THE MI.C.-I-11-GAN 'DAIL ' - I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. 7 Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- t.itled, to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lish'ed, herein. Entered at the postoffice at, Ann Arbor, Michigan, «s second class matter. Special rate of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4."50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard' Street. Phones: Editoral, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925' MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor.... ......... .Nelson J. Smith City Edit.r........ J..... Stewart Hooker News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor..............W. Morris Quinn Women's 1~ditor .............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor......... ...George Stauter Music and Drama............... R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley Paul L. Adams Morris Alexandc C. A. Askren Bertram Askwiei Louise Behyme Arthur Bernste.. Seton C. Bovee Isabel Charles L. R. Chubb Vrank E. Cooper Helen Donmine Margaret Eckels Douglas Edwards Valborg Egeland Robert J.Feldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. Hempstel Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufm Ruth Kelsey Reporters Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald Henry Merry iaehElizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russell Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon 1 Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swanson L Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams ad Jr.Vaiter Wilds George E. Wohlgemth an Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie respectable and desirable citizens, but this average can hardly out- weigh the trouble caused by their less desirable brothers. The provision passed by the House of Representatives is wise in that it tends to exclude all whose skilled labor cannot be replaced by American unemployed. It tends to leave common labor for Americans unskilled in trades, except for the continuation of the objectionable allowance for wholesale importa-. tion of Mexican labor. Illiterate foreigners have long beeen robbing American labor of its rightful position, and where regulations have been made which secure a decent living to Ameri- cans against foreign competition, aliens who have not been accus- tomed to higher living standardsl have been overpaid in proportion to their needs. Many have not been satisfied even to live peaceful lives on a low level, but have entered onto such ventures as have led to the crime waves with. which the papers are filled. In either case we do not have the most desirable type of citizen. We do not find skilled laborer or the professional foreigner predom- inating; we find the most unde- sirable types of citizens in the ma- jority. It is high time that the flood gates of immigration were closed to all but those intelligent foreigners who are capable of as- suming our standards of living and becoming completely Americanized. The present measure is a progres- sive step, but more far-reaching regulations should follow. BOOMING On the campus there are always some organizations booming under vigorous leadership, others declin- ing. Among those unquestionably on the up grade at the present time ris the heretofore little known Hillel foundation. The most recent and important achievement of this, organization is bringing to the campus to- day a distinguished man of let- ters, Louis Untermeyer. Mr. Un- termeyer, anthologist, poet, critic, essayist, and educator, cuts one of the most prominent figures in con- temporaneous American literature. We take pleasure in extending this eulogy to Hillel foundation in recognition of meritorious service to the University. THE MICHIGAN L) A I L Y HALF HOLIDAY "FORWARD MNARCH!" In Natural Science auditorium The Junior Women of the Uni- tonight Mr. Louis Untermeyer will versity have taken considerable deliver a lecture on "The Critic's pleasure in announcing "Forward Half Holiday." The general nature March" as the title of the play of his remarks is a new sidelight on which they are offering, ostensibly modern poetry, and this will in- to their friends the Senior Women. clude a reading of some of his own Numerically speaking, this is the verses and parodies, with some 25th production of its nature, will critical remarks on his fellow poets. include 77 women, and will be of- Untermeyer has been called "the fered March 18th for its premierej most widely read poet in America," j at the Whitney theater. which is a tribute to the popular The question which occupied the appeal to his poetry. Essentially a Play committee for the greater sentimentalist in his writings, his portion of the fall was which name treatment of religious subjects is to announce, of eight candidates, notable for restraint and care. As as the author of the show. The a versifier Untermeyer ranks highly name of Miss Frances. Sackett fin- for the fluidity of his style and the I ally emerged, and it is said by those charm with which he invests his who have had access to the 'script material. that the brilliance of her author- But his claim to fame lies chief- ship amply justifies the decision. ly in his critical work as an editor The subject of the play is, broad- of anthologies. Of these he has ly speaking, a satire on women and been sponsor of a large number. on war. In general this was the The range of talent represented topic of last year's show, but the ink one man is rather extraordinary brilliance of authorship with whichf for he has shown remarkable pow- the topic has been handled, and ers in poetry, in fiction (Moses, his the wit which has been crammed lates novel will shortly be off the into the lines, precludes any possi- press),and in the more prosaic bility of tiresome repetition. There world of business where he has are all manner of dramatic possi- achieved outstanding success and bilities in a kingdom of women, not personal fortune. the least of which is the occa- His lecture, in the variety of its sional introduction of the male Hislecure inthevaretyof element as a disturbing factor, subject, should be a fascinating display of brilliant personality. and under these circumstances the existence of cold cream mines would lead, one is tempted to say,E HALLERS State St. Jewelers c ; ililit 1111i llill lI ll i 111111111111 i aurunnnuu s n n 1u IF New York Listed Stocks Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin accounts solicited Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress Inc. & Co., A .