Rampant Jubilation
Pervade Campus Pep
It *
ii~. &ILk.
President Will Be
hers of LocalI
In order to expr
of the student bo
formal farewellt
dent Clarence Co
student testimoni
be held in honor
on the night of T
Unlimited Opportunities Afforded By
Engineering Profession, Fellows Says
EDLTORS NOTE--This is the sixth of a a certain few qualities that are es-
eries of articles on the leading professions. sential for a success in any profes-
Interviews with authorities in the fields of sion. In addition, accuracy and
lawU medicine, journalism, etc., will be published. promptness are characteristics
f-- that a young man should cultivate
The engineering profession, with if he wishes to become a successful
its 'Variedfields of endeavour and engineer, as they are great assets."
unlimited opportunities, affords a "Do you find that the college
very fertile and profitable profes- trained engineer has a great ad-
1ANQUET WILL sion to capable and energetic young vantage over the untrained man?"
NIVERSITY men, according to Perry A. Fellows, Mr. Fellows was asked.
IMENT City Engineer of the City of De- "Of course," replied Mr. Fellows,
troit, a former student of the Uni- "a technical college education is a
ELD MAY 23 versity. Mr. Fellows, in a recentI great help to a young engineer.
interview, answered a few ques- However, the handicap of a lack of
Guest of Mem- tions in regard to his profession, education from which the untrain-
Press Staff On which information should prove ed man suffers, can be and often is
interesting to all students intend- overcome.
n Day(ing to enter that field. "Many say," continued Mr. Fel-
-ess the sentiment Mr. Fellows was asked which lows, "that engineering discoveries
branch of engineering, in his opin- are leading to overproduction and
Idy and to say a ion, offered the greatest hppor-j are affecting our economic fabric.
to retiring-Presi- tunities to young men. "It is al- In my opinion, however, there is
ok Little, an all- most impossible to answer that work for engineers to perform, as
al banquet will question," Mr. Fellows replied, I long as there are countries all over
of the President "since every day various discoveries the world who have not been ele-
are being made in all the branches. vated to our standards of living.
'hursday, May 23, Who knows but that a startling rev- Until people in China, Corea and
Four Studentsin
FIR INSPECTORSl For Potting Tin CansSjj &An
Four students were fined $24.55
ONO!ION 1S in justice court last night for pot-
ting at tin cans inside the city lim-
its with an unregistered revolver.
The arrest ocurred Monday after-
noon near the limits of the city on
Vinewood boluevard after the male-
Dmactors had been reported by an
P alarmedresident of the district.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE CITED he police flyer made a fast run
IN FIRST REPORT OF out Washtenaw avenue and the
UNDERWRITERS sharpshooters were herded down to
City hall where they promised tor
AMATEUR WITTING SCORED appear for trial the following day.
They entered a plea of guilty.
Fraternities And Sororities Will Be "The penalty for this offense is
Under Investigation As Well 1 to 15 years," said the justice. "I'm
As Lodgings going to let you off easy: $20.00
and costs, $24.55 in all."
Practically unqualified criticism
of fire hazards in Ann Arbor were
made by 85 inspectors working
under the State Fire Prevention UNION CO ITTEE
association, operating in the city
J. J. H bbell, in charge of the
inspection, characterized conditions
as "de nlrable"_ hittingn at electric ' U IIIIb
By George Tilley
Something new in the way of gratuitous entertainment for the
campus will be attempted at 7:30 o'clock tonight when the only
original All-Student Pep Bounce swings into action in Hill Audi-
torium under the direction of Michigan's two greatest fight-song
composers. Louis Elbel, '00, who thought up the tune for The
, . , , 1, . . , . .a---.---. oV itor
in the Union ballroom. Only the olution in a certain field, such as other such countries enjoy the wiring in particular, with other
president and students will be pres- was recently occasioned by the de- same things we do, there is still factors including the city's fire Wilcox And Lloyd re Not'atd rwho c
enti It was announced yesterday velopment of the radio, may open an opportunity for engineers. fighting and alarm facilities. TlcoAnFloydreNdenae will bo
up unheard of opportunities for Engineers, who have become Public schools showed weak TFiI1latter a
