FRII AY, Arm 26, im T HE MIC H IAN AIY PAGE FRIDAY, APFLIrJ 26, 1929 ?AGE _ .v.__~ i 4 1 1 CZ= k, VVA Alt _5 __5" l .. rw, SA A MEMBRS TO James K. Pollock States That Women PE Exert Powerful Influence In PoliticsM 1EAR BLUE BLAZERS i en voters intelligent? vote prevents many things from TO M ENSTU ENTS Yes indeed,"says James K. Pollock, being perpetrated.T SAssistantProfessor of Political "Women in America are the most Decision Is Made At Informa Seience, and he ought to know for independent, resourceful and intel- Cards permitting University wom-1 Meeting Held In Women's it is his business to study and ob- ligent in the world", Professor Pol- en to attend the sessions this after- Athletic Building serve the political situation in the 'lock went on, "but politically they noon of the Conference of Deans country. have not as yet achieved as much and Advisers of Women, which is AY E yEE NW .Andyet he adds that before giv-|recognition as women in the Scan- meeting here in connection with MAY BE ORDEREDon NOWmen Ande San-the Michigan Schoolmasters' con- ing his reasons for a positive answer dinavian countries. In these coun- vention, are procurable in the office to this question it must be remem- tries women have had more, andote ,rererbTemdens ae The plan of having an official W. bered that we have only had uni- greater offices than in the United 1 the recorder. The deans are A. A. blazer to be worn on the versal suffrage since 1920, which 'States." meetingin two sections, both ses-( campus and on the athletic field means less than 10 years to observe j "In this country women are no o'clock. by all members met with enthus- how and why women vote. Of course more influenced by appearance of IThe rooms in which the sections iastic approval by the members of there are isolated examples to be candidates, than are the men," Pro- are to met arehst s.ect o the Women's Athletic association observed, as for instance in Wyom- fessor Pollock stated emphatically. cae , mbut tare still subjecthe when it was presented to the or- ing women have had the vote for As in the case of Harding, which Union, and the numbers of the ganization at a spread held last 40 years. Therefore since the period 1has so often been cited, President ill be osterson the night in the Women's Athletic has been so short sciehtific data Harding made just as much appeal boards ther be posted on the bulletin building. on which to base opinions is lack- to the men as to the women in this The conference is to open with a The blazers, which were display- ing and only two or three attempts respect. He added further that "this lunchepon at 2:1 oo n the y ar an have been made to analyze the vot- last election should also settle that Union ballroom. This luncheon is othy Touff, 30, are a navy blueing mind of women and what ap- stupid argument, for no one can open only to members of the tailored jacket of woolen worsted. tpeals to them. ,ay that Herbert Hoover has Much asoito.A sekroYa On the pocket will be worn either Thnhvn cerdh dek ayhtHrbrHoerasmh association. A speaker of na- theW p w ethesr Then having cleared the decksattraction as far as face and figure tional reputation is to present a the , A. A. esignipa, th class.r for his own personal opinions, P ar concerned, and he had a strong subject allied to the theme of numerals, a 300 or a 1200 point M. fessor Pollock proceeded. He said: women's vote too." So that ends Scoolmasleters.thmeo The blazers will be produced at in the first place that women arc that.e At tSchoolmasters. a minimum cost and they may be more interested in moral and social A At the meeting of the university, , ordrednowfro Maie artigwelarequetios tan enand As to the vote itself, women dis-" college, and normal school deans'|l ordered now from Marie Hartwig, welfare questions than men, andrbiyetnr agree on questions as much as men, section, at 2:30 o'clock, talks on' who il Barbour m every after- that this inotmere moral hysteria.except on the moral and social is- special subjects are to be given by noon to take the orders. e iatinterestedmin scial sues already discussed. Men and Miss Grace Manson, of the bureau Already a large number ofebla ioatin etmuch ore suprt- women have the same general poli- of University research, Miss