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April 25, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-25

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'TTUTIP, 07)AY, ArVTI- 25, 1929,

PAGE EIGHT Tl1UT~t)AY, APThTL 25, 192§


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Pubieation in the Bulletin is rontructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Vol. XXXIX THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 NO. 149
Convocation, Friday, April 26:
There will be a convocation of the University at which the members
of the -Michigari Schoolmasters' Club will be the University's guests
Friday, April 26, at 11 a. in., in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Henry Turner
Bailey, Director of The Cleveland School of Art, will deliver an address
on the subject "The Importance of the Arts in Education."
In accordance with the custom of past years classes, with the
exception of clinics, will be dismissed at the hour of the convocation
to permit the attendance ,of students and faculty.
Members of the faculty are requested to enter by the rear doors
of Hill Auditorium-and to pass directly to seats which will be provided for
them on the stage. Academic costume will not be worn.
C. C. Little
So Whong 1 I May Concern':
ay ruling of the Third Ass.stant Postmaster General the "University
of Michigan O.ffcial Publication," formerly called the "University Bul-
jetin' may not, be, mailed at the pound rate in envelopes bearing
the imprint "University Bulletin." Any University office having in its
possession, an appreciable quantity of "University Bulletin" mailing
envelopes )should send them to the Printing Plant in the basement of
the General Library whc#e this return card on the envelope will be
corrected, and they will be returned. In any event no copies of "Univer-
sity of michigan Official Publications" should be mailed in "University
Bulletin" envelopes from this date on.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary and Business Manager
Point System Committee:
There- will be a meeting of the Point System Committee of the
Womian's League on Thursday, April 25, at 4:00 o'clock in Barbour
Mary Alice Moore, Chairman
Senior Engineers:
There will be a class meeting on Friday, April 26, at 10:00 o'clock,
in room 348. Dean Patterson has granted permission to excuse Seniors
from classes at this time.
Eugene Easterly, President
Sumnner Positions:
Two positions in western summer camp. Mr. K. C. Marantette of
Camp Big Bear, located 20 miles from Yellowstone Park, in Jackson
Hole Country, will be in room 306 Michigan Union, Thursday, April 25,
from 12:45 to 2:00 p. m. to interview students interested in the follow-
ing positions: Camp cook; Senior medical student for camp infirmary.
Trips to Glacier and Yellowstone Parks are included in the camp pro-
Mary L. Stewart, Employment Bureau
Mr. Carver of The Swift Packing Company will interview seniors
interested in the various departments of the industry on Friday, May
23. Seniors interested should arrange for an interview through the
office of The Committee on Vocational Counsel and Placement, 201
Mason all. E
W. E. Parker
Student Summer Positions:
Mr. Bloomer, representing Mandeville and King Seed Company of
Rochester, N. Y,, will be in .room 306, Michigan Union, Friday, April 26,
between ten o'clock in the morning and five in the afternoon, to inter-
view students for summer positions.
Mary L. Stewart, Employment Bureau
Seminar in Strength of Materials:
Fatigue of metals will be the subject of discussion in Thursday's
meeting, room 340 West Engineering Building, at 4 p. m.I
R. T. Liddicoat

Geological and Geograplhica iJournal Club.:
There will 1 be a meeting in room 2054 N. S. at Vo'clock Thursday
evening, April 25. Mr. Richard Lougec will give an illustrated address
on "Land and Water in the Pleistoccne." All interested are cordially
invited to attend.
E. N. Goddard, Secretary
A. S. C. E.:
Spring Initiation Banquet will be held Thursday, April 25, 1929,
at 6:15 p. m., at the Union. Faculty members, students, and initiates
please take notice.
L. D. Kirshner
Sociology Stuidents:
Dr. A. P. Pilides, D.D.S., '09, of Detroit, will speak in Natural
Science Auditorium Thursday, April 25, at 4:15 p. m. The lecture willI
be illustrated, and will- concern the problems of the underprivileged
boy in industrial areas. "The Boys' C lubt will be described in terms of its
effect upon boy life in communities largely made up of the newer
immigrant population. The public is cordially invited to the lecture
No admission will be charged.
W. B. Palmer, International Forums
Biological Station:
There still remains room for a few students at the Biological Station.
Applications should be 'made on special forms which can be secured
at my office, room 1119, Natural Science Building, daily from 4 tb 5:30.
George R. LaRue, Director

