hall to the new League The women who will speak at the ment. Each house may enter the League building. The new tele- uncheon on Tuesday are Betty single and the double matches, so phone number will be 22595. mithr'39, Margaret Bush, '30, those who are signing up are asked ..._ _ o'Michigan Daily nd Miss° Laurie Campbell. On to indicate by S or D whether they ~~~-~~~-~_ _ Vednesday a girl from the Univer- intend to enter one or the other or M.) ity High school, one of the dele- both. ates, Miss Halsey ,and Dr. Bell IIo" VWRfXA , C O W rF. ill also speak. Girls from theI ISOPHOMORES C RN W 1 1 - CIA L- COK JE WILL ation of the of the Women ce on Wedne g the annual to be held at chards, '30, is angements fo will be obtai he week and 'ies are urged All Universit o attend. Ti( t one dollar. ing the insta Dorothy Beck he League wil eport, and Jec rman of the U n Fund Cox annual repot r Mo er a box Fine )SS MA: INSTALL BANOVET newly elected 's League will esday, May 8, installation t 5:30 o'clock. in charge of r the affair. nable by the sororities and to come in y women are ckets will be allation core- , '30, treasur- l present he,: an Hathaway, Jndergraduate mmittee, will rt. ther of our l es hop l wwwwadmillim L i f! , : Y ' i University High School will act as hostesses at the Tuesday luncheon. Notice There will be a meeting today at! 5 o'clock at Barbour Gym of all the, entrants in the intra-mural golf; tournament. 1o All Sophomore women are reminded of the meeting today to elect committee chairmen for next year's Junior Girls' Play. The meeting will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the Women's Athletic building. Doris Densmore, Class Vice-President. I' II ii I! -a1 r _ ,. --....._..r. Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do buai,*ess in a friendly way. If you think so too. let's get together. clearance of ICOAl S I i! , i N u, ~y1 ¢ Ji _ t Y s'?r '.. ASN r r f Ei / r 'i r C 'r. e 3 s i et R-VAU !I , s, ti _ r J e° t 4 ,° , ESTABLISHING A NEW RECORD FOR Value Giving i ~1 CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK "'Office: 451-4552 Yard Office: 5312 Our Semi-Annual Clearances bring buyers from every part of our shopping community, I 1{ sr 11 Be Assured of its ;, , .: , ;; a i. is t ti .r ' ,, II S 5" ii 'f , i .' 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