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February 17, 1929 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-17

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0 L







SWIMMarion LeRoy Burton
AFour yearsgo tomorrow, Feb. 18, 1925 Dr. Marion LeRoy BurtonFll
fifth president of the University, was taken by death, concluding an I
Aadministrationbrief in time but great in progress and achievement.
Born in Brooklyn, Iowa, in 1874, President Burton rose by his own
ANOTHERefforts from modeate circumstances to merited prominence and influ-
encein the educational worldand gained national recognition under
fldiscouraging handicaps.
In 1896 he entered Carlton college. Graduated with honors in 1900,
10 he took up graduate study at Yale in 1903, where he remained until
1907, receiving the degrees of Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of
Philosophy. An assistant professor at Yale during the following year,
he then became minister of Pilgrim's Church in Brooklyn, New York,
until called to the presidency of Smith college in 1910. In 1917 Dr.
DETROIT YACHT CLUB Burton went to the University of Minnesota and three years later l
BY 10-5 MARGIN accepted the presidency of the University of Michigan.
Coming to Ann Arbor in the difficult years following the World
SCORE OF MEET IS 40-31 war, he worked unceasingly for the progress and advancement of the FE
University. A comprehensive construction program had been begun
Gibson, Canadian Sprint Champion, by Dr. Burton when death halted his efforts. He was a man dis-
Stars In Hard Struggle tinguished for his personal magnetism, sound methods, tact and leader-
St r HrdSt rg gleship. - Si
hereLast ightC Climaxing a whispered campaign of several years comes the final
announcement that there will be a memorial erected on the campus
By Morris Quinn in hontor of the late president. The Burton Memorial Campanile as WA
Michigan's swimming team added the completed project has been named, will come into existence by the fying
another victory to its growing dual end of the University Ten Year Program in 1937, through the combined fairs
meet record for the present sea- efforts of the University of Michigan club of Ann Arbor and the mem- lution
son by defeating Toronto Y. M. C. A., bers of all the classes which were attending the University during the place
Canadian title holder, for the sec- regime of Pesident Burton. aggre
ond time this season, last night in A carillon of bells, expected to be one of the finest in existence, Kello
the New Intramural pool by a is to be installed in the campanile. Funds for the purchase and instal- Presi
score of 40-31. The Wolverine wa- lation of this carillon will be secured by a committee representing esor
ter polo team chalked up a decisive the classes of '21 to '28. The Ann Arbor Alumni club will undertake If
victory over the Detroit Yacht club the task of securing the necessary funds for the erection of the cam- I
combination 10-5. panile tower. Presd
Led by Gibson, Canadian sprint It is only appropriate that on the fourth anniversary of the death hard]
champion and the individual star of Dr. Burton his accomplishments and ideals should be recalled by secret
of the meet, the Toronto swimmers the students, faculty, and friends of this University. not b
pressed Coach Matt Mann's outfit to p
all the way, but the balance of the tries
Maize and Blue squad was toosuh
great a handicap for the invaders value
The individual stars of the To-s
ronto team managed to win four Sn
first places, two more than theSe
Vs'olverine niatators but the Michi- RE C IP R B A M N emba
,gan score was greatly augmented that
by the fact that the 1928 Confer- ~ ~China
ence and'Intercollegiate title hold- Cosmopolitan Club Is Sponsoring Wolverines Capture Five Of Eight hadl
ers won both of the relays and the Program Which Will Be In Matches To Make Fina Score shipm
majority of the second places. Nature Of Pageant A Decisive 18 to 9 2them.
Gibson Takes Century , Alt-
The feature performance of th PRORAM TO TELL STORY IS TEAM'S THIRD VICTORY Poite
program was turned in by Gibson .TKello"
lanky Canadian sprint champion Rehearsals for I n t e r n a t i o nal (spci l 'ITo The Dal). to it.'
in the 100 yard free style when he Night, which will occur this year on LAFAYETTE, Ind., Feb. 15.- volve
overtook Walker of Michigan in March 7 in Hill auditorium, are Sweeping five of the eight matches of th
