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April 16, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-16

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SENAE WLL Gliding Enthusiasts ' PCA ESO ALBRO S Remove Famed
SENATE WillHEAR!Mch o 'kS 0 ~ro e v
Demonstrate Skill In 1773_Tea Tax Iss
Three demonstrations of the iore than a dozen attempts lastSPE (y Associated Press)
sport and science of gliding were Saturday to pass the National Gli- LONDON, April 15.-The tax
Istaged by members of the Glider der association's test for a thirdwhih George III found impossible
NEWircr ft shtowrin toit. fighe secon dsquFOEDSTHROUGHttE TORATORICAL wcoeh Ienrmose
I section during the Spring holidays class glider pilot's license which to impose upon his American
before crowds of visitors to the All-I requires a flight of 30 seconds, but) colonies has beer removed from
E PAmerican Aircraft show in Detroit failed by five seconds to qualify. the Britishpepey mnitrf
Gliding enthusiasts representing DWnald F. Walker, an officialMIofAt O EMPsa George V.
clubs in Alabama, California, Ohio, the association, timed the at- I;A similar tax, although the main
and Michigan made the trip out tempts. With stronger wind or a CTOobjetion was that it was imposed
MEASURE TO BE GIVEN PUBLIC from Detroit to watch the local slightly higher hill, according to CONGRESS MEETS TO ACT ON YOUNG PRINCETON GRADUATE without representation led Boston
REVIEW IN UPPER aeronauts pilot their home-made Walker, Stoughton could easily PRESSING FARM TO TALK HERE citizens to throw tousands of
HOUSE schooling glider down the slopes of have picked up the extra five sec- PROBLEM MONDAY pounds of tea into their harbor in
the section's flying field at the in- onds necessary to enroll himself as 1773. The tea tax and a stamp tax
RESEMBLES DARIN BILL tersection of Geddes and the River the first American-trained glider HOUSE MOVES SWIFTLY HAS WRITTEN TWO BOOKS were the two chief economic causes
r .pilotto receive a license. -I for growth of the revolutionary
Interfralernity Council Committee Milton Stoughton, '29E., technical In an impromptu demonstration Senate Agriculture Committee Is Twenty-Seven Year Old Traveler feeling in the northern colonies.
Will Depart For State Capital expert of the Glider section, made Sunday a landing cross-wind by a Uncertain About To Relate "Glorious Boston residents, after a boycott
At Lansing less-experienced pilot cracked one Measure Adventure" against the tea tax, one night in
ALs ncriof the main fuselage members ___ December,1773, donned Indian
m h g-necessitating a cessation of flying (By Associated Pres As the eighth feature of the 1928- regalia, went aboard a British ship
Resuming the fight for tax ex-while the ship is repaired in the WASHINGTON, April 15.-The 1929 series of Oratorical association in the harbor, split the chests and
property at Stateinsitutionsaftert section's new shop in the Natural bills of the farmer about which lectures, Richard Halliburton, threw the tea into the water.
propertylatiState instittonsiaftegScience building. three administrations have worried world traveler and famous roman- Since the days of Queen Eliza-
a lull following the reported killing Pilots trained in the Glider sec- 'ad brationsthewned tic adventurer, will appear next beth the tax on tea has always
mittee which had it under con- 1""UN V E E h L tion s two ships also staged a de- g on- Monday night, April 22, in Hill Aud- been present i England, although
miteeawic thadi pnder on- thmonstration last Tuesday morning gress into special session today to itorium. it has seen many changes and
seat introduced a similaren bill at the Ford airport before a group deliberate over a remedy. Halliburton typifies the undaunt- many demands for remission. Just
measue introduced a reiia iLbesof delegates to the annual meet-! Meeting at the call of President' ed spirit of youth as few characters as the English public learned from
i theenaten ato rceki aEpiopalia Prb s To Dicsing of the Society of AutomotiveHp outside of fiction have done. At the Chinese to like the beverage,
public hearing at 10 'clock this Spiritual Problems From engineers. The glider, another of' Hoover for the specific purpose o 27 he is the author of two of the so the Stuart kings quickly follow-
morning in the Senate chamber. April 30 to May 3 the schooling type recently com- carying out his campaign pledge most popular non-fiction books of ed the Chinese example of taxing
ator Ernest T. Conlon, of Grand TU EA pleted by Prof. Roswell E. Franklin. for farm relief and the suggestions the century, "The Royal Road to the dried leaves. Charles II was1
Rapids, on March 21 is exactly the: WO HUNDRED TO ATTEND was towed behind a car, attaining for tariff revision, the two houses Romance" and "The Glorious Ad- 'given permission to have eight-
sRme as the Darin bill which was an altitudeof 200 feet before th sped through the opening formal- venture." The title of the latter tenths per gallon on e infused tea.