To the Members oI'the Vaculty: 'Mail:
The invitation extended to the high school principals and teachers M
a year ago to visit the University of Michigan classes, especially in Mail for the following persm is
freshman subjects, during the sessions of the Schoolmasters' Club has on hand, undeliverable, at the man
been renewed. These visits will take place on Wednesday and Thurs- Office of the Post O ifce and my be
day of this week, and it is felt that such contact should prove of on or before May 4, at the Cfn-
mutual benefit to both the high schools and the University. The in- eral Delivery window.
tention is to allow the high school teachers to see for themselves the Rose Achuc, Rowena Benson,
type of work required of their students during the 'first year at the John Titus Boxwell, Mrs. Geo.
University, and to provide the university instructors with the opportuni- Bushee, Dana B. Casteel, Sani
ty of acquainting themselves with the problems of the high school Clark, Leonard Daniels, Gerald
student in making the transition from high school to college. The Duer, Louise Eastman, Dr. Guy
cooperation of the instructors will be greatly appreciated. Fowlkes, Prof. A. L. Fitch, E. T.
Committee on Arrangements Gibson, Dorathea Gundlach, Fred
Louis A. Hopkins, Wilber R. Humphreys, Philip Bursley, i Hackett, Prof. Lewis H. Hanford,
George Carrothers, IraM. Smith, Chairman Ellura Harvey, Ford Hilton, C. t.
Holley, Harold Llewelyn Hunphi-
University Lecture: reys, H. C. Joskier, Capt. Wilford
. Professor Gilbert Norwood, of the University of Toronto, will lecture !Katz, Dr. Richard Kimpton, Orcena
on "Apuleius and the Dawn of Mediaevalism," Friday, April 26, at 4:15 F. Knepper, James MacMahon,
p. m. in room 2003 Angell Hall. The public is cordially invited. Ruth McCully, William Raisoner,
F. E. Robbins . Chas. A. Reinke, Grant Reynolds,
William Warboys, Russell Watson,
Nick Welcho, Leo Weisellberg, Clara
University Loan Committee: E. Young.

The University Loan committee wis meet on Thursdtay, ApriL 2z, at
2:00 p. m., in room 2, University Hall.
All students applying for loans should call at the office of the Dean
f Students to arrange for an appointment with the Committee.
} W. B. Rea, Acting Chairman


Seniors in Journalism: University Extension Advisory
Seniors in journalism who are candidates for the certificate in Committee:
Journalism are requested to file at the journalism office, before May 3: There will be a meeting of the
a transcript of their four years of credits and grades, with an indication advisory Committee on University
of the special curriculum they have followed. Extension on Tuesday, April 30, at
J. L. Brumm 4 o'clock in Mr. Bishop's office,
Faculty, School of Education: W. D. Henderson
The next regular luncheon of the Faculty of the School of Education
will be held Monday, May 6. The next Faculty meeting is set for Mon- Notice:
day, May 20. -
C. 0. Davis, Secretary The diploma fee of $10 is paya-
i - -ble now! Early settlement is nec-
University Women: essary for the preparation of di-
I will not be in my medical office Thursday, but will be there the plomas. In no case Will the Uni-
usual hours on Friday. versity confer a degree at Com-
Margaret Bell mencement upon any student who
fails to pay this fee before 4 o'clock
Military Science 2: p. in., May 23. In case the Faculty
Mid-semester make up examinations will be held Thurs,{ y evening does not recommend any payor, the
this week at 7 o'clock in the R. 0. T. C. office, fee will be refunded on surrender.
H. B. Turner of receipt- for payment. The above
applies also to fees for all special
Forestry 31: certificates.
This class will meet in room 2054, Natural Science, on Friday, Candidates for degrees or certifi-
April 26. cates should at once fill out card
L. . Young. at office of the Secretary of their,
college or school, pay the Treas-
Political Science 126; Make-up Examination: urer of the University and have
The make-up midscmester examination in National Politics will j card receipted, and file indicated
be held at 3 p. m. today. Studen ts will please report to room 2032 section of this receipted card with
Angell i1all. the Secretary of their College or
E. S. Arown School..
Please do not delay till the,-last
Scabbard and Mlade: moment, but attend to this mat
There will be an honorary initiation in the Union, Friday, April ter at once..- We must letter, sign,
26, at 6:15 p. m. Uniforms will be worn. A banquet will follow the and seal approximately 2500 di-
initiation. plomas and certificates and we
Fred C. Fenton shall be greatly helped in this work1
I by early payment of the fee and
Michiganensian Subscriptions: . consequent longer period for pre-
Throughout this week 'Ensian subscriptions will be sold in the paration.r .
'Ensian Business office in the Press Building, Maynard street, at $5.50 -ecrialy W. Sit,
per copy. The very limited number of extra copies ordered from the Secretary ofthe University
printer are to be sold during this time. The treasurer's office will be closed
Fred G. Bauschard, Sales Manager each Saturday afternoon.

