ESTABLISHED 1890 al Av .t . MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 148. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1929. EIGHT PACES LIT GORLA SKINNE FLE FLAYS MODERN CHURCH DEBT EXPERTS FAL FOR COMPLICATION OF RELIGION UIILlLL "Group demonstrations 'sting Lords prayer, He reduced the 10 themselves as Christian have gone commandments to two essentialt in exactly the opposite direction ones, and his simple doctrine of from the simplification preached I economics was 'give all that you ro 'by Christ, "said President Clarence have to the poor' and 'lay not up OCook Little in an address last night treasures for yourself on earth.'"' RIS flaying the chinch for its unpro- Instead of this simple 1 i f e, gressive complicating of religion President Little continued, "Chris- and the mockery its organization tian denominations have carefully DAUGHTER OF FAMOUS ACTOR has made of Christianity. The ad- evolved elaborate sacrifices and of- BOOKED TO TAKE PLACE dress was delivered at the a'nnual ferings, rituals and refinements,j OF PEGGY WOOD Episcopal students' dinner in the and are today far from the prog-! -- Union. i ress or possibility of evolutiorg" ACTRESS MAKING MOVIE j "Jesus was a simplifier," Presi- Prayers have become complicated Ident Little continued; "He reduced and redundant, as if by consistent Miss Skinner Has Achieved Fame prayer to the simple form of the hammering we could get under TO REACH DECISION SPECIAL COMMITTEE DRAFTED TO REPORT WORK DONE IN CONFERENCE NEGOTIATIONS NOT CLOSED Group May Have Further Discussion BOARD IS HOST TO DAILY STAFF Members of the upper business staff of The D ily met with the Board in Control of tudent Pub- lications last night a the first of: the dinner meetings that the Board holds each year with the junior and senior members of the staffs. The schedule issued by the Board calls for three more such meetings, one with the upper editorial staff of The Daily on Thursd y night, one with the upper staffs, bothI business and editorial, of the Mich- iganensian on next Monday night and one with the upper business and editorial staffs of the Gargoyle McCoy Given Medal NO By Athletic Board'! aI GIIVEN BYCO1hUNCIL PETITIONS MUST BE PLACED WITH D. W. WHEELER, '29, BEFORE NOON, MAY 6 COMMITTEE IS APPOINTED Registration Will Be Conducted As Actress, Lecturer And as niie aiaproauce an erectm ES I on Wenesday nght, May 1.a Chuche ar inlind t beiev With German Envoys In Seeking ,fl [At PlaywdrightntdayhghwoM ___gh that he who gives generously to Basis For Settlement their maintenance is a little nearer ConlaOi knepoieteternal blessedness than his less - NCI O DswiWith daughter of the beloved actor, Otis prterl brtenstan hies PARIS, April 24.-Reparations Skinner, who has become one of the abroterouibronghendhsethIexperts of seven nations, today an- spring country's leading entertainers since Iin tax-free real estate. Prayers for election her retirement from the legitimate hn-agreement on a settlement of what Ernest B. McCoy stteadad an eyhdafr aconyIStudent stage a year ago, will appear next tesideration-a little more efficaciousGy owes to the allies.oWho was awarded the annual nounce T ght, April 30, in HilliTwo Bills Intended To Alter Quota prayer for a larger consideration. A special committee composed n n medal for being out nomina auditorium, taking the place of BssVtdDw ySnt oilytepeetgnrto of the chiefs of the various nation- standing in both athletics and om Peg ~,as the ninth and con- Basis Voted Down By Senate Socially the present generation ofth hif o hevaiusntin Peggy Woshnnt- Immigration Comittee of Christians has such crises as al delegations has been appointed Six Major Sport Captains Will Act scholarship, by a special committee Nwhose Oluding number on the 1928-1929Im gtoC it the Mrs. Ganshangle, such caste to draft a report surveying the With Student Board In Measures of the University and the Board in official ______the Ms. Gan tangersuchcast Oratorical Association lecture distinctions as fraternities, and work which has been done and Against Guilty Offenders Control of Athletics. McCoy has Council course. HOOVER FAVORS CHANGL such racial differences and hatreds notifying the governments con- 'been prominent in baseball and chairma Miss Wood, one of the foremost as that between black and white. cerned of failure to reach an ac-fasett basketball during his four years in tions, b cerndtoafailrettwreah anaa-REVIEnOL CUSOMte.e Uiverity of American actresses, was forced ( y A-somcad Pre) cord on the figures of a settlement. the University. This in to cancel her engagement here due' WASHINGTON, April 23.