I'Acui EIGHT TIlE MIChIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. APRIL 18, 192~ I I DAIL OFICA BLEI illcating anti Vet~1jJatioai~.i~1. IX 25: I shall not be ~i ijie If) InC('I, 11w c I. Uiiuijid~V the i~ifli. II. C. Ai~~les'~oit King George Of England Goes For Stroll During Recuperation From Recent Illness IPublication I of the Unive n the Bulletln Is eonmtructive notice toal member ~rsity. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- (Jrii'ls iVislutig Suiunwr (Xiinp Work detutl33 .m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) There arc sevcral opportunities available for summcr camp wvork. Any irlsintercsted arc invitcd to sce me for further details. Vo.XXXIX THURSDAY, APR!L 18, 1929 ,No. 143 Bcatricc WV. Johnson Universtiy Lectures: IWoman-Chemistry or Science Major: Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the University of North Carolina Will any woman student who has completed Chemistry 6 with honor will deliver a series of three lectures on "American and Frcnch Litera- grade and having a little sparc time for tutoring please call me at ture" in the Natural Science Auditorium, as follows: 831G. 1 The Comparative Problcm, Monday, April 22, at 4:15 p. m. Beatrice WV. Johnson 2 The Cosmopolitan Vogue, Tuesday, April 23, at 4:15 p. m. 3 French Fiction and the Midlc Class, Tuesday, April 23, at 7:30 Chemical Enigineers: p m. A moving picture entitled "The Story of Rail Steel," will be shown The public is cordially invited. to a meeting of the student chapter of the A. I. Ch. E. on Thursday, F. E. bobbins ~ .1f ~4. ~ ~ ~ l4 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY IS APPLIED TO PROBLEMS OF LANGUAGE INT ENDS TO PUBLISH BOOK Will Write About Experiments Withi Theory Dcaling With Laws Of SCorrect Compostion Lecture: Thursday, April 18 at 4:15 p. m. in Natural Science Auditorium Professor Edward Wilber Berry of Johns Hopkins University will lecture on "Geological History of South America." Professor Berry is the leading authority in the United States on fossil plants. The lecture will he of popular interest and will be illus- t ated with lantern slides of the scenic beauty of South America. At 8:00 p. m. in room 2054 Natural Science Building, Professor Berry next year's officers wviii be made. - R,. C. Adams, Jr. Engineers: You are invited to attend the American Society of Mechanical Engi- neer3 Dinner in honor of Dean Mortimcr E. Cooley, to be held 7:00 o'clock Friday, April 19, at the Michigan Union. Student tickets at $1.50 may be obtained from Harold Gibson, Engineering Annex or R. V. ohso and 3. Gray in the Engieein Bdg Visiors'Nigh-Anell all abortor: Aninspctio .tur t Seiride Fedt. Clemens, will be ada Hall to observe the moon from 8 to 10 p. mn. on Friday and Saturday leave the Engineering Arch at 0:30 a. in., round trip fare two dollars. nights, April 19 and 20. Admission only by ticket. Reservation must Special flights will be made by officers of the Ist Pursuit Group. Sign be mnade by calling the Observatory Office on Ann Street between 9 a. m. Ithe lists in West and East Engineering Bldgs. as soon as possible so we and 12 noon on Thursday. may arrange thc transportation. B,. Ii. Curitiss J. Gray Faculty Concert: Natural Dancing Classes M~iss Louise Nelson of the Piano Faculty of the University School All classes in Natural Dancing a-C being transrerred from the of Music will give the following program at the School of Music Audi- Women's Athletic Building to Sarah Caswell Angell Hall in Parbour torir, Thursday eveni.ng, April 18, at 8 p. mn. The general public Gymnasium, for the balance of this term. is invited to attenid. No admission charge. lone M. Johnson Scarlatti: Sonata; Bach: Gigue from fifth French Suite; Respighi: ---- Sielliana; Galilel Respighi: Gagliarda; Casor Franek: Prelude, Aria Varsity Band: et Finale; Bax: Hill Tune; Debussy; Violes; Rozycki: Polish Dance; There will be a short rehearsal this afternoon at 5:00 at Morris Tchaikowsky: Bercuese; Paganini Liszt: Etude No. VI A Minor. Hall for a broadcasting trial. All members of the Band are requested Charles A. Sink Ito be present. Be at Morris Hall tonight not later than 6:45 for the broadcasting. V~hlbition of Paintings: The Band opens the program and everyone must be