"' SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1929 I TH*n MICHTCAN DAILY ~THE MICHIGAN flATLY BRITISH PROFESSI'ONA CUP MATCHES FRlO English Pigayes Regain Possession Of International Trophy After In div i d u aI Matches AMERICANS WIN TWICE (By Associated Press) MOORTOWN, Eng., April 27.-_ British professional golfers today regained the Ryder cup by a smash- ing victory in the singles after their American rivals had established a bare lead in the foursome play yes- terday. The cup changed hands when young Henry Cotton won ,from Al Watrous, 4 and 3, giving the British a point score of 6/. The final score in points was 7 td 5, the British winning six match- es; the Americahs taking four and two being halved. Al Espinosa and Ernest Whitcor be finished all- square and each side Nwas credited with one half of one point, al- though this match had no bearing on the final result. The American's record for the day in the singles matches was two victories and one half against five British wins and one half. a t Aspirants Report For l INTER-FRATERNITY BASEBALL TEAMS L UUL0 L[ llN URYDER Yearling Tennis Team TO PLAY FOURTEEN GAMES MONDAY Ilil~rATFARI! Freshman tennis aspirants met v Fourteen games are on the in- the Tigers play the Lawyers, the v g t ten- is scheduled for Monday afternoon. e TeBrtsprssrrsdadtion f mkin abid for tietem.ctuaries. The game will be played; The, British pros surprised and Tons making a id 01r the team. At the present time 11 fraternities t 5:15 o'clock on Ferry Field, just shocked the Americans by their conditimpending in and sog have succeeded in winning both of south of Yost Field House. At the1 effective work in the singles after number reporting, as more are ex- their games, while many others same time the Senior Dents engage faltering in the foursomes, where, pected. have won and lost none. The two- the Freshman Engineers in a hard the home team was considered in The freshman racket wielders will time victors are Trigon, Theta Chi, ball game. better position. In quick succes- be under the wing of Durwin D Tau Delta Phi, Sigma Phi, Alpha The finals of the Hillei handball sion today Johnny Farrell and Wal- Algyer of last year's Varsity team Omega, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Kappa tournament ended in a surprise ter Hagen fell before Charles Whit- w s mpdys r ' Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta when Gorelick defeated Seligson to _ teae elbfoeCalsWi whose comnpetitive cdays for the lTuDlaHriae U y sTau Delta, Hermitage, and Phi take the title. Gorelick's victory combo and George Duncan. University are over. Algyer is Lambda Kappa.waaditntusasSiso e DieedD strckh a clean cu ti planning to run olT a heound-robin , e independent soft ball league had defeated hi many times be- t ournament within the next week I gets under way Monday also, when fore. over Abe Mitchell, but Archie Comp- or so in order to determine the __ unerwayMnday al __,_when___re._ ston stopped Gene Sarazen and Joe most promising material on the Turnesa lost to Audrey Boomer be- squad. At the end of the meet a!-- - ---- - ---- .fore the next American point was team of 10 players will be picked, registered by Horton Smith with a who will compose the freshmain TwO Unusual victory over Fred Hobson.J squad for thie season. IALASSIFIE ADVERTISING i ME EMT LOY.ME VAPATWP Pn I FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 or evenings, 6858. C i t r 3 Y f _ ---- - - FINE TAILORED CLOTHES are the one thing that appeals to every Well Dressed Man. d 671se .7K>. ithe di K1,DAIK FILM in the familiar yellow box is dependably uniform. Il has speed and wide latitude. Which mealls that it reduces the danger of under and over-exposure. It gets the picture. Use Kodak Film for your contest picture - taking and be sure of good negatives. Send your exposed films to us and be sure of good prints-prints of prize-winning quality. Come in for details of the contest. Kodak Film in Your Size Always on Hand Here FRANCISCO-BOYCE 719 North University M OTHER'S DAY deesn't come until May 12, it's true, but now's the time to select your Mother's Day remembrance. We've made a special effort this year to offer you a unique assort- en of Special Pat i c. fa tof)he best Mother's Day candies. _ _ _ __ _ I z--- I Offers o u .LViVJ n L1.VYUL(J Y.L V±±~ib±1V 1 W e tali~ Suse you near your home. $250 for the summer. Apply at Room 302 Union Bldg., between twelve and seven Tuesday. 