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April 26, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-26

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Y'UMAY, Arr,,,!L 26, 1929



Publication in the Billetin is donstructive notice to all members
of the Uiner tslty. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until A:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

vol. XXXIi

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1929 NO. 150

Convocation, Friday, April 26:
There will be a convocation of the University at which the members
of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will be the University's guests
Friday, April 26, at 11 a. in., in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Henry Turner
Bailey, Director of The Cleveland School of Art, will deliver an address
on the subject "The Importance of the Arts in Education."
In accordance with the custom of past years classes, with the
exception of clinics, will be dismissed at the hour of the convocation
to permit the attendance of students and faculty.
Members of the faculty are requested to enter by the rear doors
of Hill Auditorium and to pass directly to seats which will be provided for
them on the stage. Academic costume will not be worn.
C. C. Little
Dean's Advisory Committee, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
There will be a meeting of the Dean's Advisory Committee on
Friday, April 26, at 4 p. in., in the Dean's office.
John R. Effinger
Forestry 31:
This class will' meet hi room 2054, Natural Science, on Friday,
April 26.
L. J. Young
Summer Field Courses in Geology and Geography:
Students planning to enroll in the courses given during the coming
summer at the Geological and Geographical Field Station at Mill
Springs, Kentucky should consut the instructors in these courses within
the next week.
The consultation hours of the instructors in these courses are as
Geography 125 and 205--Professor James-M., T., Th., F., 10 to 11,
13 Angell HAIL
Geology 125 and 203-Assistant Professor Ehlers-T. and Th., 3 to 5,
1535 Univ. Museum.
Geology 126-Mt. Belknap-M.. 3 to 5 and W., 9 to 12, 3024 Nat.
Registration in these courses is limited to a definite number of
students. No student will be permitted to register until he has first
consulted the instructor of the course he desires to elect. . r
G. M. Elers
Biological Station:
There still remains room for a few students at the Biological Station.
Applications should be made on special forms which can be secured
at my office, room 1119, Natural Science Building, daily from 4 to 5:30.
George R. LaRue, Director
Mr. Carver of The Swift Packing Company will interview seniors
interested in the various departments of the industry on' Friday, Ma'
26. Seniors interested should arrange for an interview through the
otlice of The Committee on Vocational Counsel and Placement, 201
Mason Hall.
W. E. Parker
seniors in Journalism:
Seniors in journalism who are candidates for the certificate in
Journalism are requested to file at the journalism office, before May 3,
a transcript of their four years of credits and grades, with an indication
of the special curriculum they have followed.
J. L. Brumm
Senior Engineers:
There will bera class meeting on Friday, April 26, at 10:00 o'clock,
in room 348. Dean Patterson has granted permission to excuse Seniors
from classes at this time.
Eugene Easterly, President
Scabbard and Blade:
There will be an honorary initiation in the Union, Friday, April
26, at 6:15 p. m. Uniforms will be worn. A banquet will follow the
Fred C. Fenton
Phi Beta Kappa:
The Annual Initiation Banquet of the Alpha Chapter of Michigan
will be held at the Women's Athletic Building, corner of Forest and N.
University Aves., on Thursday, May 2, at 6:30 p. m. Professor Dixon
Ryan Fox of Columbia University will deliver the address.
Cards have been sent to all whose names are in the files of this
Chapter. All members of Phi Beta Kappa are cordially invited. Ban-
quet tickets are $1.50 each. Reservations will be made for those who noti-
fy the Secretary by April 29. This date is made necessary because, in
view of the change of place, we have to guarantee a definite number
of persons present by that time.
Orina F. Butler, Secretary
University Lectures:
Professor Gilbert Norwood, of the University of Toronto, will lecture
on "Pindar" at 9:45 a. in., Friday, April 26, and on "Apulcius and the
Dawn of Mediaevalism," Friday, April 26, at 4:15 p. m. Both lectures
will be held in room 2003 Angell Hall. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins
To Graduate Students in Education:
The preliminary examinations for the Ph.D. degree in Education
will be held on May 16, 17, and 18, from 2:00 to 5:00. All individuals
planning to take these examinations should notify me at once.
Clifford Woody, Chairman of Committee on Graduate Study