Elisa- ers have been ordered and it is fessor Pollock added "is a very tical attitude, and it is not possible both Conrad. dean of women at the hers ha beny orredandbt is fesor Poulloc adde i to deliver such a thing as a "wom- Michigan State college, and Miss mediatmely,in y order w that they may hopeful sign." en's vote." Lydia I. Jones, dean of women be worn on Lantern Night which is Continuing along this line, he Of course it must be admitted at Michigan State Normal. b W. A. A. function. It is also tated that there is no question that here on campus women voters Miss Grace B. Clark, of Hastings, desirable that the whole member- tht t inyuence of o are not as interested in politics as and Miss Bertha Pulford, Northern ship of W. A. A. wears the blazersi been strongly felt in politics, and1 men. "But", adds our kind chain- high school, Detroit, are to be thel in order that they may constitute that women have not been recog- pion, "it takes time." And thus the speakers at the meeting of the high the official uniform of the Michi- nized in politics as much as they matter reaches a settlement, once school deans' section, which meets, gan organization when it is hostess deserve. Although they have not and for all. Women are inteligent at the same time as the other sec- to the national convention of the i achieved a parity with men, either voters, and they are not influenced tion. Questions and discussion will Athletic Conference of American in accomplishment or recognition, primarily in looks. follow the talks at both sessions. College Women meeting here in they have made >contributions, and Ann Arbor next spring. At this occasionally are determining fac- time delegates from 184 colleges tors. The presence of the women's and universities all over the United 'i.N, E_. Pri, "4~r!1' L1%0?A 11 T J. McCarthy Believes Campus Theater Should Be Intimate And Experimental SOCIETIES ELECT NEW MEMBERS R j "I believe that a campus theater should be modeled as closely as pos- sible after the Little Theater plan,"3 declared Jerome F. McCarthy, '29, in an interview yesterday. McCar- thy is a student of the drama and the author of "My Man,"-one of the four winning original plays in the contest recently sponsored by Play Production. "Max Reinhardt, of course, has three types of playhouses, a small one for intimate, experimental pro- ductions; another larger one for ordinary plays; and one with a seating capacity of 5,000 for page- ant production. The first is the variety we need here," McCarthy stated. Unpaid student actors are not capable of producing plays so professional as to require a larger -auditorium." McCarthy next stressed the need for some kind of organization among the different dramatic units on the campus. He believes that the campus theater will do much toward this end. I l 1 i 1 II warantd b aristy o pef- Alpha Alpha Gamma, honorary warranted by artistry architectural society,announcesthe mance. I believe that a campus initiation of Margaret Funk, '29, theater should be free to every or- ,Julia May Conlin, '31, Anna Robb, ganization, or else they should all '30, Marie Frederick, '30, May Tut- be charged the same rate for tie, '30, Evelyn Postal, '30, Dorothy the use of the auditorium. In White, '31,. Elizabeth Martin, '30, this way much inequality would and Marjorie Mae McGuire, '31. The be eliminated." initiation was held Tuesday night McCarthy believes that some such at the Theta Phi Alpha house. plan as that put forth last year by' Margaret J. Rehrig,'30, had charge Professor Earl E. Fleischman, in- of the ,meeting of Kappa Phi Tues- structor in speech, would make for day. Supper was served, and six better feeling and closer unity Women presented a sketch, dealing among the dramatic clubs. Profes-- with a typical college girl's prob- sor Fleischman advocated a "First lems. Bertha , Howard, '31, was Nighters' Club", to be made up of elected recording secretary to take all those sincerely interested in the the place of Marguerite Cornell, '30, drama, which would attend the first who resigned. A banquet and party nights of all campus productions. for the mothers of Kappa Phi mem- Concluding his views, McCarthy bers will be held May 11, it was repeated the age-old cry for a larger announced. and a