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April 25, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-25

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,TW Mir"TrISAM n.I:TI-*V

- .-, b UI vi--I ! r
UNIVERSITY OF PLANS CONVENTION HERE IN 1931 All mmbrs of the university
L UoLU LUs Delegates from more than 100 co- sistance of every undergraduate. , begin with the letters A to M in-
Trr__ceducational schools throughout the It will probably be necessary that elusive should see that their j
'HAB E Nl i The First Formal Function I'!country attended the convention of one of the dormitories be turned pound of candy is at the School I
Dinner Traditonal Ceremonya ivenjlhe Inter-Collegiate Association of over for the use of the delegates, j of Music for the candy sale at j M
LoloEe. raI Siixng Presentation University Women held from April while the hospitality of the sorority 18 o'clock. If anyone was absent I athl
EEA. MaBTSixh, Of Pageant 16 through April 20 at the Univer- houses will undoubtedly be called I from the meeting on Tuesday j cla
DEVOL HAVE TWO LEAGUE Seven O Ctc/ sity of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla- for W. A. A. and the honor socie- and did not receive notice about I St S t
CHAIRMANSHIPS Reservation are limited to DATE SET IS MAY 4 homa. The retiring and new presi- ties at the hostess colleges usually j the sale, her time will be ex- J at p
dents from the Women's Leagues provide a large share of the social ! tended until noon, but it is im- jing
one hundred fifty, the capac- Betty Sinither, '29, who as presi on the various campuses comprised program. perative that all candy be in the Wo
!SA AT ISMY8 i~ty of the main dining room, dent of W. A. A. is general chair- the delegates, and the purpose of The new Michigan League build- I hands of the sellers at that time. I the
-easOHoso A ad e eho id man of Lantern Night, has an- the convention was to discuss mat- ing will provide an admirable place o0-- org
Heads Of House Organization And an everyone wo is intereste nounced the names of the women ters of interest to women students for the meetings, discussion groups, vie
Eight Other Committees is urged to get in touch with who are to make up her centralmin order to secure mutual help and etc. . A.
Are Announced bnft Discussions Feature Conventions TV T
are A ncMrs. W. D. Henderson's committee. They are as follows: Cbenefit.snsFA TY blue
Margaret S. Bush, '30, president- office as soon as the number Dorothy Touff, '30, secretary- The Michigan delegates tote During the annual conventions pub]
e htreasurer; Ruth Marshall, '31, pro- ewere Mary ,J. mselves, programs consisting of
in their party is decided upon, grams; Margaret Eaman, '31, field sident of the League general speeches, round table dis- tirel
y announced the appoimeproperties; Louise Cody'30field and Margaret S. Bush, '30, the new- cussions and forums are presented. Women Are Asked To Bring Own pose
II League committees. These varous 242, University Exchange. decorations; Ethel Klanderman '29 ly elected president. Miss Grace This year the discussion groups Lunches For Trip Nt istl
together with the elected officer' music; JanetMichael,31, lunch- Richards represented the Advisers were held every afternoon of the
ogther w itte o e eon; Dorothy Goodridge, '30, pro- of Women. The national meetings convention. In these groups, va- view
Board of Directors of the League.wiRlEeon Doro rige , KprR- of the Association are held every rious problems were considered and WV. A. A. is sponsoring a novel athl
of he eage, illcontitte he D cession' properties; Kathryn Mc- bado ietr fteLau.odyawiescinlcne-nx
Helen Fellows, '30 has been ap- Murray, '31, patrons and patrones- odd year, while sectional confer- then the conclusions of the group canoeing party at 4:30 o'clock next nex
poined hairan f te Juiciry ses; and Peggy Eckels, '30, publi- ences are held in the alternate were presented to the rest of the Wednesday afternoon for all wom D
l~i pointed chairman of the Judiciary aI WednesEckysaf30rpuboi-for .a21.wod-
hcity. Betty H years. The Michigan delegates convention delegates in the forum en in the Un t ed
ben aointed chairm ofthe I the Freshman Pageant, will be an presented to the Association an - that followed. Such topics as T
hee appoinztdn cairma te n ex-officio member of the commit- ation from President Little, the freshman orientation, big sister or- will bring their own lunches. Those t
~K ,house organization committeeci andr oIte 'omit
it dtee. A repesentative of the Worn- I Advisers of Women, and the Wom-, ganizations, elections and installa- who are planning to go on the trip :er,
S rt. Today at 5 o'clock the last W. A en's League, as yet unnanounced, ens League to hold the next na-'tions, organization and 'methods, up the river may have their lunches
~,business secretary. Tdytt5ocoktels .A.esLaua e naoneionl onetin nAmAbopyrv eru. of A
Th haf th A. meeting of the year will be held will also serve. ional convention in nn Aor- the point system, Pan-Hellenic or- prepared Cppens or ut A
at the Women's Athletic building. The first general committee The invitation was accepted and ganizations, social activities,h'stu- Tuttle's. the.
Mapltees are as ollos Dorothy The meeting will be in the form of meeting will be held at 3 o'clock'the conference will be held here in dent newspapers, unusual groups The party will assemble at.Saun- Dr.