-Foes of The door was not closed to fur- .._. Thisin to the fact that she is at present the national origins immigration TCher negotiations. Six freshmen guilty of violating npresideh viei* flandth in Hollywood making one of the! quota basis failed today in their The communique said that while the rules laid down by tradition for V OUnion, new talking mves and is unable first Senate move towar rthe sub-committee was drafting their conduct on the campus have pde to get away until too late, it was of that controversial clause. the report to the various govern.. been summoned to appear before preside announced yesterday by Carl G. N t withstanding President 3ments other members of the dele- a disciplinary session of the Stu- .taryshij Brandt of the Speech department, Hoover's announced opposition to G gations would work to see if agree- dent council at 8 o'clock tonight in Ortoi who is financial manager of the As- the national origins provision, the Nment could not finally be reached the student offices of the Union. .on the sociation. The officials have been Senate immigration committee where they had failed before. Ob- The offenders who have been Publica WillhPresethSketcdes'enactedebfore.then.Theheofedes Forveben 1 ROP L ASIEQ oratri fortunate however in securing the voted, four to two, to lay aside two servers regarded this as the slim- i summoned are: Harold Anderson, the Bo services of Miss Skinner who will bills aimed, at it. The new quota ! Aen Of Language Department mest of hopes, however. Arthur Hartle, Roscoe C. Hallock, 'ent make a special trip to Ann Arbor basis will go into effect July 1 un- honor Retiring Professor With Decision Is Unanimous Wayne Frederici, Gerald W. Sober, Take ParStorn Final Arguments N from her home in New York City. less legis, .tion to the contrary is P r e s e n t Of. Chair T communique indicated un-. and John A. Tompkins. . Prize Competiton the Stu WilL Present Sketches enacted before then.aSix major sport captains will be Miss Skinner will present a series Senator Nye, Republican, North SPEECHES ARE INFORMAL Sainixomdecisiontoappointh e n SenahormNeN'i p ,autor.of ne f te r- sub-committee to draw up a final peta the meetilin n g to at wit of Character Sketches drawn from Dakota, authorr of one of the re- eport.the council in any measures it may PLAN BANQUET AT NIHTs md her own work. Alone, on an empty# peal measures, took the fight to the Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, who for The communique said: "The co- see fit to take. These men will be Cas man stage, with no sets, no music, no Senate floor with an appeal to dis- many years was head of the de- mittee on reparations was received Jan Tbske tball, Bife Ket'p onced PfE Blyte bton, there a built up mechanics of the theatre, charge the committee from con- partment of Romance languages and ordered to be filed the report man, basketball, Wilfred Ketz, nounceLaw school nd fulty adson that th she presents her little dramas of sideration of the legislation. His and who has recently announced aof the sub-committee of last week asebtrack, Donald Red Corriden vsao sc CanClub, yfo the ion ant life, love, and tragedy. Young, at- motion was forced to lie over a c) y his intention of retiring from act- (that of Lord Revelstoke stating baseball, Garnet Ault, swimming,visorforteCaseCthr tc tractive, gracious,- she has a per- under the Senate rules. ive professional work at the close that an agreement on figures with and Bob Warren, wrestling. final arguments in the competitionn i sonal charm that is reflected in all Then the farm relief bill got the of the present semester, was hon- the German delegation had no . It was rather strongly intimated which started last October among ig her work. Adroitly she evolves her right of way, and tonight the oppo- oreti at a surprise dinner given a been reached. beck Student council quarters lastefour organizaionsobti character, her atmosphere, her sition to the new immigration law night in the Union by 32 members "The committee in plenary ses- night that the offenders who failed year law men. plot, .carrying her audience where was making plans to for the of the Romance language depart- sion thereupon has unanimously to appear would do so at their The final arguments this year are e she will' in the realm of imagina- fight as soon as the agricultural ment of the Literary college and decided upon the app'intment of peril. At least a possibility of a clubs and will be held at 3:30 next est Mc tion. discussion is concluded.f the Modern lanuage depart- return to the strong arm measures Graduating from Byrn Mawr The Nye resolution for dischargeIent of the Engineering school.a a sub-committee of be charged of several years ago was indicated.Fiday afternonbinthe lounge of yand College in 1921, she