I POUZ M T.?,"Ill C A N A T E Y ~H1~ MT~HJ CAN T~AILY succeedin getting her propaganda n American papers when her con- Publiahed every morning except Monday dition did not warrant it, a public dna ing the University y ear by the Board in Control of Studeat Pubications. sentiment might be built up which Member of Western Conference Editorial would greatly embarrass a con- Association. scientious administration not yet The Associated Press is exclusively en- willing to grant recognition. No titled to the use for~ republication of all news ispatches' credited to it or not otherwise news is better than propaganda! credited in this paper and the local news pub- Obviously no government that is fished herein. Entered at tke postoffice at A Arbor, o n )Michigan, us second class matter. Special rate uting to the progress of the land of postag egranted by Third Assistant Post- need bother to propagandize at Subsciption by earier. $4.00; by mail, all. The very fact that the govern- 3fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- ment fabricates the information itard Street. and edits the news is a confession Phones Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. ofditsdincaacity and of itssdor WflTT'IfL V AT. Q'AF imant, stagnant condition. Free- r n n E ROLL PRODUCTION MUST RE SPEEDED eme Ii 0- .. Music And Drama -I 0 U CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER Reviewed By Lee Blaser FRATERNITY JEWELRY At Bargain Prices A REAL SALE-NO FOOLIN' Burr, Patterson and Auld Co. 49th AnniversarySale 603 Church Street I- RADIO Parts and Service FOR ALL MAKES GEO. WEDEMEYER -. I I - Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK ............Nelson T.Smith City Editor............... J. Stewart Hooker News Editorr.............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor .......:....... w. Morris Quinn Women's Editor..............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor..............George Stautet Music and Drama...............R. L. Askren Assistant City' Editor..........Robert Silbar Night Editors jnseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline irce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Sinons George C. Tilley Paul L. Adams , Morris Alexandfl C. A. Askren Bertram Askwi. Louise Behyme-~ Arthur Bernselu Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Frank JF. Cooper Helen Domine MargaretEwkels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. Feldmaan Marjorie Follimer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. Hempstead Jr, Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey mrterS Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald henry Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz joseph A. Russell Anne Schellj Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swansea Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Wilisams ,alter Wild's George E. Wohlgemuth Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie dom of opinon and criticism of government through the press is the best means of keeping the ad- ministraton running efficiently and progressively. It is a tribute to the success of the United States gov- ernment that it has preserved the, freedom of the press ever since it ceased to be a prize jewel of the British crown. 0- CONSERVATION The Izaak Walton league has concluded its big convention in Chicago, and the conservation movement has been brought into the public light by the combined interest and effort of practically all the conservation bodies that the nation knows. The recent Izaak Walton League convention is rather a solace in that so many organizations united their forces in the conservation movement, which heretofore might be criticized from the fact that too many organizations have tak- en up the cry of conservation with- out making any evidently con- scious attempt to bring the move- ment into action, thereby making the movementnothing but a lot of ,ballyhooand propaganda which has too often characterized politi- cal campaigns. However, they fin- ally all did get together, including the Boy Scouts, the women's clubs, Audobon societies, government bu- reaus, game protective associations, and what not. Now that the Waltonians have marshalled together all the forces of conservation, pleaded and sought for the cooperation of each, and apparently have attained that co- operation, the time has come to put the movemnt in motion. For- ests, game, waterpower are a few of the subjects needing 1 more at- tention than mer congressional de- bate. Not only do these prob- lems have to be definitely solved, BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER .A',erisg'Department Managers drtisng ............. Alex K. Scherer Advertising.........r.......A.James Jordan Advertising...............Cary XW. Hamn-er. Service.................Herbert E. Varnum aCirculations......... ...... George S. Bradley A~conjts...... :........Lawrence