0 - RIDAY, APRTL 26, 1929 T14A M1C4A *])A ILY PACES MV!N . . . . ....... TWO EEVENS FO PIGGIIO QA SEEATIONINFISTSCRIMAGOIF Real football was the order oi team was under the direction of the day at south Ferry field yes-; Coach Cappon. terday afternoon when the spring Several members of last year's vaqrsit and freshman teams were gridiron candidates went through scrimmage under the scrutiny of the coaches. Although the players, naturally enough, failed to display the condition that marks such ses- sions in the fall, they made the opposition realize that it was no parlor sport that they were indulg-- ing in.. Coach Tad Wieman picked two teams from the large squad of gridders, and gave each of these groups a few plays to rehearse. Coach Veenker put one eleven through its tactics, while the other 4. -TOM y[ UJ11 c a * 11 41 **LJW G noticeable in the lineup of Coach Veenker's group. These included Draveling, Bovard, Hewitt, Hudson, and Auer. The backfield was com- posed of three freshmen, Daniels, Heston, and Priest, while Simrall of Varsity fame was at quarterback. While the other players were par- ticipating in the scrimmage, the remainder of the squad went through a session of receiving punts. George Rich had charge of this group, while Jim Miller, Var- sity quarterabek in 1927, did the kicking. Orange Appear Weak In Staff Of Huriers traub at third, while Truskowski4 will take over the backstop duties. The only possibility of a shift lies in Myron's head injury of last Tues- day, which may keep him out of today's tilt. In that event Kubicek will be shifted to shortstop, and Moodie, utility man, will play sec- ond base. Besides the above play- ers, Asbeck, who is slated to pitch the second game of the series to- morrow, and Reichman, substitute catcher, made the trip. University of Indiana.-Accord- ing to Miss Margaret Bridgman, of I the English department, fascinat- ing speech, almost a lost art, in- stead of physical beauty, is one of4 the greatest secrets of a charming personality. ( LAiS I F I ' "PIANO TUNING-The Concert Art- NOTICE ADVERTISING1st Piano Tuner, phone 6776. Vic-' WE BUY USED CLOTHING ADtERTSIN for Allmendinger. Not with any I. BENJAMIN music house. Exclusive piano 215 E. Washington. Phone 4310 NOTICE -Peco edge gold and sil-tuner for the University School 134 c vEr -o sdegland sit- of Music Ofice at residence NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of Sewing Machine Co., 205 East Axminister and Wilton rugs. Washington. 456 ,Koch & Henne. C PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE NOTICE WWOOD W HOME AT A SAVING OF 10% WE BUY USED CLOTHING T A WOOD --- WOOD OCARD. DIAL 3916, 1 BENJAMIN Call 9534 MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. house for summer session, two blocks from Campus. $60.00 per month. Dial 21079. 45 FOR RENT-Apartment. Call 5800 or evenings, 6858. C WANTED TO RENT -Furnished house for U. of M. Summer'ses- sion. Address, Michigan Daily, Box 51. 34 FOR RENT-Six-room furnished f 1 ;. wslamgon. nx ± 4iu ry,Th,+y, X/X^^ - ,' I ZN 4" a - TYPING -Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112, Killins Gravel Company. C TYPEWRITER SERVICE _ -- New (Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ington portables, also used large and portable typewriters of all makes bought and sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. uarge stock, best service, consid- erate prices. Phone 6615. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. U I-I 4Ptl~~; ~4~, c F~ r :% t N& / A1 MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B., Director 310 S State Phone 7927 C FOR SALE FOR SALE-1925 Ford Sedan. Per- feet running condition. Bargain. Call 1330 N. University. 234 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Six room furnished house, near Campus, for summer months. Dial 7608. FOR RENT--June to September. Modern 4-room furnished apart- ment, light and airy, water-soft- ener, electric refrigeration, good location. Reasonable. Call 6098. 45 FOR RENT--Completely furnished three-room apartment. Large at- tractive rooms for girls; also garage: available immediately. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 East Wash- ington. 456 Subscribe To The Michigan Daily !+" .n ' aum~ _ r, Want Ads Pay WVA~k OVCPJ l113 SOU'GH MAIN.J'STREET d, ?fl Arbn-/(Wjehifian f ' t 11 I HEY i NEVER lIRE 01 TH0 H ATH CWIOHZ 11 The makers of Thos. Heath ask no better reward than this: that their clothes should become a life-long habit with the men who wear them. We've found that it works that way. We don't belie e any of the men we have sold Thos. Heath Clothes would wear any other. Why? Simply because of that companionable quality of freedom and ease that is to be found in Thos. Heath and Thos. Heath alone. Such is the result of so:much hand work, personal supervision, and everlasting fussing with details. urnV 1111