PAGE FOUR THE M ITCHIGAN DALy TmfR~bAY ~APIL~r Published every morning except Monday d, ing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. I Member of Western Conference EditorialE Association. The' Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to 'the Lase for republication of , all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and; the local news pub- lihd herein. Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, vs second class matter. Special rate of postag. granted by Third Assistant Post- master General, $ Subsciption by carrier, $4.o; by mail,3 effices- Ann Arbor Press Building, May-. uArd Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDIlrOR KENNETH G. PATRICK Editor...................Nelson J. Smith City Editor .............. J. Stewart Hooker 'News Editor........... Richard C. Kurvink Sports Editor........... W, Morris Quinn Women's Editor..............Svia S. tone Telegraph Editor............George Stautet Music and Drama............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar Night Editors Soseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe oanald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley jof Nansen had many thrilling ad- ventures to tell of, while, Lowell Thomas, too, held his audience spellbound with the tale of exciting experiences in Palestine and Arabia. As for Cornelia Skinner, those who have seen her and heard her speak, report that she is as beau-! tiful as she is talented. Miss Skin- ner is rapidly coming into the pub- lic eye andi shows great promise of developing into as great an actress} as her father was actor. It is unfortunate that the origi- nal schedule of speakers could not be rigidly adhered to, but when dealing with the human element, especially those likely to be tem- peramental, plans cannot be de- termined very far into the future. Yet it must be said that the powers that be have done the right thing by their patrons by offering worth- while substitutes. 0 THAT JONES LAW The justice of the Jones law pro- viding imprisonment for five years or a $10,000 fine for certain liquor offenses has been a subject of long discussion. Mrs. Willebrandt's rul- ing of recent date declaring that the law should be invoked only in cases of definite commercialism had elements of sound reasoning and seemed to indicate at least some tendency towards fairness in the matter of handling the violators. But now one Levi H. Bancroft, United States district attorney at ilwaukee, Wis., has refused to differentiate between cases by call- ing one a misdemeanor and one a felony and declares that he will try minor cases of very slight violation ander the strict provisions of the Jones law. He refuses to relegate such minor cases to the provisions of the Volstead act. Whether one agrees in principle with the Jones act or not, he can- not help feeling that Bancroft's action is decidedly unfair in its idea. It places the man who sells a pint of liquor to a friend in a category with the man who sells thousands of cases of liquor to his GET POTTED, " FROSH ! If the disciplinary, committee of the student council is in earnest and the unpotted frosh continue to believe it is not, it looks as though we may look forward to seeing some rare campus specimens be- fore long. The river duckings will leave no telltale marks on the offending freshmen bit a shaved knob is slightly less temporary, and a lot more trouble. Hair-minded- ness seems to be creeping into ev- ery phase of life these days. The disciplinary action may revive an old custom, according to yesterday's story. The first one that enters our mind is that of shouting "Beaver!" at hairless'frosh (or is it bewhisk- ered frosh?) thereby scoring ten points. What one does with the ten points makes no difference-it's the spirit of the thing that counts. !.. o- Music And Drama --4 -t -01 I. TONIGHT: Miines prespt Rob- bert E. Sherwood's satire on Queens and their husbands, "The Queen's Husband" in their theatre, beginning at 8:15. Curtain at 8:3Q o'clock. * * *. TO THE JUDGES On behalf of those interested in the outcome of the amateur play writing contest and in the Univer- sity Theatre movement in general, the editor of this column takes the liberty to thank the judges, Pro- fessors, P. M. Jack, J. M. O'Neill and C. M. Thorpe for their kind- ness in consenting to read the manuscripts submitted, and judge their merit. Their devotion to' the task takes on the aspect of heroism, particu- larly when roused from bed at