E. Walkley Publications................Ray M. Hofelich +Rrestants Mary Chase Marion Derr Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky Vernor Davis Bernard Larson Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley ay agerd 1. A. Newman Anna Goldberg Jack Rose Kasper Halversoa Carl F. Schemm George Hamilto George Spater ack Norwich Sherwood Upton ixcHuraphrey Marie Wellstead 7 1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1929 Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein HELP THE UNDERPRIVILEGED The Fresh Air Camp, a benev- but the public at large must be olently supported camp for boys of ma.de conscious of the need for imited means, once again appeals conservation. If the Izaak Wal. to the student body for assistance ton league convention can start to in order to insure the maintenance accomplish these things, then it The Oratorical Series was closed1 There are so many organizations very appropriately last evening by clamouring for advertising space a culmination of skill in the fine in this column that the editor hard- art of monologue. The series of ly\ finds time to enjoy all the com- "Character Sketches" presented by plimentary tickets and things that Miss Skinner gave just the sort of are offered in consideration. But finishing touch which makes an en- the customer is always right, so tire series be remembered as a suc- we are attempting to catch up on ces. our back accounts. With no properties excepting a '_few varied details, on a stage which she acknowledged as being vast, THE SENIOR BALL she delivered her monologue in per- In the first place, this rgani- Ifect ease and telling effect. She - zation still owes us a compliment- wonthe admiration of the audience in the very first monologue; in ary ticket for last year's column, rapid succession she presented a which leads us to believe that a very hsyterical lady on the point of fellow is liable to be gyped by at- departure from Paris, In a Gon- tending the Senior Ball. As for f a- {dola, a mid-western and very vorsn the aenr usall prey ceap, placid dowager under a Venetian Ivors, they are usually pretty cheap,moon, a Kentucy picnic, a very but fixed up in a fancy box to English lady explorer, a scene (and make them look pretty nifty. Their I mean scene) in a hairdresser's publicity man has been bribed with shop, Homework, and Sailing Time. all sorts of glowing offers to push In the first, her garbled French the idea that the orchestra will be and "come in-entrez" were a de- good this year. If the orchestra is light; she has an excellent voice half as enthusiastic as the pub- as her adaptation of the nasal licity man is about them, they complacency of the South Bend should be hot. But these seniors y demonstrated. Artistry is the are out to make money, so don'tfo d of he ate rishmets foremost o er'Impsmens expect too much in the line of despite a somewhat forced stage music. teecpn presence her telescoping of stac- cato and highly unrelated witti- THE PEP BOUNCE cisms is quite effectve. She cap- tured all the silly foginess of an That up-and-doing (doing near- Englishwoman lecturing on a vague ly every one) student council (we Africa. The painfully realistic can't get a comp from them confusion in the homework and the for anything, so we might as well typical frantic shoutings in the take them for a real ride) has de- saling scene are proofs of her abil- cided to make this here university ity. into a sort of prep school, so they She has written these skits are going to have a meeting of the from her own observations, after student body and inspire them by hearing them one realizes why she means of a lot of songs and speech- is no longer heralded as the daugh- es to be ready at any minute to go ter of Otis Skinner, time may even out and die for the old school in reverse them. case of a war with Minnesota or** some other foreign nation. It COMEDY CLUB STEPS OUT sounds like a wet idea, but they . begged us for publicity. No other Comedy Club, achieving the priv- papers pay any attention to their ilege of opening the new Women's: tsputterings, so they have to pick on League ; Theatre by reason of the this one. fact that their membership in- cludes both men and women, will present Clemence Dane's study in MISS CORNELIA SKINNER the shifting planes of Life, "Gran- We haven't heard Miss Skinner ite," beginning with a formal first- yet, but from her advance pictures night Monday of next week. j she should make up for Sir Rich- In the matter of formal first ard Halliburton. The frenzied nights the campus has been doing, press notices announcing her else- rather well by itself this year. where in these august column have Play P1ddiction took a Tng at it ascribed her abilities as compre- with the presentation of the orig- hensive of anything but climbing' a inal one-act plays. The Mimes tree. appointments always suggest the propriety of a stiff shirt folded un- der smart black. And now Com- THE MAY GARGOYLE ledy Club cap a sartorial climax.