by the leaders of the movement trained men? Every division of en- successes in their chosen profes- points likewise, exposed when in- Spring Elections + + .. "-the for
The banquet, to which President gineering has great opportunities. sion, have found that it is finan- spectors found one of the auditori- Assist
Little has already accepted an in- "I would add, too, that 'none of cially remunerative as well as in- um fire escape doors at Mack school NAME OTHER CANDIDATES QUER VUhard-bl
vitation, is being sponsored by the branches are overcrowded-at teresting and I would say to all without a knob. It was impossible'---- with t
campus societies, including The least with capable men. A man, to engineering students that they are to open the door, they said. School Kenneth M. Lloyd, '30, and Jack- vocal c
Daily, the Student Christian asso- become a success in engineering, entering the finest profession in conditions are not as bad, how- -.',s d
ciation, and the campus honor so- should possess, of course, those the world, ever, as buildings in the business son A. Wilcox, '30, were selected Rebel Chieftains Sue For Peace Theral 01
cieties, and other organizations. A blocks, and churches, and the new- by the Union nominating commit- After Plane Attack of smal
general ticket sale open to all stu- Ier buildings in the school system tee yesterday afternoon as candi- On Nogales on the
dents on the campus will be start- DAD ATC 111111 PAIIFDII nnwere found for the most part to be dates for the offices president ofN - singing
eatcnrllctosothcamI V, h atsfrth ficefpesdn f ign
ed at central locations on the shining exception to almost the Union in the Spring elections ESCOBAR IS LONE LEADER d aro
pus very soon. The price will be uniformly dangerous conditions. to be held two weeks from today. last ni
$1.50, it is said.iUniversity Structures safeW h bnhewould a
The following committees have Fraternities, sororities and all . Wilcox has been chairman of the n, .\s 1i tress) ber or
been named to take charge of the HE HR fliSTibi ! i LL UUE j[jJ [lrooming house lodging students will underclass committee of the Union NOGALES, Sonora, April 30.- peratur
banquet: come in for their share of investi- during the past year and Lloyd has With dramatic flourishes Mexico's sary.
Program--Thomas Winter, '30L, -__ gation beginning next Monday, Mr. been the head of the Union pub- latest revolution virtually passed Ca
Thomas Koykka, '30L, George Rich, Noble Prize Winner To Deliver Clemence Dane's "Granite" l. oHubbell delicity committee. James E. Thay-'out of the formal military stage R
'0L, Stanton Todd, '30, Marie Commencement Address Be First Production In New main until the entire group has, 'the U
Hartwig, '29, Mary White, '29,; June 17th Building een complet. niversity burned
Mark Andrews, '29, William Farrel, Iings alone will not be inspected, as named for the position of record- "Sudden and unexpected proposals writing
2 f GET 6 they are state owned structures, ing secretary of the Union. j of surrender by the few revolution- which t
Publicity-Kenneth 'Patrick, '29, and are nown y sa The candidates for literary vice ary leaders who had not fled from ing. F
"Amateur wiring" in student'prsdnofteUinanmd remark
James Stewart Hooker,, '29,2Nelson Dr. Robert A. Millikan, 1923 Comedy Club will open the new lodgings was heavily scored, as well r'bythenoiminating cmitt m 's city to the United States for
Smith, 29, Edward Hulse, , an Nobel prize winner and noted Women's League theatre with its as similar wiring in other build- William A Murphy '30, and Fred- safety were accepted by the Mex- ing mo
Sylvia Stone, '29. 1 physicist, will deliver the Com- production of Clemence Dane's ings inspected. Students should be Wiam . Murhy '30, and Fr- ican government, with assurances ing of
Decorations-Harlan P.. Christy, ; mencement address here on June "Granite," which opens a week' warned, Mr. Hubbell said, against ing vice presidency nominees chosen tero
'29, George Johnson, '30, Chester 117 before the graduates of the class- run next Monday night, May 6. attaching make-shift wiring at- are Charles R. Waddell '30E. and as requested. urojecti
C. Bennett, '29, Pauline Winchell, es of 1929, it was announced yes- The opening night will be formal atchments to the electric light 'Charles R Wood '30E The parade of rebel chieftains to flash o
'29, Margaret Gentz, '29, Robert J. terday. He will address more than and by invitation only although sockets, that factor being consider- 'safer soil was followed today by an t condc