the final lap to win the event by a progressing rapidly, according to Michigan's wrestling team main-' citizel
narrow margin in :55.6. Gibson Maximo G. Bueno, Grad, general tained its steady march toward its to fo]
also captured first place in the chairman. It will be .the sixth an- third consecutive divisional chain- own r
shorter sprint, defeating Walker nual presentation of its kind. pionship by defeating the Purdue!
and Reif of Michigan in :24.2. International Night constitutes teamh on its home mat last night, WA
Michigan's 200 yard relay team the rincipal activity of the Cosmo- 181 to 9 . It was the third Con- senate
omposed of Ault, ,Walker, Seager lit lub each year. Students ference victory for the Wolves, tee t
and Reif experienced no trouble in from many distant countries all placing them in a tie with Indiana to per
taking the opening event of the over the world take part in the pro- for divisional honors. the v
meet, defeating the Toronto com- duction Purdue scored five points in the The
bination by more than a length of In the past the International opening bout when Weinrub man- ficati
hPlnn s n iNight program has been largely in aged to pin Rubin near the end of count
Placing first and second m hbo the nature of an elaborate pageant the 115 pound match. The time was opera
the 200 yard free style and the the n:a4.reuofBan ewlaboaadeRpdgeant,
bac sroeth Mihianswm-with a separate program of st- 8:14. But Bob Hewitt and Ried ; ortu
back stroke, the Michigan swim- wt eaaepormo t Elliott ofset this early advantage ice to
mers piled up an imposing lead dents representing each country. itt seti a lyadvagt u ceutd
making the count 29-15, then Gib- This year, however, a distinct d bwinning time decisions. consol
son scored his second victory of parture will be made by the addi- Te45winn ntmdcsiod obtain
the evening over Walker in the tion of a story, making the entire The 1 pound mat e amtn
hundred to increase Toronto's total program have some strong sm- be the closest of the meet, Kelly of Inen
by five points. blance of a continuous performance Michigan and Robinson of Purdue,ter
PhilipsCapure Diing instead of a pageant having little i neither of whom has been defeatedl prpa.
A Phillips rscentral theme as has been the es.-this season, battling through two solida
Al Phillips, Canadian Olympic ( t st overtime periods to a draw. Wal- not m
diver who placedl seventh in the in-ton thpattieerdsoadaw h
The entre product0ion will he smiitl), Purdue nhiddleweighIt, upset a pla
tcrnational games at Amsterdamt under the personal direction of! the dope by gaining a decision over Sen
last summer, easily outclassed the Mrs. W. C. Rufus of Ann Arbor, who Captain Bob Warren of Michigan who i
other contestants in the fancy div- has had considerable experience in with a time advantage of 5:39. expec
ing contest to win first place with dramatic work. Mrs. Rufus has been Compting as a member of the filed 1
a total of 116.75 points. Kenneth, in charge of the casting and for- Varsity mat team for the first time again
his teammate, was second, while mulating of the many detailed Carl Dougavito turned in the fea-
Grimshaw of Michigan was third. plans necessary in staging the an- ture performance of the meet by
The final event of the meet saw nual event..l outclassing Hooker, Purdue's vet-
the Wolverine medley relay team Committees in charge of the cran 165 pounder.
outdistance the Canadians to win many phases of production and' Ray Parker increased the Michi-
in 3:17. composed of regularly enrolled stu- gan total by five points when he
Following the swimming meet the dents in the University have been registered his second fall in as ON
Wolverine water polo team downed formed and are already functioning many meets, throwing Hadley in
the Detroit Yacht club combina- regularly. All the work outside of the lightheavyweight bout in 5:57.I
tion, State A. A. U. champions in a the actual directing and construe- Ed George climaxed the program by Am
rather one-sided game, 10-5. Led tion of properties will be done by easily defeating Eward in the 1Loui
by Dick Spindle, who personally students connected with the Inter- heavyweight division with an ad- Natu
accounted for five goals and Bob national Night staff. . vantage of 6:50. Io'cme
Walker who is credited wi three, The
the Michigan team led their op- LOWELL THOMAS, MODERN SINBAD talk
ponents throughout the contest.i ey
The score at the half was 5-3. HAS HOBNOBBED AMONG NOTABLES! mey