eight o'clock Sunday. morning by hopeful contestants submitting MSS. R. LESLIE ASKREN. PLAY CONTEST RESULT The decision of the judges of the three-act play contest was an- nounced to the play writing class last night at its meeting in AngellI hall. Professor Jack, chosen chair- man and spokesman for the judges, gave the decision and followed it by taking up each play submitted and commenting on the achieve- ment each showed. The decision to award produc- tion to two plays rather than one as had been announced previously I - FURNITURE AUCTION! Paul L. Adams )&orris Alexandfl C. A. Askren ertram Askwift.a Louise Behymer Arthur Bernsteu Seton C. Bove Isabel Charles R. Chubb Frank Z. Cooper Helen Domine jMargaret Eckels Douglas Edwards "Valborg Egeland Robert.J. Feldman Marjorie Follmer William Gentry Ruth Geddes David B. HempsteadJ Richard Jung Charles R. Kaufman Ruth Kelsey. eportere Donald E. Layman Charles A. Lewis Marian McDonald Henry Merry Elizabeth Quaife Victor Rabinowitz Joseph A. Russel Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Ruth Steadman A. Stewart Cadwell Swansea Jane Thayer Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Wiliams Jr. Welter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth Edward L.Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE Ausfatant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer Advertising.................A. James Jordan Advertising............... Car. W Hammner service. . . .... .....Herbert E. Varnum irculatiou..............GeorgeS. Bradley Accounts..;...........Lawrence E. Walkley Publications............. .Ray M.Iiofelich Mary Chase jeanette Dale V ernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally 'Faster Anna Goldberg Xasper Halverson George Hailton Assistants Marion Ketr Lillian Kovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose S arl F. Schemum George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Welistead various customers. from the spirit of Such variance the Jones Act Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 HONEST ELECTIONS With the question of elections rules definitely settled by the Stu- dent council, the campus politicians will probably begin oiling and greas- ing the two main political ma- chines, which must swing onto the track with all of their voting power on May 15. There is also the possi- bility that ambitious young organ- izers may even go so far as to try to build smaller machines of parts discarded by Tweeds of campus pol. itics. Various systerns may be worked out to win the elections one way or another, but if the proposed system is carried into .effect in full there will be small chance of the scandal which has. accompanied elections so far this year. The system of checks on votes cast seems to be al- most fool-proof, but the important issue will not be in counting. bal- lots against registration certifi- cates. Care in guarding the balloth between the time of closing the polls and the beginning of the! counting, will be the essential item. It would be easy enough by checking through the ballots and certificates to find that a mistake had been made, but the only way it could be rectified very satisfactor- ily would be through a new election. In fact, elections might well be. held because of errors right through the next five months to get a fair one should a system of beating the game be worked out. It might, however, be interesting to see just who would be the choice; of'the campus for various positions,, rather than who has the best ma- chine behind him. With a little co, operation, this year such a thing may be possible. We must simply hope that the new system improves1 the situation. ---o-, GOOD JUDGMENT obviously should not be tolerated by the federal department of jus- tice and it would be a happy ges- ture if more specific rulings were made by the higher powers in charge of enforcement. Perhaps the greatest rubberneck joy of the day would be to see King Victor Emmanuel of Italy punch his premier in the nose. Instead of having all these judges impeached, why do both the judges penalize'the legislature for con- tempt of court? Experts are still arguing about farm relief. Varsity debaters may take heart, for the ability to argue is now the criterion for a; farm re- lief expert. 