Gessner, '29, Richard Spindle, '29E, 2000 seniors, it is expected, and the remaining seats for that per- ed in such rooming houses and James H. Allen, 30M., and Wa- aerial attack on the city by. fed- semble
Ernest McCoy, '29. more than 2500 degrees are expect- formance will be placed on box- other lodgings as have been seen. ter Scott, 30M., were the candi- eral planes, which, although ap- Some
Invitations-Willard Lowry, '32, ed to be presented at this time, office sale shortly before the cur- Ann Arbor has grown too much dates selected for the office of med-
William Nissen, '29, John Gilmar- i due to the fact that many will re- tam rises. to be properly served by a single ical vice-president. But one can- dently hastened the decision to sur- speakei
veunt, '30L., ws1ryr
tin, '29E, Eugene Easterly, '29E, ceive more than one degree. Ac- Paul Stephenson, well -own di- fire station, inspectors declared, didate, Manly K. Lwasw render. Frayer,
Kenneth Shafer, '29, Harry Wal- ceptance of the invitation to ad- rector, is in charge of the produc- ! and recommended that outlying named for the law vice presidency, The 'feeling of uneasiness was dean o
lace, '30, Elaine Gruber, '29, Cyn- j dress the graduates was received tion of "Granite." Stephenson has stations be installed. his being the only petition received enhanced when 500 Yaqui Indian has tak
thai Hawkins, '29. yesterday frm Dr. Millikan,. who in the past been associated with Need Automatic Alarms ythe committe troops at the rebel 'garrison bolted. in the
Finance-Fred Asbeck, '29, J. is now head of the Nbrman Bridges the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre. The dial-telephone alarm system The nominees for the dental vice
Franklin Miller, '29, Thomas Thorn- laboratory of Physics and chair- the Ypsilanti Players, Bolshovski, should immediately be replaced presidency are Maynard B. Stover It was asserted they had 'left to handed
as, '29, Betty Smither, '29, Eliza- man of the executive council of the and tGordon Craig. He is said to with an automatic telegraph sys- 3D and Charles M. Waldo, e fobar commander-inchief of theL
beth Wellman, '29, Joe Truskow- California Institute of Technology, have an enviable reputation for tem in the city, they asserted, in- eorge el 30 BAd., revolutionary armies, who is sup-I He sa
ski, '30. JDr. Millikan is a graduate of general directorial ability. asmuch as it is practically impos- John M. Felton,30 B.Ad., were repoldtionr amt Pulpito Pas person- "Michig
pose tly obeatingteonlyPasspesn- ateMinhi
On the day following, President Oberlin college and Columbia uni- 1Many' persons who have starred sible, in the event of serious fires, nacmed cnides orestden ofc'ally commanding the only remain- Iate in
Little will again be the guest of versity, and has been an outstand in previous dramatic efforts o to summon the department ac- An co ed viceprsidht s ing body of rebel troops of impor- songs,
the members of the local press staff ing figure in the field of electricity. Comedy Club as well as the other cuately in time to prevent heavy Any other students who wishto itace in the republic. as very
who interpreted the news from his In 1923, he was awarded the theatrical groups on the campus losses. One instance was cited in have their names placed upon the
office this year. Last year, the Nobel prize for isolating and meas- will be seen in "Granite." Among which the fire trucks weretsent twon all-campus ballot as candidates for While events were moving here, men w
President dined the# newspaper heurmng the ultimate electrical unit, those who are included in the cast I miles out of their way tryning to one of the Union officnaes aydo so phe S.tte t ers atmpe n t- int
men. 'It is expected that several the electron. Previous to this are Florence Tennant, '29, Leone Ifind a blaze whc hadibeen inoroyrein 200 sfignatuesrtd a gphen .tl, ne a Amearican Nou- fin tro
interesting things will come to award, he had received the Com- Lee, '29, Grederick Crandall, '29, rectly reported.tgifted petition o der an abl were caed o a y pres gantra
light at this session. stock prize of the American Acad- Robert Adams, '30, Richard Kur- Churches in the city, and busi- 'filing that petition not later than I ably to be prepared for any clash Itnd m
________________emy of Science, the Edison medal vrink, '29, and Paul Showers, '31. ness blocks, with the section of the 19 o'clock Saturday morning, MayI that might occur across the lineladm
of the American Institute of Elec-Ik '2h , tng fr ttshow s 'n State street block south of Nickels' 11, with Kenneth C. Shafer, '29. affecting American lives and prop- Trea
