8A''1t7RnlJ~.rAt Ir ' vV 1 7 T .H E y p y4.. ,TH . i A fliV t ,, PAGE SMM ____________________________________________________________ ______________________ ____________________________ ________________ Good Pitching Marks Big League Ball Games 1®) natrAV 'EA 'R"N Interest Centered ALL-CAMPUS TOURNEYS IN BnML[S BEAT nuwriN In Mile And 4 Mile I GOLF, HORSESHOES TO ON BRANOT'S HURLING Relays At Lawrence ntry lists close today for the Matches will tenns, golf, and horseshoe tourna- play. Last fa (Special To Thelyi) ments being staged by the Intra- and it is ho _ etroit Drops Third InxSeries To LAWR , , l mural department as part of its Horseshoc Indians' As ;W hite Sox Tarn L W E C , u , pispring actvites. Alr ady theon re Tables On St. Louis Wide interest is centered on the names of many entries are on the interest mile and four mile relay races of lists, with the prospects bright for this sterec JIAFEY GETS TWO HOMERS the Kansas Relays here Saturday, a very active all-campus season. has been e as teams are entered in both sf In the all-campus tennis tourna- staged on the Exceptionally good hurling for ciently fast to make the breaking ientin enha e signified nh the west en the most part marked yesterday's of a world or intercollegiate rec- while about 10 are entered in the building. Two games in the American and Nation- ord possible. doubles. Anyone on the campus received to da al leagues. The prize effort of the The one mile relay field is com- who is not a member of the Varsity about 10 dou day was Brandt's victory over the posed of 16 teams, with Chicago or who has never received a letter pete. The fal Brooklyn Dodgers, when he held and Missouri looming as the favo- may compete Last f1al t t in J. O. Kelly them to three bingles. rite on known records this season. ment honors went to Bob Beal, now nors while Waite Hoyt, veteran Yankee Chicago won the mile relay at the a member of the Varsity, ho won took the d twirler, won a pitching duel from Texas Relays in 3:18.3 seconds, Kelly is signe overFrd raeamebroth Jack Quinn when he held the Ath- Texas A. & M. finishing in order, freshman team Inmte rdoue again this sp letics to four hits and beat them At the Dallas relays Missouri won Kaufman and Harris defeated of the tourneS by a 2 to 1 score. The Detroit in slower time, with Northwestern Brace and Reindel for the chain- ing cups to th Tigers bowed before the attack of and Nebraska following. At the pionship. It is expected by the ito the runner the Cleveland Indians again while Illinois relays the order of the fin- time the lists close today that 100 the Chicago White Sox finally de- ish in the mile relay was Chicago, will be entered. CHICAGO.- feated the St. Louis 1owns. In Missouri, Indiana and Iowa. In dddition to the all-campus defeated the 1 this game Crouse and Metzler hit The collegiate record for the one tournament a specialhtournament 10-2, recently home runs in the eighth inning, mile relay is 3 inins.,16.9 seconds, is being run off for the freshmen,.yloepai Welsh of the Giants and Williams held by Iowa since 1923. The Kan- Entry in this division is open to ase playi of the Phillies also hit for the cir- sas relays record for the mile re- any freshman on the campus. roon errors. cuit while Chick Hafey of the Card- lay is 3:20, held by Iowa. Reichelson took the honors in last - inals smashed out two homers in The leading four-mile relay year's tournament and is now a the game with Cincinnati. teams so far as known perfor- member of the Varsity squad. The' AMERICAN LEAGUE mances go are Illinois, Indiana, doubles winners were Feerer and R H E Iowa State, Oklahoma and Notre Levy. So far about 20 yearlingsCO Detroit .......000 300 010-4 8 2 Dame. Illinois, with its great have signed up in the singles while Clevelapd ....000 001 33x--7 9 1 quartet of milers that ran in 17 only about four doubles combina- Sorrel!, Prudhomme and Shea; minutes 40.2 seconds at Texas to tions are entered., Hudlin, Ferrell and Sewell. beat the intercollegiate record, will Any student golfer except mem- Philadelphia ....000 001 000-1 4 0 be the favorite to repeat at Kan- j bers of the Varsity squad or former New York ......000 000 11x--2 5 0 sas, but Indiana has pressed the lettermen may sign up for the all- Quinn and Cochrane; Hoyt and Illini so close in races this year that campus tournament which will get Grabowski. the Hoosiers will be carefully under way soon. It is planned to Boston .......".000 000 010-1 5 1 watched. The intercollegiate rec- have a qualifying round and then an I Washington ...110 001 00x-3 7 1 ord for the four-mile relay is 17 elimination tournament. Matches Morris, Durham and Heving; minutes 45 seconds, set by Illinois wills be played over the University Berry; Marberry and Tate. in 1922. 