~OZh ____________ fMTlIA N- I AIV' ~AY~APri~ ~71~29 Published everymorning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.1 Member of Western Conference Editorial! Association.1 The Associated Press is exclusively en-1 titled to the use for republication of all news (ispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered, at the postoffice at Ana Arbor, Michigan, is second class matter. Special rate of postag granted by Third Assistant Post- miaster General. Subsciptionby earrier, $4.00; by mail, $43o es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2T214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITORI KENNETH G. PATRICK Eitor...................Nelson J. Smith City Editor..... .. ... Stewart Hooker News Editor.......... -Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor........... ..W. Morris Quinn Women's Editor............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor .......George Stautet Music and Drama............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor......... Robert Silbar regular professors now receive, and will be given exclusively to those men who are primarily teachers. Promotion to these positions will be made purely on the basis of teaching competence, the interestr the man has in his students, andi his ability to create in their minds the subtler values of true intel- lectual worthiness, chiefly through the medium of his own personality. The benefits not only to the stu- dent but also to the operatives of the existing regime are manifest. Those who have always been more interested in doing research sole- ly for its own sake and their own may continue with their work; the remote professor may carry on with his profound machinations among future teachers; but most import- ant, the worthy man who is ,gen- uinely devoted. to his students and their development may renew his work unimpaired by the nemesis of a poverty-stricken old age. And with his instruction elevated to the place of security and adaptability deserved, the student may recon- struct a hope of being educated at college by a system that heretofore has seemed farcical. ED ALL OUR VISITING PEDAGOGUES With more than 4000 visiting, teachers wandering around campus the old diagonal is fairly bulging with education, and University Hall-a busy place even under or- dinary conditions-is the scene of the worst traffic jam in years. I,- - I IUA t Night TJoseph E. Howell Donald J. Kline Lawrence R. Klein George Rep Paul L. Adams Editors Charles S. Monroe Picrce Rosenberg George E. Simons C. Tilley porters Donald E. Layman Vhl.A &i L wM! lil~ l Ir Morris AlexandfT '.Cha.re aLeis~ C. A. Askren Marian McDonald 0 Bertram Askwit. Henry Merry BETTER ACQUAINTED Louise Behyme Elizabeth Quaife Arthur Bernsteu& Victor Rabinowitz For the past two years, Fresh- Aet CBovee ose hSchell man week, with its frenzied rush L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer I from place to place, has been rath- Franik $. Cooper Howard Simon r Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss er wearying for the bewildered ogar Edars At Stewat newcomers. Six days and part of Vaborg Egeland Cadwel lSwanse a seventh have been allotted toI Marjor geand aTho as carrying out the program, and even William Gentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes Gurney Wiliams this has allowed but scant time David B. Hempstead Jr. Wolter Wildsg for the freshmen to become accli- Richard Jung George 1,. Wohlgemuthmaieina or Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. matized in a more personal way. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie The plans for the coming Sep- BUSINESS STAFF tember have been changed so that Telephone 21214 practically the same events wild BUSINESS MANAGER take place in two days shorter! EDWARD L. HULSE time. The activities, which for-' Assistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER merly began on Monday, and con- tinued through the following Sun- .Deartment.. M ex . Scherer day morning, next semester will Advertising...............A.James Jordan start on Tuesday and be concluded Advertising............Carr W. Hamner Service................Herbert E. Varnum on the next- Saturday evening. Aouats........rene E.Badkley Since most of the freshman's Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich knowledge of the University is garnered from his intimate con-. Mary Chase Marion Kerr tact with the surroundings during Jeanette Dale L illian Koviasky tat ihtesurndgs uig VJernonDavis Bernard Larson his leisure moments, the proposeds Bessie Egeland Hollister Mab icy aly Faster 1. A. Newman program will be too crowded for Anna Goldberg Jack Rose him to more than glimpse the cam- Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemmn hmt oetangipetecm George Hamilton George Spater pus as he hurries across it. It ack Horwich Sherwood Upton I Dix Huriphrey Marie wellstead would perhaps be better if the Night Editor--DONALD J. KLINE number of events were fewer and ____htEdt___-DONALD__J._KL__ the program made less strenuous, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1929 in order that the break between his ~~ exciting first week and the re- mainder of his college career TEACHERS %should not be quite so sharp. Let the University make the friendships With characteristic incisiveness, of the freshmen, but on the other President Little has laid bare the hand, let the freshmen become bet- plight of the students attending a j ter acquainted with the Univer- university dominated by com- sity. placent departmental profession- t ialism. In his address before the Editorial Comment Schoolmasters' club last night, he pointed out the consequences to This is all that remains of J. Oscar Squilch, who was rather j severely injured yesterday a. m. while attempting to control the pedestrians who massed in f the hallway outside the Record- er's office. The Recorder's office itself re- minded us of our own registration days and we wondered if the visit- ing Schoolmasters had as much trouble as the rest of us do.... "I'm sorry, but that lecture is closed; you'll have