TH E- M'lCH IAR D T-1-1 P~A G T I - jI& AA AWm'LA4 _5"x._5 z.s-- l \ ('DT ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN p T DR. SCOTT COMMENDS ATTITUDE OF I It, A At PLANS SPOBT.DISCUSSES MARRIAGE VS. VOCDATIONERHOACOK LT S STUDENTS DURING LEAGUE ASSEMBLY [ [Two hundred women who at- for high, athletic propensities. H Af([ "I believe that the Model League ryk is 79 years old and still leads atcded group meeting on "Mar-(Music, art, authorship, and drama JjI of Nations is one of the most effec- actively the political ife of thelT riage and a Profession" at the bien- are taught both for appreciation tive means of promoting a knowl- country. He stands above parties, i convention of the American and creative effort.(--~~ edge of the League of Nations and and is admired by the whole coun- Association of University Women Adjustment of business rivalries Nappa Alpha Theta Is Defeated rendering an accurate sense of its try. iOr in New Orleans held varied opin- between nations is the only sensible By Delta Zeta In world-wide importance," said Dr. "Czechoslovakia," continued Dr. Gle ions on the desirability and value means of insuring permanent peace Baseball Game Nancy Scott of the Western State Scott, "seems to be taking the hear TWO REPRESENTATIVES FROM of the married woman's work out-!aong them, in the opinion of Dr. -- Teachers' College at Kalamazoo.,prominent position she held during; tim EACH HIGH, SCHOOL side the home. "The first $1,500 Edith Ware, professor of history at BOTH GAMES ARECLOSE Dr. Scott went onto comment on the reformation when she led the late WILL BE CHOSEN a married woman earns goes to re-,Russell Sage College, Troy, N. I Y.,S R ~S the fine attitude of the students world as the foremost of the Prodexcu placing herself in the home", de- who was another one of the con- i~~ throughout the whole program and testant nations. Now it is onlIdro STRASSER ISl CHAIRMAN dared Mrs. Chase Going Wood-Ivention speakers. "If we can smoothl! The Martha Cook baseball team spoke particularly of the way they part Protestant, and yet it is an A '______ house, director of the Institute of out the artificial economic barriers defeated the Alpha Omicron Pi expressed the views of the coun- example of a nation's regaining its Orci Women's Professional Relations, in now existing between various coun- team in a close game yesterday on tries they represented, despite their power after an interval of 300 years. toge Nigr ht ActivitisAd rGreensboro, N. C., who conducted tries, we won't have to worry about Palmer field. The final score was own personal opinions. She hopes Dr. Scott studied at the Charles Mic sthe discussion. disarmament", she said. "That will; that movements of this kind will University, which was founded by "Pri Sports Events A member of the faculty of the take care of itself. There won't be o 4 with the Martha continue, for she feels that it is Charles IV, a great Bohemian king, the U~alUniversity of Denver offered a per- any war because there won't e any still at bat when time was called. successful in rendering the and Emperor theHolyRomanty Inviting representatives from 200 1sonal discovery that mothers have feling of hostility." The game was extremely interest- work of the League more vivid. Empire. It was one of the first the high schools within a reasonable ____isovrythtoteravfelngofhotiit."i I ing and by far the best played of wr fteLau oevvd mie twsoeo h is h distance of Ann Arbor, the Wo-ale infinitely more influence with a so far the intmuyal to Dr. Scott has just returned from universities in Europe. Dr. Scott Ano r they the : anselvesr haveheaninoutside tourth rsane forAnsr thehnd ar-m adolescet childn if theyA theR . HENDERSON aDrishe n r wo ayears study in Czechoslovakia learned enough of the language to is P ranged for the seconhannu speaker offered the warning that URGES NEED FOR pitched for the dormitory team and she went on to tell somethn h understand it, and was most en- of N Sports Conference to be held Tues- "it is fashionable now for young was the outstanding player. of the political conditions in that Iuld udestd dth The day and Wednesday, May 14 and! w sfahomabe noo roteinA PUgHA;P The line-up was as follows: Mar- country at the present time She coul unersand pars of te Te married women to 'prove their:CAMPUSTHEATERps said first, that Czechoslovakia is Polish and Jugoslavic speeches. from 15. The purpose of the conference souls' by evincing discontent on the- tha Cook, Fenneberg, Middlewood, Of course" she hasted t dd This n general is to acquaint high theory that they were not properly "My dream for a University the-Heilman, Crockett, Neyer, Sauer- races and a leader in international"I couldn't attept to deliver a full school girls with the activities of expressing themselves. ater," said Mrs. W. D. Henderson,, born, Low, Lightfoot, Baccus. eanIspeech in that tongue" in womem at the University of Michi- The subjects discussed were executive secretary of the Alumnae Alpha Omicron Pi, Roach, Wil- jpDeScott is ersonallauainted The delegates from the Westerni T gan, and in particular to demon- varied and important. council, yesterday "begins with an kinson, Sackett, Knox, Hawkins, Dr Bt s ona acquain State Teachers College Western TI strate to them the possibilities A group on the new progressive organization that has behind it a Clifford, Boswell, Crump, Van Tuyl, en in the creation of the state mazoo represented