went to the1of the committee probably will be The feature of the evening was vith the work of outlining the i This action against violators par- the Lawyers club as part of the ICandi Sorbonne, in Paris. Hete she stu- brought up tomorrow or Thursday, the presentation of an upholstered'cepot., ticularly of the freshman ".pot" sary of the foundin' of the club.a petition died under some of the greatest of but under the rules it can be con- tapestry chair to Professor Canfield "reort.hI tradition has been contemplated by srlearsnig , of $40lu.ettyn Fecmatr.HrsaecreIIsidered for only two hours while by the "nmeso ohdpr- The chiefs of each national Several years ago a sum of $4,000, retary, French masters. Her stage career group were designated to act as the council for several weeks, pur- was put in trust for the Law school 6, beari has been one of great diversity, for the farm bill is before the Senate ments in token of their friendship such a committee. While this work sant to an announcementes t by the law firm of Campbell, Bulk- cent of she has played extensivelyboth in land little hope is held of forcing and admiration for the man who is proceeding on points already seeb tak freshm e a eate t ley, and Ledyard, of betroit, as a andcol France and in America. She is an during that period, has spent more than a quarter of a agreed upon it is anticipated that c hat freshmen appreciate their The artist of the first rank and has Senator Reed, Republican, Penn- centuryd inoteachingntUniversityhat. memorial for Mr. Campbell who. h aris o te irt an ad as Seatr ee, epblca, en~century in teaching University! efforts by all groups alike will be campus insignificance. The matter died on March 17, 1926. The pro- upon su been so recognized by the dramatic ; sylvania, led the successful fight classes here. eotsnby an gro aie wt be has recently been brought to !a died o Mh 17, 1r6 Te pro- upon s critics of the leading cities of this against the repeal measures. Two The dinner was informal i continued in order to arrive at an head by reports that several s ceeds of this fund are used each night o country. Republicans of the immigration nature, various members of the e accord hasn not poibeen whereupon. year men have openly boasted that r eras prizes for the winners Tin thcacodhanntbenyeahd. !Ithe Case club competition. The Th they ad n fea of heTcunci She Is Writer Also committee supported him-Keyes language faculty making short af-' tthey had no fear of the councils rI h Co. of New Hampshire and Hatfield of ter-dinner speeches Professor Expect To Clear Way empty winners are to receive $100, and the section nelia Skinner achievedrecognition, West Virginia. Senator Harris, De- field replied with a brief expres- "It is expected that this general I Several years ago a similar out- runners-up, $50 i s candida ,mocrat, Georgia, was the otherI sion of his appreciationprocedure will result in a saving burst of upper class indignation at The ofthe to tes of their fof hrwrtng hvhfudrhirmowtGoriatasteitnrgsin fhihppecaiooftieanfyoeinngtedra rehanipetneceld oshv way into many ofhour more prom- member voting to postpone the re- The retiring professor came to of time and by defining the areaustfreshmanoimpertinence led to shav- argumenooothetwohmsn Regis inent magazines and reviews. peal bills. the University at the invitation of rm advancete wory ing of heads, ducking in the river, Supreme Court of New York, Ap- 'daytan Among these is a' play "Captain. ; the late President James B. Angell, ste omitte Teb dunet lenary and abduction to lonely spots pellate Division, Louis H. Fead, of day an u ry"which was produced in Graf Zeppelin Leaves and was given the title of full pro-! wh sent w e conlevened n due ereddisciplinary paddlesmwere pelS preCoCnoia o'unider ~Ape~ sr. course at the call of the chairman." I. 'h urm or fMcia, FuysGafLeve of Romance languages in ; applied. The situation was met by and Charles B. Collingwood, Circuit in,b The ress has been loud in its For Extended Cruise 1900. He was made head of. the The sub-committee began its parents of the flogged freshmen Judge of Lansing, Michigan. J of ab praise for this young actress. "Miss i-department at once, and retained work immediately afer adjourn- with legal briefs and threats of tice Fead is to be the principal of elec d ehted tn elarge audi- that position until the summer of ment of the plenary session. action before the matter blew overphteformer BORDAUXFraceeprig23.e196,twen haasedetaberelivedwas said its intention was to push' _pekeratth__aqutobhld ence again and again with the BORDEAUX, France, April 23.