TUN MAY 4APRIL 30m 1929 THE M IGHIGAN DL S PAGE SEVE14 TWELVE IIS AIL T Two Injuries Hamper IOWA TRACK SQUAD HAS WEALTH ATILETICS REGISTER TWO T ELE HIS ALl g Trackmen At RelaysJ Ln "HWE OF MATERIAL IN FIELD EVENTS HOMERS TO UPSET YANKS flU fl (Continued From Page Six) flflj(CotinedromPagSi___ IVE WIIC OR honors. The sprint reiay finished IPM T (Continued From Page Six second to Illinois even though it L(Continued From Page Six) ; The shot put will bring together Miljus, Holloway, Grant; Lyons. u vy HttingLIscattered oowas necessary to substitute Dale chance of taking first, with Craig three men of almost equal caliber, Washington at Boston; at rest. f Heavy Hitting IslScattered Too Seymour for the injured Chapman. (Special T ne l and Jerrel of the Hawkeyes favored Brooks and Poorman of Michigan 3 y , iSeymor forthe njure' Chaman. tip«i To i <, >: b!to fghtto ofight tiit outndfor Fthirdof behindih th Much In Syracuse Contest The 880-yard quartet also finished Wisconsin's eight-oared varsity Workhoven awkeyhrad Forwald of Iowa, withage NATIONAL LEAGUE a To Be. Effective Isecond, Iowa capturing the event, crew, absent from the colorful row-ICnb, Iw ohmri Hwky ie lgtavnaeCicago........000 004 000-4 13 1 Freese's injury with no substitu- ing regatta at Poughkeepsie for Cn steuarhIowaisophomore,sisIe y iseheave of45 feet / . ..1NO NINE FACES BUSY WEEK tion possible prevented the mile re- three years, will ieturn to the Hud- easily the class of the pole vaulters. inches in the Big Ten meet, which Cincinnati ....100 000 020-3 9 1 A lay from entering the finals. Coach son in June under the guidance of The Hawkeye set a new world's in- gave him second place. Poorman, Roots; Donahue, Ash. K Inability to hit safely with men Farrell said third place was the a new and youthful coach, George door record of 13 feet, 7 inches in however, tossed the 16 pound ball Pittsburgh .....300 000 000-3 11 1 PE on the bases was the contributing best possible for the team, but it "Mike" Murphy. winning thedConference indoor over 45 feet in a trial last week, and St. Louis.....020 100 04x-7 10 1 H cause ofthe defat suffeed by te could ave bee in the ace butmeet from a dirt runway, and has lboth he and Brooks are rated bet- S.Lus...00100x71 cause of the defeat suffered by the could have been in the race but Badger alumni and friends in the placed consistently among the ter than Roberts, the other Iowa Grimes, M e a d o wv s; Mitchell, W baseball team at Syracuse last Sat- for the injury. The medley relay I east will watch with interest the leaders in other meets, McClellan entrant. R stBrame. urday. Twelve blows sailed off the squad proved to be a failure and performance of the middle westernladerickotheMcgane iskwabteh r e Wolverine bats during the encoun- teams that had been conquered entry, which will employ a newI and Erickson, the Michigan pole Little is known about either the TY ter, a rather heavy barrage for a only the week before pulled ahead technique cnrowingthe famous vaulters, have both cleared 12 feet, Hawkeye or Wolverine javelin fling- Chicago.-Edward R. Bradley will ra ~onl th wek bfor puledahed tehniue n rwin-th faousand should beat ut Canby and ers, Forwald being the only man on win around $500,000 if his horse, college nine, btu none of the hits of the Michigan team by a big leader stroke, used first by crews ayd so teaw othe one eit, team who he own o Bn arkur,0 apur s he crime with men on second or third. margin. from the University of Washington, Boyer of the Hawkeyes for the other either team who has yet shown to Blue Larkspur, captures the Ken- Michigan's scoring activities were Eddie Tolan finished third in a where Murphy received his school- places. dadvantage in any meet. Lucky Derby, May 18SA limited to Captain Corriden's home ,stiff field that saw Bracey of Rice ing under the present Yale mentor. K~ runin the sixth inning, and two Institute cross the line in :09.8, Cardinal shells are working dili- runs in the fourth. These last two good time for the muddy