to go to the' 3 o'clock reception instead.".. "No; this business session is for principals only." ... "Yes; convo- cation IA is compulsory..Etc. NOTICE The final chapter of "City Squall!" which ran in yester- day's Dagy failed to arrive in time for today's column. It was being rushed here by wheelbarrow but was struck by lightning. o O WHAT'S HAPPENING I AT OTHER SCHOOLS I 0 -A professor at Minnesota claims that co-eds who vamp their in- structors for higher grades, re- quests for higher gradesrmade by people who need the extra honor points to graduate, couples who use the classroom as a rendezvous, and people who use the floor as a waste-basket are the greatest nuis- ances to professors in that institu- tion. In other words, professor, students are a nuisance. -Billboards depicting women smoking are denounced in a recent editorial by a student at Oregon State. Hah! That'll. put the to- bacco companies in their places.j -Equality of the sexes has been recognized, after a long fight, by the Student Senate of Ohio State University. A new constitution has been passed guaranteeing at least eight of the twenty-four Sen- ate seats to the co-eds. What do you mean, equality? We're to have a new golf course as part of the Athletic Association1 program. "The new course," says the Tribune, "will have many in-, novations, and local followers will, find it one of the finest 18-holei courses in the vicinity."I Wei', we've been pnttering around lately on the golfI courses around here and we're tempted to remark that anyj new coarse can't help !being one of the finest. The finest, even., Music And Drama y TODAY: Mimes present the Robert E. Sherwood satire,j "The Queen's Husband" in their theatre. The matinee begins at 2:30, and the evening performance at 8:30 o'elock. "THIS YEAR OF GRACE" j Featuring an entire case o Eng- lish actors, "This Year of Grace," will open for a week's run on Sun- day night at the Cass theatre In Detroit. Noel Coward is the au- thor responsible for this "record breaking" musical extravaganza which even the Prince of Wales is reputed to have taken his monocle - off in order to see better. At any rate the pay must be pretty good if New York and Lon- don have been able to stand it for the past two years, and if it "made a great impression" on the afore- mentioned prince. Beatrice Lillie, the only Cana- dian in the revue (except for one other) is given much of the credit for its success. Others among the hundred or so actors in the play who are being "especially" featur- ed, are Moss and Fontana. A SERIOUS SUGGESTION When a member of the Semitics faculty makes an observation on the theatre it comes as a sort of anomaly. When a Rhetoric facul- ty man echoes the observation there seems something quite shocking in the coincidence. There would seem not the slightest con- nection between the Rhetoric and Semitics departments, and any observation on dramatic matters their representatives might make should certainly have little value to dramatic arts. The question is not, how much of a cultured personal- ity is each man, but what is the relation of Semitics to Theatre? It is universally agreed that each man should stick to his little field, crawl into his cubby-hole and die a Rhetorical death without both- ering the theatre with pointless criticism. But in accordance with the pur- suit of the new and the unusual which this column has always prosecuted, the suggestion of the Semitics gentleman will be pre- sented, quite regardless of its value. It was this,dthatddramatic training should begin with a study of the pantomime. The definition which lurked in the philological mind of the 'Semitics representa- tive undoubtedly had its root in the Greek words signifying "all" and "imitating," with the liberal trans- lation as being a person who can imitate all the human emotions. It seemed, then, to this gentleman that an actor ought, beford he was ever assigned a "part," to be able to' portray every type and shade of emotion occasion might call for. Further, the actor should be able to speak his lines slowly, distinct- Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin accounts solicited' Telephone 22541 Brown-Cress & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 7th Floor First Nat'l Bank Bldg. -{ Subscribe To The Michigan Dailyl r, I rl V ,. r New York Listed Stocks Ai w/^^ ' '+'s..rM""y 'ate, ? .^".- .. _..... _-_ CANOEiNG TODAY TILL 12 P. M. Saunders' Canoe Livery On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar Street The business management of the League takes pleasure in announcing a formal dinner at the League Building Monday evening, May 6, at six o'clock The reservations should be made through the Alumnae Council Office. Plates are $2.00. League members are especially invited to make reservations for themselves and guests. -The management wishes to emphasize the fact that this dinner is open to men and women and is an opportunity to entertain theatre parties as the first performance in the League Theatre is the same evening. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK 101 N. Main St. 707 N. University Ave. 1 .. WCY11111J/11./11.J./~./l/1J,/1.P/./~YJt11./1J~./,/.IJ./1.I11J. ;. It the student of basing departmental S I IN SPORT promotion of an instructor upon (The New York Evening Post) the number of books a man has Signs are not wanted upon the written, or upon the prestige his athletic horizon to indicate that outside connections may bring to a new consciousness is penetrating the university, and ignoring his American sport. Recent declara- competence as a teacher. An !n, tions by the undergraduates of structor whose chief interest con- Yale, Amherst and Cornell, to name sists merely in educating the stu- only three colleges where the sub- dent, and whose abilities are fore- ject of intercollegiate athletics most as a teacher must wait years i has been debated of late, show that for a promotion in his department. the younger generation is at least ly, and in a natural i~ntA "r rr " voice that still A further disaster accruing to the student as a result of a special- ized