Notice to All Men Students:
The play grounds located on the
north and south sides of the Uni-
versity High School , re intended
for the use of the pupils of that
School and are not open to the
students of the University. 'rhi,
restriction is necessary in order to
insure the safety of the School and
also to give them adequate oppor-
tunity for play. Observance of thi
restriction will be much appreciate-
ed by the authorities of the Uni-
versity High School.
J. B. Edmonson
University Scholarships- Last
To avoid all misunderstanding.
literary students who wish to be-
come candidates for a Universit3,
Scholarship must hand in their
blanks in the office of Dean Effin-
ger not later than Friday evening
April 26. These scholarships are
for next year. There will be no
scholarships awarded next fall
This is the lash opportunity.
H. 1I. Thieme,
Chairman Scholarship

Polonia Literary Circle:


There will be a meeting Friday
evening, April 26, promptly at 7:30,
in Lane Hall. Because of the im-
portance of some matters, it is
urgently requested that every
member attend.
K. Karpinski, Pres.
Christian Science Society:
Christian Science Society of the
University of Michigan meets to-
night at 7:30 in the upper room
of Lane Hall.
Eloise Rue, Secretary

There will be a group ineetiig
tonight in Prof. Jack's office, to
secure material for the forthcom-
ing issue. Reading of manuscripts
will start at 7:30, and there will be
a staff meeting at 9:30.
J. A. Gilman -4
Sigma Gamma Epsilon:
There will be a luncheon at the
Michigan Union, Thursday, April
25, at 12:15 p. m. All members
and pledges are urged to be pres-
C. II.;Riggs, Seec.


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R. 0. T. C. Rise Team:
All men interested in trying out for the Rifle Team are requested
meetAt R. 0. T. C. Headquarters Thursday, 7:30 p. m.
H. B. Turner


Aeronautical Society:
There will be a meeting of the Society on Thursday, April 25, at
7:30 p ro., in room 348 West Engineering Building. All nominations,
for next year's officers will be made at this time.
L. M. Ball, President
Scabbard .n Blade:.
Tickets for the banquet Friday evening must be obtained from the
R 0. T. C. officby tonight.
C. E. Staff
All Campus Forum:
Prof. William A.prayer of th e History Department will discuss
"The New World, Since the Great War," in the reading room of Lane
Hall at 4:05 o'clock this afternoon. All men and women students and
members of the faculty are invited.
The Forpm Committee
Julius A. Zink, John Webster

Hindustan Club:
The Indian students are invited
by the Chinese Students Club at
its social meeting to be held at
Wesley Hall, on Saturday, April 27,
1929, at 8 p. m.
S. A. Rahman, Secretary
Woman's League Formal Tickets:
There will be a table in Univer-
sity Hall from 10 to 12 Thursday.
April 25, so that every house on the
campus can hand in lists of the
girls who want tickets for the for-
ma]l dance May 4. The number is
restricted and preference will be
given to .seniors. No list will be
accepted after this date and if no
list is turned in the house will
not receive any tickets. The girls
who are in sororities and living in
dormitories are asked to get their
tickets from the sorority.
Hermine Soukup,
Chairman of Tickets

, .e "/.Ithe":J ./1.IJ ,r .+° . , k°. b/i IJ.e"~ .r / .!:11 "

Former Residents of Betsy Barbour
Are cordially invited to be present
at the annual dinner of the Betsy
Barbour Alumnae Association Re-
union, Saturday, April 27, at 6:00
o'clock. Mi . Kathleen Hamm.
Business Manager, requests that re-
servations be made at the office not
later than 6:00 o'clock Friday, April
Ida V. Jenks
Ilota Alpha;
There will be a meeting of the
members of Iota Alpha Thursday,
April 25, at 7:30 p. in., in room 3201
East Engineering Bldg. Mr. Leon-
ard Boddy, will be the speaker.
G. G. Brown
New York Listed
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will present for your entertainment
Robert Emmet Sherwood's brilliant
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with a special matinee Saturday.
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