0-A LAUGHS FROM ) o o I OTUHERSCHOOLS I -According to a poll conducted by the Stanford Daily recently it seems that students there are in favor of a modification of the Eighteenth Amendment. Such rad- icalism should not be tolerated. -At Davidson College letters wereI received from an eastern univer- sity co-ed addressed to the "Cut- est Man on the Campus." We'd hate to see the gent who claimed them. -The Dean of Western Univer- sity has asked all students to throw all waste paper on the floor instead of in baskets "in order to give the place a more business-like air." The funny part of. this is the Dean's conception of a business- like air. --Three hoboes arrested at Tu- lane University for taking a free ride on a freight train turned out to be co-eds from*Randolph Ma- con college. My, what a freightful experience. (Is that enough, or do you want more? Instructors make interesting soc- iological studies. For instance. In one of yesterday's classes a young instructor asked the class for. a bit of information which had slip- ped his mind. Evidently it had slipped the minds of the class, too, for no one volunteered to supply the missing link. The instructor, peeved, then exclaimed that he was "surprised at the class for not knowing a thing like that." Queer eggs, some of these birds. SCOOPED AGAIN BY THE TRIBUNE! (Clipped from April 23rd Issue.) "Angry lady customer (to gro- ceryman)-These eggs aren't fresh, by a long shot. Groceryman-Not fresh? Why, they were brought from the coun- try this morning, I'm sure. Angry lady cusomer-Which country?" The neatest trick of the week', as reported by Time, was turned by a Captain Edward Barber, who has been flying a plane for the Mexican, rebels, supposedly at $250 a week. It seems that he had somendifficul- ty collecting his money, and when; came as a among the J I 11 result of the feeling judges that such suc- Editorial Comment OUR SWING OUT (From the Cornell Daily Sun.) Simultaneously with the an- nouncement of another of a series of attempts on the part of students in the University of Michigan ar- tificially to prop up the tottering undergraduate traditions of that institution comes a plaintively out- raged cry from the University of California that its "old traditions must be bolstered up or they must cess in dramatic writing should be recognized particularly when the subject matter was so different in each. The two plays weie "City Haul" by W. R. Thurnau and "Leila" by Dorothy Lyon Acker- man. Commenting further, Professor Jack added that of the eleven plays submitted six were thoroughly worth producing after some re- vision, and that the two winners were of such calibre that he did not hope to find better plays from student authors. Considering the variety of plays showed in their range of material, Prof. Jack con- fessed to .decovering only one ele- ment in common, a friendly inter- est in bootleggers and their prod- ucts. Only pne play failed to men- tion some kind of liquor, while of the various kinds gin was the pre- dominant choice. Another oddity of the c'bntdst was "Kid Connell," a prize fighting play ranked among the four which drew honorable mention, and which struck him as an anomaly for being written by a woman. The plays given honorable men- tion were: "What A Nuisance" by R. L. Askren, a study in young love. "Heritage" by Ben S. Washer, a study, Ibsenian, in hereditary taint. "Kid Connell" by Melba B. Grimes, dealing with fighting and rum- running. "Skeleton Mine" by Syl- van Simon and Sylvan S. Rosen- baum, a thriller. In discussing "City Haul" Pro- fessor Jack identified it as a fas- cinating drama enacted on a back- ground of graft and bootleg wars such as have been keeping Chica- go interested for the last few months. The plot is an ingenious study in the expose that follows when the mayor's son goes to-the- bad and the gangsters' activities are accidentally discovered. A splendid scene in a blind pig fol- lows, where a reprisals episode similar to the garage murder of seven men by machine gun in Chi- cago, to make a tense play of im-. mensely dramatic situation. "Leila," on the other hand, was a finished success in characteriza- tion. , Eminently actable, and writ- ten with a very deft touch for dia- logue, the play centers around a woman who has so thoroughly mastered herself that she is able to squeeze out of life all the ele- ments she desires without involv- ing herself emotionally. The part requires polished acting because the indications of character, espec- ially of hardness, come suggestive-. ly, but the cumulative effect is successfully achieved in the writ- ing, and a smashing moment of irony comes at the close of the1 play when the dismissed lover gives way to his self confident suc- cessor, who will of course fare no better., Reviewing the plays generally, Professor Jack said that the show- ing was so indicative of fine dra- matic ability that all the contest- ants deserved serious encourage- ment in their efforts and that a fine tradition of play writing was being established on the campus as a nucleus for the University Theatre when it should material- 4 11 r, z; '"" ""/SI1. r-- 4. rM MGM ++1 ./Yl~l./1,'./Y. 11, 11 ./l/h/./.I.1./1. 