S Yearnd '31 psocial Jean Wal- a spread and a very novel one at Friday, April 26, at the Women's the spring of 1931. Isuch as town and business women, ders' canoe livery and arrangement vie
lace, '30, life membership; Dorothy that. Dorothy Touff, '30, vice pres- Athletic building. Will Stimulate League and smoking, were taken up in for canoes may be made when the tion
: Flynn, '30, bazaar committee; Isa- ident and social chairman of W. Lantern Night, which will be held! This convention will not only give these discussions, as "were judicial1 women arrive. , te
" belle Rayen, '30, world fellowship;.A. A., is in charge of the party and this year the evening of May 14, the University of Michigan a prom- boards, rules and regulations, wom-, The outdoor sports manager of intr
Erwilli Schneider, '30, candy booth; promises that it will be interesting is one of the most beautiful as well inent position among undergrad- en's buildings, and proctor systems.
'*Dorothy Woodrow, '30, undergrad- and entertaining. as one of the oldest of the tradi- uates nationally, but should pro- In the morning sessions, speechesn b. A. A. is hoping that a large divic
uate campaign; Albertina Maslen, Supper will be served on the ter- I tions for Michigan women. It will vide the local Women's League an were given by authorities on such number will plan to g on the ex defi
'1 house committee. ' race of the building which over- follow the presentation of the unprecedented stimulus and oppor- subjects as "The Relation of Stu- acursion. Those who do not know upor
; The date set or the installation looks the playing field. Those who Freshman Pageant and a picnic tunity for its own development. The dents and the Dean of Women ' a map t the direcy postd A. C
Hof the newly elected officers of the are out for interclass baseball will supper eaten on the hill at Palmer entertainment of the delegates will "The Activity Program", and "The the bullettne det o ed'A.C
1. League is May 8. The ceremonies come directly up from practice, but field. call for the co-operation and as- Health Program". onahullein board at Barbour feat
"Z will take place at the annual in- those who are not out are urged to This traditional event is given _
'stallation banquet, plans for which come too. in honor of the seniors, who attend I
i will be announced later. Those who This meeting is an importnt in their caps and gowns. As dark-
are to be installed are: Margaret .one as the executive board has sev- ness draws on, they march, lan-
' Bush, '30, president; Jean Wallace, eral important plans to lay before terns in hand, through garlanded 9
'30,vice-president; Roberta Reed,l the organization for its opinion. hoops held by the sophomores, andOR
'31, corresponding secretary; Helen The arrangements for the party around the field to form a huge
Jones, '31, recording secretary;Her- have been in the hands of the illuminated block "M". Then they jT R AC
social committee which includes pass on their lighted lanterns,
rmine Soukup, '31, treasurer; Mar- Ethel Klanderman, '29, and Fran- i symbolic of the spirit of learning,
SWoodrow, '30, senior class repre- ces Miller, '31. to the incoming senior class. The
14isentatives to the Board of Direc- Lantern Night song and the "Yel-
tors; Eleanor Cooke, '31, and Ruth low and Blue" are sung by the girls-e
SMarshall, '31, junior representa- iens ainteas the seniors make their farewells
- t aves ; and Virginia Losee, '30, Ruth hForiZoologyrMuse m Tih Alma Mater. hFF
is 'VanTuyl, ,'31, and Elizabeth Sun- totm is the only one of the hon- Fo oooy®ue m hs'r s u low er
*derland, '31, representatives to thei ors paid the graduating class inl
Judiciary Council. Amphibians and reptiles compose whi ea University women may T se hats are all nOw i r
the collection' which Miss Grace participate.
H1Onor System To Eager, artist for the museum of Nebraska. - Cookingis b e ifn
zoology, is painting for exhibition.' -
hgMs agrpit the figures fo taught to the men students at the = AETH RD
Be Debate Subject MissTa paactrsColeenhd sooFLAECA=NSALE THURSDA
models cast by C. W. Angell, sculp- eacther'sidacog e ighsl=un-RALLDESALESIFN
---..""" tor for the museum. She has never der the guidance of the university ' ALL SALES
7 On May 7 Athena literary society done any painting before, but
will debate with Portia on the ques- studied at Johns Hopkins univer-Spp
1 tion, "Resolved, that the honor sys- sity. Strings. Supplies
, tem of Oxford university should be The work of casting the speci-
" introduced into the United States. mens was begun last 'summerand. Repairs.. Flowers by Wire
The members of the Athena team when the collection is complete it
are: Rhea Goudy, '32, Elizabeth is expected that each of the 451 for all Musical Instruments =_
Quaife, '30, and Florence Miscott, specimens of amphibians and rep-1So4
, '32. tiles found in Michigan will have rkh avogl Poe71
Athena held a bridge party Tucs- been painted. Models are also made 6aEIUeiJeII9J
day 'evening at the Sigma Kappa of specimens from other parts of MUSIC HOUSEee609 E.\William 106 E. Washington w
house at which Ollie Backus, 29,1 the world, now at the museum.69 .Wiias16E Wah to
won the first prize. The work of casting the reptiles 110 S. Main St.
is begun by first drowning them. if
NOTICES While they arerstill fresh, they are
There will be a meeting of Mum- posed on a suitable background, as,_
mers at 4 o'clock today at the Kap- natural if possible. They are then
pa Kappa Gamma house. All ab- set in molds from which the
sences must be excused. final casting is taken. ,

