C d 1 11r1 ,A.dL '.&j ' l ,.i 1 1JGJr"," PAGE FOUR 7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 W014400800 Published every morning except Monday, diing the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association.- The Associated Press is exclusively en-; titled to the use fov republication of all news dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwise' credited in this paper and the local news pub- dished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, is second class matter. Special rate of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- eard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 11214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK ditor....................Nelson J. Smith City Editor............... . Stewart Hooker News Editor ............ Richard C. Kurvink Spors Editor............W. MorrisQuinn Women's Editor..............Sylvia S. Stone Telegraph Editor............ George Stautex Mus icand IDrama..............R. L. Askren Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar Night Editors Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe nald 3. Kline PercesRosenberg Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons George C. Tilley watch and daring to perform. They are, in point of fact, an aid to the development of our most modern means of locomotion. Yet in the zeal for progress it is possible to exercise caution and regard for the safety of others without cooling with the precaution the ardour mo- tivating the deed. Airplane accidents are after all surprisingly and fortunately few. When deaths occur because of them they are startlingly real by reason of the spectacular strangeness in- spired by the fall of a man to his death from an unwonted position of thousands of feet up in the air. And of course, with typical human indulgence for the miraculous, when a man drops from dizzy heights to the ground and lives, even though his fall be the after- clap of carelessness, people think only of the miracle and not the potentialities. Hence in the incident at Detroit public opinion blinds itself to the girve apprehensions connected with the fall by the brilliance of the escape. It shuts from sight the imminent danger of a plane doing stunts over a street crowded with people and automobiles. Stunt fly-' ing should be relegated to the fly- ing field and should no more be al- lowed outside the bounds of the field than automobile racing should be allowed along the main high- way of a city. It is a pity that a near tragedy is not sufficient to indicate the danger; it seems nec- essary to await uglier results to spur the inevitable action. I'OATED ROLL~ ATHLETICS FOR ALL KINDS OF WEATHER Music And Drama THE RENAISSANCE OF SINCLAIR LEWIS* c tJy Of y r QUAUTY. Qr UAUTY. La wn Mowers- of Quality at This Store kI I ( (Reprinted from April Gargoylc) By Lawrence R Klein Reporters Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layman Morris Alexande Charles A. Lewis C. A. Askren Marian McDonald Bertram Askwitl' Henry Merry Louise Behymrne Elizabeth Quaife Arthur iiernste" Victor Rabinowitz Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell Isabel Charles Anne Schell L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer Drank E. Cooper Howard Simon HelenDoionne Robert L. Slos Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman Douglas Edwards A. Stewart Valborg Egeland. Cadwell Swanseen RobertJ . Feldman Jane Thayer Marjorie Follmer Edith Thomas vv uiham bentry Beth Valentine Ruth Geddes GurneyaWilliams David B. Hempstead Jr. Welter Wilds Richard ung GeorgedE. Wohlgemuth Charles R.Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr. Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE ssfstant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers Advertising .... .....Alex K. Scherer Advertising.............. A. James Jordan Advertising............... Carl W. Hammer Service................Herbert E. Varnumn Circulation.............. George S. Bradley Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley Publications.............Ray M. Hofelichi r i r V) Y 1 Mary Chase Seanette Dale ernor Davis Bessie Egeland Sally Faster Anna Goldberg Kasper H alverson George amilton back Horwich DixHumphrey &sIstants Marion Kerr Luiiank ovinsky Bernard Larson Hollister Mabley I. A. Newman Jack Rose Carl F. Schemm George Spater Sherwood Upton Marie Wellstead Night Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929 SANS "HELL AND MARIA" That President Hoover has select- ed a man for one of the ountry's most important foreign 'offices, that of