200 YARD RELAY-Won by Mich- Lowell Thomas, who will speak1 Alaska and the Arctic, gold miner,w
gan (Ault, Walker, Seager, Reif). Tuesday night in Hill auditor- star reporteryr on metropolitan wil
Time 1:13.4. dailies, literary free lance, maga- per
BREAST STROKE-Won by Au- ium on the O r a to r i c a I asso- jzinc writer, both professor and He wo
bin (T); second, Goldsmith, (M); ciation lecture course, sought ro- student at a great college of law, hiscd
third, Abernethy (T). Time 2:41. mance and found it in achieve- and at Princeton university in
50-YARD FREE STYLE-Won by ment. Although only in his early j quest of his degree of Doctor of conte
Gibson (T); second, Walker (M); thirties, he has traveled to the ends Philosophy and a member of the As
third, Reif (M) Time :24.2. ( of the earth and more than four faculty,-Lowell Thomas has been Ione,
200-YARD FREE STYLE-Won million people have been held by all these when he was twenty-five. I prete
by Ault (M)F; second, Watson (M); the magic of his voice and have With the coming of the war he litera
third, Griffin (T). Time 2:11.4. traveled with him in his amazing was sent to Europe on a special caller
(BACK STROKET-Won by Hub- wanderings.mission with credentials from the ius it
ell(BAKscoKE-Spindly(M)-; At twenty-seven he was an in-IPresident's cabinet and a Colonel l is h
bell (M); second, Spimdle (M); timate of Allenby; of Sultans, as his aid. From Flanders to the follow
third, McColldugh (T). Time 1:05.8. Prime Ministers, and Kings; friend Argonne and the Alps, from the sever
1nnARTAPF Rn P! TVT.F.Won hv .. y ,.--- .- rlmn-, , -n; f n V 1 rn A n .h nrI inelil

1066 DCAE


Wolverine Center S
Leads In Scoring CGR STAGE RALL

oad Mergers Permitted
enate Interstate Commerce


SHINGTON, Feb. 16.-Testi-
before the house foreign af-
committee on the Porter reso-
i to permit the President to
an arms embargo against the
ssor nation in a war, Secretary
gg declared today that for the
dent to determine the aggres-
would be an unneutral act.
such power were given the
dent, he said, "you would
y expect him to use it." The
ary suggested that it would
e improper for the President
ce an embargo on two coun-
at war, but he doubted that
an embargo would be of any
because arms and munitions
be obtained from other
ays Embargoes Valueless
retary Kellogg said that armed
rgoes were often valueless and
an example was offered by
, where all countries which
placed embargoes on arms
ents were considering lifting
iough lhe declined to give the
r resolution his approval, Mr.
gg said he "saw no objection
The resolution, he said, in-.
d the long established policy
is government to permit its
ns to sell arms and munitions
reign governments at their
SHINGTON, Feb. 1.-The
e interstate commerce commit-
oday approved the Fess bill
rmit consolidation of railroads,
ote was 7 to 2.
measure would facilitate uni-
on of, the railroads of the
ry into a few great systems
ting upon a basis of equal op-
nity, for fair profit and serv-
the public. This unification
be brought about by mergers,
lidations or other methods of
ning control. The bill as
ded in committee directs the
tate commerce commission to
re a tentative plan for con-
tion, but the measure would
lake the carrying out of such
n mandatory.
ator Fess, Republican, Ohio,
ntroduced the bill, declared he
ted no protesting report to be
by the two members who voted
st the bill in committee.
erica's most widely read poet,
Untermeyer, will speak in
ral Science auditorium at 8
k, tonight, on the subject
Critic's Half Holiday." He will
under the auspices of the
Foundation. Mr. Unter-
r, who is outstanding for his
isms, essays and anthologies
,11 as for his inimitable poetry,
present sidelights on modern
y from an entirely new angle.
ill also give some readings of
wn verse and parodies, and
ss the work of some of his
a lecturer Mr. Untermeyer is
of the most talented inter-
rs of the new era in art and
ture. The late Amy Lowell
d him "the most versatile gen-
n America." A novel, "Moses,"
s latest prose effort and has
wed in the successful path of
al brilliant collections of verse
dinfr "Clhallenre" "The New

