ESTABLISHED 1890 Air mm I Mawr tt 4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 146. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1929. EIGHT PAGES CAAUTHOR TO TALK HERE TOMORROW SPEAKERIOREVEAL 10 3ds i LIf[Of ADVENUR ' "THE GLORIOUS ADVENTURE" . OFTEN CALLED GUIDING SPIRIT IS WELL KNOWN AUTHOR Richard Halliburton Has Traveled; Globe In Quest Of Romance "The Glorious Adventure", which has been the guiding spirit of Rich-: ard Halliburton during the past seven years, will be brought to Ann ' Arbor tomorrow night when this' well-known author and romantic; adventurer appears 'n Hill audi- c torium as the eighth feature of the :}- 1928-1929 Oratorical Association' lecture course. Since his graduation from Prin- Richard Halliburton ceton in the spring of 1921 at the Well known author and romantic age of 21, Halliburton' has packed I adventurer who will speak tomor-c an abundance of romantic travels row night in Hill auditorium on thef and experiences in his quest for,'Oratorical Association " lecture se-r living his dreams. The son of a ries. Ht will talk on "The Glori-1 distinguished Southern family, he ous Adventure."t literally traveled the world over, ; working his way from this place to that, vagabonding his way to all -corners of the globe. and variety, representing the call of romance to youth. In company with Lindbergh, and others who have done great things for the sake I of doing them, he takes a place. He scaled Matterhorn, and actually Is Head Of English Department I walked upon the ceiling of the At University Of North world; he ascended the sleek, ice- Carolir a covered sides of Fujiyama in win- ter; climbed the summit of the IF.IEUT IS LITERATURE H Himalayas and the Andes; and ~ visited with the Gods from the peak - of Mount Olympus and Mount Par- Professor Howard Mumford Jones, nassus. head of the English department at I Swam The Hlellespont the University of North Carolina, Halliburton has run the original will deliver a series of three le- marathon course, retraveled the tures in Natural Science auditori-e wanderings of Ulyssess with HomOer u n Monday and Tuesday after- as a guide, was the first person noons at 4:15 o'clock, and Tuesday since Byron to swim the Hellespont I evening at 7:30. His general sub- ; ~ rtl r - fr dect -will. concern .English . and Tomorrow Last Day To Buy Invitations Orders for articles desirable, if not necessary, for graduation should be completed this week, ac- cording to an announcement made yesterday by Kenneth C. Schafer, president of the Literary class of 1929. He stressed the necessity of finishing all business during the next few days so that the various companics with whom the class is doing business may have time to fill the orders within the time limits. Seniors in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will be given their last opportunity to order in- STDETLAGUE11 TO AY SESSIN9 PROF. POTTER OF WISCONSIN DISCUSSES DISARMAMENT QUESTION PROF. DICKINSON SPEAKS Stephen Duggan Presents Critiqiue Of Assembly As Entity In Final Speech FOR ALUMUSE AT 1929 REUNION FRATERNITIES OFFER HOMES TO QUARTER GRADUATES AT ASSEMBLAGE T RESTER ,JUNE 13 i Baseball Games With State College And Annual Sing Included In Heavy Program Ed George Retains Heavyweight Title NEW YORK, April 20-Ed George, Michigan's giant wrestler, success- fully defended his national A. A. U. crown in the unlimited division to- night at the New York Athletic Club. George wvent through yes- terday's preliminary matches: with ease and defeated Odoilio Marchi- oni of Boston by a fall in the final contest. c e ig Maize and Blue matman first won the title last year at Grand Rapids 'and later went to 1 the Olympics as representative of the United States. lie was runner up for the world's championship at the tourney in Amsterdam. Beades winning the A. A. U. title, George has been undefeated in Big Ten competition and this year was RAIN SLOWS RACES AT KANSAS RELAYS; ITOLAN WiINSO' POINTS' WET TRACK HINDERS OF FIRST-RATE ATHLETES ARMY vita twee erno of heim nou cent cent clas Ul derec ger Swi for may Bove time Ct First S W1 first close on it deba ate bill n;; l bons and announcements ue b e- Bringing to a successful conclu- Although a complete list has not one of t n 3 and 5 o'clock Monday aft- sion the two day convention of the yet been announced by the housing verine wr pon at the booth in the corridor Model Assembly of the League of committee, several f r a ternity - University hall, Charles Seil- Nations, held here by the Student houses have already been secured ner, committee chairman, an- Christian association, the banquet for the 1.929 Alumni Reunion at nced. Invitations, priced at 50 at the Union last night completed 1 which thirty