saea h ai ilwihwsAnn Arbor will be the battle- towing cable was cast loose, allow- bokph hathroughs theopi openingytaxtioformal-oped he'
rushed through the General Taxa- ground from April 30 to May 3 of ing the ship to glide back to earth. ities today and paved the way to h e h chse as the oi . growing use of the beverage which
tion ocimittee dwithout a hearing the next annual meeting of the Gliders both of the schooling type press to a conclusion the work al- Not only as an author has he be- by 1906 averaged 6.1 pounds per
and repoted "indefinitely post- protestant Episcopal Church con- and the secondary type, built by ready started on these subjects. come noted but also as a lecturer, person a year in England. At the
ies the same provisions and has gress when the liberal wing of that Gliders, Inc., were exhibited last While there appeared a possibil- having spoken before more than 300 end of the eighteenth century the
exactly the same pfeatures as th denomination assembles to thresh week at Convention hall and in the ity in the Senate that no farm bill educational and civic groups dur- duty was five shillings a pound and
exclohesmueaue s the itscretsiiul rbes'obe f ononhtl.50 years later was still as high as
old Darin bill, but is now known out its current spiritual problems lobbies of downtown hotels would reach the floor before next ing the past three 'years. Today he'
the Conlon bill, being Senate bill tt convention, which will hear t House moved ahead stands with Lindbergh as the great-two shng and six pence
No. 303. most of the . prominent liberal r swiftly. Barely had the echoes of est romantic adventurer of the pound.
Council Sends Committee icds on tsenap ubolicn daish-:h opening gavel subsided before 1time.
clerics of the Episcopalian faith, UL A E W L1CT1omte dopdit aliutnM IRt~lT IQ
Th smmtt nudnincludes on its agenda pubicdieKenneth-Patric,'29,JaChairman Haugen of the Agricul- Graduates At 21
Kenneth Patrick, '29, James Bayne, about God?" "What should be th ura ommitee dropped into the Halliburton as graduated, from
'29, Kenneth Holmes, '29, Haroldrelation betWeen church and statb e easket a bill drafted along lines of Princeton at 21, in the classoff 1921The.elcme incldngD rcussionsbftw htcand e fo
E'29, and Edward Wachs,E[ in the United States?Sthe Republican platform and the At 24 he had circled the globe and
'29, appointed by heInterfraterany unchanging standardsfor mor-campaign utterances of the Presi- packed more thrilling adventures
nity Council to promote interest in al behavior?", and "Why should Ithas een pesente as person finds in a life-time. ntuT
the tax exemption plans left early e pray?" aving the tacit approval of Mr. into three years than the ordinary J
this morning for Lansing to meet It was through an address before President Hoover Makes 'Choices Hoover. This literary vagabond surrender- __
the Senate Committee on Taxation this group last year in San Fran- For Judgeships, Commissions Debenture Plan Unsettled ed his heart and soul to the call of Secretarysihpt Pruad;S
in the public hearing. A group of cisco that the Reverend Henry And Secrelarial Posts The Senate Agricultural Comn romance, and superbly dared to live Secrear Smith Professors M oore,
students also plan to entrain for Lewis, rector of the local Episcopal mittee has not decided whether it his dreams. Although a member of t ea ursay
Lansing. this morning to uphold church, attracted country-wide at Nwill write the debenture plan into a distinguished Southern family, Pogram
their rights in this matter of tax hiSrnreognitI DAW NAME IS ON LISTi bills, and is. delaying action Halliburton literally travelled the
exemptipn. the companionate marriage pro- until tomorrow with the hope that world over "on a shoestring." He WILL BELAST PROGRAM i
Repeated efforts of local interest blem (By Associated.Press) Secretary Hyde will appear before found most of the poetic corners in B
to report the Darin bill killed in The congress, however, according WASHINGTON, April 15.--The it and give the administration's a prosaic world, fighting and laugh- i Three talks by members of the
the committee and thus avert all 'to Bishop Charles L. Slattery, does'first group of nominations since views upon that proposal. If the ing his way from one glorious ad- University faculty and a musical
support of the measure, proved of no.aeayatoiyt a debenture plan is rejected, the venture to another.
