F~TAPR AIL 26 , 1i2 k
----- - ----------- --
... . --
No Change Is Likely To Be Made 1
In Michigan's Lineup For
These Two Games
An undefeated Syracuse team,
boasting -its strongest batting linie-
up in several years, will try to make
up for the double reverse suffered7
at the hands of the Wolverines at
Ann Arbor last year when the Or-
ange nine plays host to the invad-
ing .Michigan contingent at Syra-
cuse today in the first game of the;
annual two contest series.;
Syracuse, although unable to of-
fer the Conference champions much
competition in the 1928 battles, has'
improved greatly this season, and
will present a hard hitting and
clean fielding aggregation against
the Wolverines. In the only tilt of
the present season, the Orange
swamped Boston college, 18-11, in a
deluge of extra base hits.
Stevens, sophomore shortstop,
proved the offensive star of the
game when he garnered a homer,1
a triple, and three singles off the7
various Boston pitchers in his five}
trips to the plate. Stoneberg, soph-;
omoreleft fielder, contributed at
homer and a triple to account for i
two more of the 20 Orange hits.
Syracuse' greatest weakness ap-
peared to be in the hurling depart-
ment, the Orange pitchers allowing'
Boston 11 runs. The veteran Base-r
ly,, who held the Boston nine in5
check after his insertion late in thek
game, will probably be used on the
mound today to oppose McAfee, star;
Wolverine hurler.I
Three more of last year's veterans.
will appear in the much juggled;
Syracuse lineup. Horwitz, last year'sf
shortstop, has been shifted to thef
backstop position to make room for j:
Stevens, while Deming, replaced bye
Horwitz, will be used in the out-t
field. The third outer garden willk
be taken care of by Sibus, anothera
member of the 1928 squad. Sopho-
nores will take care of all the in-
field positions.1
The regular Wolverine lineup willC
appear in the field behind McAfee,I
Coach Ray Fisher announcedyes-
terday. The outfield will consist of1
Captain Corriden in the left gar-
den, Nebelung in center, and Straub
in right. McCoy will hold down the C
first base job, with Kubicek at sec-
ond, Myron at shortstop, andWein-1
(Continued On Page Seven)
With the Twentieth Annual thereby. Illinois also ha asp d-i
Drake Relays scheduled to get Mtons of turning in a winning coin-+ mt (} T OWL Gl lb atcadHwiltoD- i mVO
under way this afternoon, athletes bnation, and the Ilini, headed by afr -
from all parts of the middle west their undefeated four mile and ' morrow, Michigan's Varsity golfers
are gathering in Des Moines to sprint relay teams, look to have a Conference Championship Chances will return to AnnArbor Sunday Purdue Stays In Tie For Top Rung BIG TEN STANDINGS
make the entry list of this year's good chance of realizing their Appear Bright With Strong afternoon for a match with the By Bunching Hits To Down W L Pct.
event one of the most brilliant ambitions. Team Ready For Action Barton Hills team at Barton Hills Chicago Maroonsue 3 0 1.000
ever assembled for the traditional Outstandin me i th fiel Country club. Each team will be Indiana......... 3 0 1.000
competition. events, and the certainty o strong BACON WINS POSITION petition being inlboth twosomes i RAiN GIES PURPLE WIN Northwestern.02 00i
Stars from most of the Big Ten competition in several of the sched-st and foursomes Ohio State.2 3 400
schools, added to those, representing uled fields, will make the perfor- Seven men will make the trip to The feature of the Sunday match: Two of the leaders in the Big Ten Illinois .... ...... 1 2 ,333
numerous other mid-west institu-I mances of some of the entries Evanston it was announced yester- will be the meeting of two former baseball race, Indiana and Purdue IIo ...... 0 1 .000
tions, forecast a meet which will closely watched. Ketz of Michigan, day afternoon by Coach Ray Court- state hm inga ohnny M abll rced iadf nddPerduC, o ..-- , ..- 0 2 .000
be filled with record breaking per- national haimer throw champion, wright. Those selected to make state champions, as Johnny Mal- will be forced to defend their stand- Chicago.........0 2- .000
formances and close races. Comn- will be one of these marked men, the trip are Captain Horace Bar- y, present title holder, will oppose ing in the league Saturday when Minnesota.......0 2 .000
petition in the track events appears as he will have to put out his ut- ton, Ed Hammer, Jim Spencer, Bob Dave Ward, a former champion three games are on the card. In- Wisconsin.......0 0 ,000
to be especially close with nearly most to win from Dart of North- Beal, Ken Schaeffer, Marvin Ba- Malloy will represent Barton Hills. tdiana is scheduled to meet Wiscon- - ---
every school boasting at least one western, his closest rival. con, and King Moore. Other players in the Barton Hills sin at Bloomington, while Purdue the field. Gross on the mound fdr
star of the first magnitude in the White of Kansas State Teachers With weather conditions hardly lineup will be Jimmy Malloy, Dan must entertain the Chicago Ma- hPurduehurled back the losers twice
sprints or the distance events. College one of the best shot t favorable for the last minute Quirk, Mack, Duncanson, Court- roons. The third tilt will be atwithout runs after they had filled
Bracey of Rice will be favored to ters in the west and holder of the touches the varsity squad played wright, Blane, B. Quirk, Cissell, and Ohio State with Illinois as the the bases. Urban was on the mound
win the sprints in which he is en- Drake record of 48 feet 9 inches under leaden skies yesterday in the Carver. The Michigan lineup has opponent.
