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April 27, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-27

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Ifouse managers are urged to get OSponsored by the National Stu- board, room, and carfare being in-B
, O J L L O "Opportunities open to graduates] their teams in practice for the in- !N B U LG U AI dent Council of the Y. W. CA., the! cluded in expenses.
of Library Science are extremely'tramuralntennisstournamenwhichannual six weeks project of stu- Among the things that these stu-
numerous and the requirements and Each house is expected to have a Of the $50,000 pledge taken by dents in industry will be held in dents began to realize was that they Due
training are not at all strenuous," team of four players. There will the undergraduate women in 1928, Chicago this year as usual. A group differed from women of other inevita
says Miss Margaret Mann, Associate be single and double matches, and about $37,000 remains to be raisedof college women will go to ChinreoresiehYmIhthee re
ACADEMIC FAILURESSOCIAL rLthere will be as many0gmntbrisocg wom en w o to r in opportunities and League
MALADJUSTMENTS ARE eMIC FILUiESOCALo ofLibrary Science. p ill ea ma y games as for the Michigan League building. ago from July 5 to August 19, for economic conditions than in inter- points,
DIUS Concerning the general require o e i o r t A summary of the work ofsix weeks of work industrial ests and desires. It gave them a interes
DISCUSSEDCm ernin t e a rere A um mar of teorkfte corgn occupations. They will secure their real insight into the life and living points
arentenMis accredited iba there ionampentillnolstfotoittee on undergraduate campaign own jobs, and their own places to cnditions of the industrial worker. 30, ass
SIX DEANS GIVE TALKS are ten accredited library schools Thereewill be an elective tennis has recently been prepared by the room. The object of the group is to Working conditions wages, hours, system
of which Michigan is one. Some class starting at 4 o'clock on Mon- chairman of the past year, Jean study industrial organization and unions, overtime-all these became League
High Schol Deans Must Be Able! of these, including Michigan, give day, April 29. Miss Colby and Mar- Hathaway, '29. to get the viewpoint of the workers. more than classroom subjects as slum b
To Cooperate With Younger graduate work. Entrance require- garet Ohlson, '30, will be in charge. The League Bazaar, under the The group meets three times a week soon as the students were them- iarl
Students, Says Official ments in most of these serequir The class is for everybody who is chairmanship of Hilda Mary Evans, to discuss their experiences and to selves engaged in industrial jobs. will be
an A.B. degree, but at scholsa15 interested, whether they are begin- '29, offered the largest contribution. talk over what they have learned. Industrial pressure on all sides was those h
With the attention of the college retMichigan,rs ners or advanced players. Girls $1,113.88. The candy booth turned The only requirements for mem-I met with. Long hours-overtime--., records
deans centered upon the question in the Literary school. who want help in learning the game in $653.28 for the past current year. bership in the group are a knowl- and cuts i production costs all fall to chec
of relationship between educationi th ite. .or in technic can get assistance at Dorothy Maple, '30, directed this edge of sociology and an earnest- on the worker. Piece work puts the TheI
and earnings and that of academic Specific requirements," Miss this class. project. The Pan-Hellenic ball was ness of purpose that will see the pressure on the laborer and he suf- is the b
failue and social maladjustments Mann continued, include a famili- The women's tennis tournament the next most profitable undertak- student through the project. The fers for any lessening in output- honora
among col eg a women and the at- arity with books and preparation which is being continued from last ing, clearing $439.04. women must also be of junior or Piece work is very poorly paid, and tivities
itenton of the high school deans should inlude general courses fall is nearing the end. Helen Wil- Other major contributions wereIsenior standing. Since the student a woman must sew every day atI It is a
ttiond o the h ischol dans rather than specialization. Courses son, '31, has won one match of the as follows: Summer sesion LeagueIY. W. C. A. was disbanded on this least 60 dozen pockets on dresses llmitln
upon individual adjustments, the in science, literature, history and semi-finals. The runners-up are dues, $237.11; League booth at the I campus, the Women's League has at 3c a dozen in order to exist or to numbe
conference of deans and advisers of economics are very dewable, while Marion Pearson, '30Ed., and Alex- Bazaar of which Jessie Church, '29, undertaken to sponso- the project help someone dependent on her. numbe
women was held yesterday in con- some French and Grman or their andria Janhusky. Whoever wins had charge, $183.98; Christmas on this campus. Helen Fellows, '30, For a completed lamp shade, the may ca
nection with the meeting of the equivalents, and Latin are requir- the next match in the semi-finals cards, managed by Frances Novy may be called by anyone interested huge sum of 10 or 15 cents is paid.
Michigan Schoolmasters' club. ed." will play Miss Wilson for the title. '30, $125.83; Rockford players, in securing further information or In industries where the wages per Corn
The program of the day began Miss Mann went on to say that $44.41; Mortarboard's sale of gloves, in applications. piece are higher, the rate of pro- theno
with a luncheon at 12:15 o'clock at a good librarian should have had $20.00; a bazaar sponsored by the An idea of the sort of work un- duction is slower. The struggle for the to
the Union, at which Miss Holt, of training in the selection and buy- Director Sees Art Polonia Literary Society, $20.00; and dertaken by those in the groups n on these wages, without and s
Stevens college, Columbia, Missouri, ing of books, a familiarity with the F$27.53 in discounts contributed by and of the understanding of condi- trying to help another person de- words
ublishers, the making Future For WomenGoodhues.tions may be gained from the re- pendent on you as many of the parked
was the speaker. Miss Holt dis- pubihr, h aig up of bib- I___prts fthe rus All sorts of workers do, is practically hopeless. hv
cussed the movement for democra- liographies leading to the selection Class dues netted a total of ports o te groups.ave
tic unity throughout the world, em- of books, and the use of books from I Henry Turner Bailey, director of $172.75 for the League. Under mis- jobs were obtained by the various Those who have been part of this and Ut