1 course and at a reduced price.. Chicago ......000 000 041-5 8 0 ___ St Louis ......000 130 000-4 8 2 Faber, McKain, Dugan and i Crouse; Coffman,. Blaeholder, Ste- wart and Schang. II .. or " TENNIS START NOW consist of 18 holes of all about 32 competed ped that this spring ompetition is open to e campus. Consider- has been shown in ,ently and comfpetition en. Contests will be Intramural courts at d of the Intramuir l enty entries have beeh te in the singles while bles teams will con- 1 tournament resulted taking the individual Shepherd and Wilson oubles champonship. ed up for the singles ring. Awards in all ys will consist of lov- e winners and medals s-up. -Kalamazoo Normal University of Chicago, in a game marked ng, including five Ma- 1 GOLFERS TO QU ALIFY FOR PLACESO**N TEAM Aspirants for places on the golf squad will play 18 holes at the Ann Arbor Golf club April 22, 23, and 24. The 16 entries with the lowest scores will automatically become members of the squad. Pairings for the matches will be made at the club house. Playing privileges at Barton Hills will be given the eight lowest qual- ifiers while the next eight will re- ceive playing privileges at the Ann Arbor Golf club. It is planned by Coach Ray Cdurtwright to have any member of the eight at Ann Arbor Golf club challenge number seven or eight of these at Barton Hills and if the number seven or eight man is defeated, he will exchange places with the one who defeats him. This also gives any man on the squad a chance to play on the team if his playing form warrants C LASSIFIET ADVERTISING WHITE woman cook. Good in gen- eral pastry and salads. Position in Sorority or fraternity prefer- red. City ref'cs., Box 50. 123456 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished four room apartment, open June 15. Dial 3403. 209 N. Ingalls. 56 i it. RNWELL COAL COK.E SCranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business ha. been growing ever since it was established. The secret-- "giving absolute satisfaction to our Customers." We believe it pays to do busiaess in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. IWELL GOAL - COKE NOTICE-Costumes for the Archi- tect Ball rented or made. Spald- ing's Costume Shop, Wuerth Ar- cade, second floor. 13513 WANT 25 men of average intelli- gence and . more than average ambition who must earn next year's expenses during the com- ing summer months. A proven 44-year average will show you how you may earn between $500 and $1,000 in three months. Call W. R. Thurnau, 7517 afer 8:30 p. m. for appointment. 246 1928 Chevrolet Coach, ball crank bumpers, upholstery and paint like new. Only driven 8,000 miles. 1927 Chevrolet Coach, in wonderful condition with new tires. 1926 Chevrolet Coupe, overhauled and in good running condition. See this one for a real bargain. 1925 Ford Coupe, disc wheels, good paint and rubber, $95.00. HURON VALLEY CHEVROLET INCORPORATED Store-206 E. Huron Lot-332 E. Liberty Phone 7280 1256 Here is Opportunity KNOCKING. A salary and commission position open for school man while at- tending school and during sum- mer vacation. Must have confi- dence in himself, have good standing at school and be cap- able of handling men. Big in- come for the right man. Man- hattan Woolens, Inc., Duluth, Minnesota. 345 NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of Axminister and Wilton rugs. Koch & Henne. C PERSONAL ATTENTION LIKE HOME AT A SAVING OF 10% WITH CASH CARD. DIAL 3916, MOE LAUNDRY, 204 N. MAIN. WE ARE taking the contracts now for renovating mattresses and pli- lows during summer vacation. Reduced prices for large order. T.S. COLVIN Phone 6652 135 TYPING--..Theses a specialty. Fair rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387. TYPEWRITER SERVICE - New Corona, Royal, Underwood, Rem- ington portables, also: used large and portable typewriters of all makes bought and sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repaired. uarge stock, best service, consd- crate prices. Phone 6615. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. MACK TUTORING AGENCY Tommie Mack, A.B., Director - 310 S State Phone 7927 C SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and dry screened. Telephone 7112, Killins Gravel Company. 456 FREDERICS PERMANENT is now $8.50 at Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop. Call 7561. 456 SUITS and Topcoats strictly made to order from the best quality merchandise by an experienced titter cutter and tailor. Kollauf The Tailor 1152 So. Main Over Walk-Over Shoe Store 456c WANTED HELP WANTED-Several Fresh- men or Sophomores to begin sum- mer work June 12. Make per- sonal application Tuesday, April 23, Room 304 Michigan Union. 561 WANTED-8 men for good hard outdoor work this summer. $40 per week. Call Edward R. Nell at 4121, Extension 228 around 5 p.m. 456 -WOOD WOOD -- WOOD. Call 9534 C FOR SALE FOR SALE Call 5800r OR RENT-Apartment. or evenings, 6858. c LOST I LOST-Green Schaeffer pen. Liberal reward. fountain Dial 22491 561 NATIONAL LEAG UE New York ... 