classes will stage of- s, and announcements, at 10 the activities of the week-end. ficial reunions, according to re- iLAWR s each, may be ordered after The first speaker of the evening, ports already in the hands of -Michi s dues have been paid. Prof. Pitman B. Potter of the Uni- Charles J. Rash, Council secretaryjcompos nless Caps and Gowns are or- versity of Wisconsin political science of the Alumni association, who is Lamont d this week there is some dan- department, was introduced by in charge of the entire affair. won th that they will not arrive for (Prof. John M. Brumm, of the Moie Classcs Expected eventa ng Out ceremonies, scheduled school of journalism, toastmaster- here to May 9, Schafer declared. They ( for the occasion. Professor Potter With the opening of the gather- end, an be ordered either at Van discussed the work done by the ingsE sil ttmat h eawayduats the eve en's or at Moe's Sport shop any League on the question of Disar- expeed that me g re and at thswe.mmn.classes will decide to meet here! duringt this week. mament. this June and in addition to those ings i spaigon the Root Formula alumni attending class meetings This for the World Court, Prof. Edwi D. there will be hundreds of others, team tt 8 B W RN e h rvwho will be in Ann Arbor tootake ntered Dickinson, of the Law school, cla;arwhoe eea rormwic iei I SBESS WORKS ~wasneto the program, said that pat h eea rga hc ieh this plan for the United States par- opens with registration in Angell 10:59 1 F ticipation would be acceptable to Hall, Thursday, June 13. nearly all but the irreconcilables.I The Alumni association offices, The United States would be given a. in a mimeographed sheet sent out vote practically equal to members recently, announced the entire t ek fSpecial Session and our five reservations would be, goene pofad ugsionsm t Week Of Special Ses accepted almost in toto. i for the benefit of groups contem Ends With Both Houses Prof. Stephan P. Duggan, widely plating reunions. l Well On Way known for his intimate knowledge Many Activities Planned -- - - of international relations, present- Included in the schedule ,are SENATE. AKES REST ed a critique of the assembly as an such things as two baseball games ---- entity. between the University of Michigan Spring S (By Associate dPress) I Russia Considered - and Michigan State college (for- I ASHINGTON, April 20.-The, Opening the second plenary ses- merly Michigan Agricultural Col- week of the special session sion of the assembly yesterday lege), the second annual Alumni E ed today with the House well morning, Rowland Egger, Grad., Sing on the steps .of Angell Hall, TPI is way to completion of general president, first called for the report a contest for marching formations, ite on farm relief and the Sen- from the committee on the Admis- to be awarded the class which awaiting formal reports of a sion of Russia to the League. It makes the best appearance in the Prof ess( from a committee on the same was decided by the League that parade to Ferry Field for the first Theologic ect but in a somewhat different there- is every re son why Russia of the baseball games, Friday after- will close, . should be admitted in view of the noon, June 14, and formal dedica- dent con hile the Senate took another fact that all other nations desiring# tion of the new Michigan League' Hill audi off the House went ahead today recognition have been granted it, Building, which has been arranged its farm debate with members, E The questions of opium and man- for Saturday morning, June 15. addressl tly Republicans, tieing up thou-1 dates were discussed, then the Most of those attending the af- nounced. Is of words in the record in meeting was adjourned. All mnem- fair will also stay over in Ann Wlliam ort of the farm board-market- i bers of International Relations Arbor to hear the Baccalaureate editor, s measures understood by them I clubs at the colleges attending the Address on Sunday and to witness biograph ave the approval of the admin- convention were present at a' the University's Eighty-Fifth Com- to have tion. luncheon in honor. of Prof. Pitman mencement ceremony on Monday. here toda ,neral debate was to have ended B. Potter, of the political science The thirty alumni classes which week toB .y but it was extended until department of the Universtiy of ar definitely holding reunions this man of t sday. Then the bill will be Wisconsin. -,June are: '73, '74, '79, '84, '89, '89L, tee, buti idered under procedure per- - I91M, '94, '94L, '94D, '94M, '99, '99L, be availa ing amendment. New Theater Named '0L, '04, '04E, '04L, '04M, '09, '09E, ISenator time saver for the session was " Theat1r'09M, '14L, '19, '19E, 19L, '20E, '21E, Idaho so] in the action of the Senate "Campus" By Wells '22, '22D ,'24, cations c -erce committee in -inking the - - Ted Wtierfel, '29, who is in charge hfall has nlercecommitee in theininvit sc reapportionment and census Proving hiiself t-be 1w sl, po {i' of all arrangements for housing il cnnot a sures into one bill, lhey are l among several who suggectedl he'also making plans for maid service, Ic o 'ly related. i same name, Carlton 1"i Wel{; of th ortW errvice, and rooms for the Attemp ------- hetorc deparltinei t ntxed 1 th Paiute group st-aging orgaizedIsummer1 F'30 p " i fferedby [I " c 13u Ise I " ""m" i{l"i, for a con rry FrarC '3 li.e s for tie mostppropi Ml ;_____ - j tween th he mainstays of the Wol- restling team. ULLETIN RENCE, Kans., April 20. gan's medley relay team ed of Dalton Seymour, t, Benson, and Monroe e two and a half amile at the Kansas relays might.with Indiana see- nd Chicago, which won nt at-the Illinois relays several southern meets the season, taking third. ota was fourth. was the first medley that Michigan has ever 1in a meet and their nsthe winning race was -10.. K 'T DRS Series Of Student Will Close Next Sunday Talks SET TWO RECORDS Beattie, of Colorado Aggies, Breaks Record in Discus Throw By Five Feet (ly Associated Press) LAWRENCE, Kansas, April 20.- Outstanding records went glimmer- ing in the seventh annual Univer- sity of Kansas Relays here today as an army of first-rate athletes from the mid-west saw their hopes buried in a rain-soaked cinder path. Only two meet records were broken. Athletes from universities, col- leges and high schools began com- petition on a field made soggy by heavy rains of Friday and finished the events in a downpour which left the track covered with water and sent spectators seeking shelter under the stadium. The rain was accompanied by arcoldachilling northwest wind. New Vault Mark Made The meet proper was initiated by the decathlon event. Tom Church- ill, from the University of Okla- homa, an Olyrnpic team member in 1928, successfully defending his relay championship, after Wilson (Uster)hCharles, full-blooded Onei- da Indian from the Haskell Insti- tute, Lawrence, had won six firsts. Charles led Churchill until the ainth event, when the Oklahoman went into a slight head. Three athletes hold- the two new meet records. Tom Warren of Northwestern, who holds the world's indoor record for the pole vault off a dirt floor, tied with Ot- terness of Minnesota for a new inches, bettering the previous rec- meet vault mark of 13 feet 4 3-4 ord. of 13 feet 2 7-8.,Aches, made by 'Earl McKown of'the Emporia Kansas State Teachers College in 1925. Dan Beattie, of the Colorado Aggies, hurled the discus 146 feet 9 1-2 inches, besting the record of 141 feet 9 inches established : last year by Howell of Oklahoma, who also bettered .his 1928 mark today by taking second place. - Beattie was the only individual to win two events. He also took the shot put with a heave of 47 feet 7 1-2 inches, more than two feet shy of the meet mark established by Schwartz of Wisconsin in 1925. The University of Illinois won three relays, the quarter mile, half mile and four mile, but none of them in record time, Sam Angelo, Texas high school won two relays, the half mile and mile.'Punahou Academy, from Honolulu, placed in two relays 'it entered but did not win either. The team was secondyin the 'high school half mile relay arnd fourth in the mile relay. Despite the water-covered track the University of Missouri mile re- lay quartet ran within one and five-. tenths second of the meet record of 3:20 set by the University of Iowain 1926. Summaries Sn eaAewa1C&, i .Lanadr, anI iLouWa the Lotus land, the Sirens' Isles Scylla and Charybdis. On his most recent expedition into Latin Anierica, he retramped the immortal njarch of Cortez from Vera Cruz to the capital, dove eighty feet into the deadly well of sacrifice in Yucatan, into which the ancient Mayas flung to death their sacrificial victims; found strange cities in Incaland; lived like Crusoe on Crusoe's Island; and upon the horizon saw San Salvador, landing on the shore where Columbus dis- embarked in 1492 Wrote Two Best Sellers Halliburton's ability as a non-' fiction writer has rarely been sur- passed, 'his two books, "The Royal f Road To Romance" and "The Glori- French Literature", although each form lecture will be confined to a defi-W nite topic. day Prof. Jones is a product of the with state of Michigan, his birth-place most being Sagniaw. Educated in severalmsd colleges in the middle west, he ob-;supp tained a master of arts degree from sup the University of Chicago in 1914, ing going to the University of Texas' ta the following year in the capacity istra of professor of comparative litera- I ture. Prof. Jones remained