track with gently on Lake Mendota these days, counters were scored through the Elder, Notre Dame flash, second. resting only when rough waters 1 medium of sacrifice files. i Ketz's heave of the hammer was a prevent Coach Murphy from taking 310 Homer Was Short Hit brilliant piece of work. Potter his ladys on the lake. The Syracuse diamond is laid out managed to qualify for the hurdle BL on the inside of the football sta- event, but the competition was too Yd dium, which is of a horseshoe fast for him in the finals, his feat TRIB RS 4 shape.. This arrangement made of qualifying being gratifying. The A nnA rbor Press right field; extremely short and it Poorman in the shot put faile3 S PLE Was in this direction that the home to do as well as he has been doing f'or all makes of run blow o Haymond's bat took in practice. Typewriters.-FO flight in the ninth inning. It was Iowa made a good showing in the Rapid turnover, fresh stock, insures o this blow that scored the two win- f relays and the result indicates best quality at a moderate price. fing funs for Syracuse. that Michigan wll meeta tough D Both McAfee, Michigan pitcher, foe next Saturday on Ferry field. . D. MORRILL PR IN T E R S Fo and Basley, Syracuse hurler, show- The Hawkeyes showed strength in '17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615k ed good control and neither issued quarter mile, half mile, pole vault,W a walk. Basley was quite frequent- 'high jump and broad jump..w ly "in the hole" with the batter but always managed to get the ball INDIANA BASEBALL TEAML- over for the batter without walking IRISH NINE TODAYLkOII AItnE lonuMbeof him. WovsT.eBs PLAYS ___i IE OA UIUUI IIU- II EJstill have on hand a limited 2ubr Wolves To Be Busy .g.FS With three games nn the crf d (Continued Frorn Page Six) I the, Unversity Caienders denitin the NLASSIFIE w.o A0flRT!SING MMER EMPLOYMENT-We can. se you near your home. $25q or the summer. Apply at Room: 02 Union, Bldg., between twelve nd seven Tuesday. 61 TICE-Beautiful spring line of xminister and Wilton rugs. och & Henne. a RSONAL ATTENTION LIKE IOME AT A SAVING OF' 1% VITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, 4OE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. c PING-Theses a specialty. Fair' ites. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. C N~D and GRAVEL.- Washed and ry screened. Telephone 7112, :illins Gravel Company. C MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B., Director S State Phone 7927 C ANKETS and CURTAINS laun- ered; outside drying. Phone 922. 123 FOR SENT R RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 r evenings, 6858. C FOR 'SALE R SALE-Old TownCanoe. Call Thitney 9200 evenings. Cash anted. 612 LOST ST-A fox fur from 426 Maynard t. Finder.kindly return. Phone -2591. Reward.' 612 Michigan's team will face a busy catcher; Rust, knuckle ball artist, week. It is expected that McAfee and Jachym, basketball captain Will work the first game against who is a pitcher. Colgate with Monagueon the TeIihrecentl cmpetde xnound in the Friday tilt. Asbeck successful southern training trip will pitch against Western State winning, seven out of eight contests. Teachers college at Kalamazoo on The lineup that the Notre Dame Monday with McAfee coming back ( mentor will use tomorrow after- to the Mound on Monday in the noon has not been announced. first game against Meiji university. Coach Everett S. Dean undoubt- edly will use the same men whom Wolverine Net Team he used against Wisconsin Satur- day. Either Russ Paugh, of Acton, Wins From Drake, 5-1 or Lefty Bell, of Bloomington, will1 IMagnabosco, of Clinton, again will (Continued From Page Six) be used on the mound for Indiana. hard three set match from Miller work behind the bat. The infield and Modeer, 3-6, 6-1, 6-3. The play will be composed of Capt. Paul Har- was much harded in the last set rell, Indianapolis, at third base; than the score indicates, nearly all Balay, Indianapolis, first base;, of the games going to duce time Jai'os, Detroit, second