phasizing the necessity of teaching j a reference point of view. Students the Cleveland School of Art, who cellaneous items, a total of $2.063.98 members of last years group. Some group, however, have expressed the known
the individual to have the proper in Library Science also study com- spoke before the Michigan School- appears. of these were wiring coils for radios, opinion that the experience was an adv
attitude toward the whole. munities and pick out the best books t'Club yesterday morning in The summaris not entirely operating envelope niachines, icing worth far more than a year of col- publica
atiuetwr h hl.!mnte n ikimasters' yetsummarnnginy i o nieycom - cakesmknlaphdsaseb-leadttteyow avteSu"
Following the luncheon, the uni- for their use. They also special- Hill Auditorium foresees a great plete, since reports from the Jun. Ikng, making lampshades, paint abili, that they now have ore tion.
versity, college, and normal school ize in books and reading for chil- future for women in art. In his ior Girls' Play, the sale of caps and on ash trays, bleaching soles,pink- carefully the reading material, the servati
deans met separately from the high dren including story telling, in ad- opinion, women can excel in any gowns, fashion shows, and a bridge ing shoes, folding towels in a laun- I theories, and the information they is coni
school deans. At the meeting of ministrative problems connected!line of work if they are willing to tea which took place in March dry, ca lding ggsm i Vlv h oe across inmcon i the d
the former section, three speakers with this field, in the history of apply themselves. In the past, he have not as yet been determined ' try, cradling eggs, packg Velvet may come across in connection th ide
presented papers on special topics, printing and book making, and ii declared, there have been few great A sale of imported jewelry will be bxes, sacing prn, and ts problems. n ts ih
the papers being followed by ques- other subjects having to do with women painters for the reason that the next money-making project ing a aprons. All of these are
tions and discussion, books and people. feminine interest in general has sponsored by the League. Mortar- unskilled jobs and therefore cor-
Education makes it possible for Along the line of opportunities; been directed elsewhere. board will manage this, and booths uanskded lobas.ndTheremorstun-I
people to have a longer earning Miss Mann stated that although Director Bailey pointed out the will probably appear in University usual job was carding hogs' hair.
span, was the statement of Di. i the demand was increasing the fact that the world's greatest mural Hall during the early weeks in May The most disagreeable job was
Bsines Researcof the BurUe training agencies were also in- painter at the present timeis a for the purposeof exhibiting this sorting the dirty linen m a laundry.
Bsi ess theistear.ofhe Uotved- creasing. She said that to meet the woman. He also stated that, in high-grade jewelry. The working hours ranged from j K
sity, the first speaker. She quoted admn r c 1ir the modern school, women are en- Th okn or agdfo
figures to show that both general unusualdemandforgschoollibra- ming as widehl, we e44 to 60 a week, with only six of
ians many normal schools are in a as eyin the study of the Notice 24 women working less than 48
education and specialized vocation- at so h rfs
al training haver dstroducing Library Science. ars as of t the afts. hours a week. The average wage \
altann aeproved to be as- I_________________ O his way to the Michigan Cen- IPatc o necastak wilaensewr $13.02 per week.4aer
sets, especially when the specializ- attributes making for efficient guid- tral station to catch a southbound Pre fa was $13.02 per week, andthe aver-SP iN
ed training has been adjusted to ance of those of pre-college age, train, the speaker of yesterday sbes Wray By vge ofpte group, bot inck.
the general educational back- Miss Grace B. Clark, of Hastings, morning stopped to add that most be 4:3 on Monday and Wednesday By ote of the group, both income
ground. That a business course at the meeting of the high school individuals fail to find meaning in from 4:30 to 5:30 on Palmer Field. and expenses were pooled, only
taken after graduation from col- deans' section, stated that being a a picture, because they give it no ALL NEW
lege is not a great financial asset dean necessitated the ability td more than a passing glance. "One j
was Dr. Manson's conclusion, drawn cooperate with the young student should at least pay the artist the
from statistics showing that wom- in promoting an understanding and compliment of looking at his pic- 1 WIAT THE
en with such training do not, madequate evaluation of self, of the Lure long enough to interpret it.''elcom e-Schoolm astersM
as a group, earn as much as col- world of nature, of organized so-M
lege graduates without commercial ciety, and of the every-day laws of Ohio Wesleyan.-Women's Boos- We invite you to come and see
The "causes of academic failure "athse i n dinsr tive a local club, will become a spcal
S m chapse in an administrative'cater of Mortar Board, national our specsay selected Books for SATURDAY 9 t
and success among freshmen wor-cpct and leaders of education senior women's honorary oitCide
en was the theme of the second n e ea uta es o di i n r w m o oay society'h l r n
pae, was teeentoftheMssEiaeondin general must know how to allowi by May 1, if the members vote the! hidrn
paper, presented by Miss Elisabeth for creative spirits and dfferent affirmative. emember_ ___teth
Conrad, dean of women at Michi needs of individual minds, and by--
gan State college in Lansing. Miss cooperation with the students see
coprto ihtesuet e.Conrad's remarks were based upont it that there is less stand ardiz-!
her experience as a counselloru ofaticn of educational systems which Strings . . Supplies 1 Ithe PRINT AN BKH
women with poor grades. All won necessarily clutter up time, and . Reacr
en receiving a grade of D or E in .. epir or oainltanninta f 52 1 EAST-JEFFERSON S T RE ET
any week were reported to her, andS re vocational training instead of R2T EEr SHOP OF
an attempt was made to investigate insistence on the academic which is for all Musical Instruments A sf t M gF
te as mdetinety. too soon forgotten and ceases to be(Across from the Michigan Unon) PERSONA
"The most effectivetpreventis s Te co n d talk inat the gve ' SERVICE
weeks," Miss Conrad observed. She Miss Bertha Pulford, Northern highl MUSIC HOUSE
found five subjects to be especial school, Detroit. Her subject wasI
stumbling-blocks among the Stu-c. the community union and the inf-lu sh
dents with whom she worked. These ad t
suibjects were chemistry, English.,] nalajstet
hictnr 1nnrl g~ dniPnnic ~ ry +. ° - 1