at toda Texas until 1925 when the Univer- Tues sity of North Carolina offered him con the head professorship of the Eng-. mitt lish department. Since his change A1 to the eastern university, Prof. scen reputation as an authority on the comn Jones has acquired a nationwide hou NOT ANNOUNCED or Hugh Black of Union cal seminary, New York, -the Spring series -of- t vocations next Sunday in torium. The topic of his has not yet been an- Allen White, newspaper ;hort-story author, and er of presidents, who was addressed a convocation, Ay, wrote his regrets last, Mark Andrews, '29, chair- the convocations commit- intimated that he might ble next fall if invited. rWilliam E. Borah, flea~ Ion, invited by the convo- committee to speak next written that he will keep ation in mind though he ceept so far in advance t has been made since last; to secure Senator Borah nvocation address, but be- e presidential campaign ous Adventure" having been among 1 literature of France, England, nt eia the best sellers for the past two America, his visit to An Arbor be- clos years. As a speaker he has attract- ing one of his many stops along a ed great attention, having spoken western lecture tcour. f hn~nt~e1i-n4.16-h '. n..Prof. ,Joncs is also thew author of before, re n ti n hanIjuu c auca ioJIu'-A -- and civic groups during his spare severil bool s,the greater number time. of which are collected criticali Due to the unusually heavy de-i analyses of the works of England mand for tickets to this lecture, and American authors. His own I special amplifiers are being install- book of poems, published while ht ed in Hill auditorium so everyone I the University of Texas, is one of j will be able to hear. Single admis- I his few contributions in the crea- I sion tickets at $1.00 each are on tive field. The title of the publica- sale at Slhtr's book store and the tion is "A Little Book of Local, remaining ones will be placed on i Verse." sale at the box-offlee in the audi- torium which will be open 'at 7 Rain Prevents Tour I o'clock. The entire right section, Of Saginaw Forest of the main floor and a large por-f tion of the balcony has been set;- aside for thebholders of these tic- April showers all day yesterday kets. I prevented the proposed tour of Saginaw forest and instruction of the 150 Washtenaw county school Union Names Members teachers in the problems of forestry, Of Nominating Group' and conservation in accordancej .with the program outlined by Finishes. New Book I1'i "" for f-"cnew teatersoontoMn last fall and the specal session of be constructed on t ste of the d onCongress this sprin he has been ILarry A. Franck, '03, -oted ad- old Arcade on North University To Speak Of Burma too busy. Favenue. venturer aid educated hobo, who avne _-Charles B,. Brown, retired dean has at various times taught school, 'The Campus" was Wells' selec- Dr, GCordon S. Seagrave, youthful of the Yale Divinity school, has traveled around the world, and Lion and won the award by a six to 'medial woiker and former - already accepted an invitation to spoken on chautauqua, has justd three vote of the judges. Although uctor of a hospital on the north- Ipak here next fall. written another book, "I Discover several other contestants also sent cast Burman-Chinese boundary The Reverend Hugh Black, next Greece," published by the Century in the same name, the unquestion- line will give two addresses today Sunday's speaker, has been one of Publishing company of New York ed excelence and merit Of the fol ion "Burma's Challenge to the Sci- the most popular preachers in the City. lowing verse proved the deciding ence of Medicine;" the first being East since his coming to this coun- Franck, who , suffered from point in Wes' favor offered at the Baptist Church this try from Scotland in 1906 Since recurring spells of the wanderlust Of J the ites on morning, and the second at the 1906ahe has held a professorship of since before he received his degree i Of e it etough am lthrouh,'Baptist's Student's Guild this eve- practical theology at Union. from1868, ProfessoryBlack1took his r.gA fo tnversit in 1 s I Aame for this new palace builtwComing from a noted missionary 186 8r ifes orteay, Scotlanhin . Near Campus on North "U"; family and representing the fourth at Glasgow n 1887, was ordained in cerning his travels and was here as INor does this name ape other namesgf,1891, a speaker on the Oratorical Associa- No osthsnm peohrli~iS~nei-ation of contiuous service, 9, and held pastorates in Pais- tion Lecture series last year. Blazoned in every town, Dr. Seagrave is now on his first fur- ley and Edinburgh before coming Bsies bei a wandeerhehsI "The Campus" shines alone, apart lough since his appointment in to this country. Degrees of