ambassador to England, one who will attempt to impress himself on Great Britain by "Hell and Maria", is thoroughly grotesque. With the advent of his pre-eminent diplo- matic position he will cast into the discard all such explosive expres- sions, as well as any affectations in the unusual makeup of his pipes. In all of his dealings, whether with presidents, senators, or soldiers, the former Vice-President has been straightforward and vigorously ca- pable, which by no means consti- tute reasons why he should not fill his new diplomatic task with credit. Throughout Europe, the name of Dawes is a byword. His work on the Reparations Commission, on which he accepted the responsibil- ity for the success or failure of the plan, mark him indelibly as keen diplomat as well as an intel- ligent banker under stress of dif-I ficulty negotiations. As business, man, psychologist and statesman Mr. Dawes has prgved himself ca- pable, and there is every reason to believe that as ambassador to the Court of St. James he will be most successful. -0- 0 SLEUTH WHALEN ON THE TRAIL! Police Commissioner G r o v e r Whalen of New York has presented his detective forces with small black leather kits, said to contain all the tools necessary to crime detection and labeled "Practical Criminal Science Outfit". The kit contains, among other things, a magnifying glass, a flashlight, tape measure, calipers, a set of test tubes for preservation of the victim's hair, fingernails, and so forth, a fingerprint set, pair of rubbers gloves, a saw, a pair of tweezers, three chisels, one trouble-finder (a flashlight on a lanyard), paper, twine, a stenographers notebook, and a set of assorted crayons. Shades of Sherlock Holmes! Evi- dently Mr. Whalen has failed to keep up on the modern methods of crime detection! Where are the gumshoes? The commissioner has written a book of instructions, but it isn't entitled "How to Be a De- tective". Where is the peaked cap? Shades of Philo Vance! Where are the treatises on psychology, on phlosophy, on crime detection in the Age of Sophocles and Milton Work on "Poker and Criminal De- tection". Shades of all the other famous masters in crime solution. Is Mr. Whalen trifling with the beliefs the millions of crime fans hold? Does he expect his public to believe that any sleuth can find the guilty man save the heroine as she sits in the electric chair with three chisels and a test tube full of the victim's fingernails? Sleuth Whalen had better stick to 'greeting Russian Dukes and wel- coming froeigners to our shores! ROLLING ALONG With the coming of spring and weather conducive to automobil- ists, discussion of federal railroad aids and general improvements of the country's highways begins. At present, the Federal govern- ment, under an old appropriation, allows $75,000,000 per year for aid- iag in the building of better roads. The American Automobile Associa- tion is petitioning Congress for an appropriation -of $125,000,000 an- nually and seems to be entirely justified in the demands for a number of reasons. The fact that good roads nation- ally are of concern to the Federal government in its many functions is obvious, yet the government funds provide but 5 five per cent of the money used for improving the highways. Moreover, in 1916, when the appropriations bill in force at present time was adopt- ed, there were only 3,500,000 auto- mobiles as compared to the 24,- 700,000 in operation this year, but there has been no increase in the appropriations in keeping with the growing need and demand for better highways. Finally, it will be noted that under the war ex- cise tax which was in force for a long time after the cessation of hostilities, the government collect- ed more than one billion dollars in automobile excise taxes, while only half that amount has been ex- This business of playing certain games in certain seasons never does work out, and somebody withI a lot of spare time on his hands ought to work out a system of con- gruity. Take yesterday's ball game. The spectators sat around in hud- dled bunches, trying to keep from catching pneumonia and when one1 wise guy said something about "bleachers" he was immediately knocked unconscious by a clout on1 the beak at the hands of a half- dozen half frozen and very much disgruntled fans whose slicker-lined reefers were stiffer than a Poly Sci final. If Asbeck could have done it, he'd probably have tied a couple of hot water bottles around his hurling arm before stepping into the pitch- er's box which must have felt like an ice box. Yeste'rday's cold skies made one think