-e"+r.e.~ir~e~~+an... :,..,...."rr..arru...+e.....r......... ...+.. ......e,."t Ilttt~1IE~E11111N 1U 111~t r OPTICAL nd DEPARTMENT .,""""""""""""""""",,..,,."- - "-" -- "----"" --'------- ."..-."--"'-. --Lenses and Fram es m ade TONIGHT: LOUIS UNTERMEYER, POET, NOVELIST AND CRITIC To Order WILL LECTURE IN NATURAL SCIENCE AUDITORIUM, Optical Prescriptions BEGINNING AT 8:15 O'CLOCK. Filled " "A Investment Securities '7th Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. I Tickets ..i N Read The Classified Ads BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers aderisng.............. Alex K. Scherer Advertising.................A. James Jordan Advertising................Carl W. Hammer Service.......... .......Herbert E. Varnum Circulation..............George S. Bradley Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.................Ray M. Hofelich KODAKS CANDY UUse Kodak Film for You get the picture with Kodak Film in your camera. And at college there are many picture chances that you don't want to miss. Kodak Film is dependably uniform. It reduces the danger of over and under ex- posure. Stop today for a supply. Mary Chase JXeanette Dale Vernor Davis Bessie-Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper Halverson George Hamilton Tack Norwich Dix Humphrey Assistants Marion Kerr LillianKovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose !Carl F. Schenim George Spater aherwonrd Upton Marie Wellstead "TAKE MY ADVICE" to more than war, while wonder- Beginning Tuesday of this week, ing at the same time what male- Comedy Club are offering Elliott 'less women would care about coldI Lester's amusing popular comedy, cream anyhow. But the mysteries "Take My Advice," in which a cam- must be left to the opening nightI pus cast of considerable distinction and its satire. will appear. The Lester thing represents Com- SHAKESPEAREAN REPERTORY edy Club descending from the pol- Filling. an engagement for a' ished heights of Sardouian "Di- week, beginning next Monday eve- plomacy" to the more intimate and ning at the Shubert Lafayette the- certainly broader field of domestic ater, one of the world's best com- comedy which has an almost uni- p a n i e s of the Shakespearean versal appeal. No one can accuse drama, as well as most interesting Lester of writing a very deep play, and important dramatic organizal- ' nor perhaps of writing a terribly tion, the Stratford-upon-Avon Fes- good one if literary and idealistic tival company, will present a re- standards are to be brought for- pertoire of six plays. ward in judgment, but from the The troupe has come to Detroit point of view of light entertain- from its home theater, the Shake- ment, an evening pleasantly spent speare Memorial theater, in the without too much difficulty of cere- ,town of the dramatist's birth and bration, the play should stand up is under the management of Archi- Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1929 TAXI RATES Something is obviously awry in the taxi rate situation now under! the aldermanic eye of Dean J. A. Bursley, but the solution would seem to lie in. an agreement in- stead of an arbitrary revision. The l present system is not vicious but confused. Auto ban enforcement has called into existence a large number of local taxi companies that have been coining money in the student trade. They have, however, met a large and rather irregular demand effi- iently, and have been guilty of scalping except on. rush occasions such as J-Hops games. Unfortunately each company has produced a different, system of assessing passengers, and the pub- lic are unable to estimate in ad- vance the probable cost of a ride. Some cabs charge a flat rate any- where in town, others charge by the speedometer, and still others carry meters. Some companies assess extra passengers, others do not. To assist citizens to use taxis as economically as possible, it is logic- ally the duty of the city council to establish and enforce a uniform rate. It should, however, consider, that the cab companies have over- heads, maintenance, constitutional rights, and a fairly clean record of honesty in Ann Arbor. An a priori assumption that their rates are exorbitant and should be immedi- ately reduced to what the public wishes to pay would work injustice. The Buick taxi's request for a pow- wow on the matter between taxi executives and popular representa- tives should be honored. 0 IMMIGRATION The lower house of Congress has passed two bills regulating immi- gration in the United States, and it is now up to the Senate to com- plete a regulation which has long been needed in the United States. For decades European countries have been puddling the teeming mass of humanity which crowded foreign cities and sending the scum of the vats to increase the population of a nation which of- fered opportunity to all. Many of these aliens who have I been so wisely allowed to emigrate{ from their own native lands, there- For best results from any kind of picture-making, use our photo finishing. You'll like our quality work. And you'll be pleased with our prompt delivery and fair prices. Campus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 wod it possible. Anonymous comn- muncations will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should nut be construed as expressing the editorial I opinion of the Daily. "THE MARQUISE" To The Editor: I noted with interest your irrita- tion at Gargoyle's infantile crit- icism of campus dramatics. It was quite justified. But may I perhaps suggest