Political Science 32, Mr. Preuss' 11 O'Clock Section:
My section in Political Science 32 at 11 o'clock will meet in room 1213
Angell Hall for the remainder of the semester, beginning Monday, April
Lawrence Preuss
Greek 165 (Mythology):
A test will be held on Tuesday, April 30, in room 103, Romance
Languages Building. The questions will cover the material of Chap-
ters Four to Seven inclusive in the text-book with the accompanying
lectures and illustrations.
Campbell Bonner
Selfridge Field Trip:
Buses will be at the Engineering Arch Saturday morning, April 27,
at 6:30. In case of rain the trip will be postponed until Saturday,
May 4.
J1. Gray

The diploma fee of $10 is paya-
ble now! Early settlement is nec-
essary for the preparation of di-
plomas. In no case will the Uni-i
versity confer a degree at Com-
mencement upon any student who!
fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock
p. in., May 23. In case the Faculty
does not recommend any payor, the
fee will be refunded on surrender
of receipt for payment. The above
applies also to fees for all special
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates should at once fill out cardI
at office of the Secretary of their
college or school (College of Liter-I
ature, Science, and the Arts, Rej
corder's Office), pay the Treas-
urer of the University and haveI
card receipted, and file indicated,
section of this receipted card with
the Secretary of their College or
Please do not delay till the last
moment, but attend to this mat-;
ter at once. We must letter, sign,
and seal approximately 2500 di-I
plomas and certificates, and we
shall be greatly helped in this work
by early payment of the fee and1
consequent longer period for pre-
Shirley W. Smith,
Secretary of the University
The treasurer's office will be closed
each Saturday afternoon.
University Scholarships- Last
To avoid all misunderstand ing,
literary students who wish to be-
come candidates for a University
Scholarship must hand in their
blanks in the office of DeanEffin-
ger note later than Friday evening
April 26. These scholarships are
for next year. There will be no
scholarships awarded next fall.
This i the lst o rtuni t

AeronaticaltEngineering, Seniors and Grad ats:1 Delta Sigma Rho:A
Mr. 11. A. Picks. Chief Engineer of the Aircraft Engineeling Dc- All members of Delta Sigma Rho,
partmcnt of the Ford Motor Company, is planning to be in Ann whether affiliated with the local
Arbor to interview men interested in positions with this organiza- chapter or not, are cordially in- R
tion at the end of the school year. Those wishing appointments vited to attend the formal initia-
please see me as soon as possible so that a satisfactory date may tion and banquet at the Michi-IE SA
be arranged with Mr. Hicks here. gan Union, Thursday evening, May
F. IV. Pawlowski 2, at 5:30. Banquet fee will be With several manuscripts already
$1.50. Make reservations with Lau- in the hands of the Inlander staff
Varsity Glee Club: ra Osgood, 8587, by Tuesday. thepban sla nest,
! Sthe publication's latest contest,
The entire club is requested to report at Hill Auditorium promptly Laura Osgood, Sec. creative poetry, promises to be even
at 4:00 p. m.,to give a short program for the High School Pupil-Teacler more popular than the recent short
Conference. Street dress is to be worn by all. Men's Education Club story competition conducted by the
L. M. Goodspeed, Manager The Men's Education Club will
rn~+ Tffnvir~i, Amil 90 r7.0 17tti1n



i mppt Monday Anril 29. at ? :00 ! magazine.