Bob Chapman
Veteran Michigan center who
totalled four baskets and a pair ofj
free throws in the Wolverines' 23-
18 victory over the Gopher quintet
last night.
Purdue Succumbs To
Northwestern Rallyl
EVANSTON, Ill., Feb. 16.--North-
western's Wildcats continued their
role as giant killers again tonight
by upsetting Purdue, 35 to 30, in
a fast basketball game. The de-1
feat toppled the Boilermakers from
a first place tie in the Big Ten
championship race.
It was a brilliant second half
rally that netted Northwestern's
: triumph tonight. Purdue grabbed
a 19 to 16 lead at the end of the first
half but in the second period, the
Wildcats, led by Gleichmann, who
caged six field goals and a free
throw, overtook their opponents and
held their margin.
Badger Quintet Wins
From Indiana, 27-25
(By A.Socated Press
BLOOMINGTON, Td., Feb. 6,. -
Looping a baskvt from pastt ie
center of tln: floor, in the last min..
ute of play, Chimelewrsli broke a
tic to give Wisconsin a 27 to 25
victory over Indian a here tonight in
one of the most hotly contested
basketball games of the season.
S Indiana took the lead early in the
first half and led 15 to 14 at the
Beginning the second period with
a still greater drive, the Deanmen
ran the advantage up to 23 to 15
over the Conference leading Bad-
gers. Baskets by Miller, Tenhopen
and Chimelewski and a pair of
fouls by Mattrusen and Foster tied
the count at 23 all. Ellerman gave
Wisconsin the lead but Cooper re-
taliated and tied the score at 25
all. Chimelewski then made the
fatal basket and Wisconsin stalled
the rest of the game.
Members of the class of 1932, in-