aterial for the "Newsletter," an
etic magazine which will cir-
te throughout the U n i t ed
es, has been collected and is
present on the presses, accord-
to an announcement of the
pen's Athletic Association. For
second consecutive year, this
nization has been editor 'of the
'-point of the member of the
sletter publication.
hie cover will be a Michigan
and the first section of the
[ication has been devoted en-
y to Michigan news. The pur-
of this emphasis on Michigan
o acquaint other schools and
eges with this University, aln
of the fact that the national
etic conference is to meet here
rothy Touff, '30, recently elect-
resiaent of W. A. A. has writ-
a welcome, which will appear
he ' Newsletter." Betty Smith-
29, retiring president of W. A.
nd 'of' the Athletic Conference
merican College Women, is also
author of one of the articles.
Margaret Bell has taken the
point of the members of the
ty on the national organiza-
ctions headed IndivIdual Sports,
amural News, and Features
e up the publication into a
itely organized plan. A map,
1, which the 200, schools that
ncluded in the register of A. C
. W. are indicated, 'is a ne
ure 'of the "Newsletter" thig.
- f-
ping Hats..
NS" $
materials and style


:: .


Hosiery of sheerest chiffon in
the new Spring Shades.
For all occasions when you
want to look your best.





. ,



The most important bag fash.
ions are here in new materials
and -new shapes.

. '
~'. '-


These are the hags

that the



'. ,

dressed" are choosing to wear with their
new Spring costume.

$80- $9,0O0-$10.00
Footvear fashion reigns
colorfully this Spring -


.. .
1P Deliciou and Refreshing ~
ID AI$41 )



Lido Sand,

Your sport costume is not complete without
the new wooden beads-various colors and
Scarfs in new color ocmbinations plaited
and plain, square, long and triangles.
Now comes the modernistic handkerchief
another accessorie 'to help complete your
costume. r~

Blackc, Tan, Beigc, Pat-
ent Leather, in fact all the
nev Spring and Sunmer
The unexpectcd is always
expected in our main floor
shoe department.

t, and
always a
ment sta
from anyw
ice-cold Co
every day in
people stop ait
selves with th
natural.flavors a
with the zest of a


The moral is
there it is. imp
refresh you
:never you ca'
twish you cc
in normal 'a
asoda laountai
nd around t
where with p
oca-Cola read
n the year 8
ninute, refresh
is pure drip
and are off a
fresh start.

to avoid situations
:posible to pause
rself- because
A' is when you
:ould. Fortu-'
flairs there's
n or rdresli-
he corner
plenty of
y. And
k of

I '
. j ;

. ":.
' h
.; ,
:%"- :




11 A A II1


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