61 STOCK REDUCING SALE This Week-end Only, Come Early! Was Now 1928 Chev. Coach......485 445 1928 Chev. Cabriolet ....525 490: 1927 Chev. Coach .......295 260 1927 Ford Coupe.......225 195 1926 Ford Coupe.......185 1351 1925 Ford Coupe.......110 85 1926 Ford Touring......125 95 1925 Ford Tudor.........105 85 1925 Dodge 4-p. Coupe..285 220 1927 Buick Mt Coach. . .695 545 HURON VALLEY CHEV., INC. Lot Store 332 E. Liberty 206-8 E. Huronf Phone 7280 NOTICE-Pecot edge gold and sil- ver work, a specialty. White Sewing Machine Co., 205 East Washington. 456 NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of Axminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne. r PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10% IWITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. ci SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112, Killins Gravel Company. C TYPEWRITER SERVICE - New Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ington portables, also used large! and portable typewriters of all! makes bought and sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. Large stock, best service, consid- erate prices. Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. MACK TUTORING A ENCY 'royrurtj Mark, A.B., Director 310 S State Phone 7927 C FOR RENT FOR RENT-Six room furnished house, near Campus, for summer months. Dial 7608. FOR RENT-Completely furnished three-room apartment. Large at- tractive rooms for girls; also garage: available immediately. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Wash- ington. 456 FOR RENT-Six-room furnished house for summer session, two blocks from Campus. $40.00 per month. Dial 21079. 45 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Old Town Canoe. Call. Whitney 9200 evenings. 'Cash. wanted. 61w LOST LOST-Elgin pocket watch, initial J. P. Finder plase call 7517. Lib- eral reward. 6 LOST-A pair of bone-rimmed tn- ted glasses. Please call 9817. 6 LOST-A. large Schaefer fountain pen. Please call Pauline Stitt, 4426. 6 LOST--A fox fur from 426 Maynard st. Finder kindly return. Phone 2-2591. Reward. 612 LOST-White gold rimmed glasses in brown leather case bearing name of optician in Monroe. Call Irma Friedrich 4624. 6 LOST-Ronson lighter with initials J. S. H. Finder please call Stewart Hooker at 4925. 6 WANTED WANTED-Wardrobe trunk, first class condition. Phone 3618 and ask for Morris. 56 WE ARE taking the contracts now for renovating mattresses and pillows during summer vacation. Reduced prices for large order. T. S. COLVIN Phone 6652 0135 ( i Special Gilbert's and Whitman's Boxed Candy Beautiful boxes, espeially desig ed for Mother's Day, priced at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 the pound. These two brands are undoubtedly 1thet inest (cl0c~olates to be had in A mric Packed for Mailing FREE Special Grectin, Card FREET No These features are found in every garment Made by us. Our Imported and Domestic Fabrics are ready for your inspection. FRANK J. RYAN BurchfieldT'ailoring FRITZ BLDG. Main at Liberty St., 2nd Floor Phone 21511 Want Ads Pay A Free 5x7 Enlarged Photo- graph for Your Mother Take a picture of your Mothei onI May 12 - there may be few more opportunities. Let us develop the film, make the prints and when you call for them, tell us which particular film to enlarge. We will then make and present to you, with our compliments, a beautiful 5 x 7 enlargement of your Mother ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT COST. CALKIINS FOLTmHR DIAL 21214 FOR CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I I i i 324 S. State South and East University State and Packard .. I U MEMO /i rU 9 1 AINNO UNCE THEIR I I I I OF Starting Monday at their Ann Arbor Store, 603 Church S t. I ®1 1 I BE -U wmw 0 1 1 m