0., ThIDAY APPIL - 2~) - . .................... MH-O CHI PLANS City .,supply' Buying I MICHIGAN QINN&R PLATES CARRIED: TO LATVIA RY -AMERICAN MI'T'~F _! I PHYSICISTS TO10 0EAS'E 1.NI iL r1.1 11 F _Ten members of the University N E W MEMBERS, Joseph E. Mills, commissioner of Mihgan's recently created din-! with Maize and Blue as a result of! physics department will attend the purchases and supplies for the city ner plates are now serving Uncle! sales of these dinner plates to !spring meetings of the Ameican RhoChi naionl hnorry ra-of Detroit, yesterday told a large Sam as members of his diplomatic Michigan alumni scattered all over a oi RhoChi naionl hnorry ra-audience in room 2203 Angell Hall corps in Euirope. They have just the globe. But now Latvia, one of, Physclciety on Thursday, Fi-: ternity for students of pharmacy, js o iyby upis h been drafted. into the diplomatic Europe's newest nations, is repre-j day and Saturday of this week in will initiate eight newly elected lecture was gien under the auspic-~sevice along with other properties sented in the Alumni association. Wahntn..C.ofcaso h of the family of Frederick W. B. It is only since last year, when department announced yesterday. heel athedUnntse v eing t eIe of the niveity, and wasintaroeman, '~ American minister; the Alumni association created the IThe Sessions will be held in the heldat he nionthi evning itof the nivrsiy, adwa incto Latvia, whose headquarters are' new tradition, that this ware 'has 1 Bureau of Standards and the Na- wa anone.etra bIfi-o olnc gegaut located at liga along the Baltic Sea been on sale. The first shipment of tional Academy of Science build- asoftefaent.D.F0.ber of the ,depaitrnent. coast. 500 sets were sold almost imme -_________________ Taylor willes peak. n y D.Fl} Mills' wide~ experience as service. an The fallowing students of the managenao the ,PcadMtrPateFhilhipines, England, diately and a second order has been Thefolowig sudets f te mnagr o th ,Pckad Mtorcal'CuaSouth Ameia-all these placed with the English firm of College of Pharmacy will be _miit- company and consulting engineer lands have already been tinged: Wedgewood inted into membership: Joseph E. for the contract committee of Pti l ;A Adams, '29?, Harry B. Benson, '29P, adelplhia was shown in the ava-;1 , <-s MoondS'2rec, erg2Wio, 'ry0E.lash oeredtupondhigs udicde i 1"fl Mpron'29S.GBrge nt'29 , 'arry howerancnhi s adire w hi fej~~ ~g !' William E.. Clark, '30P, Oscar Robin- connection, with public oficals son, '29?, and Karl W. Beyer, '30P.j was shown. 'w w Wi? t 7 / 1 t /"> " 1 t 8 1 - } r, "" .° . S James jFoster House of Art ANNO UNCES J. Ho STEI1NER Silhouette -Artist Now in our store for a few days only., LDue to other engagements Mr. Steiner will limit his stay with, us. Don't delay and be. disappointed. Silhouettes are attractive. gifts for Mother's Day STEINER SILHOUETTES ARE WORTH FRAMING BAEBALLS Why Pursue Babbit Abroad? I VISIT R USSIA IIntellectually stimulain jg, affording a \'Iit a.e; point frorn wh ich to view onr o\\ soc iety iii perspective. Lenitngrand, \l oscow 'and aeros5 the So'pp«' or dlown the Volga to thed romantlic Caucasus and tihe Crimiea. formoer plav'-ground ofthelis nobility. . a anorama ofcolorful nationial- ities, as yet unspoiled by tourist ho-de.. _l Varm hospitalitv. safretyv and ca mroi .rt. I 7OUi. ~T IN 1lU g W k/ , 113 SOUTH- MAIN $TREXT tIn~n Jrv 4 ichiyan i Write for Booklet Amalgamnated Bn 11-5 U TrnvelDept. 1 ' SUronSquare, N wYork Cty or I _ I S7wift's Drug Store t~mca/qamated Trust &Sainrls Bank<, Ill W~est fackson Blvd CA ic ayolI?? Read the Classified Ads. Z-- n_- (Opposite Law Building) I. i ,' I _ 1 [BANKING It is the force that turns the huge wheel of industry, grinding out all sorts of products from colossal skyscrapers to the finest pin. Businesses that are close to the source of energy are those that benefit most. I -lmn: , Irr+ V I I 1 F. r ~.rI.1..!"!Jl~"'."/~. ./..i".s'. .e~~, /Y /../.r " . ', .+ : ". . .d '-.; . .s .?. ..I. ". . . . . T. .Y+r. . v .+i . . THE Fur Scarf is a delig~htfu. companion ; practical and es- sentially smart! No matter what, the occasion, whether for travel, business, shopping, matinee, sports or formal affairs, you wviil always feel smartly groomed in' a fur choker, and here you will find a full line to suit every taste and p~urse. --4- I Your banker is a human sort of man. lie would; like, to talk over your problems with yowl --he would like to help solve themi. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SERVICES FARMERS AND MECHANICGS BANK 3rotect Your Winter Garments )a not leave your winter garments at the riercy of, MOTHS, FIRE, or THEFT .... store them with us-NOW! ZWERDLItNG BL DG. ANN ARBORMICft. or information regarding our STORAGE Dial 8507 FREE ...