Cuba asowell Kala-s Mus which e t University offers for de- school heard Wilford M. Aiken, di million dollars in resources, and Wagner, Maslen, Lutz. n hn hes reaohn oftnuy the 'Czechoslovakia, and there were 60 Ann veloping their iterests in all rector of the John Burroughs school commands such facilities that all At the same time. Delta Zeta and who has beerein minister of the new state, ehdelegates present. num branches of physical education. in St. Louis, Mo. It is only a ques- the students on the campus who overwhelmed the Kappa Alpha He nster o theinewtat dn There will be two representatives tion of time, the director believes, are interested in the drama can Theta team by a 19 to 6 score. The He has taken a prominent part in cos e fe fro the juniors, until public high schools through- find some mediura for expression game was slow in the first inning Leage afars and sc hirman of Notice In out the country will be located in , of their talent or Interest. due to the Theta's inability to bat the drmmen t cmief ar- and senior classes on the basis o country sections, as is the progres- "I believe that there are more or to hold down their opponents, er ne a e There will be a meeting of Pegasus scholarship, leadership, and inter-i ter in the Locarno agreement and Teewl eameigo eau sthiprsic, edation sive high school, because adoles- than 5000 students on this campus but in the second they improved heads the group which would favor at 4 o'clock tomorrow at the west It est in physical education. ;cents need acres of ground if they to whom such a theater would ap- and played a much better game the Locarno agreement to include end of the first-floor hall inchBar-eput Conference Held Last Year are to reap the benefits of athletics. peal, and the University owes it to both at bat and the field. Dor t of Europea thus promoting that bo fr gymnasium. All members of acc The annual sports conferences; "The progressive high school is them to provide sufficient organiz- othy Lyons, pitched for the Delta aEcurope, hus pomoting the society and all others interested ma were inaugurated here last year conducted on the belief that a rich,,ation and resources. Zeta's and also brought in a great security on which complete arma-a to in the Horse Show are asked to '1, an ey we h interesting, varied and somewhat, "An important part of such a number of their runs. that", Dr. Scott added, "Czechoslo- attend, as plans for the show will inte management of the W. A. A., which thrilling life provided for the stu- plan would be the importing of the The players in this game are, vakia has been active in promoting be made at this time. to will sponsor Girls Athletic associa- dents is the best sort of thing for'finer professional companies from Delta Zeta, Lyons, Townsend, End- pmer ree otiogherh tionsin the high schools. However, character development". Mr. Aiken Detroit. 'Macbeth'. 'Redemption',lich, Snyder. Ramlow, Stalker, the smmecial streaties oicentral Europe" A rgethercnrpo tT women who are not members of said. The students are honored for 'and similarply should be within Lampman. the smlesaesoecnral Euoe" Acodn uoreofe ctireotonTu W - scholarship and for improvement the grasp of the University student. Kappa Alpha Theta, Hdssman SCommenting on Dr. Benes per- the federal bureau of education on helping to carry out the programs in physical well-being rather than Such productions cannot adequate- Coan, Anderson, Trowbridge, Wood- oand decisive thinker the man is, students in the United States. Ofeho woman who is eligible for campus' ''ly be produced in the new Women's row, Grinell,Fleming.ighey,and what an indefatigible worker. this number about 20,000 are for- the activities may serve on a commit- V A. A. WILL GIVE League theater. This theater is ad- Holton She went on to tell of the great eign students, the greatest num- jin tee and assist with the plans for mirably suited for the more inti- friendship existing -between Dr.1 er coming from South America. hel n aiSUPPER MEETINGMate types of drama, but a Univer- Benes and Dr. Masaryk who is an- entertainment.®tC' .sity theater should have facilitiesother prominent person in the The various sororities andores for presenting the more immense state. Both men represent the tordas wile thegire ohe'tion will hold a meeting of all pageant effects, as well as being, Lantern Night will be held on more liberal views today. Dr. Masa- that there will be no expense to members between 5 and 7 o'clock equipped with a small auditorium May 14, instead of May 5 as incor- the girls while in Ann Arbor. This on Thursday, immediately follow-;for laboratory purposes. This range rectly stated in last Friday's DailyAlpha Lambda Delta plan was carried out very success-'ing baseball practice. could be achieved by so arranging fully last year. picnic supper will be served, the large auditorium that it can be All Freshman pageant rehearsals Elects Ne/Officers Tentative Program Arranged 'for which it will be necessary to !partitioned off into smaller units. from 5 o'clock on will be postponed' D ATentative Program Arage t make a small charge. Everyone is "I also think that amateur actors until Friday, but will be compulsive Officers for next year were elect- days includes Lantern Night festiv-,urged to be present, and is re- can get a great deal of valuable on Friday. ecd by the freshman members of ities, actual participation in sportsI quested to sign up at either Bar- experience from the formation of i ---Alpha Lambda Delta following AS NEAR TO events and a demonstration and ibour gymnasium or the field house a stock company of which a group I Regular rehearsal of the Univer- their initiation services Saturday tismssion of the activities and before Thursday noon in order that of professional actors form the ity Girls' Glee club will be held at night. Katherine Koch was elect- YOUR TELE facilities of' the Departent of Phy- plans for the supper may be made. backbone. 