tuned up and in The exhibition of paintings by Mr. Hugh H. Breckinridge, under the their chairs by 6:55. auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, will be open eve y afternoon Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Student Manager from April 1 to April 7 (inclusive) and from April 14 to April 23. ______ J. G. Winter Colloquium in Applied Mechanics: IAppearing in the current nyumber of the Michigan Alumnus is an article by Professor A. R. Morris of the rhetoric department dealing 3 with the history, purpose and pres- ent functions of the rhetoric labo- ratory of which he is the director. In this article Professor Morris ex- plains how experimental psychol- I coducted in th abo ratory and Inf continuingr his tpresent work Recovering from a recent severe well House at Bagnor where he has plant the rule-of-thumb method of ilnsKing George of England, retired to complete his recupera- rhetoric teaching by an intelligent taking a stroll outside of Craig- the British monarch, mental laws of correct composition Senir Parmcy Sudets:as brought out by studying thg Senior PhaThuysdayentsphysical and physiological phases There will be an important meeting of the Senior Class Thrdy of speech and writing. The results April 18, at 5 o'clock in room 300 Chemistry Bldg. All seniors who Iof the experiments will be used by have ordered invitations must be present. . him in writing a rhetoric text-book D. S. Breisch, President iwhich will appear within the next three years and promihes to be a Mimes: radical departure from the con- There will be an important meeting of all members of Mimes on ventional composition text. Friday, April 19, at the theater at 4:30 o'clock. All active members are The purpose of all thisexperi-~ urged to be present. This does not include the initiates. mentation, says Professors Morris-, harlan P. Cristy, President is not to make rhetoric fit synthetic rules, but rather it is to discover Hillel Foundation. the laws that surely underly com- Dr. Raphael .fsaacs of the Simpson Memorial Institute will deliver position and which have beeni an Open Forum address on Thursday evening, April 18, at 7:30 p. m.I hitherto disregarded by teachers. at the Hillel Foundation. The topic is "The Religion of Science." The This orm laio iprinciples will public is cordially invited. i i e t m rl m ig s m William Schloss, Chairman iseaimd atherey findinrge soer son can be taught to write cor- Christian Science Socicty. reetly without being forced to Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan meets blunder along through the maze of tonight at 7:30 in the upper room of Lane Hall. haphazard rules that now repre- Eloise Rue, Secretary sent our sum total of scientific knowledge of the principles of Newcomers' Scction-1'aeulty Woman's Club' rhetoric. There will be a meeting Thursday, April 18, at the Collegiate Sorosis H -ouse, 1501 Washtcnaw, at 2:30 p. m. A musical program will be n Dr Isac -il Talk presented.* Mrs. Paul Washke Before Open Forum 1929 Literary Class: Dues arc payable today and tomorrow at table in University Hall. Dr. Raphael Isaacs, Professor of Department of Mathematics: A meeting of the faculty of this department is called on Thursday, I April 8, at 4:15 in room 3017, Angell Hall. Full attendance is requested. James W. Glover Students of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Literary students wishing to become candidates for a University Scholarship (value $200 or $100) may obtain blank application form at the office of Dean- Effinger. These blanks must be filled out and t turned not latcr than April 26. No application wviii receive considera- tion after that date, and awards will be made by June 1. II. P. Thieme, Chairman Scholarship Committee Moving Picture: Dr. Robert J. atuth, Chief of the Pharmaceutical Division of the I ~. R. Squibb &5 Sons Company, will show a motion picture entitled "How Scinc Aida in Coptrolling Infectious Disease" at the Natural Science' Auoni onFriday April 19, at 4:15 p. mn This film portrays the ianufacturc and standardizatio~n of biological products and should be of intereste to the members of the departments of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, as well as a certain proportion of the Faculty at