1l.,IC 10. ii 11/lh/~.Ih/~,Itlll./ll1,/lJ;Oftr4 41 £ give place to cause of an The balance of Wuerth's $50,000 stock of high grade furniture being sold to the highest bidders at unrestricted auction. Don't- miss this opportunity to SAVE MONEY on furniture, rugs, etc. Sale Fkriday and Saturday. At 2 P. M. and 7 P. M. in the Evening Everythi ust be Sold 113-115 East Washington St. , I AI new." The primary editorial outburst in The Daily Californian is the at- tendance at the annual Ax Rally of the smallest audience in history. Incongruously enough, "the depth and dignity of California spirit" is not determined by the attendance at rallies, nor the value of Michigan by the sobriety of its seniors or such collegiate heydays as Swing. Out. There is, however, a much more fundamental objection to these adoescent attempts to inject the vitalizing drug of "pep" into the traditions of a university. By the very nature of the case, a custom, or a code ceasesgtogbe a tradition when it is no longer spontaneous. i MAY FESTIVAL,,1 4 Days - MAY 22,23,24,25,1929 - bconcerts HILL AUDITORIUM - ANN ARBOR EARL V. MOORE Musical Director FREDERICK STOCK Orchestral Conductor ERIC DELAMARTER Guest Conductor JUVA HIGBEE Children's Conductor Edith Mason Soprano Chicago Civic Opera Company Jeannette Vreeland'r Soprano Distinguished American Artist Sophie Braslau Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Marion Telva Contralto Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Crooks Tenor Premier American Concert Artist Paul Althouse Tenor Metropolitan Opera Company Lawrence Tibbett Baritone Metropolitan Opera Company Richard Bonelli Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company Barre Hill Baritone Chicago Civic Opera Company William Gustafson Bass Metropolitan Opera Company Josef Hofmann Pianist Polish Virtuoso Efrem Zimlaist Violinist Hungarian Master The Chicago Symphony Orchestra The University Choral Union Children's Festival Chorus Samson and Delilah Saint Saens The New Life Wolf-Ferrari Th Requiem Brahms The Hunting of the Snark (Children) Boyd I the amount due him reached six thousand mark he calmly firmly jumped into the plane flit up to Philadelphia, paint and all. The plane General Escobar, of the rebels, teen thousand dollars. the but and war six- 11 I I I I Because of unfortunate and un- If Californians cease to attend Ax forseen complications in the plans Rallies, Ax Rallies are no longer a of three of- the speakers who were tradition; if the modern senior at scheduled to speak here on the Or- Michigan refuses to appear at atorical association program, itISwing Out except under the infl- was found necessary to substitute I ence of intoxicants, then sober other lecturers in their places at Swing Outs at Michigan were tra- considerable additional expense to , ditional until now, but they are no the association. longer. We do not presume to de- Homer Saijit-Gaudens, who made cide the worth or worthlessness of the first cancellation, was called to Ax Rallies or of sober Swing Outs, Europe on important business; fbut we deplore the short-sighted- Mrs. Sun Yat-Sen had to return to ness which leads Michigan and Cal- China for the burial of her husband lifornia to defeat their own ends by in, n nnnrAnn s- in na f i. -. nnrti I.i,...fa -;. 1m n f n 4L ie4 -s, nn nran .I There are now 1,860 inmates at Sing Sing, and more are being initiated every day, according to the New York Times. If everybody doesn't fall to and help President, l Hoover out in his campaign for less crime, the first thing you know they'll let the jailbirds loose and put the rest of us in jail. A woman in Columbus has just been granted a divorce from her husband on the grounds that he refused to kiss her. His excuse was that, as a trumpet player, he was afraid kissing would spoil hisl lips and ruin his career. There's a lot to be said pro and con this item but fortu- nately there isn't enough } 'U' Coac nf !ft IP}_ C .nn.C nn .2 'a 9nn/91 ~.±. i ml i