14:30 today at theSchool of Music. At ed president, Miriam Highley, see- s1Cal Education. A campus tour, . The program and business will "But as far as the University that time Miss Johnson will explain retary, and Winifred Root, treas-CALL 1~:treasture hunt, and luncheon in the include, according to Dorothy theater situation goes," Mrs. Hen-. the nature of the program and urer. 1new League building will also prob- Touff, '30, the newt president of (derson concluded, 'I believe that the schedule of rehearsals for the Alpha Lambda Delta is a nation- ably be added to the program. The W. A. A., a summary of the accom- the Women's League theater will program in the Michigan League on al honorary scholastic fraternity girls will be divided into groups tolplishments of last year and plans ,not delay its arrival but will serve May 4th will be announced. All for freshman women. Thirteen facilitate discussions. for the Athletic Conference of to define more cearly the great need absences from rehearsals must be women were initiated on Saturday, Chairmen of the several commit- AmericanCollege Women to meet there is for such a unit in the excused by Esther Anderson or having been declaredi eligible on 'tees are as follows: General chair- in Ann Arbor next year. scheme of undergraduate educa- Elaine Frost. Please watch the Daily the basis of their first semester's , r"'. n, k n a , j M ytional life." for further announcements prior to grades. The retiring president of Sman, Rose Strasser, '29Ed.; housing, ( owsky; invitations, Marjory Muffley, ; ___ 3 ' Albertine Maslen, '31; parties, lAr- '30Ed.; Lantern Night, Margaret: '"_ - '- IMay 4th. the society is Alice Sunderland, '31G ra y Si liene Heilman, '30Ed.; food, Frances Ohlson and Frances Bielby; pub- TICKETS & IRESFRVATIONS Miller, '31: registration and guides, licity, Mary Louise Behymer, '31. 1rj Frances Bielby, '30Ed.; reception Members for the committees are r*ar, Cruispa , and transportation, Margaret Ohl- being selected now by the chair- r dep+,dent Travel R U G S son, '30; program, Doris Renkenber- men and will be announced later. E. G. Kuebler'127 PROS ger, '30Ed.; play day, Herna Grab There is a faculty adviser for each q eP.Ruro I committee. 4 ANN ARBOR _____EARL S. MORT Strings . . Supples .. Repairs.. Your Neighborho NewlP a amas tr for all Musical Instruments Schaeberle & Son Designed to be MUSIC HOUSE Both Smart and [ 110 S. Main St. Comfortable ' '111 l1111 lp ll lt l 1 ' t r /, The new pajamas make it a point toi CHESIS, GLEE CLUB COMBINEPRACTICE chesis and the University Girls' e Club will hold a combined re- sal Saturday, April 27. The e and place will be announced r in the week. No one will be ised and any absentee will be ped. mong the numbers which hesis and the Glee Club will do ther for the opening of the higan League building is a mitive Chant" which will open program. It deals with the his- of dance and music, presenting beginning of their expression. ther piece which they will jive ercy Stephens' "To the Spirit Jusic, symbolical of line, form, color, of sound and movement. y will also give "Italian Song" r Hogo's "Nau ghty Marietta." is a colorful carefree piece, of the play of boys and girls the street. he orheestra from the School of ic has offered its services for occasion. Opal Coote, '30, of Arbor, will accompany several bers. terclass Baseball Entries Still Open is not too late for women to come for the interclass baseball team, ording to an announcement de yesterday by Helen Wilson, interclass manager. Anyone 'rested in the sport is urged appear for the practices ch are held at 4 o'clock every sday and Thursday afternoon Palmer field. s yet no teams have been sen. Practice will continue on scheduled days until the onen - interclass game which will be i the week of May 12. r oTORE YOWAS PHONE. [one YORE PECT ON, Prop. ad Druggist '-I- be smart and comfortable. They are composed of a printed or checked DO UBLE CO will fin~d radium blouse that tucks into "sai- lor" trousers of plain radium; the it. I ' Hats that are trousers are belted and banded about different at the the bottoms with the blouse material. Delightful color schemes 'and the DORABLY finest of silk distinguish them and 'f the C make them truly remarkable valuess z ~polished 'Platt ~~~ ~ at $.50 and $83.95.Dubetn . McKinsey ai shop D.ou"bl.e asiCo 227 SOUTH STATE W.correct, in F o r m a ls lflllllililiof Cot°y R Want Ads Pay New Arrivals i Vormals /de SHORTIEthe Gain in In the Spring's Gayest Colorings nes THE ART & Deserved GIFT SHOP Popularity and up 218 S. State St. More college girls every day are coming to appreciate the p' .. Has a New Line of Y smart simplicity, the cool com- I I I I ( !1 I: k.I - MPACT E SMART.... [C IeW tone of num. The Coty ipacte, with its divichal shades touge and Pow- ether, assures constant fresh- s of your beauty and so simple to refill that it lasts as en- duringlyas a lovely