tered, due to the form he has dis- is out to repeat in this event, while ! last minute conditioning for the not been announced as yet, but Purdue chalked up its third Rain played a big part in North-
played in the other meets in which ( Rasmuss of Ohio State, a new star, opener with Northwestern, Satur- Captain Bergelin, Ahstrom, Living- straight victory without defeat last western's second consecutive 3-to-i
he has been entered this season, i on the track firmament will have day. A last minute shuffle of the ston, and Hoover are almost certain Wednesday by bunching hits with i victory over Illinois in an abbreviat-
while the Notre Dame school will to be counted in the forecasts of . positions came as a result of a to play. No freshmen will be on opponents' errors to defeat Chicago, ed five inning game. The Illini had
have some first rate performers en- the discus results due to his toss , couple of successful challengel the Wolverine team, as another 4 to 1,-on the Maroon's own dia- pounded out three runs in the first
tered in other events. of 157 feet recently in the Southern matches. Bacon, formerly number match between the Michigan year- mond. The Boilermakers were out- half of the sixth but a downpour of
Iowa State that the Methodist Relays. 7, met and defeated Ken Schaeffer, lings and Barton Hills is being hit, 10 to 8, by the lsers, but the I rain ended the game before they
Reports from moving to the number 5 position. planned for Sunday, May 5. Chicago team erred four times in were retired.
Hawkeye thinclads have been turn- An Olympic performer, Gordon of In the match to decide the sixth - -
ing in fast time in their time trials Iowa, will appear in the broad position King Moore fell before -
during the past week, and that jump, and from reports this year, Schaefeffer
their hopes of presenting a win- is going even better than he did Michigan's chance to win con
ning aggregation at the important last season. Illinois will put two iference honors on the court appear TODAY and TOMORROW
meet are greatly strengthened strong pole vaulters in the field Ibright indeed with Barton, Ham-
- - - s - -wd- with McDermont and Harper en- mer, and Spencer all capable of top ncWill be hur Last Opportunity to
TIGERS DOWN CLEVELAND tered in that event. Both of these notch calibre of play and at their - Order Your
men can go over the bar at 13 feet best any one of three should be.
AS BROWNS BEAT CHICAGO consistently, and should bring a the equal ofnany man in the Big AP AND GOW NS
trophy to Champaign. Ten. C P
Rain halted all except two of the -----
major league games scheduled for i-..---. -',, frot
yesterday, the only contests played d I
being the one between Detroit and1
Cleveland and the one between the
St. Louis Browns and the Chicago
White Sox.
Detroit defeated the Indians be-
hind the fine pitching of Emil Yde,
former Pirate, who was making his
first start in the American League.
In the other game St. Louis scored
enough in the first inning to nose
out the White Sox in a pitcher's
battle. Bud Clancy of the Sox hit
a home run in the first.
Cleveland ....000 000 000- 0 8. 1
Detroit.......300 020 OOx- 5 11 1 1
Hudlin and Sewell; Yde and Phil- I
lips. l
R H El
St. Louis .....300 000 000- 3 6 0
Chicago ......100 100 000- 2 8 1
Gray and Schang; Lyons, Connal -
ly and Autry.
All other games-Rain.
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