'hnnot have any authority to speak those of the cabinet were submitted deetr.ln srjceIh vnue oaohr program to be presented by the r
little avail. Due to pressure from for the church, nor does it attempt bill to be presented to the Senate He worked his way on tramp t
city officials and influential citi- to do . Its aim is to clarify is and promptly approved at the brief will be similar to the measure be- steamers, climbed the slopes of Varsity band, under the direction of?
zens of Ann Arbor and East Lan- sues, define terms, and promote session on March 5, will be sent to fore the House. Fuji-yama, swam the Hellespont, Nicholas Falcone, will comprise the r
sing, the measure was postponed mutual understanding among the the Senate tomorrow by President With the committee undecided and ascended the Matterhorn. In 25th and concluding University ra-
by the Committee on General Tax- 'church's different schools of HoIv over which course to take, senti- the gardens of the Taj Mahal, he dio broadcast to be ut nthe
ation before the students' side of thought by free discussion of moral ment was reported growing in the spent a night before the phantom
the question had been heard. Peti- theological, ecclesiastical, andre- Among the group will be that of Senate for adjournment Wednes- pool. He scaled the walls of the between 7 and 8 'clock next Thurs-
bing, pubihe b the n tefraer- ligious questions. Charles Gates Dawes to be ambas- day over the wek-end to give the Acropolis and climbed Olympus, day night.
being published by the Interfrater- The meeting in Ann Arbor is the sador to Great Britain and a num- agricultural' group time to settle Stromboli, and Vesuvius. His da- The programs, which have been
nty Council, were forwarded tO first attempt to hold the congress ber of appointments made by the the debenture question and report gers in many cases were incredible a regular weekly feature during thet
the members of the House of Rep- in a small city or at the seat of President since the Senate ad- a bill. but he laughed at the troubles, in school year, are broadcast from the
resentatives and to the members one of the country's greater uni- journment. jSome House leaders expressed each case securing the greatest re- new Mo:ris hall studio throughr
of the committee on General Tax- versities. Previous meetings have As a special session continues, determination to make short shrift wards for his risks. WJR, the "Good Will Station" of
te Int rfraternity Counletter fo been held in Richmond, Va., Pro- IMr.Hoover will be called uponto of the farm bill. Members of the Dives Eighty Feet the Richards Oakland company, int
thInt mnity Counclsaxa 'in vidence, R. I., and San Francisco. subii 'Agriculture Committee, after ap- He traveled the trail of Ulysses Detroit.
tion Committee was published ini It is expected that more than 2001 sbmt upwards of a dozen names, rvn hi esr;udy e hre .Sih ertr n
The Daily and copies were mailed cleyee from diffre pts of for vacancies hanging over from proving their measure Sunday, me- Iwith Homer's immortal Odessey as Shirley WV. Smith, secretary and
tctergymenfromdfferent parts of tgarded the remainder of their his guidebook. Only recently he I business manager of the University,
toatheaHuseoComndtt e G nthe country will be in attendance. . work as only a formality. The bill dove 80 feet into the sacred well of I will give the opening talk on this
era Taxation, and to Gov. Green.: The committee of arrangements servers in the Senate are watching will be referred formally ,to them Chichen Itza in Yucatan, and swam program and will tell some of thev
Senate Favors Student Hearing for this year's congress consists of with interest to see just what suc- tomorrow after the committee has the Panama Canal facts which will prove interesting'
A lettei has iecently ben received the Right Reverent Herman Page, cess will attend the presidential been organized for the new session Single admission tickets at $1.00 to those young men and womenf
from a member of the House com- D.D., Dr. Harley A. Haynes, direc- nominations, as compared with and they expect to have it ready I each may be secured at Slater's who contemplate partially earning
mittee which postponed the first tor of the University hospital, the those of the previous administra- i for House consideration Wednes- book sto. e or at the office of the their way through college. Mr.I
measure in which he states that he Reverend Robert B. Kimber, and tion. day. Association in room 3211 Angell Smith has been besieged with num-o
oudnbe infavor of giving the the Reverend Henry Lewis. The name of General Dawes, who Report Will Discuss Details hall. The entire right section of erous iequests for another talk on
the present, action is being con- 'is extremely popular in the Sen- The committee report will dis- the main floor and a part of the this subject since his first one deal-i
fined to the Senate committee. Last I vitatinf Sale ate, will be acted upon promptly. cuss the details and practical work- balcony has been set aside for hold- ing with the topic was given on av
Through all of this controversy, Senator Watson, Indiana, the Re- ings of the measure. No determin- ers of these tickets. Michigan Night program four years
communication has been main-; Closes Next Friday publican leader, said the usual: ation yet has been made of theiago.