(I We don't want a free copy of IA huge invitation list takes in the this magazine, but they need the important members of the faculty; publicity so very bad that we'll an equally huge box-office sale will take pity on them. The Gargoyle include the equally important stu- is that hot-shot humour magazine dents on the campus. The affair on the campus that clips jokesl will be carried off with eclat, from other magazines and writes tinged very decidedly by elan, elan silly articles that bark at little being the key note of dramatic things hereabout that no one else productions this year. would notice or bother about. It The play which will introduce is very puerile, but if you were the theatre to the audience is shipwrecked on a, desert island and "Granite," already characterized as had nothing else to do you might study. It is not the sort of thing read it. that is usually done locally; nor is deitgeven donerelsewhere with any idegree of frequency. It is dis- XENOCRATES ZILCH tinctly an esoteric fruit of the Lit- HEADS WAISTCOAT tle Theatre taste. But its merits emerge most distinctly under the guidance of a director who under- f ; jN- stands the voluptuous in dramatic writing, and who knows how to bend amateur enthusiasm into the! channels of pantomime and emo- tional expression. The story, briefly, concerns it- self with a woman in a lonely1 place whom fortune tempts with the gift of several men. Her gran-, ite eroticism drives her to achieve the murder of her husband, and the course of events set in motion wrdrives her to be the mistress of one after another until an extraordi- nary denouement, immensely dra- matic, shows her having passed through a number of planes of un- Ksatisfactory existence and now re- turning to the original plane from which her lust had driven her tem- porarily. The philosophy is dis- tinctly a ring-around-a-rosy thing, The above picture is one of the shot full of pessimism, but when youngest of the young men to fall used as a dramatic theme has, at victim to the latest rage of ap- least in this case, given occasion pointing youthful men to head uni- for a number of stirring scenes. versities. Xenocrates Zilch will Paul Stephenson, of the Grand swing the rattles at Waistcoat Rapids Community Playhouse, has College. been secured to interpret the play. * * * His fine record at Grand Rapids' The WVshtenaw Tribune, )with, where his work with amateurs has its usual delicate sense for saying resulted in considerable civic pride, the right thing, springs the follow- and his understanding of the de- ing headline on its unhappy sub- mands the play makes combine to scription: prophecy a sincere and notable pro- Large Number Ministers Will duction. Gather In City. Aside from the fact that Com- Q.Rr of' ffat v... ntanw,.. nt-lu iv(Inintrnr C~ Fhenpw tl-ht._- r " 41x r - "'With no Pull what could Id? TO OUR PATRONS Beginning Sunday, May 5, and continuing through June, July and August, we will serve Sunday Noon dinner until 3 p. m., with no Sunday evening meal. The Haunted Tavern 417 E. Huron St. «T COULDN'T get very far in the bond business. I have no social position or influential friends." If such thoughts occur to you when considering your possible fitness for a career in the investment field, it would not be surprising. They reflect a commonly held opinion regarding the bond business. But the facts present a different picture. A young man of wealth and social prominence may enter the bond business, but, without other more im- portant qualities, he has little if any advantage over any other beginner. 11is acquaintance may in fact turn out to be a handicap, if he shows any tendency to lean on his friends. It is "push" rather than"pull" that counts. If you have any leaning toward an investment, career, do not let a mis- conception about it throw you off your course. Learn the facts about the bond business, how it is carried en, its re- quirements, its opportunities. Then measure your qualifications against these known factors. We have published, especially for college men, a little booklet, What is tke Bond BusinessPReading it will help to give you a true picture of the in- vestment business. A copy will be supplied on request. Or stop in at our nearest office for a personal interview -our managers will gladly tell you more about the bond business, and; help you decide whether it is the right business for you. 221 E. Liberty I 11 1 Ii 1 i . I For a copy of the above booklet, apply to Students' Employment Bureau H A LS EY, STUA RT & CO. INCORPORATED crIcAoo 20 Sout La Sall, St. NEW YORK 35 *all St. PHILADELPHIA III S.,uth Fiftlsnth St. nIvnoiT o Grsw.ld St. CLEVELAND 925 Euclid.1'0. ST. LOUIS 319 Nerth Furth St. sosroN 8s Drvnshlr, St. MILWAUKEE 415 East WaIrSt. PITTSBURGH307 Fifth Avs. MINNEAPOLIS 60 SMwi4 dAt., Seth Rad the Classified Ads "EXCLUSIVELY