P" 3.t E "1 " ' TH E MI it'l16 A'6 bAT ' ' r . F ?? '$.u9 i ; 4 PACE FOUI~ 3~, j~9 i. . - - Published every morning except Monday duing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the ea efog republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, us second class matter. Special rate of postag"o granted by Tbird Assistant Post- waster General. Subsription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, . fces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- mard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor...................Nelson J. Smith. City' Editor............ ,. Stewart Hooker News Editor....... .Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor............W. Morris uinn Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor ...... iorge Stautet Music and Drama............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor........... Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe onald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon George C. Tilley. Paul.L. Adams Morris AiexaadO C. A. Askren Bertram Askwit'a Louise Behynxe' Arthur Bernste'a Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles I.. R. Chubb Frank 9. Cooper Helen Domine Margaret I~ckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J. Feldman Marjorie Folimer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. HempsteadJ Richard lung Char les jKaufman Ruth Kelsey epoter Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald Ilenry Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Sharer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swansen Jane Tihayer. Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Willams Jr, Water Wilds George 14. Wohlgemuth Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie VICTORY OR DEFEAT? When the house passed the ad- ministration farm relief bill by a majority of 333 to 34, the "export debenture plan" and the "equali- zation fee," which was vetoed by President Coolidge, begin to take on quite different aspects. The debenture scheme seems to be definitely a thing of the past, unless its proponents in the Sen- ate can successfully change the minds of 167 House members, while a deadlock between the upper and lower chambers would place all of the responsibility directly upon the shoulders of its supporters. Instead of remaining a party is- sue, then, the conflict would be- come one of personalities and indi- vidual wills, which might (as is not unknown) lead to actual blows. The jobs of the Congressmen are at stake. Thus, more personal in- terest enters into the controversy and out of this snarled and tan- gled web, the gentlemen would bring forth some ultra-palliative machine. It is one thing to hold a special session, pass a bill, then to have it vetoed by the President, while it is a horse of another color to hold a special session and ac- complish nothing. THE SMOKE CLEARS The "nonchalant" cigarette with its recent invasion of society is due to meet a very great check if pres- ent opposition to its recent adver- tising campaign accumulates to anything formidable. The Federal Radio commission has decided that misleading adver- tising broadcast by radio, is valid ground for considering whether the license of sending stations shall be cancelled or renewed. If the commission has not the power to make an announcer state that advertising consisting of paid tes- timonials is such and not the un- solicited opinion of the eminent people testifying, then the only way to protect the public from mis- leading advertising is to cancel the license of the offending sta- tion. But the attack on cigarette ad- vertising has been started still nearer home in that the Lennon bill, passed by the senate but re- jected in the house of the state legislature, proposed to place a two-cent tax per package on cigar- ettes. If the resolution accomplishes nothing other than the cutting off of prominent athletes from a source of revenue it will be of no avail. However, if misleading ad- vertising that subverts public opin- ion surreptitiously, is eliminated through these attacks, then what's acceptable according to custom will be the product of sound rea- son and not the by-product of the search for the dollar. i 1 Music And DramaOASTDRLL PHILIP. CULKIN F PRESIDENTl Reviewed By Lee Blaser IS BORN The concert given in the School ..IN OFFICE of Music auditorium last evening College presidents, once be- by Philip Culkin was of a type 1whiskered, senile old gents who: rarely presented in a student ser- wavered precariously on the brink ies. The program was exceedingly of the grave, are becoming young- an ambitious one, and one of a er and younger. At least so the wide scope; it was in three groups, new appointment to the highest each demanding a varied treat- administrative office of the Uni- ment. I versity of Chicago would indicate. At first the artist had difficulty And when the proper age, ac- in modulating his tone to a vol- cording to the popular trend, cen- ume suitable to the small size of t ters but a shade on the experienced the auditorium. Mr. Culkin is a side of the twenties, one can with baritone with a great depth and a little skepticism look forward to volume which he has the judg- almost anything. ment to modify instead of to dis- It is not a far cry to the time play. The tone quality of the first when the graduate will step off group was quite strained as a result the graduation platform and into of this handicap in the larger size the president's office of his alma music halls he should have little mater-as president. Or perhaps difficulty. A singer of less train- even to the time when the adoles- ing and taste is usually tempted to cent high school boy will be sought. give forth to an unrestrained ex- Reporters could soon become used hibition. The first group of Italian com- to the idea of interviewing college positions were of that delightfully presidents -in baby carriages. A curt brevity which carries the hear- ypress conference from a perambu- er directly into the delight of the lator should enliven any publicity. things. dereyCuntkin dispghayed theSuch a state of affairs, which at thigs. Here Culkin displayed the present seems only an incongruity, range and subtle qualities of which would offer untold advantages. he is already capable. In the last The secretary to the president (or of the group Vergin Tutto Amor, he ran a rapid gamut from pathos to should it be nursemaid?) need never a whimsical appeal and back to lack for an alibi to ward off would- solemnity. The group in English be callers. "I'm sorry, sir, but the were of a variety of treatment president is taking his nap" should which Is not ordinarily attempted, suffice. Or at the extreme, "the TO OUR PATRONS Beginning Sunday, May 5, and continuing through June, July and August, we will serve Sunday Noon dinner until 3 p. m., with no Sunday evening meal. The Haunted Tavern 417 E. Huron St. New York Listed Stocks Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin accounts solicited Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Co., Inc Investment Securities 7th Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Beating the bell ' is easy -when breakfast is SHREDDED WHEAT. Digests without a mur- mur aven when you bolt it. sut you'll enjoy it o much, you on want to hustle it-dow n. ShreV Make it dded.1 i 3daily ha bit Read the Classified Ads ' f, Im Sports Wear New ideas in riding breeches, knickers and two piece knicker and they were quite fulfilled. The BUSINESS STAFFI Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L.. HULSE Asuistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer Advertising...... .......A. James Jordan Advertising...............ar W. Hammer Service.. .............Herbert E. Varnum circulation.............George S. Bradley Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications................ Ray M. Hofeliich Mary Chase Jeanette Dale ernor Davis BessesEgeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halversou George Hamilton lack Hrwich Y) ix Hurmphrey Asistants Marion Kerr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley 1. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Welstead TUESDAY APRIL 30, 1929 Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS ANOTHER YOUNG PRESIDENT Perhaps, recognizing the need for the vigor of youth in an adminis- trative position through which an expenditure of several millions of dollars will be made during the next few years, the Board of the University of Chicago has appoint- ed Dr. Robert Maynard Hutchins, 30-year-old dean of the Yale Law School, to take the office of Pres- ident of the great institution under their control. The action may be looked upon as another example of the recent tendency to depend on youth for efficient administration, li Editorial Comment THE ACADEMIC KALEIDESCOPE. (New York Herald Tribune) All that a modern state univer- sity president, has to do is to pro- duce every few months, a learned and sound discrimination. paper to dazzle the countryside, In selecting a young man for the manage the intricate machinery of job, there is always the possibility his seven-million-dollar corpora- that long and continued service tion, keep his army of temperamen- from a man who can grow with an tal, absent-minded, underpaid pro- institution will produce invaluable fessors cheerful and alert, under- effects. There .is, of course, this stand what the university's arch- possibility in Dr. Hutchins. In aeological expedition is doing in some measure he has already prov- southern Abyssinia and raise mon- en himself to be capable of carry- ey for it, deliver chapel talks to the ing gracefully generous allotments student body, attend the ball of responsibility. At. Yale Univer- games; lunch with the rich alumni, sity he is a teacher and adminis- who might give new dormitories or trator of recognized ability-an laboritories in honor of these favor- ability that was demonstrated in ite maiden aunts, entertain the vis- his undergraduate days, and while iting English lecturers (and ar- he was earning his several higher range for the deans to entertain degrees after graduation. the Americans), keep in touch with Rather than consider it another the members of the state legisla- triumph of youth, however, it tures who are making up the bud- might be well to consider it an- get for the next, year, and with the other experiment similar to that bright new assemblymen who hope which was tried here at Michigan. to make the headlines by deirunc- President Clarence Cook Little, a ing frills in education, and lecture young man with a wide reputation occasionally to the Norfolk County as a scholar and educator, was Cheese-Makers Co-operative Asso- brought here from Maine with his ciation, the Suffold County Grain new educational ideas. It was an Exchange, the Wessex Central experiment enthusiastically wel- Trades and Labor Council, and the comed by all who were truly inter- Essex W. C. T. U., as well as the ested in the advancement of edu- State Chamber of Commerce, the cation. President Little attempt- Steuben Society, and the veterans ed to put into effect those very ad- of Foreign Wars, pointing out to vanced ideas, which, it is safe to each and all how the university say are twenty-five years ahead serves every citizen .of the state and of the comprehension of forces notably assists them in their par- which opposed him. The ideas ticular task and problems. broke tradition, varied a bit from It is rumored that President the path of. narrow conservatism, Clarence Cook Little, of the Uni- and started thought which dem- versity of Michigan, resigned be- onstrated too clearly for comfort cause the people did not like his the stagnant ideas and theories ideas on birth control, because the propounded in some