tained with a group of students at !__practice of referring nominations time to be allowed for debate, that s Prof. Earl V. Moore, director of
Michigan State college in East . to committees would be dispensed being a function of the rules com- MexicanXW ar Parties the University School of Music, willv
Lansing, and it is probable that a Seniors will be given their lal with in this instance and an im- mittee-but Chairman Haugen eA Desert Old Positions outline what the merging of the
delegation from that institution opportunity to order their invita- mediate comfirmation is expected. pressed a hope that the House School of Music as a part of the
will attend the public hearing this tions and announcements for grad- , would reach a vote early next University of Michigan will mean
morning in the Senate. I appoint week. (B Aocted Pes) to future students. The final talk
. or t ent, the president will ask the Such action would fit snugly into AGUA PRIETA, Sonora, April 15. will be given by Prof. Erich A. Wal-
purpose will be open on the campus Senate's approval of his selection the program for the session. The -Rebel and federal troops, desert- I ter of the rhetoric department, who
Reed Gives Address on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- of Ernest Lee Jahmeke to be as- House Ways and Means committee ing old battlefields, maneuvered will speak concerning Randolph e

nsday. sistant secretary of the navy, DavidE expects to complete the tentative again today in what apparently Bourne. C
Before an order may be placed for S. Ingalls to be assistant secretary new tariff schedule late this week were efforts to decide the fate of The Varsity Band, consisting of
invitations and announcements, it of the navy in charge of aviation. ; or the first of next, and with the the Mexican revolution. 100 pieces under the direction of;
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the po- is necessary to show the treasur- Many judicial appointments also farm bill passed these could go be- Reprts to Nogales, Ariz., told of Nicholas Falcone, will present a ser-'
litical science department, in er's receipt for senior dues, accord- were pending for offices filled by fore the House. the movement of 27 federal troop ies of Michigan marches and song f
speaking before the Men's Educa- ing to Charles Seilheimer, chairman President Coolidge but not acted Both Speaker Longworth and trains northward from Guadala- melodies.t
tion club last night at the Union, of the committee. upon by the Senate. Representative Tilson of Connecti- jara, Jalisco, ostensibly en route to
emphasized the necessity for the' cut, the Republican leader, have the west coast of Mexico to furtherS.l
schiooldistricts' of municipal gov- !Dexpressed a desire for speedy dis-. bottle up the rebels in Sonora. Wocety win
schooldstrcofgunictheipal prov Pof r H mes, O Socilogy Department, posal of the main task before the At Agua Prieta, 1800 soldiers of
emnusentshtosrecognizeotheirCproperLife M e be
relationship with the other admin- Takes Exception To Statements In Magazine House. The speaker voiced such a the beaten Chihuahua army of dentafghn lErue
istrative departments.eutn Wtgnh ue ise mMagazie wish today in frowning upon hot: General J. G. Escobar dulsted sore
"The epartent o eduction, Writne inthe crrenti~ne f mwenatherf 1legislatiwatherlegisatiod feetand waryibdiesffter alongMnrtierrE.mooreE.dea emer

- -- - __





Ontario Premier, Other Notables
Will Participate In
S. C. A. Event
The opening session of the Model
Assembly of the League of Nations,
which will be held next Friday and
Saturday at the Congregational
church by the Student Christian
association, has been definitely set
for 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon,
and tickets for this assembly have
been placed on sale in all of the
campus book stores as well as at
Lane hall.
