L -~m-I C-H l A- .,.. . _ k ~TIR _ _ _ _ _. .. -- - *- NACO, SONORA, CENTER OF CONCENT RATION OF REBEL nr i\rn (rn FISHERIES STATION HER 0 ILLLTO TOL MOBILL AND MEXICAN FORCES, MAY WITNESS CRUCIAL BAT TLE AILU rrIb n 0 Hu LO RESEARCH FOR GkEA E CONDUCTS LT LAKES AREA HAVE BEENSEECTED TTT[RTEE7N FOREIGN COUNTRIES WIL BE RIEPRESENTE7D** PROM CAMVPUS BANQUET SET FOR FRIDAY Member Of Canadian Senate Will SeTo 'Be Held At Unioinnr All of the delegations to the I . f Model Assembly of the League of Nations, to be held here Friday and COMM :r4 :"ir MAKE: 'LtIt is not generally known that tiveness of the various types of Hubr f he Grdute s L w the United States Government has: fishing apparatus, and fishingwin i tensity. In the study of the lim- established a fisheries laboratorti nsg s dy .(envirnmentalt.Bconditions) E. J. Ottaway, president of the at Ann Arbor in the fishes di-'of Lake Erie the Bureau is coop- Alumni association, and Dean Carl vision of the University Museums. erating with the province of On- ..kL..t..wa u b plyeshr u tte e tarnditsates g oOhiorande Huber of the Graduate school will The United States Bureau of Fish- the ates an e {D heavehere Wdd alsose1 for eries nintains a staff of four sci Yk the Buffjor Mueu of Na- _ eveensay Myaural History .'and the City of a tour of western alumni groups entific investigators and -two office diBuffalo who have not yet entered the Unyi-hod' , --~ versity Ten Year Progratm, it was This is the ninth of a series The Ann Arbor laboratory is announced yesterday from the of articles illustrative of the carrying on the investigation of Alumni Association offices workbeingc d uone in the Univer-.j the destructiveness to young fish Originally, President 'Clarence sity Museums Building. of the various types of fishingtgear Cook Little was schieduiled to go on'o_________________ and is devoting considerable time n.this' trip with. Mr. Ottaway but be- employees here under the direction t astuyio proper regulations cause of ecent developmentseit o hfor the commercial fisheries of all akn eroul il botts, InFan sofLs ngDrh .e eJnoyhnnroe hVgra..nsnOostenn. ecmmr a gf st~ ean eiis aaea a noiTla n s lm ntehsoyo th e GinsfrathLae s;ater.fVanneoa. wasssthought Tore advisable that . -The Ann Arbor laboratoryhas Dean Huberwho is also secretary T kha staken a major part in the re- nt_____ t__e__ m of the association, be substituted, charge of all the scientific invest- codification of Michigan's commer- Included in, their retinue are- gations conducted by the federal cialn fisheries bill, whichehas re- ve________._v_ kyvisits to eight large western cities government on the fish and fish- natly hipassed the House of Rep- Not To Resumel starting with a meeting with the; eries in the Great Lakes area. Atj resentatives and is now before the Minneapolis-St. Paul club on MayI the present time. the Bureau of.$ Senate, has written in large part ThisS emeste8'r 1. After leavin g the Twin Cities,; Fisheries is -conducting a general the new commercial fisheries bills ,President - Ottaway and Dean Hub- ! survey of the commercial fishepes for the state of Ohio, has assisted ition o Prof. H. Cooley, er will attend meetings of the Uni-tsofthe Great Lakes concentrating Iin the =revision of the Wisconsin le sociology department, versity of Michigan clubs in Seat- on the fisheries of Lake Erie which! bills now before the legislature and taken seriously' ill about tie; San Francisco, Los Angeles,; have recently undergone the great- is now drawing up recommenda- ,o, still remains serious, Pasadena, San Antonio, Tulsa. and' est slump in the history of that tions for the. state: of Minnesota.. ed ysedy ' Kansas City. The purpose of theI lake. -' In 'addition, the Ann Arbor staff eftite t hat, Professor'entire program is to secure one! The Lake Erie survey attempts to! is attemplting to unravel the vir- 1not be able to resume hundred per cent enrollment of the! evaluate the various factors; that tually unknown life histories and this semester . and his]~ clubs 'visited in, the Ten Year Pro-' may be responsible for 'the. de- portant commercial species of fish yve been taken over by~ gram' and to encourage these clubs pletion of the fisheries; such 'fac- natural :histories of the more imn- Lowell J. Carr, Arthur to' announce and start work im- t o rs includer pollution, food, , portant :commrercial species of fish ad Roy Holmes. 'mediatrely on their projects. 