- 1926, when he asked to be relieved wk d h in the refactory of the Lawyers club require clever touches of her monologues," The dirigible Graf Zeppelin, which of his administrative duties in or-I sorkalong and finisF it as'engpresent soaspsil.Flying School Opens in the evening. urer'si said the Nashville Tennessean, in left its home hangar at Friedrichs- der to devote his time to the teach- psbeIn the competition in the after- one clipping. "The genuine hu- hafen this afternoon on its second ing of French. , The expert began rrivinas Bus Services To Field inoon N. C. Bowersox and William t gven manness of the people she portray-, Mediteraniancruise, passed over Among Professor Canfields more today. After a half hour Dr. H. Stockwell will represent theoo ed was the outstanding feature of this city at 8:55 tonight. It was widely known publications are,:'ta.tfermalfghtraDrhi Beginning this morning a new Kent club, and Robert J. Clendenin polls o her performance, and this, com- flying at an altitude of 1,500 feet, "Lyrics," "Poems of Victor Hugo," .Schacht, German delegate, and hisp-will be bined with the versatility she show- I headed southwest on a course that "Survey of Modern Language m colleague, Dr. Albert Voegler, bus service willbe operated be- and Thomas V. Koykka are to rep- vot ed in her presentations, made it a would bring it to northwestern Teaching in Michigan,' "Correla- 'emerged from the room. Their tween the Chamber of Commerce e s the un. l mn arethe vot edi e rsnainmd t~gfaces seemed grave bidn n h uiia pr, members of the Junior Law class.!orpl program of charming entertain- Spain. tion Between High School Studies buildingrandlthetunicipalgAirportThe general public is invited to for.pur meat," The dirigible, commanded by Dr. Presented for Entrance to College S. Parker Gilbert, agent general Iwhich is located three miles south attend the presentation of the ar- signatu Hugo Eckener, carried 20 passen- 'and Success in College," "The Cor- for reparations, appeared at the f F Fld A b ted ts by the two clubs in the tificate. gers and 1,200 pounds of mail in respondence of H. de Balzac With hotel shortly after the break-up yF,.musta Jones Deivers astaddition to fuel for 90 hours flying Reference to a Critical Edition," of the session. He was pointed af-j by the Flo Flying Service, Inc., will afternoon. tion ce when it left Friedrichshafen at and "The Correspondence of Victor ter a few minutes by Dr. Schacht, ;leave the downtown section every fullyx Of Series Of Three 11:35 ocock local timeHugo"who had disappeared somewhere hour on the hour daily from 10 Government Is Hopeful necess The dirigible made good time in He g s studied abroad exten- for about 30 minutes. o'clock until dusk, and is scheduled Of Reducing Armament ballots Talks On Literature its flight across France. It was re- sively. to leave the Union at 10 minutes Care Talkste OneLyhteratByresitsatflights)airross ported over Chalon-sur-Saone at 5 Ernest M cCo Given after every hour. (By Associated Press) made o p. i and Montlucom at 6:30 p. mE. SELL OUT Students interested in visiting WASHINGTON, April 23.-A new the nu North Carolina University Professor Since the huge ship made its trip A a Prize MedaUthe Airport may now easily do so. basis of evaluating the relative I ing pla Gives Two. Speeches In Science over the Holy Land last month, it FOR SENIOR BALL In all probability a special rate fare fighting strength of warships and voters' Auditorim Tuesday has been idling near its hangar at For His Scholarshi will be instituted within a short a pointing of the way to reduction for a Friedrichshafen, where repairs and Continuing their sale of tickets time. Passenger flights may be of existing unauthorized sea craft ballot b Howard Mumford Jones, head of improvements have been made throughout the present week, the taken at any time during the day are the main accomplishments tweent the English department at the which were designed to add to the committee for the Senior Ball ex- Board In Control Of Athletics And in planes operated by the Flo Fly- which the American government the be University .of North Carolina, con- versatility and equipment normally! pects a complete sell-out of the Special Committee Vote Award ing School, which officially opened hope for the preliminary arms con-' precau cluded a series of three lectures involved in a vast craft of its sort. entire allotment of 300 tickets. To Basketball Captain yesterday. ference in Geneva. nate th orium, speaki on the influence ASA LOM A ORCHESTRA ENGAGED Ernest B. McCoy, '29, was award- LEAGUE THEATER TO BE OPENED alt t of the middle class in modern lit- ed the annual Conference medal1 fe erature. TO PLAY AT ARCHITECTS' PARTY'for proficiency in athletics and WITH INVITATIONAL PERFORMANCE In the second of the series of lec- scholarship for 1929, it was an- tures, given yesterd .y afternoon, The Casa Loma orchestra, a Jean ler, '29A, ticket chairman said. The nounced late yesterday by the spe- More than 400 students, alumni, Although the cast for "Granite" itnPr-ofessor Jonesd nfo told ofet yacly emestonpethean cosmo-tben nouceiti po svogue in ldAmof therican sand Goldkette organization now playing price of the tickets remains at $5.00, cial committee of the University faculty members, townspeople, and has not yet been announced, it is in thenGraystonn Amllroom indD.