All of the speakers have been se-
lected and include men of national
and international note: Sir George
Foster, premier of the province of
Ontario, Can., who will address the
group at one of the banquets;
Stephan P. Duggan, director of the
Institution of International Edu-
cation, who will act as temporary
chairman until the president of
the League is chosen; Prof. Pitman
B. Potter, of the political science
department of the University of
Wisconsin and author of many
authoritative books on interna-
tional relations; President Clarence
Cook Little, who will deliver the
address at the opening of the ses-
sions; and Prof. Edwin D. Dickin-
son, of the Law school, who will
speak on "Elihu Root's ,World
Court Formula" complete.s' the
roster of lecturers.
French Will Be Used
Following the custom practiced
in Geneva, where the League of
Nations meets. every year, French.
and English will be the official
languages and the tickets have
been printed in French. Compli-
mentary tickets for the Diplomatic
gallery have been issued to the
Regents of the University, Gover-
nor Fred Green and Mrs. Green,'
presidents of all Michigan colleges
and universities, faculty members
of the Model Assembly committee,
and to members of the Michigan
committee of the League of Na-
tions association.
Professor Potter, who, it was an-
nounced, has just accepted the in-
vitation to attend the assembly,
will speakat a special luncheon to
be. held at noon Saturday. He is
coming to Ann Arbor through the
cooperation of the Carnegie En-
dowment for International Peace,
which sponsors clubs on interna-
tion relations in many colleges.
The luncheon in honor of Pro-
fessor Potter, will be held at the
Union with Prof. Robert T. Crane,
of the political science department
and adviser of the University In-
ternational Relation club, presid-
ing. He will discuss the work
which these clubs have accom-
plished, their aims, and ideals, and
will be available during the day for
any students or faculty members
who are interested in this type of
Colleges Organize Clubs
Many colleges throughout the
state have such clubs, including:
Kalamazoo college, Detroit Teach-
er's college, Alma college, Hills-
dale college, Michigan State col-
lege, and others which are at the
present time engaged in the for-
mation of such clubs. One faculty
representative and one student
from each of the colleges in at-
tendance at the assembly are in-
vited to attend this luncheon and
it is believed that these clubs will
become permanent institutions.
Professor Potter has had a wide
and varied scope in achievement
in the international field, having.
been chosen in 1926 to join a party
of teachers of international law

who visited Europe under the au-
spices of the Carnegie Peace en-
dowment. Professor Dickinson was
likewise a member of this party.


.,aar ai l1i VuL~L4 IJ.7tlJ VL311G U .7C [, i L y n me assum -
he asserted, "is a corporation, sepa- "Rural America", Prof Roy H. tion that all newspaper items, oi
rate and independent of the other Holmes of the sociology department even the most of them, may be+
taxes, and to spend the proceeds takes exception to a recent attempt neatly classified into 'rural' and
as it desires. Due to the willing- to discriminate between rural and 'urban.' It seems to me to be a
ness of the public to pay taxes urban reading space in the safe contention that by far the
which are to be used in education, metropolitan dailies. His arti- greater part of life's interest, with
the school department has always 'cle entitled "Rural and Urban in which the daily press should con-
obtained the lion's share of the city the Metropolitan Daily" replies to 'cern itself, are so broadly human
revenue, generally resulting in the Estes Taylor's "Agriculture and the ! in their appeal that they should
exclusion of provision for other Metropolitan Press" which appear- land do sweep through the rural-
eauall1_ or eveni more innn'rt.., .- - -+.~.-.

march over Pulpito Pass, the one i itus of the college of Enginering
rocky gateway through the Sierra and Architecture of the University,
Noted Aviator, Party Madre mountains from Chihuahua' will receive an 'honor unique to
M.eto Sonora. menibers of the faculty April 19,
Make Forced Landing The arrivals here joined the com- when he will be made a life mem-
mand of General Ramon Yucupi- j ber of the American Society of
(By Associated Res ocio, Yaqui Indian chieftain, left in Mechanical Engineers.
CHICAGO, April 15.-Captain full charge of the war situation in It is contemplated that a ban-
Ben Elisen, noted Arctic flier and northeastern Sonora for the rebels quet will be held at the occasion
a number of other persons promi- since the departure last week of' of the bestowing of this honor, 1
a inmbertof other pers prom- GeneralhEscobar and Fausto Tope- which is not held by any other
nent in aviation circles were abroad 1 to forthe westast. Yucu~inicin's m~rih~r of th'e 1nll~r farn,,1fir Tt


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