large. All who are intcrcsted are cordially invited to attend. hugh Cabot Municipal Finance Lecture, Political Science 246: Joseph E. Mills, Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies of the City of Detroit, will lecture Thursday, April 18, at 3 p. m. in rocm 2203 Angell Hall on "How a City Buys." This lecture should be of in- terest to all students of commerce and public finance. C. E. Rightor The an e-aup exam ination for those who missed the last test will be held on Thursday, April 18, at 3 o'clock, in room 35 A. H-. Lila Pargrnent Glass In the Tehing of English: I shall not meet my class in the Teaching of English as usual on F7rkday mornipg, at 9 o'clock. C. D. Thorpe PlThc1e n Journawl meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. All graduate students majoring in political science arc expected to be iwscnt. .1. S. Reeves The next meeting wiii be held on Thursday, April 18, at 7:30 p. n. in room 248, West Engineering Building. Professor R. H.I Sherlock will speak on "The Loading of Electrical Power Lines." The work at the rield experimental station will be described, apparatus for measurement demonstrated, and some problems wvhich await solution outlined. All interested are minte to attend. W. M. Coates All Cainpus Forum: Professor John II. Muyskens of the Speech Department xviii discuss "Communication and Life," in the reading room of Lane Hall at 4:05 o'clock this afternon. dAll men and women students and members The Forum Committee Julius A. Zink, John Webster Mede! League of Nations Banquet: The Model League of Nations Assembly will give a banquet Friday vening. Apri 19, ata th Mihian Uion. at wichir t Georgea Fse to be given by Steplian P. Duggan. Tickets arc $1.50 for each banquet and reservations must be made immediately at the main desk in Lane Hall. L. Stein Prescott Club: Dr. Robert J. Ruth of E. R. Squibb and Sons will give a lecture on the Manufacture of Cod Liver Oil, accompanied by a motion picture, "Sun- shine from the Sea," in the Natural Science Auditorium, Thursday'. April 18, at 7:30 p. mn. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested. Herbert S. Ripley, Chairman finiaince comrmittcc *Seui or Sing Commnittee: There will be a meeting of this committee this afternoon at 4:00 o'clok inroom o . erbert J7. Palmer, Chairman Alliha Ni.: The initiation of new members will be held on Tuesday, April 23, at 4:5pm.nthAphNurm.A niiesmsberent ndon time. After the initiation a banquet will be served at tii Union. Prof. James K. Pollock,. Jr., will be the speaker. Members desiring tickets may purchase them in the Alpha Nu room Friday, April 19, from 4 to 5 o'clock. Richard S. Weber, Vice-President authorities on cures for pernicious anaemia, will address the regular tin at 730 o'clock tonight. i topic will be "The Religion of Science. Dr. Isaacs was recently appointed assistant director of the new Simp- son Memorial Institute which was donated to the University for re- search work a few years ago anid lie 'is considered among the emi- n'ent scientists of the campus. Anyone interested is cordially in- vited to attend and hear Dr. Isaacs Fred 11. Weinmann, Pres. MERRILL, -YCH& O Chicago Stock Exchange Cleveland Stock Exchange Detroit Stock Exchange New York Curb Market Accounts Carried on Conservative Margin 201 First Nat'1 Bank Phone 4294 Speelt Defective Group.: The interviews for this week are postponed until the fi:st Wednes- dlay and Thursday of May. P. ).Swain' THlE BEST EATS IN TOWN HARMONY CAFETERIA WHOLESOMDLICIOUS FOOD - I CLEVER ! ENTER TAINING ! New York Listed Stocks Private wires to all Markets Conservative margin ac(,unts solicited Telephone 2254 Brown'Cress & Co-', Inc. Ivstment Secrl r 7th Floor First Nat I Batik Bldg. T H E M IM ES take great pleasure in announcing their production of Robert Emmet Sherwood's popu- tar comedy, "THE QUEEN'S HUSBAND" for the week beginning Saturday matinet Monday, April ~. Seats may be 22, with a special reserved by mail order or by dialing 4151. Tickets are priced at 75 cents and $1 for the nights, and 50 cents and 75 cents I for the matinee. The box office sale opens Saturday, April 20, 2 p. i. SOPHISTICA T ED ! WIT TY ! I U h I cing at I I IC 4 WVith THE OMER-LO~OMIS ORCHESTRA "flT ." STITHER S. Tirpctor U U 'I