to the fact that there are
bly omissions and errors in
cord kept by the Women's
of each student's activity
University women who are
ted in checking up their
are asked by Helen Fellows,
istant chairman of the point
committee to come to the
office in Barbour gymna-
etween 2 and 5, Monday.
Hartwig, business secretary,
in the League office during
hours, and will go over the
with, any women who wish
k up on their points.
point system of the League
asis of election to the various
ry societies which make ac-
one of their considerations.
lso kept for the purpose of
g each woman to a certain
r of points. The maximum
r; of points which a student
irry at any time is 14.
ell Universty.-Persons of
wn identity have plastered
wn of Ithaca with posters
tickers bearing the three
"Go To Hell." Automobiles
along downtown streets
en decorated as well as town
iversity buildings. The un-
propagandists also inserted
ertisement in the University
tion, "The Cornell Daily
bearing the obscene injunc-
The Committee for the Pre-
on of Public Morals in Ithaca
ucting an investigation into
ntity of the offenders and
weir purpose for circulating
1 Values.
O 195
E oF.
o 1 only

i 1
' e
, ,..

wis -Y, aon eauges, ann economics
and political science. Some of the,
reasons for the poor work done in
these courses she found to be the J
high school habit of memorizing.
history, the lack of knowledge of
grammar, which made it impos-
r sible to grasp the structure of for-
teign language and the lack of
:ability to organize material, perhaps
due to the fact that many highI
schools have done away with long f
Concrete instances were cited by
Miss Lydia I. Jones, dean of women
at the Michigan State Normal col-
lege at Ypsilanti, to bring out the
points which she made with refer-
ence to academic and social mal-
adjustments in college. "Nearly all
the explanations which students'
give for their failures are inade-
quate," she stated, "although every
word a student says is valuable in
studying the case. Only a psychi- '
atrist can solve some of the prob-
lems which confront the dean."
Miss Jones was recently elected I
treasurer of the National Associa-j
tion of Deans and Advisers of I
Women. I
Summing up the requirements of;
the job of being dean of girls in ajS
high school and describing those
Dealer in
ANTIUES8 Coats of fine
Cheviot and L
Upholstering, Furniture ' . Rich silk li
and without f
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N. 3~4La~ib

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