B Orville Schalaben
(Sports Editor Minnesota Daily)
University Of Minnesota Field House, Minneapolis, Minn.,
Feb,. 16.-Held to a single field goal and four free throws for the
first half, Michigan rallied in the second session to defeat Minne-
sota here tonight, 23 to 18.
The Wolverines on the short end of a 9 to 6 score as the first
period ended, came back with the lanky Chapman leading the way
to outpoint the Gophers and ring up their sixth victory while Min-
nesota was losing her sixth.
- Tight defensive play by both teams marked the contest as a
biterly fought affair with the more. accurate shooting of Michigan
being the important factor in the outcome. While the teamwork of'
the Gophers surpassed that of the
visitors, Minnesota could not
match long shots with Michigan
and so found themselves at theend
sof the game still; lookue g for a
Wetsern Conference victory.
In the first minute of the second
period Truskowski was fouled in
the act of shooting. He converted
i ~on his first free chance but missed
dl Weather Caused Colonel To his second. However, Chapman
Abandon Flight To Capitol ipped the rebound and the
From Charleston C pt Minnesota advantage was erased.
Lead Alternates
Fighting desperately, the Gophers
PLANE WAS NOT DA1AGED again took a lead on sift tosses by
Loose and Hovde. Truskowski con-
(1y3 yAssociated [ress) nected for another foul and then,
RALEIGH, N. C., Feb. 16.-The! Chapman put Michigan into the
"Lone Eagle" tonight nested at the lead.
IHatteras inlet coast guard station, Another basket by Chapman, this
awaiting better weather. time a long one, followed by a long
Forced down on the beach 15 G shot by Truskowski gave Michigan
miles south of Cape Hatteras this a substantial lead of 17 to 11 with
afternoon by fog and rain, Col. the half five minutes gone. Tanner
'Charles A. Lindbergh added an- momentarily halted the wild Wol-
other to the anxious periods of verine rush with a free throw.
search that have marked several of But after that, employing effec-
recent flights. For the second time tively the short pass and body block
in two days friends, officials and system, Michigan went on a spree
fellow airmen were given anxious to gain an 11-point margin on
i momaents when the New York to Truskowski's gift toss, a long shot
'Paris flier failed to show up in by Rose, a short one by Chapman,
Washington on his return from in-, and another foul by Truskowski for
augurating the airmail route to the final Wolverine counter. Five
Panama. iniautes of the tussel remained,
The colonel left Charleston, S. C., Gophers Whittle Margin
at 6 o'clock this morning en route Engbertson, dribbling swiftly fi-
to Washington. He was due in the nally shattered the Michigan de-
capital about noon and after he. fense and gave Minnesota two
was an hour or more overdue, and points. Scheif rang up the longest
intensive search was started by the shot of the game and Minnesota
government lighthouse service and was seven points down.
,other agencies. With three minutes to play,
Men at Cape Hatteras coast guard Michigan adopted stalling tactics.
station first reportedl the colonel Loose, sent in for Captaii Otter-
down 15 miles south of that place. ness, broke up the Michigan mano-
Later they reported him at the uvers and made a short basket for
I[atteras inlet station. - But at the the last scores of the contest. The
Cape Iatteras station and at the game ended with Minnesota trying
office of the commander of the vainly to pierce the Wolverine de-
seventh district coast guard at fense.
Elizabeth City it was stated. that Minnesota offered resistance as
Col. Lindbergh's plane was not grim as a jail-house door to lead
damaged and that he would remain as the first half ended. Playing
at the inlet station until tomorrow. man for man, the Gophers held the
Lanky Wolverines to Orwig's lone
BASKETBALL SCORES field goal and free throws by
f- --Kanitz, Chapman and Truskowski.
(.(By Associated Press) Meantime, Michigan's defense
Ohio State 35, Illinois 30. was anything but porous. In fact
Iowa 31, Chicago 20. so, staunch was the Wolverine bul-
Northwestern 35, Purdue 30 wark that Minnesota could garner
I 2only three field goals, one of them
l Wisconsin 27, Indiana 25.long, and as many gift shots.
Michigan 23, Minnesota 18. If one Michigan player stood out
---°-_- °° over his mates, that player was
kN JOURNALISTS Chapman. He consistently control-
ORROW AFTERNOON led the tipoff, guarded well, and
____ FT RN O I led individually witha 10 points
Chapman's four field goals were all
pus and no grade below C. made in the second half.

eligible for participation in public Opportunity in the writing of
activities of the University during straight news copy, sports ma-
their first semester on the cam- terial, editorials, humor, features,
pus, will be given an opportunity and criticisms of musical and dra-
tomorrow to begin competition for matic events is offered in the way
upper staff positions on The Daily of experience on the editorial staff
during their junior and senior of The Daily. Actual experience
years. I and practice in the mechanical de-
A meeting of tryouts for the edi- I tails of editing and makeup are
torial staff of the Daily will be held also included in work on the staff.
at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon The business staff of the publica-
in the staff conference rooms of tion affords opportunities for work
4n r nc.c hlinn a All frnui I . . n Id-n ,,m-fi ' on hlmnz ni-ria n,. r n-


Michigan (23) FGI
Orwig, f............. 1
Kanitz, f ............. 0
Chapman, c..........4
Rose, g............ 1
McCoy, (C) g ...........0
Truskowski, g.........1
1 Minnesota (18)_ FG]


0 3
2 2
2 0
. 0
0 1


9 9

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