'weather conditions, the destrue-= of the Great Lakes. Saturday by the Student Christian - -l Picture shows a street,-scene in association, were completed yester- Pawlowski Will Attend Naco; state of Sonora, which is day, according to John M. Brumm, Cleveland Aeo RCes ust across the American border. Secretary-General in charge of the _ At present the town is the center arrangements, and 13 countries I When the Early Birds club meets of a great concentration of Mexi- will be represented by students of in Cleveland in conjunction with can federal and rebel troops, so1 the University. Lawrence Preuss, the aviation races to be held there, that it may soon be the scene of an tithe UniVersity wil be represented important struggle between the of the political science department, (by Prof. Felix W. Pawlowski, of two fations. os thefchyadereand chairman the department of aeronautical en- of the Michigan deegaion. gineering. The organization is com- __ studentshcountriesare:prest e ypoed of the few men who soloed THIRD UNIVERSITY1 studntsher ar: Alani-Ro- {and those who piloted gas balloons land Egger, president of the assem- 'or airships in the first 13 years of WORLD CRUISE 1929-30 , bly, and Prof. Preston Slosson; dynamic flight after the historic Under the direction of Pro- British Empire - John Erickson, feat of the Wright brothers at Kit- fessors from leading Univer- I enry Frutig, and George MC- tyHawk, N. C., In 1903. 'UsAies. Arthur; China-T. T. Zee, H. Y. Much attention will be directed 'New CUNARD CRUISE-SHIP Chang, Tieh C. Chao; Guatemala- toward Professor Pawlowski at the Belgium., Holland, Switzer Emily Pates, Emily Francis, Harriet meeting, since it was he who found- land, Germany, Italy, Austria, .Adams. - ed at the University the first course Greece, Palestine, Egypt, So- Honduras - Do r o t h Y. Wilson, I in aeronautical engineering to be' maliland, India, Ceylon, Su- Agnes Herwig, Aley .Kuriyan; India offered in any school in the coun- natra, Java, Singapore, Bor- -Syed Husain, S. Agha, Partap 'try. neoChina, Korea, Japan, Ha- Singh, Mrs. Aaron; Japan-Susumu Professor Pawlowski gained ad- wai, California, Panama, Kobe, Shoyei Yamuchi, Mrs. Sa- mission to society by making a solo ACuba. saki; Latavia-Mary Chase, George i flight at Issy-Les-Moulineaux near University courses in Art, His- saiB Lvi-adelnCeryibri-tory, Literature, Economics, Bradley, Helen Cheever; Liberia- Paris in a nondescript monoplane French, English, Geography, Mary Lytle, George Nelson, An- of his own make with a three-cyl- Government, Sociology, etc., thony Swarthout, J. Whai Ku; inder Anzani motor. He used com- may be accepted for credit at Luxembourg - Lorraine M a g a w , mercial wings and is said to have over 100 Universities. Bertha Law, Una VanRiper, Mar- felt fortunate that his engine would j From $1,450 for World Cruise jorie Carr; Nicaragua-Frederica run for 15 minutes before getting I only, including tuition and Baeslack, Jane Yearnd, Carol red hot. shore trips. Swartout; Peru-Janice Gillette, Born in Warsaw, Poland, Profes- CUNARD LINE Edwina Jenney, Janet Woodman- sor Pawlowski was educated at a Steamship Transportation see; Salvador-Martha Choy, Mar- technical college in Saxony and EN ROUTE SERVICE, INC. garet Dusseau, Ao Dju, Nellie Beck- had experience as a designer and York Business and Travel er. producing engineer and manager Management Prof. Jesse S, Reeves, head of the in Poland, Russia, Germany, and For full information address political science department will Austria. He was lured by the idea UNIVERSITY TRAVEL introduce Sir George Foster, mem- of flight and witnessed the historic ASSOCIATION ber of the Canadian senate and iflight of Wilbur Wright at Le Mons 285 Madison Ave, widely known as an international in 1908 and at Pau in 1909. When New York City authority on the League of Nations,! his money gave but he took steer- 2ND UNIVERSITY CRUISE at a banquet to be held Friday age passage for America, believing NOW IN INDIA evening at the Union. Prof. Robert this country presented more oppor- T. Crane, of the political science tunities in this line. department, will also speak while On arrival in New York he work- Martin Mol, '29, will act as toast- ed in various places as a cement master. mixer, rivet catcher, painter, and photographer for an architect. He Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, attempted to get jobs with. the $2.25 for the half year. Wrights and with Glenn Curtis. I Cooley Duties The cond head of th who was t a month aE it was stat It is d Cooley will teaching t courses ha Professors E. Wood, a LOWERDAY'S LOWERS Fresh Cut Flowers of thee Season FLORAL IECORATIONS = EIit"ltllt[I l~ttl1lltil 1111111m m~u~l11.1114M~i~tlt"111"Hlltll lil~ ll~ [1~flll~lli1X4 11 ~tlllltlid~ ttil tll{014.Cttk a yYa Yaa - a: Thru lassiiedf iii -- a~ \5 - ai -a - -a a, - Mreueo t e rdo or~ht aa poiios an abih oie n CALL ri~nTHE iCLisFwIeDe."WORtsTOP IenraTlH F -a ..rrl ' '- ' t~~ - tunitfEiAesae aparn.Th asste ONoum. sTREE wtAN PACeYURAD -a -a # # SERVICE. a Europe- bound Flowers by Wire Phone 7014 609 E. Williams 106 E. Washington Your Stationery -by Eaton, Crane & Pike Like the company you keep, and the clothes you wear, your stationery is an expression of your individuality - your good taste. For years Eaton, Crane & Pike have been dominant as makers of high grade stationery for men And women. And this year their line is more attractive than ever before. 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We offer you a choice of such famous liness the Majestic, words largest ship, Olympic, Homeric, Beigenland, Lapland, Pte.-and two remarkable steamers, Minnekahda and Minnesota, that carry i TOURiST Third Cabin passengers exclu- sively. Oa ne way Accommodations are reserved exclusively for -the sort of peopeyouwill enjoy traveling . ith..