-and the sale is now open to the and the Board in Control of Ath- other persons interested in the understood that it will include campus. letics, who jointly made the award. ! theater have been sent invitations I many of the better known drama- ay 8, 9 Under Recently Devised System political machines already g into action for their clash in the All-Campus s to be held May 15, the t council last night an- d its rules governing the tion of candidates. nations for all candidates names are to appear on the ballot must be presented to man David W. Wheeler, '29, an in charge of Spring elec- 'efore Monday noon, May 6. cludes nominations for the ncy, recording secretaryship, e five vice-presidents of the the presidency of the Stu- Christian association, the ncy, vice-presidency, secre- p and treasurership of the cal association, membership Board in Control of Student tions, and membership on ard in Control of Athletics. Council To Nominate nations for membership on ident council will, as usual, le by the nominating or- of the council, upon which it latory to place at least twice y candidates in the field as re offices to fill. This means ere will be at least six jun- d six senior nominees 'for memberships. The nomi- committee of the council composed of Fred M. As- 29, chairman, Richard S. '29E, William E. Nissen, nneth G. Patrick, -'29; Ern- Coy, '29, and Willard Lowe idates for memberships may their nominations by filing s with Lowry, council sec- before Monday noon, May ng the signatures of 10 per the students in every school lege. Committee will dtliberate tggestions of the Council the f Wednesday, May 8. W.'l Publish Result Daily will publish a special Sunday, May 12, listing the tes for office with a review campus activities. tration of voters for the will be conducted Wednes- d Thursday, May 8 and 9, he council's system devised eler to eliminate dual vot- ent voting and other forms tion corruption rampant in years. Regstrees will be d to identify themselves by ing a Union card or treas- receipt before they will be a certificate entitling them the following week. At the n May 15 these certificates exchanged for ballots bear- detachable blank on which er must write his signature poses of comparison with his re on the registration cer- As he casts his ballot he lso surrender his registra- rtificate which will be care- preserved and checked if ry against the number of cast. ul provision is also being y the council for checking mber of ballots at each poll- ce against the number of certificates turned in, and non-partisan custody of the oxes and leftover ballots be- the closing of the polls and ginning of tabulation. This tion will be taken to elimi- ae startling discrepancies of 11 between the number of in the boxes before and ;he councilmen ate dinner. influence of greater travel between troit, will furnish the music for The Casa Loma band followed McCoy has consistently main- to the opening performance of tic players on the campus. Paul America and the continent, show- the annual Architect's May Party, McKinney's Cottonpickers into the tamed a high average in his schol- Clement Dare's "Granite," to be Stephenson, well known director ing how the improved methods of it was announced yesterday by the Graystone, after one or two other astic work while his captaincy of presented by Comedy Club as the who will be in charge of all prep- communication have made inter- committee in charge. The party orchestras made short stays there. the Big Ten Championship basket- i initial production in the new Wom- arations for "Granite" has com- woen threads in the creative ef- will be held on the night of Fri- Since opening there in February, ball team, and his position of the en's League theater on Monday, pleted the casting for the various: fort of nations across the water. (day, May 10, in Barbour gymnas- the Casa Loma orchestra has been All-Conference court five cap his May 6, it was announced yesterday roles and will call the first rehear- r oium. a decisive hit and have become! athletic career which will cover by Thurston Thieme, '29. sal within the next few days. ."Willa '.n ,'., n n v'.A ntna4 flan .. 0