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April 05, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-05

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T R7 jAY, APRTL m), IgP.n


Publication in the Bulletin is congructive notice to all members ( Table of offerings or Incense filament, and one gold earing have
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- Burner is what the accompanying been recovered from tombs, many
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. M. Saturday.) object, unearthed recently by the of which have been ravaged andF
robbed. Also one scarab bead has
Vol. XXXIX FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1929 No. 140 Waterman Expedition in Mesopo- been found, this is indicative of
- tama, is called. The offering table i the Egyptian civilization which ex-
stands one foot high and has a four isted in this region at one time.
Todd Prize. in Economics and Sociology: to six inch square base. It was'Bronze lancets, knives and varioust
Prospective contestants are reminded that they are not eligible to carved out of fine blue glaze in 1 other surgeons instruments, knuck-.
present essays in the competition unless their subje'ts are approved by Greek times (300 BC150 AD) lebones of sheep used for playing
Professor L. J. Carr, Professo. C. F. Riemer, or myself before spring - --5'A. .)'dice, three seven burner lamps, or-..
vacation.d is very ornately designed, fres nately designed; ivory and bonet
Carter Goodrich coed with figurines and plant carv- figures, elaborately fashioned, clay4
ings. The top is hollow and it is pottery ranging from tiny cosmetic
All Faculty Members Interested in the Changed Policy of the Carnegie. supposed that the ancients burned jars to large storage jars, labeled
Foundation: haincense in the bowl or offered up in Greek; all these have been dug
Isacrifices to the gods. However, upronteerh
Friday afternoon, April 5. at 5:0 o'clock in the large lecture hallt ris tone o o oe, I upefrouse fethe dificulty to arry
of the Romance Language Building, Professor Sharfman, University ithe is of eci 1nthe Tigrit.l Bncduring the hot sumy ths,
of Michigan delegate to the recent conference of ten Western universi- Reli bjt . .do on durgth hot summer months,
ties at Chicago, will report the results of that conference. A large s tishes an vius iguresall excavating operations closed on
attendance is most desirable. .and figurines, many of which were I the boxing and shipping of all arti-
C. I. VanTyne, U.J. Phillips, I. P. Thieme gods, goddesses or heroes. Other des is in operation. Dr. Waterman
~ ~ .---- - figures are Persian and Semitic in;expects to be on the ground by
Prospective Students in Business Administration: origin. :fSeptember 1 to resume the second
Students contemplating work in Business Administration or expect- Historical relics are comprised season's work.
ting to apply for admission to the combined course in Letters and mainly of steles, alabs of stone, in- _
Business Administration, are asked to meet on Wednesday, April 17, at scribed in Greek, Babylonian andt Whether this is an offering table
4:10 p. m. in room 25, Angell Hall. At that time Dean Griffin of the Sumerian. One of these steles, or- Find Vocational Aid or an incense burner the authorities
School of Business Administration will speak to them and will be glad iginally inscribed in Babylonian, but Aa are undecided, but they have it as
to arrange confe. ences with students who are interested in talking written over iniGrsity of Mihi dating from Greek times (300 B C.-
pver their plans with him. aship the Uriel 50pe Mce Ie150 A. D.) It is chselled out of
John R. EFlinger f the'ther objects unearthed. The wIn a recent survey taken at Har- blue glaze for which the Mesopo-
tuesr S Bagdad Museum is in charge of all vard it was determined that voca- tamians were famous and is decor-
Students of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: - excavations in Mesopotamia and tional guidance is needed among ated with delicate figurines andI
Literary students wishing to become candidates for a University according to provisions are entitled Harvard undergraduates and can carved plant growths.
Scholarship (value $200 or $100) may obtain blank application form toa 50-50 division of all objects dis- best be supplied through salaried
at the office of Dean Effinger. These blanks must be filled out and covered. However, the Museum is advisers. The report of two stu- Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
i eturned not later than April 26. No application will receive consid- exceptionally fair in its division; dents delegated to study and make $2.25 for the half year.
oration after that date, and awards will be made by June 1. 1 only articles of historical value a report on the problem showed
H. P. Thieme, Chairman, Scholarship Committee which they have not a replica of that seniors alone seem anxious toI
are retained. In America, there will prepare for the future. i
Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: be another division between the A large proportion of undergracl- New York Listed
Excepting under extraordinary circumstances, courses droped after University and the Toledo Museum uates are hardly awake to the ap-
the Sp ing Vacation will be recorded with the grade of E. of Art, which thus far has furnished proaching necessity of making a liv-
W. R. Humphreys, Assistant Dean the finances for the expedition. ing, the survey pointed out. The Private wires to all
In addition to the articles men- students making. the study recom-
rauate Students: tioned above more than a peck of mended a separate office be main- Markets
Graduate students should remember that Friday of this week is the coins have been unearthed, some tained to provide vocational help Conservative margin accounts
last date for dropping courses. 250 figures have been found (not all for undergraduates. solicited
Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder of these are complete), and parts Replies to a questionnaire fromTl olicite4
of marble statuary of considerable 149 men, 95 of whom were indefinite Telephone 22541
Philosophy 101:,! size indicate that in time statues in their answers to the question
I will Jbe unable to meet my class today. in toto will be uncovered. Semi-pre- "What work interests you most?" Brown-Cress 0
F. P. Robbins cious stones, rubies, lapis lazuli; showed that one or two persons Inc.
bead amimulets upon which magical were attracted to such specialized
formula are written, with size rang- fields as "the buying and selling of Investment Securities
> ls,not be able to meet my classes today on account of illness. ing from pin-head size to walnut postage stamps." Most of the re-
I ilIsizes; clay medallions, molds of ;plies were from prospective teach- 7th Floor First Nat'!
C. B. Vibbert stamps for coins, many of which ers, chemists, or geologists. Bank Bldg.
correspond to the coins found; all
Rhetoric t:Ithese the mounds of antiquity have Subscribe to The Michigan Daily
Both sections of my class in Rhetoric 32 will meet Friday at yielded. Gold beads, gold foil, gold.$2.25 for the half year.%
10:00, according to original schedule, in 229 Angell Hall.
A. R. Morris Automobile Restrictions Lifted:
~ The restrictions governing the use of automobiles by University a f
Oriental Women: students will be suspended during the Spring recess period beginningo
The University wishes to have a record of your holiday address if F iday noon, April -5, and ending Monday, April 15, 8:00 a. in.
you a:e leaving Ann Arbor. Kindly telephone it to my office, 8316. W. B. Rea, Asst. to the Dean of Students Far Por
Beatrice W. Johnson
Senior Engineers: Buenos Aires, Argntinh
Trebgn s WomentStudents: 0 All orders for Senior canes must be placed with Wagner & Co., by Jan. 4, 1928
The bus will leave for Lansing from Barbour Gymnasium at 9:00 Friday night, April 5. After this date the price of $4.00 will be ar's & Bro Co
}'clock next Wednesday morning, April 10. If you have not answered increased. IRichmond, Va., U. S. A.
your Invitation you may do so before 5:00 o'clock today. J. 11. Hall, Chairman, Eng. Cane Corn. entlemen: .
1Beatrice W. Johnson 'mn a seafarer, and as such of course
Mathematical Club: trael quite a lot. Right now I an
Lutheran Students: The April meeting will be held Tuesday, April 16, at 8:00 p. m.,!hai tI a nte , ad am glad o y
Lutheran students remaining in Ann Arbor during the Spring .in room 3201 Angell Hall. The speaker and subject are to be announced , Edgeworth Tobacco, oh i ch Imnso
yacation please note the following announcements: I later very fod.
Thursday evening, April 11, Concert by the Wittenberg Glee Club i N. C. Fisk, Secretary indeed a pity that one can't
in the Ann Arbor Masonic Temple audito ium, under the auspices of _fnd thui good smoke in every place of
the Lutheran Student Club. Get your tickets through the Club by All house Presidents: erany, ray o-cont I ri
calling Miss Dorothy Haas, 6463. The signing-out slips for March are due at the League Office now, i vainto comeupon one of these little
There will be a "Vacation Party," in the Zion Parish Hall. 309 E. and MUST -be turned in before the end of this week. House presidents blue tins. I'm not saying too much in
Washington St., Friday evening, April 12. This is your invitation. should bring also any sign-out slips for previous months which they mentioning that I would outwalk that
Philip D. Matrens, President neglected to turn in at the proper time. worth. I dare say there is no other
Elizabeth Wellman, Chairman, Board of Representatives tobacco like it, and am convinced that
Engineering Students: Edgeworth cannot be improved.
The Classification Committee has placed the limit of time at which Notice: Let me know when you contemplate
a course may be dropped without record at the end of the eighth week The Intramural Sports Building will be open from 9:00 a. n. to ceasing to make Elgeworth so that I
of the semester, or April 6, 1929, excepting in cases of continued illness 6:00 p. in., daily, during the spring vacation.m snlay a goodly stre to last ti:
or other extenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier should E. D. Mitchell, Director of Intramural Sports May Edgeworth never change!
consult with the instructor. --.I'll always remain
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary University Club:jSicerel ours,
Club Night Friday evening, April 5. E. S. McCartney and Dean IT. illie Shmeke,
Chemical Engineers: C. Sadler.
On Wednesday evening, April 18, a moving picture entitled "The Program CommitteeWl
Story of Rail teel," will be shown to a joint meeting of the student -