N 0 T E D ACTRESS trical Engineers,and the Hughes'a c The setting for the show is on Arcade being named as one of sev- recording secretary, in the student erty. A clash seemed improbable anent
P RESENTS SKE TCH medal of the Royal society of Great England. The entire production ral particularly bad spots, are i1ofThems of the Union.mn n view of the ree, howevr, start
( Britain. hsbe clie sbiguu dangerous condition, and in some ' h ebr ftenmntn The offer of the rebels to sur- should
He as has been acclaimed as being unus- cases old wiring should be replaced committee, in addition to William render was made at a hastily sum- suppor
He has been vice chairman of the ual as compared to most of thecsso i E. Nissen, '29, student president of moned conference. We hav
Cornelia Otis Skinner, charming I National Research council, since regular legitimate entertainment.' entirely, it was said. r m Nenz'29, nt preet ofmn cone.g
and brillaint impersonator and 1917, and was the American mem- The scenery has been built by Schoolsack Store Rooms theorganization, and Shafer, the' AT U evening
daughter of the well-known Otis ber of the committee on intellect- Frederick Rebman, master carpen- One crying need of the school rJeording secretary, were Frederic aENSIAN DISTRIBUTION ifl o
Skinner last night appeared in Hill ual cooperation of the League of ter, who is well known for his sstem, inspectors said, is for a . DeWitt, '29E.. Thomar C. Win-, I nd tr
auditorium as the ninth and con- 1Ntions in 1923. During the World 'work at the Mimes theatre. store room for all school supplies. trs, '30 B.Ad.. Herbert D. Hunter, Tedsrbto ot ilb n r
eluding number on this year's Or- War, he was chief of the sciencethe mesth r. Rooms were found filled with all '29 B.Ad., Milton McCreery, '29, maintained in the basement of I
atorical Association lecture course, a-dWrseachis of the Signal - sorts of supplies, they said, and and Mark S. Andrews, '29. Angell Hall from a o'clock to 5 1 LIBI
presenting her series of "Character ,corps of the American army. a GARGO YLE G OES should be removed to a store house, I There will be no further nomi- o'clock today it was stated last I
Sethes." Dr. Millikan was a visitor here a ONtSALhoTmeiDaArmcare for paint, oils, lumber, old natonsi for Union offces made by night by J. Franklin Miller, '29, S T
Sevch ac."ow f yrs kag whs h eiered ON SALE T O D A Y'desks, and similar materials, the committee for the forthcoming business manager of the publi-
Seven characterizations of we - deya s ag h n h d l v r dskshoand siil rn nmt eri ngls.p i g al t n ,i w s a n u c d cai n o e
men, all strikingly true to nature, the address at a Phi Beta Kappa Gargoyle's final issue before the I School children, numbering in all spring balloting, it was announced cation.' More
ofsafietwe more than 3,000, heard addresses b h nomina'ting committee. o_________________E__
were included in her program, initiation dinner. appointment of staffs next week on the subject of fire prevention. Arb
each of which was drawn from her for the coming year will be an!Business men heard TABTor
0T.____ _____ Alfred) FATHER AND SON BANQUET TICKETS the fifl
- A review of Cornelia Otis SPEAKERS CHOSEN "Athletics for All" issue which willsA
Ibe placed on sale on the campus 'lmn etra ona h WILL GO ON SALE A T-UNION TODA Y the P
Skinner's program of "Charac- FOR AERO DINNER today. Chamber of Commerce bulding,
te ktce"pesne ls ____IAthltcanpoicsretpe- and in the afternoon Mi.. Fleming' congres
nih in Hiluditorium, will Athletics and politics are at pres- spoke before a group of prospec- Tickets for the annual program appeared here both last year and cussion
night H dIDee ent the two over-crowded student tive teachers who will graduate and banquet of the Union's Father this to address pep meeting gath- The
be found in the Music and Detroits aeronautical leaders will ,activities, maintains the Gargoyle I from the University this spring. Mr. and Son week end will be placed erings. William R. Day, '30L, a son We Be
Drama column on page four of ibe the speakers at the annual di- editor. Toward the .atter, the Fleming is a member of the Na- on sale today at the side desk in of Judge Day is a student here at last ni
this issue. I ner of the Aeronautical society at campus humor magazine has main- tional Board of Fire Underwriters, !the lobby of the Union. the present time. This
ow 6:30 o'clock tonight in the Union. ained an attitude of satire and and was brought here especially Fathers' tickets will provide ad- Arrangements for the admission Rev.