Senior Electrical Engineers and Other Seniors: p. m. in room 302 of the Union.
Mr. W. C. Bowen, Personnel Manager of the International Telephone I Dr. J. B. Edmonson, Dean of the
and Telegraph Corporation, will speak to all interested seniors, electrical School of Education, will speak on
or others, at 2:00 p. m., Friday, April 26, in a room in the West the "Status of Men in Education."
Engineering Building. The room number will be posted on the E. E. ( Everyone is welcome.
Bulletin Board by room 274. Mr. Bowen will tell about opportunities James R. Pollock, President
with the I. T. & T. and associated companies; and also the scope of j
the Corporation's activities. All seniors interested in any form of com- Cosmopolitan Club:
munication work are urged to attend.O.,
A. D. Moore On Saturday afternoon, April 27',
A._D.More weather permitting, the Club will
7 hold its spring hike and steak roast.

A time limit of two weeks from
today has been fixed for the contest
dead-line, all manuscripts being
turned in after that date to have
but little chance of recognition.
The contest includes poetry in any
of the fields of lyric, dramatic, epic,
or short verse, and the committee
in charge has not made any speci-
fications concerning the length of
the manuscript. Prizes of $10 for
first place and a book for second
honors have been donated by Wahr's
bookstore, and will be distribut-
ed immediately following the an-
ncuncement of the winning poems
!in the June issue of the Inlander.

j7a)rsjty Brand l
There will be a formation tonight at 7:25 in full uniform at
Morris Hall. The band will march to Hill Auditorium to give a half-
hour concert. -
Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Student Managerj

Members and friends of the Club
will please meet at Lane Hall at
2:30, and bring along 35c and a
good appetite.
Helen L. Clarke, Sec.

H. r. Thieme,
Chairman Scholarship
Polonia Literary Circle:
There will be a meeting Friday
evening, April 26, promptly at 7:30,
in Lane Hall. Because of the im-
portance of some matters, it is
urgently requested that every
member attend.
K. Karpinski, Pres.

'Oratorical Association
in Her Own Character Sketches
T.uesApr 30-8P.M
Tickets at Slater's$1.0

Reformed Students:
We shall have the opportunity
Sunday, April 28, of meeting in
Lane Hall for religious services.
Prof. H. Schultze of the Seminary
at Grand Rapids, Michigan, will
address the group.
The meetings will begin at 10:30,
and at 4:00 as usual. Kindly note
the date.
The Committee
Masonic Students:
There will be no meeting of the
Craftsmen club this week. Watch
The Daily for further notice.
R. W. Webster, President
Presbyterian Students:
There will be an all student par-
ty at the Presbyterian student
house, 1432 Washtenaw Ave., this
evening at 8 o'clock. You are cordi-
ally invited.
John Swanwick
Freshman Pageant:
All women in the Freshman Pa-
geant will please see the notice
posted on the bulletin board in
(Barbour Gym and the Women's
Athletic building, as changes have
been made in both the cast and
time of rehearsal..
Dorothy Felske,
Dance Chairman
Michigan Union:
An important meeting of the Ex-
ecutive Council will be held in the
Student Offices Friday, April 26,
1929, at 4:45.
Kenneth C. Schafer, Ree. Sec.
Pi Lambda Theta and the Wo-
men's Education Club will enter-
tain the visiting Superintendents
and Principals and faculty of the
School of Education at a tea Fri-
day, April 26, from 3:30 to 5:00
o'clock at the Martha Cook Build-
G. Walligton i
B. Mcllale
Phi Delta Kappa:
The Spring initiation banquet will
be held at 6:00 p. m. tonight at the
Michigan Union.
Reginald D. MacNitt, President
New York Listed
Private wires to all
Conservative margin accounts
Telephone 22541

Coupons for Peggy Wood number admit.

.- F
f j. / /
Whie r C oe
Al t 7an lev lengths
£2~ fr'%AAT~ A~KTX

Girls Working for Room and Board:
Will any girls employed in private homes who are thinking
making a change next year, please come in and see me.
Beatrice W. Johnson


Faculty Wives:
Will any women desiring girls to work for room and board next
September, please telephone me, making a formal application before
May 4.

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