of football, and if 'things were run right around here we'd have had a gridiron battle in the stadium where the fans could have felt justified in freezing. On rainy days, of course, all athletic strug- gles would be confined to a basket- ball tilt in the Intramural building. See what you can do, will you? Campus life "as is" will be por- trayed in a movie to be made on the Oregon campus in order to give prospective students an unadulter- ed picture of college life. If it does, the next freshman class will be a sorry thing to look upon. However, there are some fellows who will just go to college in spite of everything. Oregon has something to offer, though, that makes up for that. By means of a new system, entering students may register in one hour. On second thought we wonder how many hours they stand in line before they get around to registering. * * * Classes in dancing for freshmen are being given at the University of Colorado. The charge is ten cents for the semester. More graft, eh? A co-ed at the same school de- nounces man as a creature that has never more than one collar or one idea at one time. * * * That's unjust, and besides we know a lot of women who haven't even a collar. The vituperative party further holds that it's a marvel that a wo- man should care to kiss a big, awk- ward, stubby chinned, tobacco- smelling, and bay rum scented thing like a man. Well, lady, if that's what they grow out west there's always a nice gentle cow. They don't siell of to- bacco or bay rum, and they cer- tainly aren't stubby chinned. Something to worry about: Pro- fessor Hobbs says the world is be- ing pared down at the rate of an inch every 760 years. Ann Arbor is stepping out. The police are searching for three thugs who paid us a professional visit the other day. They are badly wanted, according to the Daily. Which reminds us of that old wheeze: what does Ann Arbor want with thugs? According to a news dispatch vis- itors .of the Museum of Peaceful Arts in New York may, by blowing cigarette smoke into the funnel of a new exhibit, see the motion of the molecules contained in the smoke. as?.h, hatfun. An instructor at Georgia Tech. admits that he always gives the students with white shirts and snappy ties the better grades. One student recently went to class in "y Lt(UW b VAVC; Al. A&VA When we pass in review Sinclair .t Lewis' long chain of faded violets- The Job, Main Street, Babbitt, Man- trap, Arrowsmith, Elmer Gantry, and the garrulous but quite inno- cuous Man' Who Knew Coolidge, -their scent quite faint-and turn with weary hope to his latest posey, Dodsworth, we discover, pleasantly enough, that Lewis has plowed a new furrow, sown a new character, and reaped a new harvest. Dods- worth is the brightest blossom yet, and, not only is it bright, but also fragrantly different and seasonly satisfying. Dodsworth is not the airplane view of a murky, turbulent stream of life that flows through The Job with its stenographic heroine cling-I ing desperately to a raft of rotten. logs. It is not a badly scratched etching of a Gopher Prairie and Carol Kennicott antagonistic and at odds. It is not a base, booming, Babbitt, nor a book of diary-like impressions of a middle-western mind. It is not a nasty, risque pic- ture of lascivious laymen, nor has it the semblance of an Elmer Gan- try. Dodsworth the character, es- capes the common element of Bab- bittry that pervades and surrounds the characters of all previous books. Dodsworth is a new element, hith- erto unused and undiscovered. Whereas the others are carved from the same block, Dodsworth is of a fresh, virgin slab from another stratum and of another texture. "To define what Sam Dodsworth was, at fifty, it is easiest to state what he was not. He was none of the things which most Europeans and many Americans expect in a leader of American industry. He was not a Babbitt, not a Rotarian, not an Elk, not a deacon. He rarely shouted, never slapped people on the back. . . He knew, and thor- oughly, the Babbitts and baseball fans, but only in business. "While he was bored by free verse and cubism, he thought rather well of Dreiser, Cabell, and so much of Proust as he had rather laborious- ly mastered . . . He was common sense apotheosized, he had the en- ergy and reliability of a dynamo.. . and all the time he dreamed of 1.1'...".., 111- 1 1.- 1 M 1 t l i" WA ,,,, ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION LECTURE Richard Halliopburto..n Great States Mower is without doubt one of the best on the market for the money. Low Wheel, 14" 8.00 Low Wheel, 16" 9.00 High Wheel, 14" .... 