inud.dssk 'prig ms criticism throughout the year. from New York by the Chamber of misson to the Illinois-Michigan 'of visiting fathers to the Illinois Kisco,
included such icidents as on the In the May issue, however, poli- Commerce to make addresses in baseball game Saturday. May 11, game has been through the court- Frederi
eve of departure before leaving Detroit Board of Commerce avia- tics are forgotten to a certain ex- Ann Arbor. admission to the Majestic theatre esy of the Athletic association and Ill., wi
Paris fr a voyage to America, mn~ tion committee, chairman of the tent and the ridicule of Gargoyle' _---- --------------- ---' subject to a 10 cent levy placed on similar courtesy in the matter of What E
o gondola in Venice, at a picnic Stinson board of directors, and artists and humorists is turned all complimentary tickets, and will the show at the Majestic following Christi
in Kentucky, as an English lady- iformer holder of the globe-circlingi upon the various forms of "Athle- I urWeat1erliMan admit fathers to the Union pool. the banquet has been extended by Apostle
explorer addressing the geograph- 'record will be the principle speak- tics for all." In addition, all tickets, both fa- the Butterfield management. sion?"
ical society about her travels in er. I An able analysis of "Athletics for thers' and students', will provide] Many fraternities are planning a Very R
Africa, and impressions of a William C. Stout, designer of the All Freshmen Week," together with ~ for admission to the annual ban- series of additional events for the Pittsbu
Philadelphia mother helping her Ford-Stout tri-engined transport, a description of "The Origin of Ath- _ ouet to be held on Saturday night. entertainment of visiting parents ert Jo
12 year-old son with his home- and Carl Fritchie. manager of the letics for All" are outstanding fea- I N ""Judge William L. Dav. '00LE, of the same week end nSeia1 fr- will le
s, and Fred Lawton, I1,
lid the same for Varsity,
th be on the platform, the
s master of ceremonies and
mer as a speaker.
ing in the riot will be the
lowing Varsity band replete
ineful harmonies to bolster
ontributions by the audience.,
ee club, also, mounting sev-
-inch bass voices and a lot
ller ones, will join the fray
side of bigger and better
It was unofficially rumor-
und Glee club headquarters
ght that the harmony boys
also have ready a solo num-
two to keep down the temr-
e of the auditorium if neces-
mpbell Prepares Speech
rt A' Campbell, chairman of
niversity counting house,
the midnight oil last night
a fiery keynote speech with
o begin the evening's bounc-
ollowing some introductory
:s relative to the Bounce
ampbell will hand the howl-
b over to Fred Lawton, mas-
ceremonies. On Fred will
the duty of signalling the
on booth what songs to
n the screen and of waving
uctor's baton over the as-
I tune-producing units.
where on the program two
s apiece will be found for
s Elbel, Prof. William A.
and Coach Fielding H. Yost,
f touchdowns. The latter
en an enthusiastic interest
Bounce, securing -single-
the services of the two
ers on the program,
auds Michigan Songs
.id of the Bounce last night,
;an is exceptionally fortun-
having two great fighting
The Victors and Varsity. I
much gratified that the
ho gave them to us are to be
tomorrow night. It will be
refresh the spirit of Mithi-
ditions with those who were
to put that spirit in word
surer Campbell remarked
the occasion, "This is the
f a traditional night that
receive the whole-hearted
t of students and alumni.
re plenty of troubles but this
g we'll be getting together
et them in an enjoyable sur-
f worthwhile Michigan songs
than 200 prominent liberals
copal orders arrived in Ann
yesterday to participate in
ty-flfth annual meeting of
rotestant EpiscopalC hurch
ss, which will hold daily dis-
meetings until Friday.
first session on "What Can
lieve About God?" was held
ght at the Union.
afternoon at 3 o'clock the
[arold A. Pritchard of Mt.
N. Y., and the Very Rev.
ick C. Grant of Evanston,
ll lead a discussion on "To
Extent Are the Articles of the
an Faith as Contained in the
's Creed Subject to Revi-
Tonight at 8 o'clock the
Rev. Percy C. Kammerer of
irgh, Pa., and the Rev. Rob-
hnson of Washington, D. C.,
ad a diseusinn on "Wht