professional' autocracy is the refusal of professors to teach un- dergraduate courses, insisting, rather, that they be bothered only with those graduate students who propose to become teachers them- selves. Now ignoring the extreme to which this attittude of profes- sors and departments has attained at this University, for its consider- ation would add only heat, not light, to the present discussion, it is sufficient to say that numerous cankerous evils of instruction may be traced directly to the dual hierarchy of departmental ego and professional aloofness from the un- dergraduate. The chief misfortune of this sit- uation is that it distorts the cur- ricula in such a manner that the student must adjust his interests and aptitudes to its outlines. This in turn obscures his aims, forcing him to delve deeply where he would prefer to scurry the surface of a subject and insisting that he be superficial when his best incli- nations demand that he be pro-I found. Instead of offering mani- fold opportunities for either intel- lectual training or acquisition of facts, the present method of in- struction exacts a penance, mak-1 ing conformity to a standardized mould a prerequisite for instruc- tion. The immediate acuteness of this problem has drawn the attention of many educators. Among them is dean Addison Hibbard of the Uni- versity of North Carolina. In a re- anxious to put outdoor games in their proper prospective. Doctor Frederick Rand Rogers of the State Educational Department in his ex- cellent little book, "The Amateur Spirit in Scholastic Games and, Sports," points out some of the beneficent results from placing the entire control of football games throughout the State in the hands of the captain and relegating the{ coach at a game to the role of a mere observer. Should this attitude of treating the coach as a spectator and not as the czar of his squad spread to intercollegiate athletics, such head- lines as 'Fury of Roper's Tongue May Win for Princeton" and "Row Over Wilce May Inspire Men to Beat Chicago" will be things of the past and we shall have two elevens led and directed wholly by under- graduate brains. Apparently the undergraduates are coming to be- lieve that they are best fitted to run their own sports and it may just be possible that they arei right. 7 Meanwhile the Amateur Athletic Union and National Athletic As-r sociation are attempting to accom- modate their divergent ideas and to find grounds upon which they can cooperate for the benefit of track and field sports bot,11 within and without university walls. Thel tennis campaign for the Davis Cup, instead of lasting through a stren- uous four months' period of travel- ing and tournaments, as was the case last year, it being quietly and sensibly conducted by Mr. Joseph W. Wear, the chairman of the Davis would 'carry." It seems almost pathetic that such antiquated observations should come from a man entrusted with teaching The Young Mind. Aside from the fact that study of pantomime would very much de- lay the creation of campus repu- tations and otherwise would have deleterious 'effects on the drama as a "campus activity," this gentleman also seems to have ignored a very important change in the theatre which has taken place fairly re- cently. The gentleman postulates the ideas that the actor is a craftsman, a dealer in facial expressions and nuances of speech, and only an artist in' as much as his spirit is' so mobile that he can find sympa- thy for, and can pour sincere emotion into, his part. We have changed all this. The actor is no more a professional man. of skill. Now he is by way of being a pro- tegee of God-or something simi- lar.° The theatrical motto today is, MAY FESTIVAL 4 Days - MAY 22,23,24,25, 1929 - Concerts HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Conductor ERIC DELAMARTER Guest Conductor JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor Edith Mason Soprano Chicago Civic Opera Company Jeannette Vreeland Soprano Distinguished American Artist Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Marion Telva Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Crooks Tenor Premier American Concert Artist Paul Althouse Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Lawrence Tibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Bonelli Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company Barre Hill Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company William Gustafson Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Josef Hofmann Pianist Polish Virtuoso Efrem Zimlaist Violinist Hungarian Master The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Children's Festival Chorus Samson and Delilah Saint Saens The New Life Wolf-Ferrari TL. D .-.D 1. - From Bridgewater news that Leonard Krzyzaniak received A last week. * * * comes the and John in spelling I .I Those boys ought to be able "Be Yourself." You are what you to spell anything. are; nor God, nor pantomime will make you otherwise. A survey of A recent survey gleans the in- some of.. the actors on this campus formation that there are 784 dogs will at once prove the truth of this. in Ann Arbor. It isn't hard to be- Wherefore, if you are Hamlet, be lieve, if the library happens to be so and stay so. "Hamlet" will be one of your haunts, or even if you revived and you will make an im- only walk by it once in a while. mediate dramatic success. There- after-well; try and find another Members of the sheriff's depart- Hamlet play. Or, maybe you had ment confiscated a mint-vending better go into business. machine from a drug store in Sa- The part God plays in all this line this week. Complaints had is quite obvious. God made you. been received that the machine You are what you are. If you find was not operating properly, yourself in a play, well-that's * * * God's business. Another survey of Of course it wasn't. A slot dramatic activities locally will ap- machine that operated proper- prove the truth of that, too. ly would be a total loss to the Taken all in all, we can dismiss owner. the remarks of the Semitics gentle- *k* * man by observing that God made aif I I