better-equipped stage. "The University has never helped the CORRECTION dramatics branch at all, and it seems to me that it is time for Lantern Night will be May 14 I i something to be done," he said. "i rather than May 4 as was announc- think that if the University provid- ed on this page yesterday. ed a theater and a well-equib "At present," he said, "the several stage with the proper lights, sets, r NOTICE dramatic organizations are openly and other necessary material, that treading all over each other's toes. the dramatic organizations would, There will be a meeting of the Mimes, with its own theater and after such a start, by charging a central committee for the Lantern financial security, has an advantage Jnominal admittance fee, be self- INightceremonies at 3 o'clock today over the other units which is un- supporting." at the Women's Athletic building. i I il .. si Inexpensive Fur Scarfs for Modest Incomes For the Modest Purse we have carefully arranged a Fur Scarf collection - inexpensive, but never inferior. The Season's latest Furs are waiting your choice. States will be here.! The meeting at which this de- I cision was made was a box supper served in the lounge of the build- ing. It was very informal and the business which was presented was presented in a very informal man- ner by the president, Betty Smith- er, '29. Dorothy Touff, '30, social chairman, was in charge of the party, and with her worked Ethelj Klanderman, '29, and Frances Mil- ler, '31.. There will be a very impor- tant practice of the University Girls' Glee Club at 4:15 this af- ternoon at the School of Music. A practice of Glee Club Orche- sis will take place at 1 o'clock tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The presence of every member is required at both of these practices. Group 2, 6, 9, 13, and ° 16 of Orchesis are to be present. Su IRTSHE IN WHIT E AND TAN, $3.98 and $4.98 WOMEN'S AND MEN'S TENNIS SHOES 89c to $2.98 Frs PeMre i t ' 1 " .. .r [ose Pointed Heel $1.95 Chiffon $1.59 Service Weight $1.29 ;gil 1 II in; o1111i;li111111!III Iii il ; l; i I 1idics ? 141 f Novelies A~A to C Wide WOMEN'S White Calf $2.98, $3.98- Sport Oxford. C r e p e Sole. ZW, D NG BL.DG. ANN ARBORMICH. Now comes the time of year when you ought no longer to delay storage of your Winter Furs, against the ravages of unseen insects. Let us call for them-Absolute protection and Insurance against every loss. Lowest Rates. i I I Ai / I '" , .. ........, . -., . r"a; err n.. r.., " .-. w.n Xy- v6.TI /1.M,' // 117 South Main , I . .... .,.._... JEWELRY FOR THE SPRING FORMAL t s y_ R des t 4R R ! E,/ . l..' v d Qr V d 0 oo Your ensemble is what you make it-for this year they are most versital-a change of blouse-- the substitution of a sweater or a frock changes its character. We are showing wool for street -georgette for afternoon--chif- fon for evening. The ensemble is without a peer day or night. 75o $9850 A lovely fox scarf gives the ideal touch to many a costume. $59.50 and up - The Keynote of Smartness Is INDIVIDUALITY This Spring, clothes must be individual to be smnart. Coats, Dresses, and Ensembles boast of such cunning differences that while they follow the mode each appears to be created for a par- ticular individual. Color as well as engaging de- tails, that are significant of the trend of fashion towards femininism, lend interest in choosing a new frock. $ 75 $ 75 $375 - . . x > :UK . -. h ; f y r, ,.. 0=9- di } SPARKLING NECKLACES Anticipating your needs for Spring dances, we have a collection of new jewelry. Long or short strands of pearls are ever smart. Chanel chokers, round or square stones, priced from $1.75 to $6.50. Baguettes, very new, at $6.50. Rhinestones $1.75 to $6.50. Clever details make each coat appear an individual creation. Their casual informality make them ideal for the woman who prefers to create her own cos- tumes. r BRACELETS To match your nacklace, there are bracelets. .. Chanle, Bag- uette and Rhinestone. Priced at $1.25 and up. EARRINGS To complete your jewelry en- semble, earrings of the drop or button type are priced at $1.25 and up. $3975 to a1250 I DANCE HANDKERCHIEFS In white or colors, delightful chiffon or georgette handkerchiefs are trimmed with bands of fine lace. $1.25 to $2.25. I 11 111 III