10.54 Be sure and see this High Wheel, 16" 12.00 Mower High Wheel, 18" 13.00 Ball bearing, Self Adjusting, strongly built of the best materials. Others as follows: Detroiter, 16", Plain Bearings ...$7.50 Detroiter, 16", Ball Bearings ...$8.50 Great American- Ball Bearing High Wheel. 15" $21.00 19" 26.00 17" 24.00 21" ............................ 28.00 Oil and Can with each Mower. PotL UAUTY. o .. Ri i 111111IIIIIiIII1111IIHIII111111IIIIIIIIIIII a , ite iu uritiu n ii E i n i i Author of "The Royal Road to Romance" "The Great Adven- ture" Amplifiers will } Make every seat available Tickets at Slater' s: $1000 Jno. C. Fischer Co. I Nil . 'QUALITY. I I 1liliiililiiiiiiliil#Ililliililliiiilltiliili 1,1111111111I11111111IlllilllllllMltlHlllll11 f , .... .w J I I - -- 1.1 A. " W.AIA WAA VAAV V++++v ++v wt vw .. .. ,r. .+motors like thunderbolts, as poets 1 less modern than himself might dream of stars and roses and nymphs by a pool." Thus is fashioned a Lewis char- acter that is unique. However, in one bad stretch of 70 pages the in- novation relapses into a Babbitt, or perhaps for that space Lewis could not escape Babbitt. But even then he is not the real Babbitt. He is rather a Babbitt in gold brocade and with a'male-trained mind. This Samuel Dodsworth was a millionaire, and for twenty years he had lived with his wife and reared his family, constructing his motor car, treating it as an art, building, building, but always around himself, penning himself, blinding himself. Then came reve- lation (the name of his motor car, strangely enough), then came the longing for cosmic sweep and the! desire to clamber over the wall he i had built about him, isolating him. Desire "to sit under a linden 'tree for six straight months and not hear one word about efficiency or Doing Big Things or anything more important; than the temperature of the beer....--if there is anything more important." But more, the de- sire to travel leisurely, not in the fashion of American expatriates, but to do something with his life, to romanticize after a life of crea- tion, to follow a "Richard Harding j Davis dream." C The Dodsworths go, but oaice re- i leased from the doldrums of Ze- nith, Sava discovers that his wife dominates him, suppresses "hlm, holds him fast from. his drive to a new life. He discovers her, when stripped elude of leer garb of do- mesticity, a child. He discovers that between their there has never been romance. He fails to reawaken what is dormant between their and like- wise he fails to mother her. U11- faithful to hiili, he leaves her to her lover. Without her he is a de- relict floating aimlessly, helpless- ly. He cannot reconcile his life i without her, yet she iii her new life seems reborn. He has no place in it. She was a child, yet she -I-- ---.,-.,t.,,A T :... ,., ,., MONDAY, APRIL ZZ 8:00 P. M. - HILLAUDITORIUM R ' f f ' 1 I I I I fill 11,1111LI z F F .Ad oof s 69 ,j r" n; r+p"{: ": Drink r }! k1 . 1 k Delicious and Refreshing ;' ' fX A --- " ,. 4 ;: 1 "' i ,I _ ,S} rC, ti , L.f #Y. l i s . FALIVE ANiD CtIRVEILY, "HEADS UP" Near tragedies frequently fail to' drive home with the same terrify- ing force that accompanies catas- trophes moredevastating and mor- bid the awful significance that lies back of them. The plane crash which occurred in Detroit last Sun- day with the resultant demolishing of an automobile parked on the street and the miraculous escape from death by the passengers of both the plane and auto was a near tragedy. The melo-drarnatic side- stepping of death by the persons about to enter the doomed automo- bile which the hurtling plane crushed, coupled with the momen- tary checking of descent by a tele- phone wire that broke the occu- pants fall, have by the dint of their very incredulity acted as a deter- rent to a speedy curbing of the cause that lies behind the accident. Whether or not inculpation for the affair can be ascribed to stunt flying, which eye-witnesses attest .tnc t n n ra i i n lrvna r imttnl-nr.~ lli o 1s A S TO q E SOUL V SINGLE. TH PAUSE NrYlr ;' + Y r .,: ; ,. i< ,. ? :' ' REFRESH HIM r AND NOT EVE GLANCE FR( 4X4 THE STAG LIN g v N"' Enough's enough and too much is not necessary. Work hard enough at anything and you've got to stop. That's where Coca=Cola domes in. Happily, there's always a cool and cheerful dace around the corner from any- where. And an ice-cold Coca- Cola, with that-delicious taste and cool after-sense of refresh- ment, leaves no argument about when, where-and how-to cause and refresh yourself. WITH BUT iOUGMT- AN IS ELF N A ,o m #f "r t i .i A : l