Doctor, Besides being a wanderer, he has For our own "town and gown." 11922 as head of the medical sta- of Divinity have been conferred taught French and for a while was tion at Namkam, Burma. He re- upon him by Yale in 1908, Prince- head of the modern language de- ; Other members of the University ceived his degree of M. D. at the ton in 1911, and Glasgow univer- partment at the Technical High faculty who distinguished them- Johns Hopkins College of Medicine. Sity in 1911. School in Springfield, Mass. Dur- selves in the contest were Prof. - ing the World War he served with John L. Brumm of the journalism COACH WIEMAN BRANDS PROTESTS the American Expeditionary forces department and -Floyd K. Riley of in France. k the department of speech, both of ON NEW FUMBLE RULING AS NOISE whom received honorable mention Announcement of the personnel Prof. E. V. Jotter, of the forestry of the committee which will nom- school, and Cora L. Maas, of the inate candidates for the elective Washtenaw county school commis- Union offices was made yesterday sion. However, the program -_was9 by William E. Nissen, '29, president carried on in the new forestry lab-1 of the Union, following a meeting oratory and at Natural Science. of the appointment committee of: .120-yard high hurdles: Won by Sentman, Illinois; Allison, Iowa, - - seco :D; odgers, Illinois, third; Fleming, Nebraska, fourth. Time, 15 3-10. - Shot put: Won by Beatti, Colora- do Aggies, (47 feet 7 1-2 inches); Howell, Oklahoma, second, (45 feet 1 1-2 inches); White, Pittsburgh Kansas Teachers, third, (45 feet). . Two mile universtiy relay: Won by Chicago, (Williams, Letts, Coun-, oilman, Gist); Missouri, second; Iowa, third; Kansas, fourth. Time, 7:59 7-10. 100-yard dash: Won by Elder, Notre Dame; Wilcox, Kansas, sec- ond; Tolan, Michigan, third; Wil- son, Warrensburg Missouri State Teachers College, fourth. Time; 9 8-10. Broad jump: Won by Portess, Northwestern, (23 feet 7 1-8 in.); Simon, Illinois, second, (23 feet 47-8 inches); Mendel, Yankton, S. D., College, third, (23 feet 17-8 inches); Thomson, Nebraska, fourth, (23 feet 5-8 inches). University quarter-mile relays Won by Illinois, (Timm, Cave; Kraus, Patterson); Kansas, second; Missouri, third; Nebraska, fourth. Time, :41 8-10. TTniverstiv fonr-mile rela:. Won. the Union board of directors. HARD KNOCKS AS WELL AS THRILLS and were awarded passes. "A lot of noise over nothing," The membership of the nominat- FEATURE JOURNALISTIC P ROFESSIN The Campus theater, to label i was Coach Tad Wieman's charac- ing body as selected by the appont- F T E O N I CRI ON with Wells' poetic appellation, is terization of thi recent protest on ment committee of the Union expected to be ready for opening i board of d-irectors.foNo T- t ii se n of series the largest metropolitan dailies of early in the fall term, it was stated the new fumble ruling. Coach Wie- The membership of the nominat- o severa artices ont edig osins' the state. yesterday. man went o to state that, at the in bmedy as selected by the ap- nhe Mr. Gilmore, a practical journalist --';annual meeting of the American ing bdy a selcted y th ap- tiidiciine, journaiism etc. will be. publishecd. I'- pointment committee is as follows: of some years experience, has some { Football Coaches association, a Milton McCreercy, '29, Mark S. So much glamour has been very definite ideas on the subject iy We jge XL large majority had voted in favor Andrews, '29, Herbert D. Hunter, painted around the profesion of of journalism. "In my opinion, Ifof the measure, thus precluding '29 B. Ad., Frederic J. DeWitt, '29E, journalism-so much of the exotic there are certain qualities that a- any possibility of universal objec- and Thomas C. Winters, '30B. Ad. has crept into all accounts of jour- good journalist should have," he tion to it in coaching circles. - He Nominations for the various nalistic endeavour, that those in- I said. "These are (1) native intel- -said that for his part he considered Union offices will be made at a ,tending to enter the profession ligence, (2) education, (3) deter- it a good thing in that it removed titiniry ofthe mn mmuite on nv Ihave fallen into the habit of anti- mination. With these characteris- one more freak play from the greater penalty for fumbling than ! ,he rules provide for a deliberate foul such as slugging by depriving the team of their opportunity to kick. He added, in answer to the objection that it makes the game less colorful by removing a thrill from it, that the thrill of seeing a man run for a touchdown over a clear field on an average of once in 20 games was more than over- balanced by the new ruling which will alow a greater number of in- tricate plays of all sorts. "As in many other similar situa-