another subject for irrita- tion-a subject that is bound to be taken more seriously than anything in the Gargoyle? That is the cur- rent performance of "The Mar-I quise" at the Mimes theater. Com- ing, as this performance does, in the midst of a somewhat enthusi- astic campaigntfor university sup- port of dramatics, this effort of Mimes is disappointing, almost dis- illusioning. It is inconceivable to me ( as it must be to others who are, like myself, connected with no organization but interested in the success of their present movement) why Mimes allowed to the stage such a mediocre production of such a mediocre play. For the play is weak. It is borne along for a couple of acts by the ! too obvious expose of a conven- tional hypocrite-a bit of dramatic. mechanism that has had a long history of abuse since Moliere. Then comes the conventional rebellion of the daughter-so painfully acted in this performance--the flavor of immor-ality, the humour of clever lines. After a little confusion, a little comic sword parry, we reach the conclusion with the long-ex- pected confessions of love. Charm-' ing it might have been with an in- telligent performance. With the imperfect, .astonishingly second- rate performance of Mimes it is best characterized by Miguel's own 'cry: "Labored, my dear Esteban, labored." One's final impression of the play is that it wasn't worth playing. All this might not havebeen un- usual last year. In fact, it was about the usual thing for campus productions. But this year seems to be a clear case of the psychol- ogical moment. And such poor psychology as Mimes has shown ins choice of play and cast in this production is sure to have a more Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. II 1. as a spend-worthy proposition. The cast, as the roster run in this column previously bears witness, includes the major Mimes of cam- pus celebrity, and Director T. J. Dougall possess sufficiently the! light touch and the comic sense toj be able to interprete the play to' the best interests of "the audience -in this case the author's inten- tions can only agree with the di- rector's if amusement is the re- sult. Critical prejudgment ranks this play, "Take My Advice" as being far more within the range of cam- pus talent at present than was "Diplomacy" in which Comedy Club dived off the deep end of rather heavy theater into a sea of trou- bles not the least of which wasI their unfamiliarity with the the- atrical convention in which Sardou wrote. "Take My Advice" will run five nights, without having recourse to a matinee. bald Flower, chairman of the board of governors of the Memorial asso- ciation. The company, arriving in Detroit in its entirety, is bringing with it the complete equipment of scenery and costumes used at Stratford so that the performances may in every way be given in pre- cisely the same fashion as at the Memorial theater. The repertoire for the week's en- gagement includes many of the most popular of Shakespeare's comedies and tragedies and is un- der the direction W. Bridges Adams. The bill for the week is: Monday, "The Taming Of The Shrew"; Tuesday, "Hamlet"; Wednesday, "The Merry Wives Of Windsor"; Thursday matinee, "Julius Ceasar"; Thursday evening, "The Taming Of The Shrew"; Friday, "King Rich- ard III," Saturday matinee, "A Mid- summer Night's Dream," Saturday evening "The Merry Wives of Windsor." C. A A SODAS TO QUERULOUS POLLYANNA Now that Mimes have completed their run of "The Marquise" and critical remarks can in no way in- fluence public appreciation of their show, it seems only fair that cer- tain critical standards be re-em- phasized to establish the criteria whereby the coming season of Mimes and Comedy Club will be judged. Since the recent unfavorable re- view given "The Marquise" reaction has been rather strong. There was unholy glee in some quarters at ai Mimes razz; in others there was a sense that the review was unfair, and that consequently the reviewer material has appeared without a by-line identifying the author and establishing the article as personal opinion. But, and this is peren- nially true, there are certain queru- lous Pollyannas who feel that a re- view should always be a boost, and that criticism should be concerned only with "the good points" of a production. There is ail analogy here with the type of person who, after appearing ii)a show, gets up early the next morning to read what nice things dear friend re- viewer has said. If this is to be the aim of criticism then it night bet- ter be written by publicity agents. ='1111111lihil lli 1 111 1111111111111111111I11 lIIII11111111 |11111I1II lllllllt i 11 N~l til[1H~11111 iIt llilt Have you found out the distinction between laundry work and Varsity Service. It is so obvious.., Come in and see for yourself the - -a care that we use with our clothes. Find out why they are returned to -- you in such peref ct conditions. w, aw Or, to experience the speed of our Service, just call ' Phnone 49 HEll C-I -ii jAUNDY co was "out to get Mimes." Each of But if there is to be any con- these re-actions is as unfortunate I structive value to criticism it must as it is natural, Mimes quite na- I be given from a sincere sense of turally having enemies as well as ;justice, and be received as a per- friends. But the last is especially sonal expression of opinion by one unfortunate. As has been pointed who attempts to bring [ie best out before in this column, Mimes is standards of judginent to bear, re- one of the most important pro- membering that calrpus produce ducing groups on the campus; im- tions are amateur and not profes- portant because of the facilities I sional. and talent it commands, and be- I Of cou Se, il tlhe case of "The cause of the frequency of its pro- .Marquise" where faults of casting, duction, which makes it a definitely interpretation, and d i r e c t i o n educative force in dramatics. changed a Noel Coward high coin- Criticism of such a group can be edy into comedy of manners, which2 directed at several phases of its I is an entirely ditlerent thing, crit