700 302 002-14 20 0 Philadelphia ..300 001 100-- 9 4 'itzsimmons, May and O'Farrell; Roy, Collins and Lerian. (Morning Game) Brooklyn ......000 000 500-5 6 2 Boston,.......000 002 301-6 0 1 (Afternoon Game) Brooklyn......001 000 000-1 3 1 Boston .......000 103 01x-5 9 0 Vance, Dudley and Deberry, Hen- line; Brandt and Spohrer. St. Louis ... .200 102 103-9 12 2 Cincinnati ...010 120 000-4 10 2 Doak, Haid and Wilson; Kolp, Kemer, Zalfnizer and Sukeforth. Pittsburgh at Chicago-Rain. vv iiiiam riocurein (xions Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, C LOST-Bracelet with rhine and blue stone flower design, wrist-watch shaped. Reward to finder. Please call 5568, after 5 p. m. 345 LOST-Shell rimmed glasses in black case at Huron at 12th or Liberty near Maynard. Phone University 37. 345 LOST-A woman's Greup wrist watch with initials M. N. S. Re- ward. Phone 8156. 345 LOST-Ladies gold Conklin pencil, engraved "Nettle." Finder, call 9639. 345 FOUND - Pair of bone rimmed glasses in a black U. of M. Health Service case. Inquire at Daily Office. Repairing ,*. ik OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phone, Office: 4514551 Yard Office: 5152 I. bone 5014 211 S. Fourth Ave. - . .y..e--..--.: R. w- .a. w - i -o 0 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. State and Washington Sts. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Minister Samuel J. Harrison, Associate Minister and Student Director 10:30 a. m.-Morning Worship. Minister: Rev. Samuel J. Har- rison. Sermon Subject: "Veiled Realities." 12 m.-Three Bible Classes for Students at Wesley Hall. 6:00 p. m.-Wesleyan Guild De- votional Meeting. 7:30 p. m.-Wesleyan Guild Lec- I ilre. Speaker: Dr. Joseph M. M. Gray. Subject: "The Church's New World.". PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Sts. Merle H. Anderson, Minister Dale H. Moore, Associate Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Secretary for Women 10:45 a. m.--Morning worship. Sermon: "The Unknown Com- rade." 5:30 p. i--=-Social hour for young people. 6:30 p. in.-Young people's Meet- ing. leader: Ralph Kearns. HILLEL FOUNDATION 615 E, uniiversity Mal 3779 1 p. ir-Lane hall Dr. Solomon lam. F'reehof of Chicago, will FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH On East Huron, below State R. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, University Pastor 10:30 a. m.-Dr. Gordon S. Sea- grave of India will speak. 12 m.-The Church School. 12 m.-Student group. at Guild House. Mr. Chapman, leader. 6:15 p, m-Installation of New Officers. 6:30 p. m.-Address by Dr. Sea- grave. 7:30 p. m.-Social Hour with re- freshments. Be cornaistet in your - 4 -. ~ ~--. - ~ -~ BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Ave. between Packard and Williams 9-Sunday School. 10-English Service. Sermon topic, "The Open Windows of Prayer." 11-German Service. Sermon topic, "The Open Windows of Prayer." 7-Young People's Hour. 8-Membership Class, A.ttend church regularly on1 Sundays FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. 10:30 a. m.-Regular Morning service. Sermon topic, "Doc trine of Atonement." 11:45 a. m.-Sunday School fol- lowirjg the mornin. service. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Corner State and William St.- Allison Ray Heaps, Minister 10:45-Morning Service. Sermon mon topic: "The Awakening Angel." 5:30-Student Fellowship. Professor Harley Bartlett- a illustrated lecture on a.Metho. dist mission in Sumatra. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division and Catherine Sts. Rev. Mr. Henry Lewis, Rector Rev. Mr. T. L. Harris, Assistant 8 00 a. m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m.-Student Holy Coin= munion in the Chapel. Harris Hall. 9:30 a. m.-The Church School. 11:00 a. m.-Morning Service and Prayer. Address by Mr. Victor P. Blaine of the Near East Re- lief. 7:30 p. m.-Evening Service at Harris Hall. From old kettle to new world S OMEBODY has to believe in the big possibilities of little things. James Watt saw the lid of his tea-kettle dance-and today our civilization is built lartr y on steam. In the field of communication, Bell saw the possibilities of a little vibrating diaphragm. 'Today irotn he telephone at his elbow a mian talk to his next-door ilhbor or across the continent, just as he chooses. Men in the telephone industry, in com- mercial and administrative as well as techni- cal work, are constantly proving that little suggestions, little ideas, little changes, when smoothly fitted into the comprehensive plan, may be big in possibilities of better public service. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at Fifth Ave. e C. Stelihoa Pastor 1a. mx.-Bibh' Class, ST. Third .s PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) and West Liberty Street C. A. Brauer, Pastor 1 4 EILL SYSTEM 0:00 a:im.-Service. in German. i ). I