__ ./J',R d+" + ',r ./" "./'".~ ".i/".its".A!Y"Y.I . " . " r3"'. p'. "". ".i" .J .A .r+" ~"""~'"./" ./" ..J" ./". ".rd . . " ./ r .~"",A"J .d" J"as:%" « J""«Ir"r, Ir".I ./"./'".I"..f" "" ". ,/ ,r "./" ./'a ".J . "". / .r+" w/'u ±""J ,..! ",./ .J"r/'" ±+nrl^ .r '1 .I". " . Ji"'. ". +" .+ ".r . r r .. Cgter Main and Huron Sts. 330 S. State St. _ ,_._ A NNO,UNRCIN RG A COLLEGE NOVEL CO0NT*ES T' sponsored by COLLEG EF-UMOR DOUBEDAYDORAN There is no more provocative field of life in America today than the college. Co)lege nimen and V~oen are sifting, experimenting, and tbhinking~ior : bl oily than any other group. They are building the new America. The Campus Prize NovelContest is open to all college undergraduates, or to graduates of not more than one year. The prize novel may be a story of college life, or of college people in other environments; it may be. your personal story or the novel you always have wanted to write about your gerneratiga, A $35'000 Clash prize will be paid the winning author, Thew~inniiig novel will be serialized inCoUlege lumor sand published in book forrM by Doubleday, Doran andl Company. Book royalties will be paid the author isi addition to the prize, and motion picture Aind dra- rnatic rights will remain with, the author. We reserve the right to publish in serial and book form, according to the usual terms, any of the other novels submittec4. 'r&~ closing dale of The contest is iaid~i gb Octobe.r, 15. 192 9. The contest will be judged by the editors of College IN BEMND - College en With a Knowledge of Aviation MORE than any other ~.indu stry today. vi v- ationi Offers VOII f real opportunity. 11wz roceket- like growth of aviation to a fplace along' side the aiu tomrobileIcIn. dustry has createdl an unprecedented tlelrian(1 . . - , ti ;} , 04Y SPECIAL APPOINTMENT iiarOUR STORE IS THE i OF ANN ARBOR The character of the suits anid topcoats tailored by Charter Housea for v'ouno' executi-e s. Men with a college education and a soutnd krtowvledrge of the fi i-m- Ibsirzess ! are the Kiu 1 that are ,Vantte d. AN-iation offers you as a coll ,gL rono an itninediate onutlct for ?-our talents. 1, tii,-.- O!nex' jpof'eSions or lrnuine <;'s. it iu;icoses no lonmg years of _striial ia to get rcog- ition. Avilatloio s (groWing11So fast tllat the mnen, who go into it today i-ust beC the executives a fe'w months from now. ThI le only requisites are that you be trained men- tally uz d physically and EW that you give aviation all ~* tie application and in- dustry you would give any other profession. sere is to future you can, be en- thusiastie about. Here is an op- portunity to show v'or ability in a voun-, thriving indlustry. A few months at Parks Air Col- lege will give you the training that you now lard: and start you on your career in the most fascinat- ing, romantic and profitable luasi;- niess open to a young man today. Send in the coupon now. Come t¢ Parks this Sutmmev Tw o m~onths training at Parks Air jCollege this summer will fit you for, an airplaune pilot's job.- That's, you' first step to, success in the> fly ing game -= and it's a substantial step, too, with pilots drawing from, $300 a month up.. From a 'place in the cockpit, it's then asn easy jump for the college man, to apoi tion in the excetiveofljce and uulimiteAR opportunity. C;ollege men are coming to Parks be- cause itis the largest non-military flying" school in the world, because it usesi only,. the latest type planes and equipment. and because its, corps,.of instructors ha* . an enviable reputation both as pilots: and classroom teachers. A degree front Parka Air College will mean as much, if not more, to your future than your university dlegree will.. It will mean that you have successfully mastered courses in navigation, aero- dynamics, atirplane design, rigging, air- port management, a erial photography xud all, thle subjccts all aeronautieal executive nins~t know. it will unease thai, you have completed a "thorough shop course in powcrplants~ from thme hid Liberty, the Whirlwind aud Fairchild- Caminez to the little Velie engine. C;et your flying school- traini%~ now. A vacation spent at Parks Air C.ollegew will be the thrill of your life. Plenty of- flying, outdloor life, novel recreation and a training that will bring you; , asubstan~- tial salary when you graduate. Speud. this sumimer at Parks. Get ito av.iattion now. Every week you wait . means hundreds of other young fellows are going in ahead of you. Sendfor our. a AIRCOLS.G IIuidi z g Cable Address: PABKSAIR