base, and and again, while most of the points Baroughs, Merom, shortstop. were well played and evenly con- The outfifield positions are some- tested. Moore played especially what in doubt. Players who have{ well in this match, making several seen most action out in the garden fine returns, and driving hard for' this season are: Veller, Linton, left many points. Spencer too played field; Brubaker, Ft. Wayne, center' well. +Jfield;'and Hickey, right field. "'ul Offer: architects drawing of the beautiful new Legal Research library done in two tone colors. Any- one desiring one of these CALENDARS MAY HAVE THE SAME FREE OF CHARGE BY CALLING AT THE ANN ARBOR PRESS LOST-Ronson lighter with initials J. S.H. Finder please'tall Stewart Rooker at' 493,5. LOST-A dinner ring; diamond set surrounded by sapphires; be- and S. U. Finder please return'to S. U3. Finder please return to Miss Edna Linborg, 1020 So. U. Liberal reward. 1,2,3,4,5,6 WANTED WANTED by fraternity, experienced; male cook. References. Call 8260 at 5 p. m. 12 WANTED-Wardrobe trunk, first class condition. Phone 3618 and ask for Morris. 56 WANTED-Small furnished or*un- furnished apartment ground floor soft water; private entrance. June 15 August 15. Call 9360, 8 -9 a. m. WE ARE taking the contracts now for renovating .mattresses and pillows during summer vacation. Reduced prices for large order. T. S. COLVIN Phone 6652 C135 1901 LORRAINE 6 rooms. sun parlIor, built-ini bath. (Choice location, cast of XWasitenaw. Such convniences as oil burner, water- softener, clothes chute, laundlry. Double garage. 1Drapes, riods, linioleum a i~nd stair runner included. Priced at only $,i jo. Ask for \ir. Runner at this ofice or phone hn' enings at 5197. PRESS BUILDING PHONE 3456 I ' l C, 4 K k 1319 GRANGER 8 roonis, including living-room, dining room, kitchen, library, 4" Ned rooms, green tiled bath with shower. Fire- place, water softener, double garage. Inlaid linoleum in kitchen. Paved street, east of Packard. Priced right and terms of the convenient sort. Ask Mrs. McIHenry to show this home. You may reach her evenings at 9800. I Generating Brain Power I Easy to buy - easy to wear - easy to look at . . . . these new spring and summer Adler Collegian and R. & W. 2-Pant Suits. The quality is excellent; the colors are new and attractive and there isn't a single style detail that has been neglected. We would like to show them to you. $35 ,o50 There will still be many 'cool days aiid eve- nings that will require a topcoat. We have a very complete stock for you to choose from. They're priced reasonably. b30 and $35 715 GRANGER G i'oelii, biii lt-inlb athI. A cleverly designed homlie on a vary desirable paved corner. Oak, gunm and walnut finish down, oik aid enamel up. Porch, "ire-place, clothes chute, garage-all the conveniences of the modern home. Priced at only $ o,,5oo, with very easy terms. FOR CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT B RAIN power, .not horsepower, is the chief operating requirement of the electrical industry. This requirement must be coinitinuously anticipated to provide leaders for the future. Accordingly, each year, more than 400 picked college graduates come to the General Electric Company for a post-graduate course in electrical 407 EAST KINGSLEY 1-i'oomi authentic Colonial an large corner lot, Ideal for a medical fra- ternlity, as it is near all hospitals. Eix- cellent conlditioni. The price is rea- soniable ; the termus, very convenient. An c xcane in ight alsofie cnsidi ed. LIST WITH US FOR ACTION Q Vnlln!M . You will see this monogrn mon the powerful motors of an electric locomotive and on the conven- ience outlet where you plug in a floor lamp- always and cvery- wyhere it is a safe science. With a faculty including inventors and engineers of international distinction, something more than electrical knowl- edge is imparted to these young men, Here they also find inspiration which -- - -- - - - 1 1-. - - - - 1 1 -- - I - ® Im 11 11 I rirp~nar5.. t'hp~m tcnr aiprght~in in t