RADIO" Phone 3694 i 11 i L I 6m of this fine social and educational experiment. Letters have been written to all of the fraternities and, sororities asking for gifts, while a general campus tag-day will be held on May 8. Of the great number of univer- sities throughout the country, Michigan has the distinction of be- ing one of the few which maintains a summer camp in order to rouse a healthful joy of life, and set it flowing through the veins of many tragically underprivileged boys. During the summer months, 400 poor children selected by the wel- fare organizations of Ann Arbor and Detroit are given the benefits of a twelve-day outing in the com- petent care of a staff of twenty University men. The response from the students last year was excellent, and with a goal of $3,000 toattain this year, it is hoped that the response will be as whole-hearted. Support for this generous enterprise is depend- ent upon the students and alumni of the University, and so the fate of the project rests entirely in the hands of those. who are called on for aid. The cause is worthy. It should be given the hearty co-op- eration of every student at Michi- gan. Will it receive such consider- ation? SOVIET FREEDOMj The true condition of Soviet Russia may be more clearly pic- tured from the recent withdrawal of its corresponding agency in that country by the Chicago Trib- une. The reason given is the ob- ligation of the correspondent to have all his news censored and peppered with propaganda. News is news no matter from what part of the world it may come,, and the sole standard of news is truth. No newspaper of any integrity could afford to print propaganda, and at the same time profess to be serving the public. Reports of the prosperity of a country like Russia might lead to false conclusions on the part of business men and other men in the political world, so that they might be lead to invest in that country; will be respected as being some-! thing more than an association of sportsmen looking for something to! shoot at. . d %ll. /lJS i I Y. S :'J ill. / /JY/ '~JYl. '. . %? '~Y~JYJ. /~~l. /l. I "l. /lJ. /ll~l. /l. /1l1 ~~i Editorial Comment MORNING AND OTHER EXER- CISE (The New York Times) Dr. Williams, Professor of Physi- cal Education, who dared to doubt the tonic of setting-up exercises and a cold bath the first thing in the morning, must wonder why so many of his fellow-specialists are of the contrary opinion. From ev- ery direction they descended upon enthusiasts who take radio exer- him. They spoke for battalions of cises and glowing plunge. The di- rector of a health broadcasting bu- reau of an insurance company points to 700,000 letters that bear witness to the values received in "tuning up the physical and nerv- ous organism." That sturdy com- panion of physical culture, Dr. Eu- gene Lyman Fiske wants it under- stood that if people are to be for- bidden to take daily setting-up ex- ercises, then indeed we shall have to assume that we have entered in- to a state of decadence." Nor can he calmly view the suggeston that alarm clocks be banned because their effect on the nervous system is baneful. The faithful alarm saves its devotees from the wear and tear of bolting their breakfasts and sprinting for morning trains! Dr. Williams commended walking four miles a day as the ideal ex- ercise, invigorating and adequate. But Dr. Fiske exclaims that "walk- ing is the laziest excuse for exer- cise I know anything about." Stepping along briskly with the chest out and arms swinging is a builder of vitality. Dr. Fiske is re- ferred to such authorities on walk-' ing as Wordsworth, William Haz- litt, John Muir, Stevenson, George Otto Trevelyan and Edward Pay- son Weston. The list could be in- creased by hundreds of names. I Let Dr. Fiske read Alvah H. Doty'sj MAY FESTIVAL 4 Days -MAY22,239,24,25,1929 - concerts HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Conductor ERIC DELAMARTER Guest Conductor JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor Edith Mason Soprano Chicago Civic Opera Company Jeannette Vreeland Soprano Distinguished American Artist Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Marion Telva Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Crooks Tenor Premier American Concert Artist Paul Althouse Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Lawrence Tibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Bonelli Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company Barre Hill Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company William Gustafson Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Josef Hofmann Pianist Polish Virtuoso Efrem Zimlaist Violinist Hungarian Master The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Children's Festival Chorus Samson and Delilah Saint Saens The New Life Wolf-Ferrari The Requiem Brahms nn rmi. ...1 p 4- 4-1- . u mrl noit.l I-a c, I"WXolin onr Health." It is true E