quarers. Pres- faculty objected to his plan to re- ident Little was foiled. ( vise the system of undergraduate And yet there is little chance of studies, because his opposition to' knowing whether the ideas of Dr. drinking in the fraternity houses Hutchins are in the category of alienated the student body, be- t h a th ni-e pi cause he wanted more time for his Bells of Oseny demands a sympa- thetic rendition which one felt was rather neglected, the quality of peace and content were overstress- ed and the undercurrent of solemn- ity suffered accordingly. In the very well known, I Have a Ren- dezvous With Death the dramatic quality which is sought by bari- tones was first felt, the rapid change in tempo, in emotional quality, in tone depth-all aided the impressionism; when at last his full volume was alowed free range the effect was complete. The emo- tions of war in tone are not easy to attain. At the end of this section of the program there was an impression evident that the singer was one of those nice students who wasn't quite sure of himself 'and who was undoubtedly imitating some well known artist's style. On the pro- gram, however a single word fore- told something quite out ofp the or- dinary in store. The composition taken from Heine's Lyrisches In- termezzo has been presented twice in Ann Arbor in recent years and in both instances with considerable acclaim. It has a reputation for be- ing a very learned and advanced work in the field of the romantic lyric. Its place on any program demands respect. The final number was easily the most scholarly and ambitious of the lot. Schumann's great cycle Dichterliebe. It is composed of emotional lyrics in German all strung upon the theme of a single hopeless passion; there are six- teen, each the expression of a mood: sadness, longing, rapture of worship, of sense and despair. Even anger completes the emotion- al gamut, they are all inter-related and dependent upon logical se- quence. Here the dramatic possi- bilities gave the artist his chance. The first two lyrics were given a quality of pleading which was too intense for him to maintain-the entity of the cycle suffered from this too zealous attempt. But these two were the high point of the con- cert. The subtlties of emotional rendition in both control and in ar- tistry were very well carried, in the second it was nearly overdone. When one can express the turbu- lent emotions of a heartbroken young lover in his attempt to show the assumed mockery he has for his old love one is at least getting on. With a few exceptions the in- termediate lyrics were ordinary in scope. Then in the climax it soar- ed back to an approximation of the former emotional intensity. Culkin has that rare combination of a powerful and well- modulated voice and the artistry to subdue it as a medium instead of an entity. In other words he is an artist in- stead of a showman; there is some- thing mystic and youthful in the way he admits the audience into the full intimacy of, his romantic- ism He is not a finished product by any means;. there is much lack- ing in tone quality, his intermezzo and upper register range has not attained a full consideration, he overemphasizes little dramatic tricks. But he is an artist, and profound emotions have a way of developing their media. The mel- lowness which vocal maturation at- tains will bring him his chance for recognition. i n_ -C We suppose we shall have to go through the formality of calling for tryouts to edit this column next year (no campus drama- tists need. appy!). So if any of you, would-be humorists think you can write a better column than the present editor, try to do it within the next few days. 0 0 -p , I , I I , president is having his bottle. "And the like. Executive offices could be deco- rated in pink and blue, with little red chairs and, tables. The library would probably consist of Aesop's and Hans Andersen's and Grimm's fairy tales, but we musn't think of a mere thing like a library stand- ing in the way of procuring a man "who can grow with the institu- tion." NOfTICE _ o i NOTE FROM W. C. T. U.- f Lark: I know not what your taste in sports may be, but I should like your help, if you deem it advisable ((The custome4/ is always right)), for the sake of good old baseball. There is no better place for the feminine element to prove her equality to the male than at a baseball game-to show her recov- ery from her natural brainless state (Benjamin Franklin's Saturday Post published on Thursday) by refraining from nose powdering and lip rougeing. The majority of girls seem to have no confidence in their natural complexion, and are constantly advertising the fact by a tedious -fussing over the van- I ity case ((she really means "via" or "by means of")). I often won- der why those girls come to the games ((we know-send self-ad- dressed, stamped envelope for rea- son why)). Please don't misunder- stand me-I adore good-looking girls ((we don't!)), but a baseball game is no tea party ((little ram- bles with serious thinkers)). Well, Lark, let's hope for some good hot baseball this spring- thanks for the forty seconds. Pardon if I remain Anonymous Because.... I am a girl. It seems that a certain head of a certain rhetoric department in a certain university told the mildew- ed joke about the little boy who had to stay after school and write "I have gone" one hundred times on the black board at a meeting of the schoolmasters' convention, and wonder'ed why no one laughed. Congratulations, professor, and did you ever hear the reason why a chicken crosses the street? Today, we read in The Daily, is to be city fire day. We' wonder, will Mayor Staebler sit, perched on his back fence and play .the fiddle? A months from now college stu- dents all over the country will be talrinLr the~ir xams.Ther ei sn uits of pure camel I I hair. Verby smart -modcratelt, priced WLAGNER&COMPAPJY ~,forMea Tieti ne 1949 4 ' I i I