chapter of The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and the Faculty Alumni Dan&u: Extra High Grae
.. S. S. T. The ,llm will be preceded by a business meeting at which The extra dance for faculty and alumni sponsored by the Faculty
tfcers for next year will be nominated . Women's Club will be held on Tuesday, April 16, at the Union. Smoking tobacco
Rt. C. Adams. .jr ' .Mrs. W. L. Badger

Award of the Vail medal for un-' taken to a hospital. The attending
usual, outstanding and especially physician commended Fisher and
noteworthy acts of public service to declared that his prompt action had
James Fisher, lineman, of Ann left little to be done for the injured
Arbor, has been announced by the: pebple.
committee of awards. This award The other awards were given to
was established in 1920 in memory Mrs. Mary Smith, Thompsonville,"
of Theodore N. Vail, a ma'n who Mich., Mrs. Irma Maclntyre, Hop-
made universal telephone service kins, Mich., and Louis B. Flood, Bat-
possible, and is presented annually tie Creek.
to the four employees of Michigan
telephone companies who, in the l Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
opinion of the committee, deserve $2.25 for the half ,year.
such recognition. - -
The meritorious act for which
Fisher was honored was performed;Stin s. Su lies.
near Novi, on February 28, 1928. On Iig p e
that date Fisher was employed on . . Repairs
telephone work along the highway,
when two automobiles collided, four for all Musical Instruments
occupants of one car being injured.
Fisher sent a man for a doctor andj 33 , Son'
attended the driver of the car, ap- Sh D I o
plying compresses and bandages to.
check the flow of blood. He also, MUSIC HOUSE
administered first aid to the others1 M
hurt and had them removed to a 110 S. Main St.
farmhouse, from where they were

Whether for a week-end or a
week, U. of M. students 1find
Fairbairn comfortable, con-

venient and


Bring your matriculation card.
It pays dividends at the Fair-
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M. C. Bus Passes Door
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Will close during vacation
Mrs. Anna Kalmbach

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